I Gave 100 Players Creative Mode On My Server For 100 Days

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i invited 100 minecraft players into the server and they have 100 days to build anything they want now 25 minutes into the build i was surprised to see how many of these players were actually working together to build amazing builds you would think these players would grief but they're all working on their own projects look at this guy right here let's get it unmute on you cloudy hi what'd you make it it's kind of like a circle house wow that's kind of cursed yes whoa guys look at this we have the flag battle taking place again you've seen this on many events in the past people like to put their country flag up and then come around and replace it with their own absolutely amazing right here guys i don't know what country flag will prevail hey man what you working on here i'm just trying to build a security wow that's nice very wholesome very good i don't really know how much space i need we're gonna see you're gonna need more i would say take over this whole area turn it into the biggest church you've ever seen in your life this man has made not a sheep fricker but a character fricker and i just don't know about that happening at spawn there you go my boy escapes that's what he can do about it folks sponge looking very wholesome i like the hearts the flowers this is coming together sorry i just positive it's ruining the time lapse right there guys but we're back a lot of flags coming up i think that's argentina a lot of canada and of course a lightsaber there to the left so these players are working together flawlessly so far but the question is what is this gonna look like after 100 days pass will it even be recognizable from where we started oh that's a thick heart to fake chubster y'all just out here making a literal the hall of fame that's great we are two hours into this insane event i just spawned in and as you can see these players are making a literal spawn right here it is absolutely adorable so in two hours they have changed spawn to welcome all the new people let's see what else has popped up so far here is the people who are pogba where you just add your name if you're pogged candyland my name in the sky this creepy monster bleeding out of its nose a very impressive dna helix this character who i've never seen before that someone probably knows will be upset that i don't know him but i just don't know who this is a floating nether island and of course a sus build guys this is absolutely insane look at this damn someone is actually building the entire planet on mars i'll tell you guys what i did not expect to come in here today and see mars not only do they actually build mars with a rover and these little mars habitats they're also building like infrastructure to eat food in this is absolutely ridiculous let's give them a couple more hours and see what happens next so guys i came back after about three or four hours because i really wanted to show you someone built a spotify song wave here i really wonder if that's a rick roll does anyone know how to read this i don't know if spotify can read it but if someone can that would be a really cool thing to look at it's time passed you really got to see how creative some of these builders were from creating an entire village to themselves to creating pixel art to creating full 3d models these players were out to literally win this competition at no cost look at this someone's building a castle on the side of the cliff i don't even know what to say like i'm actually out of words that's ridiculous this player is making free lover fellow map art the creativity just doesn't stop this is incredible oh my gosh i really thought people would be griefing we out here just balling guys 20 days have now passed my minecraft server is still maxed out with 100 players wow look at this guys last time we checked we saw that they had upgraded spawn and added some signs now they've made custom welcome signs that are made from maps this is unbelievable whoa what's up i got banned why'd you get banned milk oh no this poor kid got banned and then got in trouble from dad from not doing homework do your homework now one of the biggest challenges we've faced so far over the last five hours are players that join just to grieve others builds in fact we've had to ban over 10 people so far but as you can see we've kept it pretty under control most of these builds are intact and not being griefed now let's look at some of the cool standout builds this duck how is this here there's nothing around it's beautiful this zone right here appears to be finished now it's like they brought the nether here and then added like a demon eating someone which i love oh wow look at this someone made a sword i actually dug out a hole in the ground and made that sword like damage it as if it was like exploding the nether here that's really creative the detail on whatever this building is is absolutely stunning this is day 20. what is this wow it's like a team of five people made this thing it's literally not even halfway complete yet the scale of this building is mind-boggling i mean that's huge now as we looked at all these players we noticed there were a lot of strategies for me some people would work in groups they'd have players guarded so no one griefed it other players would mark their territory like a dog peeing on a tree but with blocks lining their territory look at this that is something special guys we have been flying for a while this guy just basically took the end and said yo let's make the end look better and make our own dragon that is fire look at the cute eyeballs now the crazy thing about all this is this is only day 20. they have another 80 days of work to make this even crazier i think one of my favorite parts about this is just how random it is you've got what looks like a low battery you got a dragon bird a blimp this is like someone built whatever that is on a tree and a hot air balloon with a giant dragon snake and i mean there's a lot going on to make things more fun what i'm gonna ask the 100 players right now that are listening is that every time we come on i want this spawn to look even cooler and way different than it does now i want our best builders at spawn making this one of the craziest spawn zones you've ever seen three hours ago when i left this server i told them guys make me something incredible and so this is what the new spawn looks like a lot of players came here and they added actual rules to the board which is kind of funny they even added an entire back chill zone in our spawn with a list of people that grief so that our mods can ban them honestly this is the most organized thing i've ever seen this is like literally how societies are made now zooming back you can see we've kind of got into the beacon territory of things once you make it about 30 days in beacons become very prevalent people are now building in the sky more like a lot of letters like that's just become a thing like 1543 literally no idea what that means people like to write their names on thing like basically like people are like graffiti tagging builds now whether it's with a country flag or with their name wow purple pineapple one of the players right now is building this massive castle wall guys if you're online i'm gonna have these players go through and try to create an underground secret tunnel system secret society and tell none of the other 100 players because these are always changing whoever's online what's going on i just realized this is a mario that killed the manga character oh that's an amongst character that shot another one oh i see what in the world who the heck made a giant shrek that says ubu look at this i