I secretly cheated with a TINY BUILD MOD in a building competition...

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ladies and gentlemen in today's vid wait what you guys can't see me i'm right over here i'm literally on the chair do you see me now yes guys we're using a tiny player mod to secretly cheat in this building competition so with that said guys if you're excited for today's building competition because we actually haven't done one in a while then you already know the drill can we reach a tiny like goal of five likes yup that would be great i'd like to be huggers anyways only a small percentage of people who watch my vids are actually subscribed and we're so close to 2 million subscribers so if you're part of the percent that isn't already subscribed then make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because at 2 million subscribers guys if we hit it by the end of this year i'm gonna be shaving my head and i i kind of want to do that i don't know why so help me go bald by subscribing with that said let's do this alrighty guys we're here in the world and i look pretty normal-sized right yeah look at me i'm six feet tall i'm nice and i'm actually short bro look at this but we're so tiny and the best part is is that right here all my nuts literally we can make a tunnel to the other side of the block okay wait what i'm so small this is taking forever i'm literally just mining through one block and boom we can see what the other person is building oh my gosh okay so yeah i'm gonna get one of my youtube buddies on boop there you go i think i'm actually gonna get linux because i've never trolled them like ever i don't think wait why did i block off the hole i'm gonna need them okay whatever so that's basically how this is gonna work linux has done plenty of building competitions on his own channel so if you guys want to watch them i mean mine are better obviously i'm sorry linux we're friends i can make these jokes right but you guys can go subscribe to him but i don't think he's gonna know how i'm gonna troll him he's probably gonna be very sketched out but i just think the tiny player mod is perfect because there's literally no way like he's gonna see me or anything and if he tps to me at any point i can always very quickly if i'm already tiny poop then there you go just get normal and he won't know a thing oh this is gonna be great and i think okay yeah he's literally logging on now let's do this guys linuxchan dude i'm excited we don't collab and we're friends and we never collab that's what we're here for though yeah exactly let's go dude okay so we're best at you know the drill all right building competition but that's the twist there's no butt um so you know just friendly building competition why are you not saying anything you're like giggling and stuff i don't like it all right so here i'll let you press the button we are going to have three rounds or builds the best stuff wins i'll let the viewers decide even though we're low-key going to be deciding anyways all right press the button boy boom what do you get uh castle castle actually yeah okay all right we're gonna build a castle castle let's go just yeah let's do it normal normal castle what do you mean okay guys when the timer starts we have to build a castle okay so i'm gonna get stone bricks because that's what you build a castle out of i suppose but hold up hold up hold up i see his username hold on i'm gonna go tiny mode let's see if he's already started guys okay wait i should have i should have ran to the wall okay i can fly okay guys so i'm actually really scared because linux already knows i'm up to no good but he doesn't know what he's like already sucks okay hold on dude this takes forever oh my god okay okay what is he doing oh he's using stone and is he building like i don't know what that is i actually don't know what that is is that like the um the first tower okay it could be the first tower oh my god dude i thought he just saw me for a second i don't think he did bra moment okay so guys do we copy his build right off the bat okay in round one or oh no great he's breaking guys i don't know guys i think we should hold on let's block this off there you go go go go go go go go go we're big again okay so what i'm gonna do guys is i'm actually just gonna copy his build i'm gonna copy his bill it's a building competition you're supposed to build your own thing obviously but let's kind of like copy his build and just make it like better i suppose obviously better is subjective motive or whatever you say the stupid word all right it's subjective but it's obviously easier to like look at what someone else has made and then just kind of like make it better you know because you're not actually making the idea okay i think you guys get it so yeah hold on this is how he has it and then i'm pretty sure we how does he have the sidewall i actually don't know where do we okay right here we're going back tiny mode okay so how is he doing it oh he's just doing one skinny wall okay i see i see okay perfect so he's just basically doing this with 99999 and then what we can do is leave