Minecraft but you can craft weapons from EVERY weapon...

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so ladies and gentlemen about two weeks ago we crafted the ultimate weapon in minecraft now guys what if i told you that the creator command geek of that weapon which you guys should go check out him in the description what if i told you that beautiful son of a gun literally made it so you can craft this right here basically the same weapon just like 10 times stronger i know bruh well that's what we're doing guys we're going to be crafting weapons out of literally anything else you can use as a weapon it's insane so with that said if you guys are excited [Music] the last time we did this we literally got 40 000 likes so we can crush another 40 000 likes on this episode guys or this video that would be awesome and of course if you're new to the channel do not forget to subscribe with post notifications on because i'm on the road to 2 million subscribers and if we hit it this year then i'm going to go bald and you might want to see that so subscribe but don't only subscribe to me guys make sure to check out command kick down in the description and with that said gamers let's do this all right gamers we're here in a minecraft world with oh you baby cow what yo why do i never find baby animals wait is this the okay there's a brown sheep over there there's a poop sheep and there's a literal baby cow okay this world is blessed psych this world is definitely cursed because we're gonna be crafting probably the most ultimate weapon in minecraft a week ago guys i crafted this right here on the screen and that was an awesome video you guys enjoyed it it was something made by commanding now we have another thing made by command geek which is the same thing but this weapon is more overpowered than the most overpowered weapon that i've ever crafted in minecraft yeah wait what so today's goal is to basically make this weapon and honestly i want to slaughter the ender dragon by the end of this so make sure to watch till the end to see how that goes but with that said i mean the first thing we need to do is get some wood it's gonna be pretty easy to craft this hopefully well act okay i'm lying it's not gonna be easy but you can make a wood version stone version in other versions obviously if you make like different weapons out of the thingy the craft and the bob okay i'm sorry i can't english however guys while i make this crafting table the materials we need is a trident dragon's breath any sword any axe two fireballs a crossbow okay wait i'm running out of fingers a bow and cobweb nine things holy nuts so i mean we might as well craft what we can which is basically just the axe and yes i craft my axes like this okay i don't care people say i'm a psychopath for not crafting them to the left that's so dumb like sure the item look okay you know i'm not gonna go on a rant i craft them to the right because it's the right way but here we go we got two items that we need guys we're basically making this stupid thing out of like almost everything you can use as a weapon in minecraft like literally a cobweb fireballs which i don't know how you make fireballs in minecraft let's make a pickaxe real quick guys let's get ourselves some stone so we can get some iron so we can make the iron version as well okay boom we got the stone sword now we need three more for the the stone pickaxe and there you go we made the axe perfect let's get some iron which is literally perfect that we found some surface iron although we will need to make a pickaxe so i'm gonna have to sacrifice three of these to get an iron pickaxe we can go get some diamonds really quick i want to do this as fast as i can okay hold on speaking of which i don't want to miss any iron kingdom we got all of it i want to do this as fast as we can because guys i don't want to waste any time i want to get this stupid freaking epic gamer weapon 2.0 whatever it's called and i just want to beat the game with it wait can i use the oak sapling to smell oh what you can okay well i'm gonna get cold just in case either way because i didn't actually know you can use a sapling wait it didn't even oh it didn't even smell it wow saplings suck okay boom we are on a roll right now bro i feel like we're speed running okay i still got to be running uh like crafting i get so nervous all the time but there you go okay wait wait pickaxe pickaxe yes screw armor there you go boom okay wait i hold i i heard a bat is there is there a cave right under here wait now i just heard it okay well i heard the bat again okay you know what i'm gonna turn out my sound just in case okay guys i'm just gonna keep mining down and i don't want to cut because a lot of people think oh it doesn't work watch this guys we're gonna find a cave we're gonna find a cave and if we don't find a cave you can just like this video but if i do find a cave and you're not subscribed you gotta subscribe here bro wait hold up i just heard some i found a cave ah this is a good thing okay google works but it kind of put me in a bad spot please okay there you go bro holy nut yo i told you guys i didn't want to cut thank you son for not cutting okay so we can prove bra bruh bruh bruh come on man i said gunganga a couple times and look at this we found an insane cave dude okay well i'm gonna go ahead and just keep mining a feud iron but i really want to just find some diamonds which in that case all i gotta do is say google we're gonna find them literally watch okay oh no run run run run run dude run the skeleton is literally gonna kill me oh dude i'm literally at two and a half hp i cannot take any damage right now brah i can't i don't even have any food what is oh but we don't okay who cares about food when we literally found diamonds let's go this is amazing okay hold on let's just block up the entire part i don't want to end up on one of those new compilations that i always freaking react to which you know what i don't even want to spoil but guys yeah i'm reacting to another one today okay videos coming out soon so if you guys want to see more bionic uh another one's coming out i'm on that grime baby more diamonds please around here no okay fine fine whatever i didn't want any more diamonds because this is technically