remember looking at this one a couple hours ago this thing came together really nice isn't it that's amazing someone made an entire airplane is it actually they made an airplane with actual airplane seats you've got to be kidding me this is unbelievable 24 hours have now passed i literally just woke up i'll look up to messages including griefed pictures of beautiful builds now i have not seen what the server looks like yet but remember this is an experiment to see can 100 players actually do something in creative for 100 days without griefing first things first it looks like spawn is still up looks like it's still standing this says go buy some yeezys so he's encouraging some good consumerism spawn's been improved honestly it's got like multiple layers they've gone downstairs it seems like i don't know what this is some sort of a disco floor oh my gosh this thing is dense now one thing i didn't expect was just the sheer quality of builds that we'd be seeing inside of this event there's everything from japanese styled homes to futuristic bases with race cars all the way to entire mountainside cliffs that have been transformed and after the warnings i was afraid this place would be covered in lava but truthfully almost nothing is griefed right now and those that were griefed have rebuilt this is actually working but one thing i did last night if you guys remember which you probably do because it's been like five minutes for you and it's been like 24 hours for me is i told them to create the underground zone and so i'm gonna see if anyone actually did that oh here it is the tunnel top secret there's traps oh wow so they actually did make a secret society oh my gosh this thing's crazy it's it's actually hard to take it all and there's so much in here dear duck what have you been working on right now my friend i can build a massive tunnel system let's see it so gear dog came together built a massive tunnel system got a secret underground zone down here how long you been working on this gear doc around two hours after the event started two hours after the event started holy crap oh my gosh it keeps going what the heck no way what wow how many hours have you put into this twenty five dude you need to sleep i got five hours have you had to deal with any griefing gear dog at the start how's it been since we had one wow the gear duck is absolutely thriving in this environment right now it's been about 26 hours right now only four left of this 100 player challenge and look the signs have been updated it says please subscribe oh guys please do subscribe that sign is literally begging you to do it so the spawn actually looks really clean let's put this side by side just to show you guys the difference only 24 hours has made and there really isn't much grief not to say it couldn't happen but this looks amazing it's almost like a piece of art there's so much to take in like right here this beautiful absolutely stunning and skillfully designed dragon right next to this flag of turkey that's been greek a little bit wow someone even came over here and replaced this entire island with like they made their own biome out here with every single type of ore block okay how in the world did this player group here and managed to make their entire village by themselves without any griefing like there's no protections on people could grief if they wanted it still could all fall apart in the last couple of days here but it looks amazing that's me shooting a fireball oh me griefing there you go oh my gosh who made this are you kidding me there's no way there's no way someone managed to build this and nobody came and touched it i don't even know what to say right now they built an entire castle city literally looks like the city out of freaking game of thrones and a dragon attacking it wow i don't even know what to say about that someone actually built my face that's weird i love seeing it we are officially on day number day 84 there is only 16 days left in this event before day 100 comes it has now been 29 and a half hours that players have been on this survival server building in creative mode without any stoppages and in fact we're still at over 102 have still been online it literally has not dipped in over 30 hours so starting off we have come back to what the final version of our spawn looks like here they've innovated with brand new custom flags and flooring that of course matched my color scheme and someone explained to me how this dragon ball thing is sitting here this spawn has expanded to a level that is honestly hard to comprehend now is the moment you've all been waiting the slow dramatic zoom to show you what spawn looks like after 100 game days here we go oh so dramatic look at it oh my goodness [Music] oh my gosh it's really insane how vertical things just started getting hold up what is this is there a whole city up here this was not here three hours ago this city looks like it was built by a massive amount of players on the server it's huge could even be an among us map because i see a lot of among us characters but there are signs that tell us a deeper story and they say one of my biggest builds in progress this guy is marking his territory obviously that's what you do but then it says no to much people keep griefing up here and it's not me they go on to say that they repaired most the grief and you can see the heavy damage this building has sustained over the past 24 to 30 hours with that aside this is one of the most impressive builds we've seen so far it is a literal sky city but there's still eight minutes left before we close this server forever also i i'm shocked by how many among us there are now if you remember this massive building earlier here is what it looks like now the beginning of this series it was not complete i didn't think it would ever come complete but look at this the inside is even wrapped up wow look at this the flooring immaculate the design flawless the craftsmanship still being worked on here the final eight minutes are coming into play how's it going spike good how long have you been on the server spike this event probably like four hours have your parents said that's unhealthy uh yes they have okay because i'm going to repeat that it is unhealthy now tell me what you worked on spike let's see it it's like this little island theme area oh you made this yeah dang did it get griefed any the whole inside of one of these houses got destroyed but yeah that's all wow spike coming in with an island city in the middle of this we literally have not even seen this the entire time we've been here i didn't even know this was here apparently we just built the entire ferry castle society out here in the middle of nowhere this is the final addition to the insane dragon castle we saw a couple hours ago floating mega tree a beautiful splashing waterfall my gosh someone actually remade the trapped pyramid that i make in my videos and it looks sick no way they said go in survival mode and try to survive this is actually a trapped room over the past 30 hours this server has been maxed out with over 100 players at all times not once did we dip below 99 for more than a couple seconds which means hundreds of players in total have worked on this and it's not possible to show you all of their work and i know you're also wondering if you're gonna be able to see this world for yourself which is why if you go follow me on twitter i'm gonna give you guys a world download file to this world to check it out for yourself as always lick that screen you
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 3,970,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: t9HTlm8vumc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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