Testing Player Damage Modifiers & Attack Bonuses | Palworld

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what's up folks it's cross SG and today we're going to explore player damage modifiers and attack bonuses but before that for those who watched my previous video I'll be working on an update video on my playerbase damage setup soon I learned some new interesting things since the last video and have changed things up a little for more damage and more efficiency also I just wanted to say that the point of the last video was not to claim that attack was a better or Worse stat to invest into versus any other given stat not at all attack is just often described as a categorically worthless or useless stat by some and the point of the video was to Simply show that the game provides ways for player Centric attack setups to be viable whether you choose to play one way or another or play the game on easy or hard mode or even if you choose to crank up all the drop and XP modifiers it's entirely personal preference at the end of the day that's one of the great things about pal world and the amount of control options they provide within the base game itself you do you it's a game not a competition at least not till PVP comes out anyway so let's all enjoy this Gem of a game the way we want to enjoy it anyway whether investing into attack is worth it or not isn't the focus of today's video today I want to talk about some tests I did exploring various aspects of player damage modifiers and attack bonuses I didn't explore the entire damage formula for this video just some of the key modifiers and other basic metrics for now for Simplicity and Clarity I'm going to categorize the video the way anyone would categorize an experiment let's go over the goals first my goals for this video were one to confirm that damage scales predictably and proportional to attack values so that we can eliminate any potential hidden multipliers or unknown factors from the equation this will then help determine how accurate the known math is at determining expected damage versus what we actually see in the game or at least in this experiment what we see on the target dummy goal number two is to figure out the exact variance factor in the damage calculation in my previous video I listed this as somewhere between plus or minus 10 to 15% that was an estimate based on anecdotal observation I want to know what the exact number is goal number three is to figure out what the base weak point damage multiplier is this is sometimes referred to as a crit hit or a headshot multiplier number four is to confirm that all attack bonuses are in fact additive within a single pool goal number five is to figure out if the weak point damage bonus granted by the van worm on Robin qu partner skills is that actually additive or is it a multiplicative bonus number six to figure out the target dummy's parameters to provide context for future testing on the dummy and finally we have a couple of bonus questions just out of my own personal curiosity first I wanted to test the difference between running my preferred setup versus the theoretical Max damage version of this setup and second I wanted to test the damage difference between running an elemental swap mount for the 100% bonus attack versus a van Worm for weak point damage how close does 40% bonus to weak point damage come to the 100% bonus attack granted by Elemental swap mounts okay those were the goals and onto the test setup I simply used the legendary handgun on the target dummy the sample size was 32 shots per scenario it's a small sample but it's sufficient for the purposes of this experiment aside from the first non hit shot scenario all shots in all other scenarios were 100% hit shots for an Apples to Apples comparison with weak point damage I also used fourstar gobins for this test because they boost player attack I use the fourstar ragn hawk to represent the 100% bonus attack you get from most Elemental swap mounts and for the weak point partner skills I used a four-star Robin quill and a four-star vorm all in I tested six different scenarios the first scenario was non- weakpoint regular shots the second scenario was three gobins as a baseline for my preferred setup which involves running three Goins with a robin quill and a mount in the fifth slot scenario 3 involves three gobins with the robin quill buff to show the weak point bonus scenario 4 features four Goins as a baseline for the max damage setup which involves four Goins and an elemental swap Mount the fifth scenario is four Goins with the ragna hawk buff to show the bonus attack granted by the elemental swap Mount and the final scenario I tested was four gobins with the van worm buff to compare the weak point bonus with the elemental attack bonus and here are the results I hit a few rows of shots so that the whole thing would fit onto the screen a bit better let's break down the result results first and then we'll get to the conclusion the first row shows the average damage across all 32 shots for each scenario the next shows the difference between a hit shot and a regular shot the hit shots dealt an average of 147% of the regular shots damage or in other words hit shots dealt an average of 47% more damage next we have the three Goin scenarios and here is the the difference between unbuffed shots and shots buffed with the 40% weak point partner skill the buff shots dealt an average of 44% more damage then we have the four gobin scenarios and here is the difference between unbuffed shots and shots buffed with the 100% Elemental attack bonus the buff shots dealt an average of 42% more damage and subsequently the difference between unbuffed shots and shots buffed with the % weak point partner skill showed a difference of 40% damage following this we have the variance figures which measures the variance between the lowest the highest and the average shot damage green is the positive variance from the average red is the negative variance from the average and then we have some basic data I have 35 points into two attack so my base attack value is 170 below this is the total passive attack bonus as calculated by The Game and this is displayed when you hover your mouse over the attack stat the next row shows the total attack value stated on the stat screen for each scenario of course the weapon damage a legendary handgun is 625 damage across the board then we have calculated damage and this is the mathematically projected damage we should expect when hitting a Target that is the same level as us that also has exactly 100 defense or in the context of how power calculates damage a defense factor of one however you want to look at it