I tested old Minecraft myths and found this...

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in today's video ladies and gentlemen we're gonna be testing out minecraft myths basically anything to do with like stuff like herobrine and i guess even netherright literally so with that said guys if you're excited for today's minecraft video smash the like button if we can maybe smash 20 000 likes guys in the first day that would be insane also guys comment down below if any of these myths like you had wrong or i don't know they just blew your mind so i'm not gonna lie you're watching the video a couple of them blew mine but of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with postifications on because if not this is gonna happen to you okay but seriously only about 69 of people watching right now are actually subscribed so make sure to subscribe to make me bald yup that's what i'm doing at 2 million subscribers if we hit it this year with that said gamers let's do this alrighty guys we're here in this beautiful world of minecraft and now the first myth that we're gonna be checking out is basically guys if you just shift one two three four five times and you go up to any b and then you like okay okay come down and you sniff really hard irl you can actually start to smell the bee i'm kidding that that was a joke that's not i hope most of you thought i was instantly joking but if i got anyone dude that's just that's just sad i'm not gonna lie all jokes and cringe aside guys the first myth we're gonna be checking out has to do with sugarcane no not you b get out of here oh god i i was joking i was oh so i'm gonna be honest guys i i don't really know what the answer to this is but apparently right i can't be the only one who genuinely thinks wait am i actually wrong i mean i guess that's what we're gonna find out once and for all in this video which by the way these myths are gonna get crazier as you go so make sure to stick to the end but all right gamers apparently there is a myth that i thought is true or that i still think is true where sugarcane grows faster on sand when compared to grass now as you guys can see i also have red sand and puzzle which i guess they kind of equate to the same thing they're just variants of like the same type of block and i also have four pieces of sugar cane which we're gonna go and just place and if i do slash game rule random tick speed and i set it to like let's just say 69 yeah i'm mature as soon as i hit enter guys the tick speed of the world is going to change meaning things are going to grow at a faster rate because by default regular minecraft runs on one tick speed i don't know the mechanical nimminations of things i don't know the technicalities boom okay it changed to 69 which one's gonna grow first come on stan come on come on please don't tell me this has been a lie i did place the sugar cane first on the sand so i i don't know if that's gonna have something to do with it but any second come on b get your big booty out of the way any second this is gonna happen or something's gonna happen or should i upgrade it maybe i'll do 169 there you go okay come on game oh what red wait okay hold up red sand does that mean sand wait okay but then grass wait but then regular sand didn't wait i'm so confused wait what if i do like what sand was the lowest one wait what i just changed it okay wait it's santa's the slowest hold up my life is a lie i'm actually kind of pissed bro guys when making like you know like a factions base and or sugarcane form on skyblock any sort of like server thing i always went for sand yeah it looked like technique okay hold on round two round two bruh let's try that again but this time let's start off with grass first apparently they're all the same apparently it doesn't matter but i always thought and i still feel like santa's number one i just just makes the most sense right okay grass boom boom boom okay there we go i went pretty faster let's see all right vote down in the comment sections guys round number two i'm voting for i'm gonna honestly go for maybe grass yeah i feel like grass is gonna win this time even though i want santa oh my god i should gamble for the rest of my life dude i won i what i always grasp okay one more time one more time let me just break all of them again i'm gonna change it to there you i'm gonna add a zero let's see which one wins send one wait okay but that's just random it's so random because if i break it we reset let's see grass is winning and then sand just came in last and then red sand wanted okay okay okay let's just yeah cool great i guess this was a lie this video is gonna be adventure not only for me but for wait no no not only for you guys but for me as well because i i i honestly thought that sand was number one i guess not two with that said gamers let's move on to the next myth my life is alive this next one ladies and gentlemen is one of the most legendary minecraft myths oh wait what the heck oh god okay we have another right pickaxe an anvil and an efficiency five book wait what is the count no cow come on get out of the set oh okay we also have oh my god wait how many bottles