Testing Minecraft Villagers IQ to see how smart they are

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in today's video we're going to be testing the minecraft villagers iq to see how smart they really are don't forget to smash the like button to beat the youtube algorithm and subscribe let's do this alrighty guys we're here with the first iq test which i know may not look like much but don't worry we have a bunch of other tests that are going to get harder as we go throughout the video but this is just level one there's a bunch of other levels that are actually covered by this huge nice bedrock wall that i want to lick all right we're gonna be testing in today's video villager iqs we're gonna see how big brain or small brain these squib worms really are and uh i kind of spawned you out inside the map so no no no no no why are you running for situations like these guys i have a sharp feather which has sharp tickle ten for every level that the villager successfully goes inside of the bed and sleeps he's gonna gain iq points if he dies or fails then the villager gang loses iq points they're gonna start off with a hundred total iq points and with that said time set midnight all right there you go come on villager all you have to do is literally go to the bed through these doors if you just get confused and can't do it then that's fine that means you're gonna lose 10 iq points three two one and boom okay come on i'm villager gang bro i hope these guys are actually smart and oh there we go he goes he's going oh he's going and yep he did it congratulations man your forehead's kind of in the block oh god but congrats you won your gang uh 10 iq points all right level 2. this is where it gets a little bit more interesting so the villager is going to spawn right there but little does he know there's going to be zombies that are gonna be spawning they're trying to eat his toes there's another zombie spawner right here he's gonna have to go through the doors and then boom he's it with some lava and some beepies i mean n rods what my guy is either gonna have to jump or drift right or left and open the door to success oh wait what the heck what are you doing here you guys didn't see that he makes it to the bed another 10 iq points if he dies even once it's over he loses iq points all right three two one and boom and boom there you go come on zombie oh god he's like no don't eat my toes and wait what come on bro yo yo bro come on what are you gonna do bro what's the move homie uh guys i think we broke him i think i have to spawn the other zombie bro you look don't look at me like that i know you don't want another zombie trying to eat your butt but listen you're not moving three two one and boom come on come on how high iq is he wait no no what are you doing what are you doing bro oh he almost died and wait what is he doing is he what the what is he just dancing my guy is vibing no come on get inside the bed you have one job to get inside the bed bro that's all you gotta do come on what the wait what what what he just he just wait i'm so confu i'm so con he escaped the map he broke the fourth wall and then got inside of the no no no no no gamers this ain't some normie villager we have a god amongst us all hail villager okay no but for real that was like not supposed to happen i'm gonna give the villager gang 20 iq points holy crap my guy's already at 130 iq points geez okay let's reset everyone and i want to give it one more go to see if that happens again or if we were actually just lucky and villagers are a lot smarter than they seem no don't you run okay okay okay three two one let's spawn this guy in first and oh he's zooming he's zooming i'm gonna spawn the other one oh he was like nope man got hidden and okay he's doing that little dance again what is wrong with them oh there you go no he just slept okay so this was kind of normal wait so that means the first villager was actually like an albert einstein amongst the normies dang bro i mean you still passed it you know don't get me wrong good job but you just ignore me hold on gamers i gotta search this up albert einstein is believed to have the same iq as professor stephen hawking 160. well it's safe to say that first villager was literally albert albert blockstein get it because mike okay anyways this ladies and gentlemen is level three and now while it looks just like a very easy test i mean right all the villager has to do is spawn right here and just you know see that this isn't gonna work because it's just it's just not right and then just go to the right and just go through one of the three openings however something tells me that this one's gonna break villagers also this test was actually invented by another youtuber called tk shout out to him link's in the description and with that said let's see if we have the same results as tk i'm pretty sure this is just gonna break him unless he's 200 iq okay well no sir sir please just no come on bro this has to be fake bro you just you just gotta you just gotta go to the right mate come on come on bro please you're making my brain hurt is he gonna stay here forever like i don't wanna i could probably help him right but like oh man you can't you gotta be kidding me bro you gotta be kidding me there's three other ways you can hold me like it's just it's just bro why is it only this way too what if i blocked it oh he's just gonna you're just gonna go to the left side huh you're just gonna go on the left side what if i break this side are you back to the right are you kidding me you are so stupid i'm literally stopping your ball head bro you're so dumb come on okay you know what i think this is gonna last forever i'm actually gonna go ahead and just leave this guy doing this for like a minute i want to see if i oh wait he just oh i thought dude that was so weird he was like thinking about it for a second all right guys well i'm gonna go afk real quick um i'm gonna go watch like some tick tock or something and eat some nerds and boom we're back and on my you're still dude you're actually stupid let's make a bet right now if he's still doing this by the end of the video you guys have to like and subscribe that's if you didn't already but lock in the deal by leaving you like and you could just always unlike later all right moving on sorry bro but i'm gonna have to leave you you're like the opposite of albert man all right anyways we're here with level four i believe i think our level three i actually don't know am i as smart as a villager no it's not a bad question maybe someone could test players oh wait i did that so while this looks a little bit more complicated it's really not i'm gonna spawn the villager here and they're gonna have a choice to whether go through a door maze that's actually i think gonna bug them out i actually don't know if they'll be able to make it over here believe it or not or they can just you know follow the obvious path of arrows pointing directly to freaking the bed bro honestly something tells me this isn't gonna work oh god with that sad come on villagers for now villager gang did lose those 10 points from last round because the last round is definitely taken as a loss but with that said the iq is now at 120. let's see if they lose iq points or gain them three two one boom all right come on what do you no no no come on what what