some space for like a gate yo if we do a gate that would be so big brain okay let's just make the outline you guys know we always copy the other person's build just to troll them because they're just like wait how did you and then i accused them of copying me it's just the funniest thing ever but i always do it at the end of the video except for doing it in the beginning so like he's gonna know something's up which it doesn't even matter i don't even think wait does he know there's world in it as well okay whatever one two three four five six seven eight nine okay it's not that i'm bad at like building okay i can build my own stuff but it's always just fun bullying my friends you know what i'm saying and i've already trolled quiv and donnie plenty of times and sneaky so this is perfect doing it with linux okay so let's get some fences i think i'm gonna use dark oak just because it might look a little bit better okay yeah that kind of looks cool and then do this right here okay but why is this castle actually looking really good okay hold on wait wait wait we're going dark okay let's see what is he up to hold on wait are we able to bruh hold up bro i'm literally tiny right now flying oh my god okay hold on we gotta be very careful we gotta be very careful guys if we get caught it's actually over oh he's coming he's coming he's coming oh we're good we're good bro what is he doing here oh he's building he's actually building inside of it oh my gosh dude linux is right there guys we're not too tiny to the point where he won't see me so we gotta be very very careful oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god guys i'm literally hiding in here so he doesn't see me bro oh my nuts okay hold on i'm gonna run over here i'm gonna run over here go go go go go go fly back fly barnett speed fly oh my gosh oh my bro he still hasn't seen me okay so it doesn't seem like he has a proper entrance to the castle oh dude my castle is gonna be way better are you kidding me so we copied the outline of his now let's design it ourselves and okay i gotta get the freak out of here oh my god oh my god oh my god uh uh bruh uh-uh okay let's just block this off like that there you go okay we gotta dip we gotta dip go go go go go go okay so i gotta remember so what we can do now is kind of do like the uh fancy thingamabob like that what we can do is actually replace this top layer with the fences ooh okay but we have to hurry up because we only have two minutes left we gotta go go go go go no no yes this is the content you got to subscribe for me make random noises while i build no no no no no no no no yes be one with the doodlebob sounds okay gotta make an entrance to all of these thingies this is actually gonna be fire bro look at this yeah you can argue this is technically linux's design but shut up i don't care i yoinked it mine now and then wait for some aesthetic weakness right there perfect oh dude that looks so sick and then even like that yo oh wait that's wrong there you go oh dude that looks sick what if i all dude that looks so dope perfect bro i literally got it perfect on the first try actually what we should do is replace the walls all bra just like that and then now let's get anvil bookshelves armor stands enchant tables enchant table here with uh books sure okay that's scoffed but whatever okay let's put armor on those armor stands in a second perfect crafting table and like anvils and stuff and just furnaces just pure furnaces there you go awesome okay and then time is technically up but before i go and do that let's go back in the hole oh my god dude and let's see if we can steal anything from his base last second okay oh what this is lit is that actually it okay go go go go i gotta go faster bro i actually have to go faster okay so that's his enchant room oh my gosh bro we absolutely wrecked it hold on wait i want to see if he notices me from the other side of the block hold up hold up hold up guys it's going to be hilarious look at this i'm literally right here is he going to notice me dude if he notices me this video is over like he's going to just like call me out and then it's over he's going to know that i'm secretly cheating with a tiny player mod which is ironically going to probably be exactly the title okay guys i blocked off the entire hole now we can call the timer yo yo how was it how was the building my guy building a castle stressful i know especially really well yeah okay especially when you only have like five minutes as well yo wait what what is that what what is that oh it's a fishing rod oh okay well why is it okay i'm not gonna ask any questions anyways it is time who who's we looking at first um you wanna rock paper scissors look at mine yeah yeah yeah okay but but let's see okay linux linux i tried dude no dude i'm bad you so copied like this style that i did on mine what do you mean you 100 copied my castle layout i did not you even have the enchant table in the linux i did wait way way what do you mean no no hold on let's go look at yours then okay i know what happened right like you definitely look like my you thought i wouldn't notice brah