How Much Can I Upgrade A Noobs Base Without Getting Caught?

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today i'm gonna be secretly building a base underneath this guy's brand new house right here without him knowing and i'm gonna see how long i can go without him catching me i'm gonna start way back here out of spectator mode let's scope it out though see we're working with here look at this little adorable guy gotta use that tree for cover so it looks like he's got this very nice bridge going for that dark oak type of lifestyle it's not a bad start but i think we can help him out we'll begin the process by digging down here i think what i can do is just utilize his name tag a little bit of world edit and pop open a good old zone underneath his base only concerned this dude decides to build a basement is pretty much over so i got to be very careful now guys throughout this build i'm going to use creative i'm going to use spectator i'm going to use whatever it takes to make sure i don't get caught first off hope that he doesn't hear us because we about to make a bunch of i mean the thing is i can hear him so that means he can hear me like that's how it works but maybe you're not listening for someone to be tunneling on your base you have no idea this feels good okay just world edited out a chunk of it he is literally playing right now above us which is kind of frightening let's get this thing started okay so we've got a long rectangular room here i don't know let's see can i do something more creative i've got a very strange vision for this one that is the very center of the room so if i dig down there we go so i made a sphere in the center um you know what i could do a little more than that okay there we go so that is a sphere of a five-width number i feel like it could be a really cool aquarium so i don't know maybe starting with aquarium isn't the best move but for our case it feels right you know i feel like i feel like sand got to be the bottom let's just let's just do it and see what happens you know we're trying to just make this guy's day that's not bad actually it looks kind of real like it's got a good vibe to it i like that a lot yeah if you had any idea we're down here he's somewhere up there on his base working he'd probably be freaking out right now because you know he just joined like a couple of days ago and now look what he's getting i just got to be careful of the noise that's mine he is right there dude we have got to be careful with this it's so funny just to hear him breaking things like how does he not hear this dude the constant breaking that i just went through to make that happen it was pretty intense i don't know what i want to do yet with these little gaps right here but i do know we need to get a new roof and i think he was using well i say dark oak or something dark oak plank roof in between this uh probably glass yeah i'm gonna play it safe okay there we go that's actually like kind of sick so i feel like down here if i can do slash through that way i don't have to break it for extra noise reduction these should be like little little safe spaces for animals you know what i'm saying we're getting a big aquarium it's got to look good he just started sprinting around upstairs which makes me a little bit nervous we're going to continue pushing on anyway i guess i don't want to get it wet yet let's just get the whole ground finish here make it a little bit organic just like that see i feel like that's good you just got like a little bit of depth down there kind of lets the fish swim in a little bit we'll make this one a lot more shallow all right that looks good i don't know man that kind of looks like squidward's face a little bit okay so this is a great design i guess we got to fill it with water now this would be a little bit challenging am i good enough a world edit to fill this with water correctly looks like i am that was flawless all right now we need to get this thing decorated what do you guys think colorful bright beautiful right in the center a massive massive coral tower that is essential i like that pretty good little baby corals on it blue and yellow yellow a little blue so i saw this one my first thought was like this is like a kelp forest right you gotta have that kelp forest in the aquarium for your fishy boys to enjoy some peace and privacy uh we do need some lights down here that looks good let's go up it looks pretty sweet to be honest like as a central floor piece it's it's kind of beautiful but i don't know how i feel about clay on the up top here like i feel like honestly give it that prismarine vibe not a big prismarine guy but it does work here oh he just fell off of something i don't know man oh man i don't know man i feel the comfortable building right now maybe i take a little bit of a pause to he moves away i like being under there a little bit more now i know i feel a little bit sketched about it let's do this okay we've world edited a few in it's just about perfect oh i hope this dude doesn't have sound like this is it it must be dark out because i'm hearing skeletons so it's probably not hold on i gotta go see what he's working on right now he's clearly very focused let's take a look in spectator mode wow he's keeping a nice even circle oh well it's more of a diamond he is doing great my