of jelly do we actually what anyways chicken move let's splash the bottles of enchanting on us let our power level increase let's rename the pickaxe for comedic purpose and there's still one final step ladies and gentlemen we must press this black stone button that looks really cool that i actually forgot existed and didn't even really realize at 1.16 boom nothing seems like happen however we have a level of haste that is imaginably strong so strong that you can literally just click like basically any anything and it's like it's literally just gone anyways gamers i don't think you guys understand how fast i can mine stuff i literally have haste a million and in this smith ladies and gentlemen we're going to be seeing if bedrock is actually mindable now i will say this apparently the myth is that you can break bedrock it apparently it is actually possible and a lot of people think it is i mean i kind of thought it was like i thought you had to be a no life to actually want to break bedrock i don't know i guess you can't but this test will actually prove it we're on the newest version of minecraft apparently it takes 12 hours or whatever yeah well it doesn't matter how long it takes because i literally have the highest level like haste or one of the highest i mean like i literally just click and obsidian is broken so i think if you do the math if the myth is that it takes like more than 12 plus hours consecutively i'm gonna set a timer on my phone for 10 minutes let the timer stop if you could put it on the recording too start now okay we're going i'm going i'm literally holding down this clip guys i will not stop okay literally if i wanted to oh my god wait i almost looked away dude that would have sucked okay here we go though there you go i'm not gonna touch my mouse any longer do i have tape oh my god i literally have tape here i think i'm actually gonna take my mouse hold on i'm i'm actually doing this by the way ladies and gentlemen looks a little wrong it has my mouse has a little ball has balls okay sorry but if i just leave this on the ground or on my mouse pad there you go so far nothing this is this is unreal so far literally nothing i'm not gonna move i'm not gonna do anything i'm just gonna chill here five for 10 minutes i'm gonna be right back okay i'm literally gonna probably just go watch an episode of like one piece or some anime that i like if you like anime you're automatically cooler than me i'm sorry that's just and i'll be back don't you dare leave okay we need someone to stare at this okay so one second gamers one eternity later well well well i'm gonna just say this it's been longer than 10 minutes and ain't no bedrock broken hmm but let's see if we can break the obsidian and oh oh cool cool wait what you can't even break a huh yeah this makes total sense 100 well guys just take it from me if i can literally break a grass block within a millisecond with a pickaxe and i still couldn't break bedrock then just know that that myth has been busted that's that's not gonna be a thing by the way i'm not gonna make that a hole unless unless i should start saying that every time we start busting a myth i don't know that'd be kind of cool i'm pretty sure another youtuber literally does that so i'm not gonna you know wait yeah myth buster okay anyways bedrock is unbreakable don't let anyone say anything unless you like exploit or cheat obviously i think we all knew that right that doesn't really count though we're trying to see if we can actually do stuff legit in minecraft so with that said let's do the next myth okay guys so for this next myth this is gonna be a little fun so i did start a brand new world and let's go into creative mode and what we're gonna be making is none other than herobrine's shrine yeah i feel a little weird saying herobrine because you know obviously it's just a myth right yeah there's like there's no way it's real no obviously not right i'm pretty sure this isn't gonna work but we're gonna try it out regardless so i'm basically just gonna copy what everyone else makes when you search up like herobrine's shrine or whatever i guess this is the way you actually have to spawn him so this is where the lava is going to go all right there you go and then by the looks of it we put redstone torches like that and then uh a netherrack and then a flint and steel and that's supposed to do something mr hair brine man mr bryan hero hello are you there you're ugly and i'm pretty sure there's no herobrine like watching me right now if i'm not mistaken okay however i'm pretty sure we all knew like he'll brian just isn't real so in that case i'm gonna download a mod to fight herobrine just so we can see how hypothetically it would be if herobrine was obviously real so guys now that i have the mod installed all we have to do is build a very similar structure except it's a tiny bit different just kind of like that okay there you go and then we need to get something called an altar of herobrine oh my god that looks so sick and then we also need something called a cursed diamond now if we get this curse said diamond man i know it actually looks so sick in my hand right click