enough right if my geometry is correct you make the axe yes dude and the sword boom okay who cares if we don't have a stupid diamond pickaxe we don't need one unless we want to get another right stuff and whatever we'll see now we got to make it back to the surface bra i hear skeletons everywhere as well we gotta be extra boner man no no no no i'm running i'm running screwed up bro wait hold up wait a minute there could be more diamonds over here okay i see lava emeralds we found literally emeralds but no diamonds okay it'd be like that sometimes i honestly don't mind thank you maybe we'll find a village i just realized yeah for once in a freaking bionic video i didn't spawn near a village guys i'm telling you man it's like i just get lucky sometimes and okay you know what i'm going to take this lapis so we can enchant just in case and i'm going to take some coal but no seriously sometimes i get really lucky and sometimes i do get unlucky but when it comes to you guys watching my videos i have the best viewers ever i'm the luckiest man alive thank you guys for watching my videos i'm a little sarcastic because you guys make fun of me and want to see me bald i'm just kidding no but real talk thank you guys for supporting the videos i don't say that enough man you guys are all awesome but hold up speaking of awesomeness it would be really awesome if i could make it out of this cave alive i'm just gonna dick straight up i don't know if i should do that because if gravel finds me man i'm gravel's gonna eat my booty cheeks and i'm dead okay wait hold up i just surfaced and i don't even know where i am okay no no no guys why don't i have any food what yo we got so lucky boys we just got a freaking carrot i mean it's just a carrot right but i mean i'll take that i can sprint for a little bit longer okay no no stay away from all mobs please spider please please please yes okay i think i'm good i think we're good perfect oh wait you know what why don't i just make myself a shield yes there you go now i'm actually perfect and oh god that skeleton's getting closer right there boys okay let's go and smoke the rest of our iron why not okay guys i'm gonna smell some food we need to kill some freaking skeletons for a chance to get a bow because that would be nuts or spiders it doesn't matter which speaking of spiders yes oh my god we can craft the bow three string perfect boom boom boom nope oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no no no no please leave me alone no okay we got an arrow that's good we need arrows too bro i'm at half a heart oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god stay away stay awake don't touch me i have boomer virus you don't want that yeah die boy i lied i don't got no boomer virus oh god i'm only 19 no please yes oh my god imagine i fall down the hole bro okay thank god guys there's not that many mobs going after me what you have to be kidding oh my god wait what this is a joke bro hold on i actually have to kill this stupid skeleton first come on come on come on skeleton dies first there you go now i can take care of the zombies bro this is a joke yay oh i'm taking care of these boogers guys yes i call skeletons boner men and zombies boogers they're literally green dude and they're slimy and ugly yay okay so i think like this you craft perfect tripwire hooks which i we need oh i need to kill more skeletons or spiders sorry where the spiders i'm sorry i'm not really actually nope yes okay we got one string over here we need a few more perfect we got three i think where's the string okay yeah we got three i'm pretty sure we literally only needed two okay so boom boom boom right and then you put the string like this and then like that and okay no that doesn't look right is it like this oh yes we got it okay now we need fire charges which is gonna be really difficult because we need to go to the nether and we also need to go to the end oh god wait this is gonna take five hours okay gamers haha with the power of imagination i'm gonna be in the nether ready with the snap of a finger just use your imagination guys okay wow look at that we're here wow you guys are so great at uh doing that any anyways don't ask me what that means but the guy i made myself a chess play guys we're in the nether let's go and kill some blazes hello mr blaze chan come on come on come on come on yes yes yes we got two which is literally what i needed i don't even think i needed more than that so all i need to do is put coal here put like that and then where's do i have oh i do have gunpowder thank god dude we got 12 fire chargers oh my gosh this is insane and now we need to go to the end yes guys using our imagination again all right hold on aren't you guys ready with the power of editing and google and imagination with the snap of a finger boom oh my god wait is is a stronghold underneath us well guys i have one eye of ender i really hope the portal we only need one i have ender for it okay wait maybe i was wrong because i oh wait no no i was oh no i was i was definitely right and oh look at that i'm so lucky yep just pure luck oh okay well i'm in okay so in order to get the final ingredient literally the only thing we need left is the dragon's breath which if i just go and use this glass bottle we just need the ender jackie to shoot a literal fireball at me and then i can just catch it within the bottle okay let's try not to piss off any enderman i come in peace i come in gun gang all right inner dragon i'm trying to beat your booty up with this freaking mega sword please just shoot me already thanks that would be great okay okay perfect perfect perfect yes he shot at me now all i have to do is yes i got it i literally got it that was so easy this is literally the first time i ever do this by the way i've never done this ever ever ever before okay i think we're gonna be safe in here oh wait i'm missing the cobweb how do you can you even craft a cobweb okay no that's how you craft a wool okay wait apparently you can only get cobwebs with silk touch shears and i don't even have an enchant table so you know what there you go i have cobweb now oh wow suddenly i have four cobwebs holy crap guys leave a like and i'll get one more cobweb wait why do i still have four oh wow you're not