Never Have I Ever With Brothers (HE GOT MAD!) | Minecraft

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I invited 500 people to ask my brothers and I questions over discord and my brothers and I have done whatever their questions asking but we have to break a block below where we're standing the first one of us to run out of blocks and fall into the lava below has to get a Carl Weiser face permanently tattooed onto their minecraft skin let's start at hot legit backroll that's a stupid question thank you have you ever stole from one of your brothers first question I've never stolen oh no I have never stolen you steal food from us at dinner that is my ceiling I live with you guys it's not stealing when I eat food at home this is no eating food that your own dad buys you is not stealing you say oh okay all right oh what a fine Oh back I'll go course there's been multiple occasions where I've chucked a basketball Isaac's face outside then is very aggressive as a child I thank you I'm gonna go up sir to punch Isaac right now do it super mom wait Ben this one story when I was working for Meadows custom homes we were power washing a basement and we had about three inches of water and okay I have to and then friend and he plugs it in in the water like the outlet submerged in water pool London's best OSHA violation I have to actually wow I forgot I was on squirrel lightbulb and got shocked well this sucks we are no one's gonna leave yet thank you super on go ahead place have you ever looked be two of a charger forever what okay so you know the iPhone charger show you know the phone you could yeah fix place big burger bill have you ever punched your back punch my head you guys punch my pet I will fly from Philly to Ohio to punch you right now okay that's a good one good question burger boy Marvella you got one have you ever been to a friend's house and just soup their bathroom oh let me tell you about I mean do I go in a bathroom if I don't open the medicine cabinet no you have to look in there is there medicine back there or is there dead bodies you got to know the answer lucky tiger we'll pick you have any of you ever shoplifted anything nope nope Ben I'm me now and we're at Meijer and there was a clear mouthpiece and Alan goes dude put this in your mouth put this in your mouth so we both put it in our mouth and walk it out no one knows oh my gosh been revealed oh my gosh I'm learning so much yes I remember that it does get down there you puppet thief I don't know had a bunch of criminals as brothers hi Rachel have you guys ever like sent the wrong text message like meant for someone else but you sent to your brother oh I don't talk to you guys I texted Dwayne when I met this lovely suppose about that what happened again tell my girlfriend I was like I love you or something and then actually I sent it to my fishing partner he said it to my best friends to dad he was like 50-something I love you too a 55 year old man look at what I can do anybody like life is bad you know it is great I mean come on they don't even cook what's a message 3 any of you guys ever got robbed or something stolen from man we lived it we lived in country town there there's no one robbing anything I've changed silly band we'll have a nice day thank you we I'm the only thing I've ever seen get robbed it's like maybe like someone trying to like rob a cow or something out of them mad what's up mad I've never purposely gone like one of your family members sick on purpose that's thinking about it Ben's like did I get someone sick I don't know I'll tell you what no no I'm gonna move Zach and pen down no I did not get out of here I think we're deciding for me no no no listen they both purposely sneeze without covering their mouth on two people young we're not sick when we do it that's not getting feel sick no no you did not pick for me I picked for my knight who's the most annoying brother Isaac Isaac Isaac calles ohm's got a question any of you have a be knocked out like in a fight as you having football well that was then almost did he hit my neck one day Wow okay nothing for me Oh backer we got another go ahead doctor wipe down Ruby have you ever regretted saying I love you to someone do you think I say that to people no what is it stop digging for me you all have to go down when we all said I love you to our mom I'm perfect I never said that actually Oh Isaac just stand them on top Jenna licious something so embarrassing that you never spoke of it to this if so what is it interesting yes I mean you've never done anything embarrassing and sixth-grade baseball I missed the catch at first base and I took the ball chucked it but I still talk about it okay then hey I mean I do a lot of stuff embarrassing but generally it's pretty funny okay I'm pretty nice back when I was in high school I basically told my family I was going over to my friends house to stay the night ended up going to my girlfriends instead and stayed the night and what happened was my friends were actually hanging out and my friend actually got appendicitis that night had to go to hospital I didn't know this cuz I was in my girl at my girlfriend's at the time and so look it or not my friend ends up calling my mom to pick him up so I didn't know I need this happened and the next day my mom knew I wasn't there and she's like so how was your how was your friends last night and I was like oh it was good she's like here Nick was in the hospital how's it going yeah so Pichu you got anything so have you ever embarrass yourself in high school in front of a courage man you better go down I mean it's not embarrassing if it's okay you're right you're hey mi I don't think so you Irish yeah okay nice cool yes you Almighty it's pirate dude some truth welcome I think it kicked off we kicked off not only got kicked off was you Isaac no I didn't I don't think you did I think he quit Isaac sorry you didn't make the team you go down you go down he goes down we take votes that's why there's three of us to be one thank you for the controversial question today son country Evelynn sky coming in hot oh hi have you ever told a lie about your brother to make yourself look better what the heck did you say I said as a tape what kind of bad dude you never said hey I did the dishes even though Ben did him because I want to do make it makes me look better I guess we're all down for that one all right yes I didn't think of it like that things I believe odd Owen says he has the best one around I'm gonna go ahead and we are the anti who were rebellion go ahead San cram you ever wanted to like just punch you're one of your brothers in the face I almost want to break too for that one what's up Lance thank you that's all we do how do you think my channel exists Rachel go ahead any of you forgotten