"I wear my Kylo Ren helmet when I drive!" 😉 Adam Driver on Star Wars set steals and House Of Gucci.

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[Music] adam thank you for agreeing to talk to me face to face it's really a treat oh yeah no no no problem appreciate it so this is a bit of an odd question hopefully you'll indulge me but what is the most mundane like conversation you found yourself having with a legend like have you ever been discussing your favorite ketchup with martin scorsese or you and the cohens are just going oh i like my coffee with a bit more milk yeah yeah is your belt too tight mine's too tight these pants what do you think of these pants on me nothing comes to mind but i'll keep thinking about it as we talk about it i appreciate that i'll think of something in terms of director's notes i'm imagining they do happen every once in a while do you have any particularly memorable ones over the years where you're like well i didn't expect to hear that today these are all good questions the the under the assumption that i have a good memory which uh is clearly not you know not on display i i will say that ridley's direction is always very succinct which is very on par with what how he likes to work which is that's fascinating better economical i love a faster i love it when people are like everything but faster that's a good one i can tell you a specific person again i'll think about it again but the second part of this interview would be great i want to answer all your questions i suppose i'm wondering let's take the cohens for example who's arthur milgram well that's me i'm gonna change it legally at some point how did they work with you i remember their process was it's the script is the script yeah it's very similar to noah bomback the script is a script you know it's it's it's it's they're not they are i ca i can't remember if it was that militant they're they're very particular and i love it oh good uh here's a key just going on to jersey to pick up my mom's car it's a it's just different boundaries you still have a lot of freedom in how you interpret what the script is but that's that's the backbone of the script so there's a lot of pre-recording stuff that we did that obviously for the police mr kennedy [Music] one second please and that was fun because that was not my world they're like all these musicians uh t-bone burnett and justin timberlake shaping things up so i that was fun and then when we shot it live we recorded it again but they're they're very much as every i've heard other people say and it's true two heads of of the same body they you talk to one and the every you're basically talking to both and they'll come in and give you uh actually that's a good now that i think about it uh is a good piece of direction the only thing that i worked in that was not was meowing like a cat for some reason this ain't a spot i just brought some stuff from home uh yeah yeah sure hey you don't need to no you don't need to crush more than a couple days do you and we did it a couple times and i can't remember if it was ethan or or joel i think he was ethan came up he's like the cat's not working and i'm like let me let me try it one more time and and i did i did it and they're like okay we got it you've won that question yeah yeah um the cat's not working the cat's not working the girls are working yeah i was wondering how often you stay in character when the camera isn't rolling like is that a regular thing you do or is it just when the need arises this the ladder mostly it kind of depends on the scene and it depends on what it is that you're doing sometimes you're isolated from people so you have like in star wars you're wearing a helmet show me grandfather and i will finish what you started so it's hard to like carry on a conversation because you can't it's hard to see people marriage story when we were shooting this big argument in the uh in the an apartment you're being so much like your father do not compare me to my father i didn't compare you damn i said you were acting like him you're exactly like your mother everything you're complaining about her you're doing it's hard to break off from that even by default you just you're in a place that's hard to get out of you and you're and you are pacing yourself because we shot that scene for two days so you don't want to leave and then come back to it it's really difficult to do it's kind of like a um the best way i can describe it is like changing time zones you know you go to like london you you come here and your body hasn't really adjusted to it when you're doing a character for 14 hours a day for four months even without you wanting to it just kind of takes over your biology until it just becomes your general state if you're into this movie called patterson that's pretty easy you name really patterson or they just nicknamed me that uh no my real name is patterson well that's kind of crazy right and it's just by default you uh mellow out i guess is to put it mildly you're looking at it you can't help it you're thinking that way for 14 hours a day for a month that it just affects your uh so it's like that it's like time adjusting to time then when you adjust you're just there and then you go back to reality this [ __ ] boring answer i'm sorry and then you adjust to that time and blah blah blah no no that is a brilliant answer you also again are giving me this image of halfway through that incredibly difficult challenging you know argument scene in uh marriage story that you just break off and say listening to any good podcasts yeah yeah anybody want anything from catering yeah a granola bar granola bar one you know i could murder a muffin i am so zen right now this is all really really great plus you want to be there sorry you want to be there for your partner because you don't want to like suddenly like break the vibe and snap in snap yeah i'm making myself really generous sounding but this is not the case basically anyway yeah i'm great i'm brilliant being nice and you and i we are you striking me we're both people who love receiving compliments love saying how great we are it's right it's a dream talking about ourselves who is making this stuff who's allowing this to happen as far