leaving like okay you're fake oh wait never mind i got one more okay thank you now we can craft plenty of god weapons okay so hold up i i think if i just put this here and then crossbow just maybe goes like right here sure and then we put the iron axe here iron store here because i want to craft multiple versions of these right wait should i just craft the diamond one first yeah yeah hold on screw that let's just make the diamond one right off the bat okay bow in the center wait what am i missing the trident oh guys look i just found this on the floor yeah uh the enderman must have dropped it okay this video is a mess okay in my defense all right in my defense the stuff to make this sword literally would take like years to make in minecraft or to get legit right so you know what i don't care bully me all you want you guys know i literally suck at cheating like before the record i always do these things legit it's just this one video okay i didn't think it was gonna be this difficult i didn't calculate it but with that said if i put the bow in the center boom oh my god yes we got the green book i click on it what the balls is that bruh what what it goes through the floor my man what command cake what did you make what did you make bro hold on if i just right click are you serious bro wait no this is this is too good to be true be gone thoughts bro i just killed myself and the girl oh my god bro okay now guys leave a like for a uhc of this dude this weapon is too strong guys it's too powerful just to make in one video okay this is too good there's literally no way you'd make this oh wait what oh the skeleton's busy okay now i'll let the doggos kill that skeleton bro look at the destruction that we've caused hold on i'm gonna oh my god i just killed myself again what hold up guys i'm in creative mode let's see what happens if i just oh guys what did i just do oh my nuts look at we bro what what this is the coolest thing i've ever crafted in minecraft and i literally just said that like a couple videos ago when i made lightsabers uh-uh this is cooler the lightsabers look the coolest okay look the coolest i would i could argue that if you guys haven't seen that video you definitely should go check it out i just crafted a bunch of really cool lightsabers but the strongness of this weapon is literally the most overpowered ever hello mr creeper oh my god talk about overkill i don't even dude i don't even see the body like the remains of the creeper bro behind number nine oh my god bro what is going on literally holy crap wait it's just now updating oh my nut i destroyed half of this world within three seconds bro literally within three seconds we can demolish the entire world i wonder how wait can we crash this world if we just keep spamming oh my god bro the world is still loading in the damage bruh okay and boom bop there you go we have the wooden epic gamer so this is literally the least powerful one guys let's see how much 18. bro what look at my inventory look how funny this looks when they're like spaced apart like this oh my god but dude the diamond one does 28 attack damage and the least like powerful one does 18 that is crazy now let's see the damage it does boom okay wait that's pretty good for it being wooden that's impressive i mean that's already stronger than the other one oh hello mr baby zombie i kill you with baby mega weapon boom oh my god bro that dude look at his flesh bro that is insane hello creeper yay oh my god no okay whatever rest in peace horse hello mr donkeys yee okay i'm not gonna i'm not that mean i wouldn't kill innocent donkeys but a spider yeah he could go down in vain okay ladies and gentlemen i'm literally booty naked i got five golden apples i have this insane weapon oh my god it looks so crazy dropped i'm using the diamond version of the weapon because i guess another right one is just broken like we literally just lagged the world to the point where it doesn't work we have a water bucket and we have arrows and food literally that's it now let's see if we can beat the enter dragon with only literally the weapons hold on let me just eat this over there okay did we get it yes we did oh god no wait oh look how much wait do we even have to hold on a second what if we just spin oh i just died guys i have a feeling that we can literally just shoot the ender dragon and then probably kill bro what okay hold on wait i'm gonna why am i gonna die to this stupid enderman hold up hold up we literally just need to shoot him one more time wait we killed him we died by the other dragon but we killed him before wait what we didn't even eliminate all the end crystals bro what look he's literally dying i'm so confused we defeated the enter dragon and the crystals are still all there we literally only took down one oh my nuts bro that is actually insane no way bro this this weapon is literally the most insane thing i've ever crafted guys command geek i don't know how you did it but dude you made the coolest weapon ever and with that said you deserve the fattest shout out ever guys everyone go check out command geek he's a legend and also guys make sure to comment down below if you want to see a freaking like uhc with this which we got to be very careful about because if we use this weapon we could there's like a chance we can just die i just think we can't hit anything close to us like the second we just shoot yeah exactly we have to shoot up at all times because if anything touches nearby we just die but yeah guys comment down below and leave a like if you want to see a uhc with this weapon where we secretly use it i'm i mean my friends might know but they're gonna get wrecked regardless subscribe if you guys enjoyed and want to see more content like this i'll see you dudes in the next one peace everybody
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,414,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but you can craft weapons from every weapon, Minecraft but you can craft weapons from any weapon, minecraft but you can craft weapons from any block, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft mods, mod, mods, minecraft mod, bionic, commandgeek
Id: V-hk3Bl0eW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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