Minecraft, But There Are Custom Dimensions...

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today we're playing minecraft but they're custom dimensions i'm gonna break in and just yeah wait what i don't want the ball no no no no no no no this is illegal this is illegal wait what where the nuts are and if you're new make sure you subscribe so let's do this guys and oh wait whoa wait what we spawned inside of a village and what are you what are you guys talking about oh yeah yeah oh oh okay hey watch out watch out bro get watch your back yeah go talk to your friends adar anyways in today's video gamers our goal is to travel to new minecraft dimensions like we've done some crazy things for some videos before but this is going to be insane but before we get too ahead of ourselves there you whoa what is that what the nuts okay wait wait wait wait wait we have some wood oh my god hold on let's not get too ahead of ourselves although wait a second i see new blocks and i see like stone and iron and coal what wait what is going on over here let's also not ignore oh my goodness i was gonna say let's not ignore the pillar tower but who cares man what is this we gotta watch out not to jump in the ow okay i'm sorry i should have just shut up and just focus okay wait wait wait wait wait this is lit let's place on our crafting table boom there you go meter sticks let's make poop pickaxe there you go boom before i get too close because it looks like a giant meteor let's get some cobbler stone there you go yes i'm the ceo of calling things by the wrong name let's go into our smashing table and smash some things that's basically what you're doing smashing items together and there you go we made cobbler stove pickaxe you know i'm saying all these things wrong but we're about to get some crazy custom items i just feel it because i think this has to do with the first dimension let's make a little bridge speed birch time if i fall i die to a pit of fire okay and this is it this is the type of meteor we're on wait what can i can i break this oh okay i can't break it but it doesn't give me the block back what if i break the block in the middle and what is that oh my god that lit dude that's a portal to the what the ball sack dimension i don't even know what that is okay wait before we just jump in this hole let's quickly get some of this iron yo link oh my god and there's cool right here for us okay there you go there's a couple more pieces over here watch out for the fire bunk man do not touch lip fire okay perfect some more iron over here the reason why i want to get some iron is because i don't want to go into this new dimension literally booty naked who knows what moms we're gonna encounter because gamers if there's gonna be some like toe licking lizard or owl i don't know man i don't wanna just be naked and just let it happen i gotta defend myself speaking of which perfect we got some bread all right ball boy i'm about to clap you up with my black stone axe bap i like your cut no i'm not lying i actually do like your cut g okay there you go perfect oh we got four which is not the best but it's uh not the worst oh what four emeralds wait a second what can i do with emeralds can i do anything boom oh my knots wait a second what else can you make with emerald bro oh my god what oh dude i don't know if i should go the weapon route or if i should make this emerald pickaxe can i make boats may oh my god i can i'm honestly just gonna make the sword i don't know if i made the wrong choice it's about to be night time here so you know what i think let's honestly boom make a shield and there you go we have an emerald sword i have iron that i can smell inside the new dimension so let's do this boys here goes nothing oh my god bro wait what the nuts oh my god what is that ladies and gentlemen what the balls wait where the balls am i like for real where's the portal no no no no no i think i came from above wait what oh no dude there's literally nothing here it's just more of these blocks that i literally can't break unless we make an iron pickaxe can i now break the oh oh oh i can oh my god i'm breaking them i'm breaking them breaking them what is this what is this block of platinum wait what lump of platinum okay can i do stuff with this oh my god we can platinum chest plate wait and it looks really really really good oh my goodness okay hold on let's just make this new gear oh my god dude this world looks so sick though why is it just a bunch of floating platinum everywhere what what is this planet i mean is this a planet or is this a dimension oh my god what are those things why are there mobs like in some sort of like oh my god oh hold up hold up hold up hold up oh my god what oh my god oh my god oh my god hold on what oh my god wait they just shot each other hold on like you killed it oh my god yo yo yo yo yo yo these things the bigger thing oh my god what is happening what is happening what is okay i killed one oh my god why is there an ant what okay wait wait no no no no no no no i gotta get to these things come on come on come on come on am i even hitting it oh my god bro each shot just actually so much damage oh my god oh my god bruh bruh bruh okay wait wait wait no no this is not good this is not good this is not good luckily these things are honestly like weird robots that don't oh i killed one wait what did they just drop oh my god oh my god they're so weird they're like kind of dumb but