boy is grinding out here and just no idea underneath his base all right we just gotta we just gotta push through it man i don't know it is really freaking loud okay world edited the last piece in issue is it wasn't quite even which kind of kind of sucks i got to fix that real quick now this is going to be really loud i mean it's it's not bad it's not bad i'll be honest with you it's not bad let's get the floor taken care of here we'll just put in like something temporary i got to replace all of this manually with world edit actually where is he where'd he go max max you're gone seems like an opportunity for me all right one fat world edit later and uh we have got our floor completed what else is he using he's using a lot of stone i saw so we'll add uh some stone oh there he is there he is max is way over there he's taking off at this point i don't know if people just like don't play with their sound on or if like i guess if you're not listening you don't notice like i feel like i've made so much noise already down here okay that really brought the room together a lot it looks good now max i'm gonna need you to definitely not be around because what i'm about to do is about to be uh probably incredibly loud here in a second this does feel slightly risky to be honest with you but we gotta do we gotta do just gotta get a couple down and keep on moving just don't stop guys just don't stop clench your butt cheeks and just keep pushing that's what it's about right now always trim your ceilings all right it is an essential piece of your building business repertoire all right somehow we managed to do that entire trim without him even coming back once so i feel like that's a pretty big dub for the team now what to do here with the central unit because i'm not a fan of it yet definitely gonna be a fountain here can we do anything else with prismarine this could be interesting so i got a very interesting idea what if we actually took the glass out and made this a internal bridge okay check this check this out check this out oh he's back he's back he's getting into his base with a water bucket this genius the mad lad so this is the bridge he's using which is stairs with some wood on the side so i wonder if we can attempt to replicate a design similar to that let's see and he just fell in you're causing me some problems here man i need you to stop building your own base please just for a minute oh he's over there yeah i can't even hear him that means this is our chance okay i gotta go this is our chance he really had like some kind of a design like this on each side an internal bridge is not the idea i had in mind here you could hear them like places like this adorable there's got to pause while he's there there's just not nothing i can do at this moment i'm thinking though get the bridge that'll look clean get rid of the glass matter of fact we get rid of the glass now oh smile oh that was loud is the afk no he's still here he has 485 on the server guys 485 he has literally no money and he's leaving i love how he leaves this dude is a pro look at him all right as he leaves that means another grind sesh for us let's get to work we have a lot to do right now boom boom now i took a little bit of inspiration like i said from his original build which was kind of like this right it had the staircase like that i got rid of the glass then it's just planks and fences so yeah we can do that just a little homage to our boy you know he put in some work now we're putting in the work for him and the good thing the roof's tall enough to actually do this a fence with wood going up making it like a little tower okay kind of intrudes a little bit so maybe like this i'm just waiting until i hear the water bucket which signals that our boy has returned and then it's time to run i don't know to me i feel like glass might look a little better here yeah that's kind of chill i like that i actually like how it's not even touching the wood maybe that's weird we could also get some lanterns down i mean obviously lanterns are essential to any good-looking build thankfully he's not there and now you've got a nice little walkway for some reason in the center of your base but it does have a very nice peace and tranquil feel to it so i mean we might as well commit to that and turn this into a very peace and tranquil zone down here should this be filled in i feel like you should i mean that looks a little better that's a nice little bridge right there honestly it might even be cool if there was a trapdoor kind of a pattern here now with that done i don't know why but i feel like i have this idea where you've got this zone here with this beautiful majestic bridge call me crazy guys but i think we turn all the floor into grass blocks oh you craze now stick with me guys all right i'm about to show you what i'm saying now this looks a little bit more exciting and even the prismarine can change to be honest with you to sand perhaps this could be good well that obviously did not work now take a look at how interesting this edition is guys you can actually sit on items you can sit on items by right clicking it so these stairs are functional so now we can actually give them maybe like a legitimate seating area right here which would be kind of cool but i just don't like how the prismarine looks like i don't