what the what look at the look at the towers they basically look the same you just kind of like scuffed my oh i did not copy you there's no way unless we did this out of like no that's why you wanted me to look at yours first so it would look so weird that mine looks nah look no way i have an ancient room in the same tower linux the same tower bro how do you explain that oh you think i'm cheating wait what are you doing oh you think i'm cheating yeah yeah yeah wait what is this oh okay i saw a couple there's no camera mod idiot there's no there's nothing we definitely want let's see oh we got a platypus [Music] oh you need to spell it right wait what do you mean i need to spell it right that's how you spell platypus i thought it was p-l-a-t-y platypus wait okay guys apparently i spelled platypus wrong plaid to puss oh no i did spell it wrong oh okay so let's get some concrete i'm gonna get brown concrete and then clay maybe oh terracotta that's what it's called are there any terracot oh dude i think terracotta is way better than clay okay so i think this is a good color scheme so before we even get started guys let's go ahead and okay i really gotta get closer guys i'm such an idiot let's go and what is he doing oh he's built what he's building he has his castle there oh my god what an idiot okay oh he just world edited his castle out oh my god so he's using wool in order to build his platypus okay you know what no guys i don't want to copy him because this is a sad platypus bruh i don't even know what's the butt and oh my god oh my god oh my god oh is he going to come over to the other side i think he is oh my god oh my god go go go what what what what okay we're gonna dip we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta get the freak out of here okay i think we're good i think we are gucci holy nuts well guys i feel really bad for what we just witnessed because that was a very sad part of us however i liked how he's making everything like the beacon stuff black so i think i'm gonna do the same thing except i'm not gonna use wool i'm gonna use terracotta the black character actually or no black concrete yep a few moments later oh my god guys i don't know i don't know okay i don't know don't ask me any questions bro i don't know okay wait no that actually looks so much better wait he's he's he's kind of cute right oh he's a little pupper seat pupper okay wait and then he has like these little things right here are kind of like webby kind of like that sure i don't know what this looks like bro just leave him alone bully me guys not him there you go he's kind of cute okay just i don't care shut up and then hold on his tail is actually black at the back so that doesn't look that bad there you go wait yeah there you go that looks kind of sick don't even lie bro this is the best looking platypus you've ever seen in your life and you know what guys i can easily just cheat and go through the tunnel and see what like linux is doing but i i'm actually no i want to play legit this round okay linux i'm nervous about this one bruh bruh this is just very questionable but which one do you want to see first we should look at mine first yeah yeah we can okay i looked one up on google i'm not gonna lie and like dude [Music] like i tried so hard you know you know i tried so hard on this one bro oh my god bruh all right let me dude just i love it actually it doesn't like without even without even seeing yours do you think mine beats yours or yeah actually okay wait there's no way there's no way yours is worse than mine like dude i saw a picture of one and it like was a lump so i was like maybe i could try to get a lump but it doesn't look like it because it's made out of block oh my god oh my god all right linux round three round three all right i'm just gonna press the button let's just get oh it's it's bus it's a bus we're building a bus good luck on building bus and all right guys we gotta build a bus and oh god dude thanks linux is platypus bra i was trying so hard not to laugh in his face dude i don't know i was literally crying i was lit do you guys see all right like oh my gosh do i even have to look up with a bus i'm just gonna copy him i'm just gonna copy his i don't even care and you know what i'm not even going to just copy his i'm going to copy his with world edit and just paste it i don't even want to build a bus who cares anybody got time for that let me just okay don't notice me actually i'm going to hide right here there you go you know what when he builds that i'ma build myself a little base i got my minecraft beds right here i got my uh my my crafting table sort of and we're vibing boys oh god what is that bro what linux linux dude i can build such a better bus linux bro i know you're watching this right now because i'm going to tell you to watch this part right now bro you suck at building my gun or at least platypuses and buses dude if this bus had a name it'd be named chungus bungus there you go no bungas this is the bungo bus brah i don't know what happens on the bongo bus but a lot of bongoing okay wait that sounds so weird linux bro wait is that