I Tried Baking Bread For The FIRST TIME Ever ...Because I LOVE Bread

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did it just say one to two out one to two at oh my god this bread baking is going like my twenty twenty's been going which makes sense [Music] so long time viewers of this channel already know this but i love bread if you couldn't already tell from my bread t-shirt and this bread recipe magazine that i ironically keep on my desk in my office for no reason i love bread it is my favorite food especially fresh baked bread which i have never ever ever made for some reason now i have made bread with a bread maker but if you've never used a bread maker you literally just throw ingredients into it and then it makes you bread you don't have to do anything but i want to put my heart and soul into a loaf of bread because 20 20 has been rough and i just want to bake some bread that's my video idea for this week i had nothing else i just wanted to bake bread no gimmicks besides i've never baked bread before so it might end up terrible but on the flip side i am planning to also make a loaf of bread in the bread maker to compare to my bread woman versus machine so because it's now november in america the month of food i thought that my first bread attempt should be something fall themed so i'm making cinnamon swirl bread just to you know take it up a notch and not sponsored but google did just recently send me one of their new hub max systems which will probably make this a lot easier hey google how do i bake cinnamon swirl bread here are some recipes i found do you love bread i like looking at pictures of bread that's about as close as i get there you go first step whisk the yeast and one quarter cup of granulated sugar together in a large bowl or in the bowl of your stand mixer google's trying to sabotage me already didn't it it definitely said one cup but the i can see it from here it says 1 4 cup 1 4 cup of granulated sugar one quarter cup of granulated sugar nice try google that seems like a lot of sugar good and then we got some yeast add your own saliva as needed the life force of bread here we go second step heat the water and milk together on the stove or in the microwave until warm to touch about 110 degrees fahrenheit how how am i supposed to measure that all right let me go do that real quick pour over the yeast sugar and whisk until combined i may have overheated this bread is like chemistry it needs to be very specific i may have picked in a harder bread for my first one there we go water and milk cover loosely and let sit for five minutes or until the mixture is frothy okay it smells weird heated milk is not good warm milk is not good all right it's already kind of becoming frothy so that's good that's loose be back in five minutes eat in four tablespoons of butter until it's slightly broken up okay may have melted the butter a little bit too much because i don't have room temperature butter but sure it does not smell good oh and i finally get to use this the dough hook i've never used it all right so the lowest setting oh yeah oh yeah i don't know if it's breaking up the butter faster yeah break it it's not breaking wonder if the middle of it's still frozen this is going really well this bread baking is going like my 20 20s didn't go in which makes sense couldn't just go to the store and buy this could i nope i had to make my own yeah there we go human wins over machine for that one and two and one half cups bread flour in the salt and salt okay here's the salt here's the bread flour so this is a half cup scooper so we're gonna need five scoops four i have never appreciated my bread maker more it's so much easier five okay mix on medium low speed then add enough bread flour usually around one half cup to make a soft dough that no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl okay yeah there was no way i was hand mixing this ah that's a little medium low oh i see joe oh my god guys i think i got dough ah look at it i did it i did smells really bad knead by hand or with the mixer on medium speed for two minutes until the dough is smooth but still slightly soft two minutes on a medium i thought i was done it looks like dough to me all right oh it looks so good oh it's smooth place ugh a lively grease bowl can i just put it back in this one it's a pretty lumpy ball is this the proofing part i've heard of the proofing part okay so we just need to make sure that this really is greased up i guess it's pretty greased up covered tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place in a slightly warm environment to rise until doubled in size around one to two hours what did it just say one to two out are you kidding me a slightly warm environment would one to two at oh my god one to two hours it could sometimes take two to three hours depending how warm it is where am i supposed to put this i didn't know i thought i'd be done in another hour oh my god okay well i guess i'll see you in one to two hours stupid bread just kidding i love you so while i'm waiting and just in case the cinnamon swirl bread is a complete disaster i wanted to show how easy it is to use a bread maker instead for no other reason besides i love technology it took me all of five minutes to put the ingredients in i'm gonna make french bread cause that's the only thing i can make with the ingredients i have on hand which is just water salt bread flour and yeast i put it all in here that's it now i just stick it in there we go and then i select the loaf size and crust color and that's it i'm done took me five minutes this whole other process is gonna take me probably about a total of three hours uh okay well at least we can compare the two the bread maker's probably gonna win okay it is like three hours later and i have run into a problem my dough is not rising at all i try to put in a warmer location that's about all i did because that's all you're supposed to do i don't know if i put too much spray on it like no stick spray but it's ooh i might have oh yeah we're just gonna forget about that so it's late now and i'm gonna skip some steps because this thing is not rising and i don't have a rolling pin and my loaf pan is about two inches smaller than it's supposed to be so we're just gonna wing this at this point the bread machine