someone's birthday like last minute and got them like a crappy gift I never gave people gifts growing up I couldn't afford it so we never did it so we just forget it and say happy birthday what's up shadow remanent was 20 in the third grade you know I though he just looked like he was Tony all right I guess that's a no the one bald guy says he has a juicy one Oh have you ever hit thrown a spear at someone or is it just me a spear give me one second well are so hard to please yes do you know never has happened never yes talk about juicy Briana five three sir have you ever pretended to be sick and not told anybody oh every single morning why mom made me go to church absolutely I was sick every Sunday mornings after Isaac someone comes and be sick did you wash your jeans yesterday no it's good good good we wouldn't really do that so much we would go to our aunts and uncles for Christmas and we hated it so we would like go up to Isaac and we'd be like Isaac come on can get sick for us he's like yeah give me a couple minutes he's like eat too much food you should be like big oh I feel so bad we gotta go home Barbara M have you every saved someone's life I wish I feel like I have go down Zach I think I save someone's life every day thank you for asking all right Ben's out here we go jumpy have you ever hit someone in the face with a football yes oh I have not I think I don't play football ever let's go baby what kind of question is that what a great question saucy waterfall Brandi oh she always wanted to be in a fight please shoot soon no she master one one - you've got a recommendation to be next up go ahead hello you ever put a gum under table at like school or something I've never done that that has apparently go ahead rubies have you ever peek from eating spicy let's give Lexi wolf a question Lexi have you ever dyed your hair I've not done that quit breaking my blocks I think I would never die my hair my hair is beautiful I used to like it I wanted like those like blond tips or whatever everyone did in the night Laura go ahead how did question go makes a man know I never liked lucy-mae if you ever posted I'm sure Isaac's bump pollster in his day I have a pollster go down go down Isaac down you're submitted to stop breaking my lever growth positive thank you let's do Maddy with a heart after it it's not the question it's 20 push-ups Isaac I don't play baseball music if you play baseball you would have been I probably hit you with a baseball bat in the head I probably do I have I have I have fee I remember I have you're right good question yeah she's asked I guess no it's not the right question that's not the right question only one person can say yes to that she's beautiful not to be one he goes down yes sir stupid thanks that was a stupid question you're fired by the way for being my charm I'll be all these next have you good okay uh how do you think I got my engineering degree bro yes very good attitude say you've never cheated what do you think those sick calculators were for an engineering man those are for putting in all the equations I really couldn't cheat off people cheese and squanders go ahead have you ever been suspended for school yeah yeah yeah we did it hey wait why wait don't know if I didn't share that Ben definitely got in trouble I think do dog you need one have you ever sabotage something in your brother's life that they still don't know about to this day wow that's a deep question you shamelessly plug with your Twitter and every single way shape or form that is a very good try but I've not plugged in every single way so therefore I do not get I don't think I've ever saboteur senator thank you do dog for the excellent question actually those clothes Leroy Jenkins go ahead have you ever punch someone in the face because they said something to you everyone just really are asking snap did um Levi feather off yeah yeah yeah yep yeah what remember they were bullying you and so you remember this at all my brother he came home and dad's like that son that boy yeah he was not great advice for all the kids listening today from that is true spacer have you ever lied to your audience about anything yes so of you know switch video been a lie I mean come on that wasn't lying that was alright alright alright oh but didn't all Minds acting - no no no you upset both stuff okay alright yeah I mean like well we'll definitely make things up in videos to make them like look better like small things like nothing big but like the first house look we ever made what that was fake it was flippin been space you guys haven't seen it's pretty funny actually I was in a new cackle go ahead any of you ever seen a ghost nope no ghost you're fake I have not seen one but I will have to promise has anybody ever cried from a movie freaking wipe a Disney movie Coco it was that dog movie the Marlowe I don't watch dogs I don't know movies like that make Nick I never cried in my life sweat bedrock the trainee any questions yes remember when you got pulled over for throwing trash on the ground that wasn't my friend yeah I don't care trash is trash five left on each of us guys kept eula never have I ever met or something yeah and yep we've all done that yeah yeah oh my goodness it's been three hours since my last renegade Sammy d1 interpolant Isaac as I save Jerico saved your life Isaac when he was a toddler he just straight-up walked into a pool no one was around him and he was like 2 years old and my cousin doing it saved his life he would have been dead zero squeaky have you ever ma'am yes yes Matthew have you ever like stole anything from your mom the coins count I used to take those yep man go down I thought you did - yeah okay Sun Moon truth go ahead again do you offer it last your car while your keys are sewing I mean yes my car is so old that my keys don't actually come out of the thing so I we are both going down [Music] give us a new room Isaac has officially lost and officially has carro Weezer tattooed onto his shirt after three days we got Isaac's car Weezer skin tattooed in here is a final product right here his face center of Isaac's skin that's there forever folks you'll join us video don't forget guys clean that screen subscribe to this channel for more daily videos help yourself stay entertained in this quarantine and of course see you guys tomorrow peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 3,497,954
Rating: 4.9067383 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, minecraft, loverfeller, loverfella server, loverfella challenge, loverfella funny moments, loverfella let's play, loverfella gameplay, loverfella how to, loverfella funny build, loverfella gmaeplay, lover, fella
Id: KQCCvkw6Kk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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