the back of the bus oh bro okay i'm not sitting in the back well guys i'm gonna let the five to ten minutes pass and then when he's finished we're just gonna secretly like literally just make maybe a tunnel oh my god that would be so sick it would probably take forever though no no what i can do is i could just sneak up actually guys we can go even tinier oh my nuts okay yes yes yes we have to do that wait what my bed's too big i can't even jump on top of it now okay guys so i think he's literally afk because he hasn't moved in so long and it's been like literally eight minutes so i think his bus is done although i don't i don't know if that's what a bus actually looks like okay but it's go time go go go go fly bonk go ahead and join oh okay okay okay oh dude this is not gonna be easy this is not gonna be easy gamers go go go oh wait oh is this the front of the bus okay that makes a lot more sense but still doo doo cheese okay go go go go and right click this slash copy let's get behind linux's head let's fart on it there you go i'm literally standing on top of linux's head and he has no idea hello linux i'm on your shoulder hello dude i don't even think he saw me go go go go go go go go go go go go screw this guys let's just dig a hole through his thingy okay and there you go guys i'm normal sized and then now if we i think like paste it like this okay no paste it like this okay no still no about like this are you kidding me too tall okay finally dude so many stupid doors now i gotta go tiny to pick up these stupid doors and then how can we make this look you know what no let's just literally copy his entire thing except you know what you know what watch this watch this is gonna be actually hilarious let's get gray concrete oh my god there you go and then what we can do here oh my god perfect yes dude i i'm convinced we're gonna convince him that he's like clinically insane because i'm just gonna try and like convince him that this is my bus oh wait wait bro let's change the bus from the wool to concrete boom there you go oh dude it looks so much better see now the bus doesn't look nearly as uh well i mean it still looks like poo but you get what i'm saying and there you go now now time's up yes let's go all right linux chan this is the final round buddy wait am i up like by two or i don't even i think wait don't i already point this one's worth three all right yeah exactly this one's worth three so it's anyone's game um but if you guys can decide in the comments whether it's uh hashtag bionic win or hashtag linuxwin okay with that said linux do we do we go to yours first or yeah yeah yeah let's go to mine oh you're confident all right let's see let's go let's see this this isn't funny bro you literally copied my bus i did not bro you did this the first round like the one round you didn't copy me the second you made that thing that was ugly i don't even know if we should call that a platypus and then the third round you know this is the one you need to win you just copied my entire bus i did not copy your entire bus i just made this i just made this legitimacy no you didn't yeah okay okay i'm hearing everything okay yeah i know i put the button come here then come here no how do you explain this no no come over here don't even go through the door how do you explain this huh how did you do it how did you do it how did you do it tell me tell me no no no no no no i was looking around for what you're doing because i thought you were i thought you were cheating at first but then you were like reassuring me i was like nah nah we're having a legit one how'd you do it no don't worry about it bro just uh just wait until the video comes out oh my oh my god that's actually yeah you even added a road just to make it just a little bit bro you're literally copying me and i'm so mad that i'm just gonna um there you go you're banned yes linux why would you copy me wow i guess i'm winner by default see ya and there you go i just muted up i literally just made it up that was the worst acting at the end ever i mean he obviously knows i'm cheating but he doesn't know how until he sees the title of this video he's gonna see that i was right next to him at one point and then we have these little tunnels he's just gonna be like bro okay but in his defense like how look look just just look right here how do you even notice that little tunnel okay but with that said linux if you're watching right now that was awesome but of course thank you for watching and if you did enjoy it you already know to leave a like down below um in the uh like thing and subscribe and uh get me ball bye guys peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 6,711,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I secretly cheated with a TINY BUILD MOD in a building competition..., tiny players mod, i secretly cheated with a tiny players mod, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, i secretly cheated with a mod, building competition, building mod, bionic, family friendly
Id: eL5bgci6unE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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