it oh god okay i don't understand there was there was lightning okay everything seems pretty normal right now i'm i'm kind of i'm kind of sketched out a little bit was this all a scam like what this thing does even work that's so dumb wait what the hell whoa what what just hit whoa whoa oh no what is that look at this cow hold up is he trying to kill me wait does it hurt me if i oh it does it does it does what the heck is happening wait why so the mod worked so here brian is like technically infecting my world i guess wait where is he i don't even know okay hold up i'm gonna use the own the own herobrine's trying to wait why didn't you die fall into the lava you stupid pig oh my god the pig's too smart oh we killed it anyways wait okay so this cow's normal wait so it's this thing corrupting the oh that's so fire yo loki this mod is sick i mean this wasn't really supposed to be a video reviewing a mod but you know it's part of the myth thing well in that case herobrine myth busted even though they removed it from the game many many times every update okay let's let's move on to the next myth now guys this next myth is a little bit specific but i still feel like it's pretty valid now with the recent updates of minecraft guys especially with netherright gear being added to the game there's been this thing which i i don't know if it's like minecraft veterans that already know everything about the game just making stuff up to troll noobs i feel like that's what it is i mean i don't know about this one so i'm just gonna test it out whatever but apparently all right i'm not too sure if you've heard of it and you may or may not already know the answer to this question however the question is if you can survive a fall wearing nether right armor with feather falling four on the boots from max height will you survive if you land on hay bale that is the myth literally surviving a max height drop on table wearing this gear right here i don't know if it's really possible i mean i would be very surprised barrier armor would do it that's all i'm saying i'm kidding that's just a joke for whoever has seen my barrier armor video i mean i'm not kidding though i genuinely think barrier armor could actually survive that but anyways just in case you guys don't already know because i i kind of found out this like you know five seconds ago you take a lot less damage like a lot less when landing on halo which kind of makes sense you know that drop should have definitely killed me if i'm in survival actually let's just see okay i'm not gonna land on the hay bale let's just land right next to it and oh half a heart okay well there you go that's obviously a change so now let's get our nether right gear put it on and now let's travel to the very tippity top of this staircase thing oh god okay gamers i totally didn't fly up all the way up here no no not at all uh i'm kind of scared i'm not lying i know it's minecraft at all but jesus man seems a little bit exaggerated just to test out a glitch or not a glitch a myth all right well hey belle i'm putting all my trust into you please be a very soft landing oh god try the falling four let's uh do this i don't know if this is going to be a thing but i really want to jump okay just stop being a freaking cat okay let's do it i'm dead what wait i survived with a heart no way okay technically we're not at like the max height 255. like technically we should be at y0 to test this that is crazy that i actually survived yo that was not planned but basically it's false because technically this isn't a full height drop however i think we made a pretty sick discovery nonetheless it's probably false that you can survive like a height drop from 255 right 250 blocks however let's try that again now that we went like literally i guess what two layers down from the y let's see what we survive at now no no wait let's actually land inside and wait half heart again i'm so confused okay you know what screw it we have to go all the way dig down deeper what okay guys the hole is set up right i'm literally at y5 with the hay bales okay though here goes nothing i literally can't see what why can't i see the world oh there you go okay oh my god that is so laggy and scary okay gamers here goes nothing oh god please land please land please land please don't fail please don't fail please don't fail please don't fail oh my no dang it i mean it makes sense but boys we tried it and it is false do not do that but yo yeah sure we may have died with a 250 block jump or whatever who cares we survived a y69 drop from the height limit so that basically means as long as wherever you're dropping from is above 69. funny number and you have feather falling four and full netherway you're good like you're literally good you will survive if you're full hp or just have enough where like you will oh no no you know yeah you need full hp because you're gonna have half a heart you know i feel like that wasn't even a fail i feel like we discovered something sick unless everyone already knew that and i'm i'm pretty sure not everyone knew that if you did oh you're so smart i'm just kidding but with that said let's move on to