what what what open the door open the dude dude dude no way no i'm trying to open the door for him are you stupid are you dumb or stupid or both oh there's no way i'm actually convinced these guys are idiots come on my guys come on come on why why did you go that way why did you oh oh oh oh let's go he did it he did it i mean that's still at l though right like that has to be this guy is still just there the one that made it there only made it because he saw this guy i was having trouble so let's try that again let's see is he okay he's going straight forward huh bro why can't you just open that door i don't understand okay let's try that again oh this one's going to what okay so they're smart enough to see each other's errors but like is there no way he's gonna get to that bed bro this one is just broken this one literally just has no ambition in life he's just like nah oh wait oh oh oh now he's going now okay now they're kissing are they both stuck on the same spot like what is what what what is happening i'm so why did this one go away i'm so confused that was an l don't think you're smart because you literally saw your friend make an error and just you no no no no no wait what are what are these two oh god what are they do okay anyways dang they're they're going in there oh gosh that's definitely an l though all right and here we are with level four five five sorry this one is so parkour and basically all they have to do is literally okay wait i filled it all they have to do is literally just go like this and make it to the bed it's not the hard i did it second try for every try they fail it's one iq point minus and right now we're at a total of 110 all right three two one and boom let's see my guy you just gotta do the park oh oh okay that was pretty good is he gonna reset it come on yeah he's resetting come on my guy come on joe the big brain moe mining mo what come on come on that's two three minus iq come on no you got this dude you actually got this oh it's before come on just take your time why did he why is he trying to go so fast okay okay six five that's five okay come on come on no that's six my guy six attempts already are you kidding me and seventh oh my god dude you're losing my cue points by the second bro all you have to do is be big brain no that's eight come on yes yes don't look at me no consequence concentrate that's actually nine bro that's actually nine iq points dude relax that's ten you've already lost ten oh oh oh no you were so close that's eleven that's eleven come on number twelve burger five foot lettuce i don't even know what i'm talking about and no that was so close 13 13 minus points right now oh my god my man's going he did it 13 minus that's actually cursed and your forehead's kind of inside of the block but okay you're still vibing well who knew villagers are actually capable of of adaptive learning it actually seems like he was getting used to it like every time not bad well i mean still kind of bad but if i'm not mistaken the villager gang's total iq point is now at 97 which is like below average so yeah and the final test boys this one actually seems pretty difficult i know because it is first the villager spawns right here and we're gonna spawn a zombie thingymabob the villager's gonna have to make it through this entire path filled with command blocks that spawn in zombies he's gonna be chased this entire time and hold on just to make things a little harder once he makes it through all of this chaos and towards the end he has two choices go the slow and safe route or go the fast and risky route if he makes it he wins the bed and emerald all right let's try this three two one bam boom all right let's see is he gonna go is he gonna oh he's off he's off oh a villager uh somebody's fun and okay wait bro what are you doing wait no bro what what what are you what what is wrong with you well that's uh minus 10 for the villager let's give him three more attempts he's now at 87 which means holy crap they're dumb except for the albert villager that guy was 200 iq but with that said let's spawn him in let's see if we get another albert and oh he's on oh he's off oh he's going oh he's going oh oh yo he's actually a god he's actually got i think this guy's an albert i think this guy is actually in albert einstein no no don't die don't die don't die oh my god he's going he's going ahead no no that was so good that was so good dude okay hold on let's kill these guys again let's restart let's make sure all the doors are good oh my gosh guys unfortunately villagers are now at 77 iq something like that i have no idea boom and bam oh god oh god okay he's going he's going oh okay he's not bad my man is zooming my man is zooming past these fools he's like no my toes ain't gonna be lit today i'm oh wait okay he's gonna die here oh no he's not he's dude why why why why you could literally just go like this i i did it okay here let's help them out because now they're at 67. i want to leave this door open just because it seems like it's impossible for them to do it but there you go let's see 67 and bro you have to be kidding me 57 iq now you know what i'm just gonna remove all the corner doors there you go come on is this gonna be easier and you know what i'm even gonna remove that one literally you should just take the safe route it's not it's not time with that said three two one and boom i think there at 57 or 67 we'll just we'll just go at 67 okay never mind we're back to 57 last attempt three two one and go albert i said it bro he has to do it he has no no no no no no no go go go oh my god oh my god dude go yes he's actually 20q oh my god the zombie was spawning in another zombie tupper mouth that was actually loki big brain and come on man you got this you got this just go zoe go slow go slow no no oh yes yes yes yes yes he did it wait no what are you doing go the uh bro what what is wrong with you bro oh wait okay no he's going back come on come on come on just go inside oh my god the zombies are actually catching up yes he did it 57 iq congratulations man what do you have to say for yourself hamburger all right nice uh with that said boom ladies and gentlemen there you go 57 iq is the iq of a villager at least in this video and hold on i just looked up is 57 iq bad iq range okay wait 55 to 69 is mild mental disability honestly i don't care whatever the test actually says i love and respect you anyways and now for the moment of truth is that i oh my god the villagers still bro you have to be kidding me you actually have to be kidding me bro bro bro bro bro okay what if i just stain on it what if i just yeah that's all i had to do that's all i had to do bro that's it well ladies and gentlemen i guess that just means you have to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video because that was the bet right there should be some other videos on the screen click on one of them i'm there waiting for you peace gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,248,568
Rating: 4.925899 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Testing Minecraft Villagers IQ to see how smart they are, villagers iq, villagers iq test, minecraft villagers iq test, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: zg12eqJYWJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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