What is the IQ of a PLAYER in Minecraft?

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today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be testing the big brightness of you guys not even kidding yep okay but further guys we're going to be testing the brain of your average minecraft player yep this is your average market player a little sneaky boy and the winner of today's video is going to win a hundred dollars so with that said though guys if you're excited for today's video smash the like button for every like we get in this video is one iq that you get uh something like that yeah just leave a like and of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because if not this is gonna happen to you okay but seriously only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed to watch my videos so make sure to subscribe and uh with that said let's do this alrighty guys so we're here on my server and then now i'm dying okay okay so if i do slide server event okay here we are let me just yay break through this so today guys as i probably already kind of sort of maybe not explained today we're doing a test yes welcome to school guys sit down and get right i'm just kidding don't click off this is not school it's it well it's it's gonna be a big brain test okay on you guys not even me i mean i would probably somehow fail my own minecraft map but whatever so i'm about to bring like a hundred players or whatever you know here on my server which joined by the way bonnie pvp donna if you guys want to play skyblock or just join in on any future events we're about to fill this entire thing up and then basically just to give you guys a little rundown so you kind of like have a simple idea of what's going on you basically for level one it says you have to choose the correct path now you see guys how dumb minecraft players are they would probably choose this one spoiler alert this ain't it chief even though there's water this isn't the one then we have this one which looks like it's gonna kill you and then there's this one that also looks like it's gonna kill you if they choose the correct path which uh yeah spoiler the green one just kind of like makes you do a bunch of parkour that leads you nowhere and actually just teleports you back to spawn so yeah once you pass level one guys you're gonna be teleported to this big brain literally it looks like a brain in here it's kind of creepy and this is gonna be an iq test and there's gonna be a bunch of questions etc and then you just have to click no or yes yes it is red and the no is green i know it's really confusing it's like you want to hit green but then it's like it's just yes it's red huh there's a lot of really cool funny questions over here that you have to just answer and that's level two right so level three is this secret cobblestone mossy thing it's not so secret if you get here and it's riddle time i hate riddles and yeah it was kind of annoying to do this but you just have to choose the right one and by the way did i mention if you choose wrong you actually just die and you have to completely restart yeah it's going to be difficult and then level 4 the final level is is it's a little uh no pressure it says even though dude this is anything but no pressure look at this bro i'm getting anxiety looking at all these freaking signs but then the final thing it's basically just telling you to choose the right path to win you know no pressure just you know choose either left or right or you have to completely restart giving everyone else an advantage and you know what right now without spoiling anything i want you guys to comment down below which path you think is right to finally win and then i also mentioned the winner gets a hundred dollars wait yeah i did mention it oh okay okay so if you commented left all right just just do that now or if you think it's the right one just comment it now three two one it is it's right it's it's definitely the green one now the trick is once you get down here you're not guaranteed to win oh and by the way the clue was it says choose the right path like literally it says right like why would you go left if it says right right listen there's a lot of reserve reserve there's a lot of reverse psychology and just really weird things in this test which we're gonna do it but invisible so that no one else can cheat okay but once you go down here there's a bunch of pressure plates and if you touch the left ones at all you're dead you have to restart and you'll probably come back and you think it's the other one but no you just have to step on the right one remember stay on the right path and then you get to the winner box and then the first winner gets a hundred dollars you won yay so with that said though guys if you're excited for today's video if you haven't already just leave a like this actually took me believe it or not like six hours to build i know i it doesn't even look that good but it just did so i would really appreciate a like if you do actually enjoy just don't forget you don't have to leave a like if you don't like it you know what i'm saying and then subscribe if you're new blah blah with that said i'm gonna turn the whitelist off i think sneaky wait what what is he what he's just a floating head he's just running around no he's gonna be around just sniffing out any hackers or any you know like people who cheat okay whatever don't cheat or ban with that said let's do this and boom we've released the kraken and we have a bunch of players right here we don't actually have like a full 100 billion because it would just crash and i'm pretty sure my map isn't good enough for that many people but anyways okay gamers no hacking no pooping on floor this is a big brain test winner gets a hundred dollars have fun and uh okay let's do this i set air boom let's see let's see which path that they're gonna choose okay wait are they gonna choose the right one guys this is the right one come on come on no no way no way okay so the one in the middle guys i'm gonna go and just be straight up right now hold on let me quickly get like invisibility there you go i hope they can't see my name oh my god so many people are going into the one on the dude no way no way he's 2000 iq he actually did it yo he's so smart come on master panda come on choose the middle one it's the green one