as fakes go they're pretty good i mean i'd i'd buy them don't be such a [ __ ] did you get the opportunity to enjoy yourself on house of gucci i'm hoping there was room for that i had a great time yeah yeah that that was a that was really fun also very surreal because you're in the italy and it was during the pandemic and they're on lockdown so you're it's already a weird vibe the no tourists but you're going to places like the trevi fountain yeah and it's just you it's you and the police basically it's the it's truman show it's 28 days later yeah yeah yeah yeah going to the vatican the bus agrees exactly that that would that wouldn't have been there then the uh the spanish steps it's just you you're the only person there on the steps it was it was pretty pretty wild [Music] after watching the movie i rewatched the trailer it was a name that sounded so sweet so seductive because i'm a professional and i noticed surely there are moments where you go today i hung out sipped a lovely coffee you picked the real firecracker she's a handful i got on my bike yeah i cycled around some and i look great doing it yeah big specs fantastic suit you know what i kind of like this acting job yeah oh yeah that was a good day yeah like them i mean skiing right um yeah skiing is yes yeah skiing in the italian alps it's like then they're going to pay me to do this you know but then also i'm not a i was i'm not a good skier so it's also kind of like taking your life into your own hands but no you're skiing in the italian alps and everyone's there to help you like that that never happens and i'm meant to look great at skiing exactly okay all right what are the mementos you've kept over these movies has anything made at home or you're not that kind of guy i have lots of stuff i i for sure have a helmet and i have two helmets actually a lightsaber [Music] [Applause] remember them see them i have i have a stuff from the dead don't die every movie i try to take uh gucci belts from this one i'm sure gucci shoes i didn't take a belt uh also because i thought i could pull them off and then when you get back to reality you're like wearing these things we get it adam you're in gucci yeah okay i wear my helmets when i drive just just to confuse people uh i i really i have lots of stuff and i take a lot of pictures too not not pictures well sometimes i take things that are on the set you know like i have a bunch of stuff from a net last duel oh you've got a suit of armor yeah yeah yeah yeah i have my machete from the dead don't die that killed zombies with excuse me yes i take all sorts of all sorts of stuff i love it yeah and then i keep him in a room and i just pray to myself as i homage to all the things that i've done and back to the theme of us just being great exactly i got the same one i say look i'm great yeah yeah i'm wonderful everything's great about me great i have my friends over and we look at us we have a good look it's wonderful times how often do you get people in the street just shouting hey kylo not often no no if i don't uh i i haven't been out i don't outside i don't go i don't go outside it's not a pandemic thing yeah i actually i went trick-or-treating with uh uh the other day uh to take my son trick-or-treating and and uh a doorman at the building like across the street uh waved and then went inside his building and came out with a kylo ren mask which i i i think it meant that he came to work as kylo ren i i was on uh unclear no no he just always has it in case he needs it he's like i stole this from you i i heard you had a you said you had two yeah so i wanted one right right right where's the strangest place a fan has asked for a selfie bathroom bathroom is the strangest place you you mean a public bathroom rather than in your own bathroom yes a public bathroom yeah yeah yeah thanks for clarifying because the guy's stealing the masks i just wanted to be sure um yeah is that a regular occurrence or happens it happened twice once in ireland and i can't remember the other place not which is not a a comment on ireland i just can't it just happened to have happened in ireland at a urinal two yeah right what a treat yeah yeah how often do people bring up the snl work you've done because it is oh a lot yeah yeah people uh talk about it to me yesterday but what happened now what does an oil baron do the answer crush your enemies grind that bones into debt it's it's extraordinary i'm we're talking like 60 million views like for one video not to blow your mind here that's for what uh that was for undercover boss i think oh yeah okay kylo is going undercover among starkiller-based personnel as matt a radar technician i'm just wondering if people shout out about eight packs is that yeah a buddy of mine saw kylo ren take his shirt off in the shower and and he said that kylo ren had an eight pack all the time well i'm in my shrine yeah of course they do because i've got recordings mostly my friends uh no not often people don't shout that people don't shout [ __ ] at me off at night oh god i've conjured up this dinner party where you're just there and all your friends around you go i just want to talk about me a bit so that's why you're here we've got no other plans to eat great great yeah it's been five minutes no one said anything about my apron i'll put on my helmet look exactly and then you'll talk about me um adam it's been a real pleasure yeah thank you so much i'm glad i put on my suit i really am very good um thank you have a great rest your day oh youtube thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and tv podcasts screen time on bbc sounds and you can find these interviews in full on bbc iplayer by searching movies with ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 474,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam driver, house of gucci, lady gaga, ridley scott, jared leto, star wars, radio 1, radio one, bbc, ali plumb, movies with ali plumb, kylo ren, ben skywalker, inside llewyn davis, paterson, dead don't die, rise of skywalker, last jedi, force awakens, marriage story, scarlett johansson, saturday night live, SNL, al pacino
Id: P4Ru8F4VkYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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