the next and final myth the next myth guys and the final myth is well it's a pretty basic one i found out the real answer which i will share with you guys in case you don't already know the myth is whether or not diamonds actually spawn more near lava and yeah i got the answer by i guess doing a little bit of research over this topic it was kind of interesting it's actually false guys just because you find a lava fit doesn't actually mean it's there's a higher probability that you're gonna find diamonds or at least that's not the reason why you will end up finding diamonds more frequently in a lava pit it's all about probability now i know i got two brain cells and hold up let me just spectator mode but basically guys fun fact lava spawns at y10 if you guys didn't know and that's also where diamonds oh look at that diamond's literally right there next to a lava pit wait a minute wait a minute fine shut up you're wrong now now the important thing with this myth is that you understand why you may get more diamonds near lava pits it has nothing to do with minecraft adding more lava where diamonds or lavas but wait what it has nothing to do with minecraft adding more like a bigger spawn rate with diamond spawning near lava the math and probability behind it is just because lava pits create air space and lava pits also spawn literally at y 11 10 i think it's actually 10 which also exactly happens to be where around you find diamonds diamonds can be found basically wherever lava is or at the same y level at least and of course especially if you're in a game mode like spectator you're gonna find diamonds near lava pools a lot easier and it's gonna seem like that let's just look for five more seconds oh look at that we already found more diamonds near lava wait what i can't oh there there they are the only reason why it seems that way is because usually when you're caving and you get to y 10 which is where you'll end up finding diamonds there's a lot of lava creating airspace so if you didn't know this already technically right you're gonna find diamonds near lava more often because lava just lets you see the diamonds but diamonds don't necessarily spawn next to lava they spawn everywhere you just can't see them unless you're strip mining that's why people strip mine see look you can only find diamonds right in this game mode spectator or i guess in survival unless you're mining random you know stone near lava because it's the only thing that creates airspace that low right like if you just go into a normal cave you're not gonna find diamonds here without lava being present because it's just impossible you can't find diamonds up here but once you're this slow there's always gonna be lava which is basically why people say the whole thing where diamonds you know spawn near lava they technically don't it's more just that you know the orange juice lava just spawns where diamonds are too so you're going to find them both frequently with each other see just like there those diamonds would be there whether or not the lava would be here right just in case anyone's confused i'm just gonna like put it like this these diamonds we found right here next to the lava aren't here because of the lava they would be there regardless but the only reason why we see them currently is because of the lava does that make sense i guess the proper way to say is that lava lets us x-ray for diamond wait no huh wait i just confused myself now with that said the ladies and gentlemen hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video hopefully there was at least one myth here that you may have not known about or you know something hopefully you got something out of this video and if not that just means you're a minecraft veteran and you probably should go get a life no i'm just kidding don't do that just definitely still play minecraft all jokes is either guys hopefully you did enough enjoying today's video leave a like if you guys did all the myths in these videos were either just found by me or like you know like i already knew about them and i just did a little bit of research on them and or some of my friends did inform me of a couple that i wasn't really aware of but then realized oh yeah i'm pretty sure that's just a myth or is it i'm sure there's other videos uploaded like this on youtube but just wanted to clarify that and of course make sure to subscribe if you guys did enjoy want to see more content like this i guess more random stuff and remember most of all cough or sneeze into your elbow that's actually kind of weird that minecraft is saying that because we're in quarantine okay whatever stay safe gamers see you in the next episode or video
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,857,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I tested old Minecraft myths and found this, i tested minecraft myths, minecraft myths, myths in minecraft, herobrine minecraft, herobrine, minecraft herobrine, herobrine mod, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod, myths, bionic
Id: 9F0nJSF5kXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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