come on yo come on do it no he died dude dang it okay bro hold on there's so many people okay master panna is 2000 iq guys vote right now in the comments who you think is gonna win i want your poop or uh mr panda to win your poop is somewhere around here i don't know where he is he's really funny and oh my god with player collision guys they're wasting all their time they don't even know that this isn't even the way to do it oh my god i i can't i think you know what hold on i'm gonna go ahead and place like a cobblestone right here and then no oh god let's set lava right here there you go okay now they can kill themselves if they want because this is not the way this guy right here everyone's trying to do the parkour and like if you literally make the parkour i'm pretty sure i already showed you guys boom you get back to spawn so they're just dumb everyone all those names you guys see are already losing but oh no no master panda what are you doing master panna it was the oh my god it was the right one what did you do why didn't you just go down the middle oh my god no oh wait he is over here oh my god okay wait so master pan oh he just died to the second question yo but i am cute bear just got the first question right which by the way it is can milk hill heal nausea effect it's yes even though it's red and whoa cuber chose wither yo what these guys are so smart oh he she just died okay well mr panda is probably gonna get it right now it's 0.1 seconds come on it's that one it's that one so here i'm gonna show you guys some of the questions number two says which mob is shown on red chiseled uh sandstone which if you guys didn't know it is wither there's creeper wither or skeleton and it's definitely withered yo how do these people actually know that what the heck come on cute bear yes yes yes oh my god these guys are actually doing it so well so this one's tricky right this one says true or false but if you notice the l is capital meeting left so you got to choose true and then okay wait i think they get it oh my god yo silent is 2 000 dude style is so smart i'm gonna call you zyle all right kyle your name is zyle the kyle wait he just chose seven i don't think master panna saw that the last question is how many questions have you been asked and it's seven well six not including you know this one but you gotta include this one okay it's big brain and mr panda died no cute bear just died again spaceman saw he was like screw that it's definitely false and let's see come on space man you got that no no no yes yes yes he did it okay let's see who's on the riddle part is anyone okay no i think master pan or xylit probably died faceman's in the lead right now let's see dude i'm so hyped to see who actually wins everyone is still dying if you guys look at chat holy crap let's see oh he knows it's slime dude space man's just gonna get the hard carry bro i hope spaceman just doesn't watch xyla just grind the entire thing this one says what cannot be broken place touched or spawned in yet can kill you before you know it oh no it's not void it is definitely slash kill i mean void kind of makes sense but no it's slash kill bro xyla is so strong okay hold on let's see what is he gonna choose it's tree the essence of life i start you off yes dude you gotta punch the tree guys oh my god hold on i'm gonna let him we gotta be very dude he's actually grinding so he chose the right one what i am all the colors of the rainbow what am i it's definitely dude wait what sally's about to win silent is literally about he just ignored all the signs big brain no no yes yes no no he's dead okay you know what let's go back to spawn we got a couple people still on this one let's see all these people are just waiting to see who's gonna do what come on your poop i want your poop to win he's so cute his freaking skin is awesome okay let's see let's see come on guys this is so obvious it's true i mean spawn sure it's the beginning of life or whatever but it's oh okay well spaceman did not get it right come on your poop he's just like waiting in the corner he's like screw that i ain't going first okay well hopefully we don't miss these people trying to win i hope like at least some of them make it to the final stage i want to see how many people oh my god dude look how many people are still doing the parkour bruh i feel so bad i actually feel so bad dude jesus man everyone's doing the parkour and it's just not even worth it it's literally wait it's literally not even worth it wait this person over here now made it to level two who is he oh it's no more oh no mercy already knows though master panda come on bro come on choose the green one choose the green ones it says choose the right path no don't do it wait your poop just saw him die no you're poop oh my god you poop brain dude no one has made it through yet oh dude this is so crazy this is so crazy remember even if they choose the right path guys they have to go on the right and let's see oh these guys are stuck in the forever box okay i'm not gonna be mean i i you know what this was meant to just be like if you fall down here you lose automatically but here i'll give him a second chance i was wondering where xylit was there you go you guys can kill yourselves come on your poop you gotta do it too come on just get in get in dude oh my god he's such a nerd there you go yes let's see who's over here okay master panda i i hope he doesn't forget any of the questions okay yeah he's just grinding through dude maybe master panna will win or maybe he won't nope master master no you better choose seven oh my god he almost chose the wrong one i was about to scream there you go dude master pan is in the lead oh but silent is right behind anne spaceman and no mercy and orange blue juice what or joe his name is joe sorry i called you juice that'd be really weird to say orange blue juice that is so weird okay let's see who's in the lead who's gonna make it to the final no mercy is winning wait wait no way no way no way no way come on read the sign read the clue it's the right path it's the right path your poop is just going in come on is he gonna choose the did he get did he win yeah no way i'll wait master panda chose but he died because he went on the left all right yeah no yeah he went on the left oh my god gg bro game mode creative let's go dude hold on let me