know something about it feels wrong to me maybe it's the hard line like there's such a hard line here that doesn't feel natural it's nice to get a moment of peace while our boy is gone i tell you what i appreciate that a lot i don't want to overdo it with the flowers so like just a handful of them and then maybe a couple of little tiny baby flowers just a couple just like that now that does pull it together just a little bit but uh oh path there we go that gives it a nice five honestly you know what we could could we grow a tree down here is it possible i bet we could get an oak tree come on do i really don't have enough room oh we got it we got it we got it the underground oak tree ladies and gentlemen we have done the impossible can i fit on here too i mean yes sir oh yeah it's all coming together that is not too shabby it's becoming like this underground oasis really is kind of how i'm looking at it we're not exactly being the quietest right now okay so the path now kind of wraps around maybe a couple more flowers just here and there i'm envisioning a little tiny campsite right here in the corner just for the good vibes that come with it hope that's smoke is that is that gonna go through the roof i should probably respect that good not through the roof and he's dark and he's not here so that's another good sign for us so it's looking like it's gonna be a good night folks the thing is i want it to feel like we're outside and we've got these like stone walls on the side like if i changed it to like concrete it might kind of look like it are you like blue terracotta actually it does it actually does it kind of gives it like this dark vibe okay i got this idea so this kind of looks like a starry night sky so we make all the walls blue terracotta kind of like the sun is setting and you've got like little star sparkle i don't know gives it like a very cozy feel i think we're going for a cozy base today folks now let's get back to work we've got the fireplace here coming together which looks pretty good and obviously you can legitimately sit on this and actually enjoy the fireplace with your teammates which is kind of cool let's make it functional though i don't know maybe a chest in the corner where they can uh store some food maybe for cooking obviously our boy needs a little bit of a bed to deal with here so uh hmm i don't want to break all these flowers i'm gonna have to maybe something like that put a couple banners around it just to give it a little bit of depth you know what i'm saying guys give it some flow to it and then some green old carpet just to put on top of it because that adds a little bit of layers to it too now to get in you got to go into the back side which is kind of inconvenient to be honest with you maybe we do [Music] oh look at that so i put these banners maybe not too much in the front i put these banners around it in the back and it actually kind of closes it off so you get a little bit more privacy which is kind of cool and then a little bit of dark coke buttons made it look pretty juicy it's got the bed it's got some secret storage chests in there you've got this ridiculous thing here in the middle now if we look at this dude's base the progress he's made you can see he really doesn't even have his own smelting territory yet i don't know what he's making here but it's a massive project he needs his own smelting zone so let's give him one oh there he is guys max has finally returned after his like 15 minute absence so hey good for him you know i think you know what [Music] all right so this is what i actually made for a smelting room it's kind of interesting because you don't even realize it's here like i wanted this to feel like an oasis so you just have this like chill ladder very simple smelting room we could even give him like a blast furnace in here to be honest with you he could use one of those always gotta have a crafting table of course just a little smidge of storage even an ender chest might be really great there we go look how cool that looks it's a very simple build it's nothing crazy complicated but it gets the job done and now he's got everything he needs and i actually kind of like it you don't see grass floors inside a base as much and that's a good vibe all right so the main floor is now complete i think it looks really good but it needs a little bit more usability and that means we got to get this man a proper functioning chest room where would we place that bad boy now this is gonna be a very weird gesture my idea was that maybe if you walk inside of the freaking tent right here and then you have a little baby staircase and then you're there i don't know how it's going to turn out it's kind of a very strange idea but uh i'm down to try it yeah i feel like grass and bases guys is underrated like this this grass wood look is so clean to me like i feel like you're not using it you're missing out i got this idea for a chest room kind of like this like just this chill kind of vibe like nothing crazy but it's going to be like a tiered system oh maybe like that like that yeah i like that you can walk up then you can access all of them very nice very nice okay let's get the walls completed then [Music] okay so that is what the chest room looks like again secret location let's see how it looks from the surface now because