the math works out the same because powerwell uses a simple multiplicative formula for calculations these numbers are then compared with the average damage figures from each scenario to confirm the parameters of the target dummy finally we have the attack scaling and this just looks at whether the difference in total attack value in the stat screen corresponds proportionally with the difference in the actual damage dealt to the Target we'll talk about the bonus roles in the conclusion and for that we need to look back at the goals of this experiment so the first goal was to confirm if damage skill proportional to attack and yes we see that the damage dealt skills proportionally with attack values on the stat screen the numbers in blue this means there are no hidden or unknown modifiers to contend with outside of just the attack value the attack bonuses and weapon damage goal number two was to figure out what the variance Factor was in the damage calculation the red and green numbers in the spreadsheet now it's pretty clear from this that with a larger sample size the numbers are going to converge toward 10% so we can assume with relatively high confidence that the variance factor in the damage formula is in fact plus or minus 10% goal number three was to figure out what the weak point multiplier was and we see a value of 47% so it is pretty safe to assume that the base bonus damage for weak point hits is 1.5x or 50% more damage more meaning it's multiplicative goal number four was to confirm that all attack bonuses are in fact additive within their own pool and we see that the total passive bonuses shown in the stat screen does correspond with the total of all attack bonuses we had active in each SC scario hence we can conclude that all attack bonuses are indeed additive within a single pool now the fifth goal was to figure out if the van worm and Robin quill partner skills were additive or multiplicative we know that at four stars the partner skills are supposed to increase weak point damage by 40% we see that the test produced a 44% difference in the three gobin inario and a 40% difference in the for Goin scenario So within margin of error considering the small sample size of 32 shots we can conclude that the vanw and Robin quill partner skills are indeed multiplicative if they were additive we'd be seeing a difference of closer to 10 to 15% instead of straight up 40% and goal number six was to figure out how the target dummy Works what the parameters were and we can see that the paper calculation damage values the numbers in orange line up extremely close with the actual average damage numbers from the 32 shots so we can assume that the test dummy a scales to the player's level and B has exactly 100 defense or a defense factor of one the dummy also does not seem to take additional damage from Elemental attacks or at the very least it is not weak to fire damage specifically because the ragnahog converts my damage to fire thus we can further conclude that the target dummy is a viable control test device as long as you remember that it carries an exact defense value of 100 which honestly shouldn't matter either way for Pure comparison work anyway and finally to answer my two personal questions first running my preferred unmounted setup of three Goins a robin quill and a mount works out to about 10% less damage than the theoretical Max damage setup of four gobins and an elemental swap Mount of course this is assuming I land all my head shots this was surprising because I honestly expected the difference to be much larger and for my second question again assuming I landar all my head shot there is only a 2% damage difference between running a van worm and running a Ragnar Hawk this was surprising as well but as soon as I confirmed that the robin quill and Van worm partner skills were actually multiplicative I kind of figured the numbers would be a lot closer than initially expected now there are a few considerations When comparing weak point bonus damage to Elemental swap attack bonus first in order to gain the benefits of using a robin quill or a van worm you obviously need to hit your head shots now this isn't particularly hard to do in power world but it is far from a 100% scenario I'd say I land about 2/3 of my hit shots on average depending on the target of course some pals are really small or have really small weak points some don't even have weak points at all as far as I can tell the buff from the elemental swap mounts on the other hand is up 100% of the time as long as you are mounted regardless of where you hit the target now that said the elemental swap effect also makes you deal a specific element of damage so you'll have to deal with it being strong or weak or neutral against the appropriate Target types now this of course can be solved by breeding a couple of mounts with different element ments to swap around with which is actually what I've been doing the past couple of days I bred a beacon which is electric damage and finally the additive nature of the elemental swap buff dictates that it will conclusively be the better option for folks who don't run full attack setups the weak point buff only eclipses this damage in this experiment specifically because I personally already have 136% bonus attack before factoring in the mount buff so diminishing return starts becoming a problem for the elemental swap now all that said I'm still pleasantly surprised that my preferred setup doesn't fall too far behind the elemental swap optimized setup factoring in potato aim and non- hit shots I'd say the realistic difference will average out closer to 20% less damage now that's a number I can work with because Supreme damage isn't exactly a necessity at this point in the game development now as for the rest of the experiment I hope this helps clear up any questions about stuff like the weak point multiplier damage variance how attack bonuses stack and how the target dummy works over the coming week or so I'll be looking to do some tests on Alphas among other things to try to figure out exactly how damage reduction works with those you know whether the values of 90% or 95% that are being thrown around are those values actually accurate and that's a wrap for today's video folks thumbs if you liked it and I'll catch you in the next one take care
Channel: Krush SG
Views: 3,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Pokemon, Pocket Pair, Palworld Review, Pals, Daedream, Dazzi, Robinquill, Jetragon, Frostallion, Necromus, Paladius, Damage, Attack, Vanwyrm, Ragnahawk, Beakon
Id: P7ZA7UxD7dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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