weird what what what is it hey buddy i'm gonna save you oh my god there's another one of these rolly-polly thingies get wrecked let's get this guy let's get this guy behind me no i mean oh my god come on come on come on oh the sounds are so sick oh my god yes i killed him there's just one guy left dude what the heck are these things bro the only like assumption that i can oh how did i just dodge that yeah shut up nerd i'm the real cyborg here oh my goodness okay well we saved them yeah something tells me i don't want to let that guy loose or that guy over there oh my god is that his face dude you are disgustingly disgusting bro what has this video turned to can we just realize that we were just in a normal minecraft world and now we're here like what hold on guys i'm gonna break this cow out hey buddy hello oh you look sad he literally has a sad face oh come on be free no you don't want to be free well in that case you're literally enchanted oh my god wait oh my goodness i just gotta go that would have been way more useful like 20 seconds ago when i was freeing you nerd okay wait and there's this little termite buddy hey do you do you want to hurt me hello oh my god okay you want to hurt me that's fine let's uh let no let's not attack me no yeah there you go okay bye bye that's so weird though why would they have like a termite unless he does something that we don't really know right now so i assume the god apple cow literally is just a god apple castle they were studying him for that reason termite not too sure yet this guy probably can one shot me i don't know let's find out guys i'm gonna break in and just yeah oh wait what i don't want to pull why did i do that oh my no shut the front door okay screw it let's go in let's go in let's go in oh my god oh my god please do not one-shot me please do oh my god oh my god oh dude nah fam i gotta eat the god what are those thingies the jigglys the bubbly's oh my god no no no no no no no no oh we need to just get close and honestly just go in we have the region of a god right now come here nerd yeah i'm straight from your booty giving them nice cheeks actually your low-key flat my guy my guy only does chest wait oh we killed him we killed him oh my goodness oh no no no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no i don't even want to find out what these other bob thingy do that guy nearly killed us like about three or four times if i didn't eat the god apple we just got n troll skin what can i do with that okay it doesn't seem like i can do much oh did i tell you to talk shut up nerd making all these grunting noises okay i actually don't know what to do with this end troll skin like is there something i can do wait how did you what how did you escape oh you can mine through blocks can't you do you like bread can i feed you bread no wait wha wha wha wha what what what what gamers how did we just end up in this custom dimension okay again can we just remember that we were just in a normal minecraft world oh my goodness wait wait wait there's cows there's literally cows hello oh you look like satcow why you so sad i died there you go wait what is this crystal apple i can't eat it when my hunger's fools so it's not like a golden apple interesting maybe it does have some sort of effect bro i have a freaking ray gun that's literally what it's called okay what'd i do with that oh wait what the oh my god okay wait we gotta be careful because it low-key just damaged me a lot what if i pew oh my goodness this thing is extremely powerful wait it's dropping blocks wait what crystal log hold on a second i need to go ahead and just uh honestly wait a second oh my god yes i can make a chest i was gonna say we need a chest so hold on i'm gonna make a crafting oh you can make a crystal crafting table okay i place down so far so good gamers i mean i mean oh my dude this is so weird did you see that these crystal blogs are like placed diagonally wait am i tripping oh what how is this what so we have our crystal crafting table now can i just make a chest okay no you can't make a chest that literally sucks what can i make then can i oh i can get crystal wood shards interesting can i just make a wooden so oh my god i can't wait it's actually pretty good okay it's not as good as our emerald sword but that is nuts okay so let's keep these crystal wood planks because we can probably use them wait what is that can this just be a very peaceful dimension please that would be great okay wait what is this if i break this i get huh wait i just found some right here this is like x-ray hold up wait a minute if i break this one boom okay we got two now what can i do with this can i just put this here and make a so okay maybe not with these sticks but if we make the crystal shard sticks and go like that okay it's still nothing okay wait how do i go back like i i want to go back to the other dimension okay wait i found where we just first spawned we were like around this area yes oh my god i've never been so happy to see you buddy okay wait if i just literally right oh we're back we're we're literally back here oh i knew you were in such a okay you're you're actually annoying okay wait so maybe if i just like fall directly down we should go back to the over world i assume all right you know what yolo i'm doing this three two one and yay oh god oh god whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what my mic are just frozen now we're up bro oh my goodness