like i felt kind of good to do and then i think to make it even more secretive if i were to put two trapdoors down here there you go check that out guys so now you can walk over it you're just like oh what's that just normal trap door in the center of your thing but as you open it it reveals your secret chest room which looks absolutely fantastic we'll give some item frames though just to make sure they can label these how they want all right and that is a freaking beautiful chest room you know what though i think it needs one piece of glowstone just to keep the theme going right there this dude needs some kind of a sheep spawner or something like i feel like he needs some fresh new animals so i don't know if these are actually gonna yes they will some sheep right there and then i think we'll also do a cow spawner right over here and there you go so now he's got some underground animals to work with he's got trees which honestly they could use a little bit of detail this one will be a golden apple tree they'll come down and be able to pick the golden apples off for a little bonus surprise everyone's favorite golden carrot tree so he's not even working on his base at this point so now's a great time to actually make a connection to this base so i got to figure out where i want the entrance point to be right here feels the best the problem is it's not going to be a perfectly flush entrance if we were to do it here and that's like really centered isn't it what would this give us oh actually so take a look at this we put a slime block right there you put a trap door on you literally hardly even notice it against the wood that is actually cool also i'm kind of thinking another weird idea but if i were to put like two doors on this i don't know if i can it doesn't open perfectly but you can open it up come in open okay it breaks the door never mind the door idea is not gonna work for us it seems put a lantern there for him that way he knows like yo something's here fall down boing on the slime and then you have entered so that's a great way to enter now as far as escaping this place i don't know twisted vines are kind of chill so like this might be i use these a lot this might be a good fun way to leave but that allows you to at least use the vine to jump out so now you got the vine out you got the way to get in no one's the wiser technically you could just use the vine for both of them but hey boinging is way more fun to me and it looks pretty good down here as well you can put a couple more stars on this wall i mean he's going to collect these and take them off i think and sell them for profit but it'll look kind of cool to have some other stars and since he is so new to the game i actually think we want to surprise him with some new gear so maybe if i could put like a little surprise chest right here put a sign on it surprise from lover fella getting some diamonds some gold some apples a little bit of food crossbow some basic weapons and stuff now for the piece de resistance we have absolutely no waterfalls inside the space and to really pull it together you got to get a little water flow so but i'm thinking little waterfalls coming out of there i think something like that's kind of cool it kind of gives the illusion that it goes underneath the path which looks good it might look good as well to do one more right here well then the fish can swim out i guess that's gonna be a little bit issue but who cares [Music] i'm just gonna oh wait he's back going to spectate he's back he's back he's back he just came back now let's see if he actually notices what we did now it seems like he's looking down at the ground he notices there's 18 sheep down there let's see what old max does guys again we're in spectator right now you can see just gets four wood and leaves that's what he did how do i find people like this to home invade how does this person even exist look at his base oh you know what we forgot he's a big avengers fan we need to help him get some avengers set up down here because i'm assuming he's an avengers fan he's got a vendor stuff everywhere like maybe you're chilling over here and you got uh thor right next to you thanos i think should get a special spot like right there all right well i'm gonna maybe try to make it a little more obvious here he comes here he comes here he comes gotta go into spectator gotta go and spectator okay i added the door now avengers secret room for max like i feel like he's gonna like i hope he likes the vendors [Music] [Music] gonna under undisguise myself and finally appear right here he sees the chest that says from lover fella and i'm standing right here to surprise him oh here he is here he is he sees me what's up next the crouch of happiness my boy has found it look at him look at him so guys i think we might have made max's day seems pretty excited right now on the server he's running around he's freaking out he's looking everywhere this is absolutely beautiful guys and if you enjoyed this video and want to help me make more people's days please consider supporting the channel by subscribing
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 3,388,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: t_R2vfHA_gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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