Bradley Cooper Can't Stop Laughing About His High School Reunion and Talks Preparing for Maestro

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-It's a miracle, and we're so happy you're here. Yeah, these are these glasses that record things. -Wow. -Yeah. -Who makes them? -Uh, Ray-Ban, and, uh... And you put them on, and then you press the button when you're having a good time. So you can remember you're having a good time. -And audio, too? -I think audio, as well, yeah. So, yeah, you could -- Whenever you feel like you're having fun, put them on. -Okay. During the interview. During the interview, if you think the interview is going well, you throw them on, record it. -We're having fun. -Yeah. Oh, you got to hold -- And you got to press that down. [ Cheers and applause ] Is it white? No. Press it -- There you go. -Oh, there we go. -Now I can tell -- You're having fun? -How does it look? Does it look okay? -Dude, it looks -- Dude, you look great. A whole kind of thing. [ Cheers and applause ] The whole thing kind of works. The whole outfit looks good. You look like you're going to, like, a -- -Like an Eagles revival. -Yes, yes, like a Glenn Frey -- "The Heat is On" type of vibe. [ Laughter ] You look fantastic, bud. -Thanks. -I want to get into -- -Let's do it. I'm still having fun, but I want to see you. -No, yeah, take it off. Yeah. If you're not having fun, take them right off, dude. This is -- These are just the moments that you think they're good. -Oh [bleep] Okay. I'm gonna have them on the whole interview, bro. -Oh, yeah! [ Cheers and applause ] No, you can take them off. I'm not gonna fake having a good time. No, you can take them off. You look good in them. But I want to go through the stuff. -Oh, I just heard the photo -- Does it take a photo? -Oh, it takes photos, too. -Oh, wow. -Yeah. Whatever. You -- -[bleep] it. I'm gonna keep it on, bro. [ Laughter ] -You're having fun, man? That's what it's all about. I gotta talk about "Maestro." Congratulations on all the stuff. -Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] You were nominated for Best Performance by an Actor -- this is Golden Globe nominations -- playing Leonard Bernstein. -Think about the guts on, like, Jack Nicholson to be at the Oscars wearing these. -Yeah. Because that's -- -Right. Just like -- imagine just like -- -You could be that guy, though. -I could never be that guy. -Yes, you have to be that guy. You go around in sunglasses. -That's crazy. -And that's the coolest. It could be my thing, too. -I think it's your thing, bro. Yeah. -Yeah. Just go, "Yeah. What's the problem?" [ Cheers and applause ] It's kind of good. I'm feeling -- I feel like it's fun. -You feel very protected. -I do feel, yeah. Yeah. -You're not so vulnerable. -No, no. It's either those or those Oakley ones. Yeah. Oh, that would be very protective. -Full face one. Yeah, I'm very -- Yeah. I want to give you props on this. -Can I just -- I know I'm interrupting you, but I'd say how much I love it here and how much -- how many memories -- I really do. I just want to say it. I just want to say it, man. No, for real. No, can I just say -- Can I just say? The movie, I know. I just want to say, like, you know, it's very rare -- I love you. I love you guys. We've made so many great memories here with, like, "Down by the River." -No, we have! So many great memories. We love you. You are our family. We love you. -It's awesome. Thank you, buddy. -Anyway... That's Bradley Cooper. [ Applause ] But you have to let me talk about -- -Yeah, talk now. Sorry. -You have to let me talk about-- -No, I'm just grateful, bro. -I'm -- Yeah. Can you say that again? Just say that. -I'm just grateful, bro. This is me directing. By the way, you got nominated for Best Director, as well, for "Maestro." [ Cheers and applause ] Carey Mulligan was nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in "Maestro." And "Maestro" was nominated for Best Motion Picture. Come on. That's what I'm talking about. -Yeah. -Leonard Bernstein. [ Cheers and applause ] -Uh, yeah, every time you're on the show, we always -- we have fun. We always have a good time. But when we talk about, like, different things that you're doing outside of the show. And you went to your high school reunion. -I did. Yeah. I've gone to a couple of them, bro. -You have? -Yeah. Yeah, I went to 25 -- 20, 25, and 30. And I just went to 30 like two weeks ago. -And that was 30. -It was great. -Really? -It was great. -Would you lie? You're being honest? -I think I would tell you the truth. -Yeah. You wouldn't bring it up. -No, I wouldn't -- -You wouldn't bring