Bradley Cooper’s Crazy “Hangover 2” Story | CONAN on TBS

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let's talk about The Hangover Part Two you you shot this movie in Bangkok the minute you hear of the idea that The Hangover 2 was in Bangkok you think the possibilities are endless you really went there what did you see because I've always heard it's an incredibly sinful City I'm just curious what's the what's the craziest thing that you saw I love when you asked me that your eyes are like it's I'm very repressed I don't get out at all what did you see I need to live vicariously through you uh what is it you saw uh uh I saw God I saw some weird stuff um I saw well first of all you know remember the first movie they have the end credits Stills so that's what we saw the weirdest stuff because we actually went to all these places and there weren't any film Crews it's just the three of us and Todd taking the photographs the director Todd Phillips the director yeah took the photos okay yeah we just sort of run all around Bangkok and and you know Bangkok is known for um these these venues where where females are able to do things with their nether regions that um you wouldn't think they would normally do I love that you said nether region so well I was trying to figure out a way to paint the picture that was fine yeah you don't have to Poetic actually yeah it's beautiful yeah thank you um and uh so there's one gal uh was able to um uh eject ping pong balls um at very at high velocities uh with the amazing accuracy so I was like I can't just move on from that the story just can't flow from there I just gotta sit with that okay all right so they can do that they've got something they could do uh genetic I don't know what it is yeah uh if it's if there's a school they go to I'm not quite sure I didn't ask any questions right so uh we know major league baseball finds out go ahead sorry it's not not appropriate at all and I apologize to everyone who's watching or getting a transcript through the courts so anyway find out you can you can be an accident you know yeah yeah could be an accident I don't know Somebody's gotta kill that fly yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so anyway this woman had this power this incredible power oh yes yeah and I being the jackass that I am was like let's do one where I I you know to the stills of world sort of watching her do this yes and I was like oh why don't I do when I'm like right in my mouth [Applause] record record skips uh handy wipes coming out from everywhere Ed Helms is throwing up immediately and by the way that's not the only thing they do no no that's enough but I'm stopping you here before we get raided you know police are going to come up from the beach here which is fake but it was memorable it was memorable now I think that story has got to be great for your dating life yeah so let's start this one girly I've got a tale of Woe that involves in other regions [Applause]
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 83,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan on tbs, conan (tv series), tbs (tv channel), conan remotes, conan classic, a conversation with conan o'brien, conan o'brian, talk show, talk show hosts, late show, conan brien, conan funniest, top 10 conan, conan best, funny moments on conan, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, conan best moments, conan funny interviews, conan funniest moments, tbs, comedy, fan favorite, stand-up comedy, late night, bradley cooper, the hangover, the hangover 2
Id: 18mUkT0e4EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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