dude if we didn't spawn him wait would i have just died if i didn't spawn on top of water and where am i like seriously this is like literally nowhere near where i was before i'm a little worried right now i'm not gonna lie oh wait we found another village what that's so sick ray gun time up sorry kids just blew up you know half your base your house whatever oh wait i think that's where we were not that it really matters although hold on a second shouldn't there be some sort of chest around here wait what the heck is this oh there's a oh my god there's diamonds okay not what i needed i lowkey want another emerald and you guys are gonna see why in a second wait i don't need two ray guns i'm gonna just keep the one that's not damaged i don't need any of these redstone things i don't think right or do i need it for the ray gun hold on i'm gonna test pew oh my god okay wait i think the redstone's the ammo or just needs to be my inventory so i'm just gonna keep a stack i'll take this iron as well and then wait there's another one right here move nerd boom oh my god what how is this one way better and we got the emeralds that we needed oh dude i'm not i'm literally not complaining crafting table and then now what we can do is make that freaking emerald pickaxe enchanted because i think this oh my god yes has still touched so now if we just dig straight down oh my goodness this is gonna be insane we can make one of the next dimensional portals and with the pickaxe if we find some oars we can make the next portal basically gamers i'm just saying that this emerald pickaxe is gonna let us get to the next two dimensions oh my god yes i literally needed an ore oh my god okay i do not want to fight any mo oh gold gold gold perfect literally exactly what i needed and now all we need we have the iron gold we just need diamonds okay wait we found some lava i don't see any diamonds oh my goodness wait what no wait wait what three diamond veins in one wait no way wait no wait no this is act no no no i i look listen listen gamers i may be stupid but i ain't dumb does that make sense there's no way these are real diamonds hold on if i wait what what what what i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it oh my wait they're so easy to kill me oh no i accidentally just broke the other block oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i knew it i knew it was fake are these fake these are fake too no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my wait they don't even do that much damage though oh they're kind of just cute oh you guys want to hurt me well too bad i'm wearing like this weird platinum thing from another dimensions and you wouldn't get it you weren't there ants okay wait there's no way are these oh my god all right no no no no no no bruh stop oh my god i'm lagging there's just too many of them dude oh my goodness they can eat through the blocks i'm so done i'm so done i'm so done i'm so done oh my god oh my god okay i think we're good i think we're good oh my god dude there you go okay finally are these real please like i'm actually scared to try and like like mine them oh wait wait i got to do with the emerald pickaxe i'm so stupid oh my god oh yes yes yes these are real diamonds baby okay so let's get to like a little flat area okay perfect right here looks good so we can build our portal so what we need to do is diamond ore in each corner boom boom boom boom bam bam boom boom i hope i'm building this right it's fine because we have so touch and there you go let's break this now what i need to do is boom another crossing table dude that is so weird but if we go like this i think oh wait no i'm actually forgetting the craft i think it's maybe just one diamond oh my god yes i did it we have a catalyst boom so with this what i literally can do is let's also build the next portal there you go bam bam bam and i right click this oh my god this one's a scary portal guys this is a really scary dimension i'm pretty sure i don't know if i want to go in the right way i would much rather go inside here first i'll take some cobblestone and let's get a lot more wood because gamers we're about to enter the infinite oars dimension let's do this and all right yo i mean this is exactly what i would imagine oh my goodness bro there's just literally infinite ores any direction you look at bro it just doesn't stop what the balls is that right there i don't even know oh my goodness the more we look around just the more caves there are oh oh i made it oh my goodness bro there's actually so many ores right now like what is this i can't even mind you are you kidding me wait maybe i need to mine other oh oh oh okay okay wait wait wait we're getting we're getting new stings so the green stuff i can't mind can i mine this okay i can and i can mine that and can i mine this red stuff maybe with the emerald okay no emerald still doesn't do anything can i mine this stuff oh my oh i can but it just takes a really really long time maybe this purple stuff will help us get the next stuff like the red stuff gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme wait so what even is this part oh it's just amethyst okay wait so let's just make another crafting table and what oh hey man oh no he's telling his buddy to look at me they're communicating wait what how come it's just you trying to kill me what happened to your buddy oh my god oh my god all right you know what screw it oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is illegal this is illegal what the nuns is this please i just wanted to play a normal minecraft video oh oh my god wait what i just i got arkanon crystal okay what do i do with this put my head no i don't i don't even know what i can i can place it oh my god there's another one why why why why why why why why why why do you hate me oh my dude they do so much damage please can i not just get these infinite oars by myself oh my god oh my god no oh bro that was so close okay is there any oh there's still another one over there okay i think we're good i think we're good hold on a second i'm gonna like just chill over here i'm gonna mine myself in okay i can't cause it's stupid red stuff okay you know what boom bam we have the amethyst this is definitely not the new amethyst but oh my god yes we can make oh my dude wait what is this pickaxe literally dude it's stronger than my it's literally stronger than my emerald sword it still takes super long to mine the amethyst though even with this really good pickaxe wait what is this tiger's eye huh what is tiger's eye is that can i make stuff out of that oh i can't looks like it's just as good the chest plate at least although the helmet does three this one does four this one's stronger this armor is literally stronger yeah ruby boots look to be the same as tiger eye boots so honestly let's just make tiger eye armor how about the sword though ooh 12 attack damage okay wait a minute bruh what 20 attack damage for the ruby sword how about the amethyst literally how about the amethyst bro bop we got 15. okay so ruby stuff it's way better oh wait what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay okay yep uranium is dangerous i i know that although the emerald sword was kind of clutch in the beginning boom we now have a ruby sword yeah you don't even do that much damage nerd and i do double damage where's the other one stupid cave spider nerds this is what a game spider should look like actually no minecraft do not add this in real minecraft please thank you okay hold on let's just go back all right what okay wait whoa my micro just froze the second i looked at these guys that's kind of sus what do you drop me bap okay regular apple so he's just a regular apple and then i think these are golden apple cows i don't know they spawned in the real world oh they look so sad you know honestly though guys yeah i don't know maybe we should go through like the gap will dimension first yeah because this i'm telling you hold on you know what screw it let's just go inside and then let's go outside three two one oh my okay i guess i didn't have time to breathe oh my god we're in oh no no no no no no no bro what is this oh my god what do you do hey are you nice you're definitely not nice you're definitely not nine oh my god okay no no no no i'm telling you guys we're gonna die if we go inside there without any god apples so you know what screw it let's go to our golden apple cow hello oh my god he wants to get out hey buddy if i literally just oh my god bro wait what where the nuts are we no no no no no no no no no no no wait what oh my god i can hear them ladies and gentlemen i think this is the golden apple realm there's just wait what's happening with the sky oh no wait where where even are we what is this like i literally feel like we just escaped in some weird like alternate universe of some sort are we in the fourth dimension well imagine petting a cow in real life and then you just like one second are just penning it next second you're here just just just floating cow balls except there are golden apples in our case thankfully bro wait we're literally in some sort of like distorted universe where there's just infinite golden oh my god um okay wait there's like infinite golden blocks and these are just giant floating golden apple statues that ultimately have golden apple cows inside of them are we like where they're born and then sent to like the real minecraft i'm just trying to create some sort of theories i just once shot them oh my god i get the god apples we can have infinite god apples oh my god dude wait what do i even have enough blocks to go to like another golden apple are they all the same like i don't even know okay wait this one is literally the closest one so i'm gonna quickly mine as many as i can we need as many blocks and now let's go dude if i fall off bro where do i even go like like look at this oh my i can't even tell if i'm looking down or up whoa what the nuts okay i'm really really confused now i literally do not oh oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no i lagged i lagged oh my god no no no i can't i can't no i lagged i lagged i'm so done i'm i lagged the world was too big weird i don't know i'm so done well hopefully you enjoyed honestly i can't even be that mad that was so weird if you enjoyed leave a like and of course if you're new subscribe there should be some other videos on the screen where hopefully i don't like
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,891,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But There Are Custom Dimensions, minecraft but, minecraft mod, mods, minecraft mods, mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft but there are custom, custom, minecraft dimension, bionic, family friendly
Id: EZ0IamntlP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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