it up. Why would you bring it up? -You brought it up. -I did bring it up. -But, um, no, it was actually -- I got there early. -I did bring it up. -You did bring it up. -Yeah, I did, yeah. Sorry about that. So you went there. You went there early. -Yeah. -Like when? [ Laughter ] Like, when did you go to the 29th anniversary? [ Laughter ] You're at the 30th anniversary, and you went there? Tell the story. -I went -- I went on the 30th. [ Laughter ] No, no, no, no. -No, no, can't do it. -No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. -Can't do it. You went on the 30th, and you surprised everybody. Everyone got surprised that you were there. [ Laughter ] You surprised -- You surprised everybody. They couldn't believe you showed up. And you went there. And what did you say? Who did you see first? I saw, like... [ Laughter ] You know, people I went to high school with. -Oh! Oh, you're kidding me. -Um... [ Laughter ] So... -You're kidding me. -No, so I saw -- [ Laughter ] -They all showed up? -They were there. Yeah, they were there. -Anyone you recognized? -I was early. -Yeah. Oh, you showed up early. -I was early, and -- And I put the sign out front. It said Germantown Academy. -Yeah. -And then people came, and I welcomed them, and I put my name tag. But when I was in high school, I used to go by Brad, and now I go by Bradley. And I felt like I was -- it was, like, some weird imposter putting my -- But that is my real name is Bradley. -Yeah, here you are here with with your name tag on, Bradley. -There you go. -There you are, yeah. -And that's that's Bucky Holmes. -Who is that? -That's Bucky Holmes. -Bucky Holmes? -Bucky Holmes. Great handle, right? Bucky Holmes. -Yeah, Bucky Holmes. I was always so jealous of that handle, man. -Yeah. How's Bucky doing? -He's great. Yeah, he's great. -Does anyone freak out that you're now Bradley Cooper? -No. No, no, it was really -- it was awesome. It was like -- it was just regular. -Interesting. -Yeah. And I think it's, like, time has passed and, like -- Yeah, it was just cool. -Really? People were just like, "Yeah, we're good." -Yeah. There was a guy -- there was a guy -- there was a guy before -- I think I said it here -- he was not cool, but he wasn't there. -Oh, he didn't show up. [ Laughter ] Because we talked about him last time? -No, I think he was busy, but, like -- Maybe. -You think he was busy? -He definitely was busy. That's what people were saying. -Oof. -Yeah. He's a good guy, by the way. -No, we don't know who he -- -It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Yeah. It's not Bucky. -No. Bucky's awesome. -Bucky's awesome. -Bucky's got a handle. He's got it dialed in. -Bucky looks great. -Yeah. He looks fantastic. [ Cheers and applause ] Love you, Bucky. I love you, Bucky. Just gonna shout-out to Bucky, man. Uh... [ Laughter ] -William Pat Combs III. That's his full name. -Oh, really? -Yeah. -"Bucky" is great. -Yeah. -Yeah, I would just go by Bucky. -Yeah. -Cut all that stuff out. -And his mother's Penny, and his father was Bill, so they did this whole, like, you know, money thing. Anyway... [ Laughter ] -Oh, yeah -- Bucky. -Yeah, yeah. -Oh, Penny, Bill... -Yeah. -You think he'd just be "Buck." -Oh, you're right. -Yeah. But he went by -- He may be youthful. He's got, like, kind of -- -Yeah, he's Buck-y! -He's fun -- Bucky. Buck-y! Hey, I'm having fun. -Hey, we're on! -I'm having fun. Hey! Bucky! Yo! Bucky's here! -Ho! -Hey, what you guys doing? You guys hanging around? What's going on? You guys gettin' in trouble over here? Come on. Bucky's here. Hey! Come on. Guys, it's Bucky's house! No rules! No rules at Bucky's house. You're kidding me, man? All right, we gotta talk. We gotta be serious. We gotta be serious because this movie is getting awards buzz. -It sure is. -And you worked too hard on this film. -I worked way too hard. -By the way -- By the way, the camera's still on somehow. -Because we're having fun. -I know. But they can just sense when you're having fun. you don't have to press the button on it. -That's scary. -I know. [ Laughter ] I want to turn it off. -Turn it off. -I don't know if I can. -Yeah, bro, I got it. -No, you can't turn the fun off. -I'm not gonna do it. Oh, turn the fun off. -Yeah. -Don't be scared of the fun. -That's our slogan. That's our slogan -- "Tonight Show" -- You can't turn the fun off. -Love it. -You see what I'm saying? [ Cheers and applause ] It's the "Tonight Show." You can't turn the fun off! -And play it across the thing. -Yes! Exactly what I'm talking about. Uh, we actually talked to each other while you were making this film, and you