heal myself with the milk bucket guys i am so happy your poop won your poop is winner or wait that says winnie uh okay well you know what i meant dude let's see is anyone else close to winning okay come on xylo i thought xyle was gonna win hello no it's this one bro come on dude i can't help you come on you gotta choose the right one come on come on i'm literally helping this man i mean it doesn't matter if he wins come on choose the right path hold on i'm literally gonna say it choose the right path come on your poop did it there you go i broke it instantly it's the right path it's the right path come on don't go on the left go don't go on the left come on come on no i said the right oh i i hate myself i hate him and i hate myself i'm gonna go into spectator oh dude these guys definitely just saw hold on wait is orange just gonna choose i think master panda kind of gets it i think he knows he has to choose the one on the right yes he did it right he did it right let's go he is one wait sneaky can you like have fun with them so they don't get bored in the winter box thank you oh no spaceman still went on the left guys you can't touch any of the pressure plates on the left but let's see meanwhile we got all these nerds okay you know what i'm gonna be nice give her creative guys i'm gonna be nice if you're in the parkour just die in lava the parkour leads back to spawn look at all these guys they're about a broad moment look at this this man's name is bull by gina he's just like bro why are they still doing it i just said bro the parkour leads back to spawn just die in lava come on i'm trying to help you guys come on captain eggs go go i'm not tricking you oh my god they think it's a trick they think it's a trick dude i cannot believe this guys why are people still doing the parkour oh okay they're helpless they're helpless they're gonna watch this video and be so bad hey they're having a cake party in here let's go whoa let's go okay hold on let's see well bye ginga oh my god he's actually demolishing this oh okay or not oh wait who just went over to the riddle part yo chalutz is a banger bro okay let's see what is the smallest yet largest mob in minecraft it's easy come on i think this one's really easy it's slime no he just went with giant zombie are you kidding me what the balls yes thank you boot jack mcgee why are these names so weird the winner was lit is literally called your poop here you know what just in case you guys are confused and you don't know how you're supposed to win i'm gonna show you guys all right i'm gonna speed run my own map if anyone follows me then i guess they can't wait why am i still in what why am i okay they're gone no longer invisible all right so you're supposed to go down this one right we're gonna speed through it's where the screen will be we'll speed this through there you go yes i made it open this door ye okay it's yes there you go which mob is showing the red chisel boom how often does redstone tick it's point zero one or no i think that's not that wrong okay whatever it's wait what is it l okay l for left there you go another l for left this one is r for right so you gotta go on false and then the questions is seven you gotta go to the riddle this one is slime hopefully no one notices me too much this one slash kill tree is the start of life the rainbow colors thing i mean shulker makes sense but you gotta be big brain okay you gotta choose sheep named jeb underscore and there you go what's a creeper's favorite subject it could be math it could be science get it science or it could be history it's math it's come on it's it's just math i think everyone knows that watch i think everyone just saw me hello no mercy wait what no mercy hasn't made it yet are you kidding me oh it's not supreme shirt boy you spent too much money on that and not enough on your brain cells okay so you gotta just ignore all the no pressure signs and the go go go stuff okay because it's just gonna make you more like just scared and then i'm pretty sure someone just went down the wrong path anyways final level choose the right path to win you got to just go on the right one but you know you got to go down here and then if you just jump straight on all of these you're going to die because it said clearly get to go on the right path which if you guys don't know this is left this is right mahonoy and there you go you win yay i'm winner i'm a wiener i'm a wiener actually the real winner here is your poop he's 100 richer which i mean your poop if you're watching this well i guess by now you'd probably already have claimed your prize but you can have a hundred dollars paypal or you can win uh 100 rank i guess i don't really know it's whatever you toot your poop this was basically a big brain test which kind of reminds me how did your poop win i guess he has the biggest brain out of all of them here he is ladies and gentlemen you're poop the man with the biggest brain of them all and i think the server is lagging oh god i think that think it's crushing oh god no it literally crossed okay whatever it doesn't matter because your poop is the winner all right guys so it's been like roughly 10 minutes since the server crashed it actually wasn't the server it was my internet but whatever we will talk about that just buy new internet shut up and oh a couple more people have won look at this we got core shock over here we got potato king the king of all the potatoes and we got a steve boy chalutz let's go dude but then we have the ultimate winner man mr your poop i think he's really excited to say the least uh with that said though guys i'll see you dudes in the next one make sure to leave a like subscribe if you guys are new and join the server bonnet pvp.net to join in on stuff and fun all right peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 600,391
Rating: 4.9607611 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I tested how dumb Minecraft players are, What is the IQ of a Minecraft player?, i tested iq of minecraft player, minecraft player iq, minecraft player, challenge, funny, no swearing, minecraft trolling, troll, minecraft troll, minecraft map, minecraft iq, iq test, minecraft iq test, minecraft test, i tested how dumb youtubers are, bionic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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