is definitely gonna win i can smell it it smells fantastic it looks great so at least i get something out of it in case this is terrible but i'm supposed to be using flour right now to roll this out with a rolling pin and then you're supposed to put it in the bread pan and let it rise for another hour i don't have time for that it's late i want my bread the other bread's about to be done in an hour the machines are definitely gonna win on this one and this is definitely not gonna be thin enough you know what it's dough i have the cinnamon sugar it's gonna be fine this is gonna be fine it just might not look the prettiest but that's fine it's what's in on the inside that counts i did not know that making bread was an all-day activity actually i don't think it's an all-day activity it's just an all-day activity for me it's funny because when i thought of making this video i was like it's gonna be so boring because bread's easy not for me it also doesn't smell great and it hasn't smelled great the entire time i've made it so that's not a good sign but good cinnamon sugar will make it uh better okay so we're just gonna oh yeah get in it thought there was supposed to be some melted butter in this but apparently not i also kind of gave up on measurements it's been a long day guys i've been doing this for the past six hours total now five five hours still measurements don't matter anymore so we're supposed to do this leave an inch room on the sides i'm doing that cinnamon sugar's gonna fix this it's fine sugar fixes everything says to roll this as tight as possible [Music] okay it is rolled and then i'm supposed to pinch the ends so that they seal i mean it's dough it can't be that bad right again with the cooking spray even though i'm sure that's what ruined them whatever 20 20. doing things good enough i hope this fits oh my god it looks like a burrito is gonna be the tiniest bread what is this it doesn't even take up the whole pan oh no all right um i skipped some steps and bread and baking is very like measurement based and rule based so let's see what happens when we're when we're naughty and we break the rules i'm gonna be really sad this took me so long today i'll be back with the final results okay i started this process at about 3 p.m it is now 9 p.m sorry 9 30 p.m and i finally have bread bread can you tell which one i made versus which one the machine made spoiler this giant brick one is the machine one it is huge it is two pounds and then this one's the one i baked definitely didn't proof it enough and i'm not sure that the inside is baked so we're gonna try at least there's no like raw egg or anything in it okay moment of truth i'm gonna cut a slice of each and then i'm gonna have bobby taste test them and between the two of us we're gonna see which one is the better one if it's not very clearly obvious the second that i cut into these also if the machine one's better i'm never trying to bake bread from scratch ever again all right i will eat the end it's very dense i think it's cooked it's just very very dense oh no which makes sense because i didn't proof it properly it looks pretty though oh the center might not be oh no all right we're gonna try look it's got a little swirl it's got a swirl going on look at that it's got a nice swirl a little moist in the middle that's it time for this one oh my god how am i even supposed to cut this thing i will eat the eggs don't worry all right i made a mess but we have a slice of each bobby my bread is ready to be tasted at almost 10 p.m i know you've waited all day i feel like the british bake off judge is coming in so this is what it looks like poor presentation you guess which one was the machine one all right wait i'm gonna oh this is okay i i know oh a little worried there's no raw there's nothing raw in it what is it under proof yeah see we watched we watch great british bake off i wanted to show you what a slice looks like i mean it looks good i don't know if i should i feel like if i i feel like if i throw it back no no don't be wait i'm smelling it it's helping my sinuses oh no you're not a good judge your nose is stuffed up it's fine all right ready don't give your opinion don't give my opinion what am i here for all right ready i actually really like it it's doughy but it's really good it tastes like um french toast a little bit and this is just the and this is french bread french bread tastes like french bread i like yours better i mean these are two very different breads that's like a dessert bread this is a regular sandwich differently right dry so would you say human beats the machine do you know what french bread is no it's not like a baguette that tastes like french fries i think because the flavor and this one is so much yeah more than this one i like it this would probably be good if you just put some butter with butter and salt all right well i wore you stall bacon wow yeah i actually do like the cinnamon one better but it might again it might just be because if i tried i should have made the same type of bread in both but yeah no i like the difference not bad for my first time oh let me know in the comments below which one was your favorite how they're gonna know come on over and eat guys yeah come on over here come on over and eat we'll save you some no i won't i'm eating it all right now we're only saving some for people who leave a like so leave a like get a slice of bread we'll deliver anywhere no which i was gonna say which one like looked the best i don't know that's really all you guys can go off of subscribe if you're new to the channel i hope this brightens your day i hope you have a bread day i hope you have a bread day i don't know i don't know what else to say about this video i literally was just like i want to bake bread today this is broken what'd you do i didn't do it all right i'm gonna go eat this bread because it took me six hours to make these wow bye have a bread day you
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,018,086
Rating: 4.9843116 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, baking bread, love bread, bread, cinnamon swirl bread, funny, bread obsesssed, french bread, machine bread, bake off
Id: URmBc1zy2Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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