said, "Jimmy, this is, uh... This is..." I don't even know if you knew, like, where you were because you were doing -- You wrote it, you were directing it. you're acting in it, produced it. What was your day like? What was your schedule like? -When we were shooting it? -Yeah. -I was crazy. Yeah. It was -- [ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] -Bo, but seriously -- -It was nuts. Yeah, it was like, uh -- yeah. It actually felt like there was no -- no -- I never went to bed. I took, like, little naps. -Yeah. -And because it was like four-hour naps, I would go to work and, like, go through the prosthetic, and then shoot, and then come home. And even my daughter was asleep or not, put her to bed, and then wake up the next day. You know, yeah. It was just, you know -- It's like this show, basically. -Yeah. No, no. You do much more work. -No, no, no. But kind of, you know? Where it's like -- there's just the grind. -Yeah. But you -- and you were loving it. -No, it was the -- it was the most fun I've ever had, by far. -Really? -Yeah. 'Cause Leonard Bernstein -- it's about Leonard Bernstein and his wife, Felicia Montealegre, who's played incredibly by Carey Mulligan. -Yeah. She's great. -She's amazing. Amazing. [ Cheers and applause ] And, uh -- and Leonard Bernstein was -- You know, he was -- he was punk rock. So to be him was crazy. It was amazing. -But you had the voice down, by the way, bro. -Yeah. Yeah. -Dude, you know, I would -- I wouldn't -- again, I wouldn't bring it up. Uh, you were so good. You had, like, different layers of his voice. -Yeah. Because he had a deviated septum. He was asthmatic as a kid. He smoked since he was 13. So his voice, you know, slowly just got deeper and deeper and deeper. -You crushed it. And is it hard to conduct? -Impossible. Do you know about it? I mean -- I know a li-- I know -- -It's impossible. -I know that my kids have a conductor in their thing, and they -- so they look and they go -- So if they're doing that... So we just went to go see a Broadway show, and I'm like, "That's the conductor right there," because that's who everyone looks at the conductor like, "Oh, do this and that." So I mean -- But this does something, right? -Yeah. [ Laughs ] -But that's something. -You're keeping time. You're just letting everybody know the tempo. The tempo changes. And at the same time, you're making sure that the decisions that you've made to accentuate certain things and bowing -- I mean, it's impossible. Quest, I mean, it's nuts. -Yeah. -It's so hard. It's crazy. So I spent like six years just learning those 6 1/2 minutes of Mahler's Second Symphony, "The Resurrection," just so I could, you know, just try to do it. But it's impossible, conducting. -You crush it, bud. I'm so happy for you. I want to show a clip. Here is Bradley Cooper in "Maestro." Take a look. [ Tchaikovsky's "The 1812 Overture" plays ] [ Laughter ] ♪♪ [ Laughter ] It's like... "Remember that?" [ Cheers and applause ] [ Both laugh ] It's like -- [ Laughter ] It's like -- It's like -- It's like looking at a different person, you know, when you see that? -Dude, I [bleep] transformed, bro. [ Laughter ] -I can't believe someone played the wrong clip, and I'm gonna fire them. -That's the right clip! -I'm gonna yell at them. They played the wrong clip. I'm so -- That's embarrassing. This is Bradley's movie, "Maestro." He worked hard on it, and you play that clip? I'm sorry. I apologize. -That's -- That's okay. -I really -- Who are we talking to? -He's up there. -Why are you up there? -Why can't you come down here and direct the show? He likes it up there. He loves heights. [ Laughter ] You ever see "Free Solo"? -Yeah. -That's what he's into. He's into that. So that's -- Now I really want to show the real clip. -Okay. -I apologize for that. This is Bradley Cooper in "Maestro." Take a look at this. [ Orchestral music plays, choir vocalizing ] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -Amazing. -I mean, goose bumps. That's you! That's Bradley Cooper! "Maestro" is in select theaters! Comes to Netflix tomorrow. We'll be right back with Martha Stewart. Stick around, everybody.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 805,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Bradley Cooper, Bradley Cooper interview, Bradley Cooper on Tonight Show, Bradley Cooper on Jimmy Fallon, a star is born, the hangover, maestro, american sniper, limitless, burnt, joker, guardians of the galaxy, rocket, silver linings playbook
Id: Ei30oEM0ZGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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