100 Things You Should NEVER Do In Minecraft

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today we're going to be looking at 100 things in minecraft you should never do level one you should never put your bed inside the nether or inside the end and if you don't know this at this point i'm just gonna ask you to go try it out yourself see what happens oh here we go guys this is straight from mojang itself water fertilizers up to four blocks away did you know that if you put water and then not water and then water and then not water you're actually wasting a lot of farmland this is showing uh a bad way to make a farm another great thing to never do minecraft is to build with ore blocks you might be thinking zack why would i never build with ore blocks it just makes you look like a noob i don't have dirt before i build out of diamonds i like this guy right here he's about a little wood tower instead just don't put any fire next to wood it's gonna light it up it's gonna burn your house down if you didn't know this one again why how'd you even find my youtube channel if you don't know that wow don't ever look into the eyes of an enderman why because they will attack you and absolutely destroy you never trust a person who has a free candy van you guys ever think of that if you ever see one of these on the server be a little bit careful level seven has created its own nether don't mind gold in front of piglens all right in fact don't even go near piglens unless you're wearing the piglet outfit they like which looks like this right here all right you guys learn it how about level eight which says mind this block right here oh don't dig straight down what's gonna happen if you dig straight down you're gonna fall straight into a lava pit right here i'm actually gonna counter that one and say most of the time you actually don't die when you do it it's not bad unsafe but keep that in mind it is good probably gonna kill you dang look at this builder coming together don't try to find diamonds above y equals 11 because i don't even know if they spawn and then also don't use a stone pickaxe this is a great there's a great visual right here guys this is the kind of video you take and you walk away learning hundreds of new things oh yeah that one kind of hits close to home placing that last glass a little bit wrong especially if it's a glass pane breaking a diamond over lava is also a pretty bad one you're not gonna want to do that also be careful when placing obsidian these are very tough blocks to place sometimes now this says never attempt a four block jump but i believe i i thought it was possible it is possible but as you can see no nope nope nope most will fail this is the level 12 a guy named billy billy's shooting straight up in the air with his bow oh i see it and it came back down and hit him in the head definitely something could happen oh look at this guy he thought it'd be cool to build his base next to lava and his whole base burnt down and now he's sad he was living with his girlfriend she saw the mistake he made now they're broken up and he's sad and depressed guys don't do lava builds never mind anything with wood three stone and chuck your wood pickaxe away that's literally all you gotta do making another portal too small and raging when it doesn't work the amount of times that i build it wrong like this is so high i would be embarrassing to admit piglets are scared of soul fire i actually did not know that one the never do box number one never try to lag servers especially lover fellas what happens nothing because our server has patches to prevent it from happening ban you 57 years you cheated 57 years you hacked 57 you never go to the nether without armor and tools it's a bad idea you don't want to do it you're going to get destroyed and honestly it's a pretty it's a pretty good looking nether speaking of good builds here is a what in the world oh it says please never build this the worst cactus farm in history you have to pop across this to break them all is that what we're looking at here yeah i would agree maybe don't do that this is level 20. we're a fifth of the way done all right you're gonna start learning a lot more and more and more new stuff right here this one is called the vault says don't enter so obviously i will is there a button i will just walk in then okay there's a lot of redstone that oh oh oh my goodness okay don't read it well okay let's go ahead and read it don't flip it last warning well i guess the lesson here is just listen to what the signs say now here's the here's one you might be looking at this thing and zach it's a sword it's a good looking so actually it's a little bit slender we're not gonna sword shane though this one's telling us to never mind a block with a sword all right and i'll admit i do it here's an interesting one you can hide inside of this so like if you got one of these outside your base i'm just saying be a little bit careful someone could pop up and steal your items and then also not subscribing to loverfellow is also a pretty big sin so make sure you don't do that one never leave trees hanging what literally i think everyone's biggest pet peeve is when you leave a tree hanging skeletons can use it to hide and shoot you alright this is actually a pretty decent tip never brew just one potion if you only need one because it takes the same ingredients really to do both so like that's actually kind of smart this is from my trade-off series he rebuilt it that's pretty funny never break a spawner especially a skeleton spawner why not you could sell it never build two block high there are unique situations for it this seems to be like a villager breeding ground perhaps i'm just saying you could treat villagers however you want and i'm saying maybe if you're putting villagers in here it's not that bad of an idea this one says don't ride a boat in lava unless your name is stream maybe then if your name's dream you could probably pull this one off this i love this tip don't throw your good stuff in lava maybe someone is going to try that who knows the museum oh there we go so this one says mobs will kill you pretty basic advice never battle mobs on your farm because you'll trample all your crops uh that's actually pretty smart if you put an iron golem in there is that going to trample can golems trample across don't kill all of your animals always leave at least a few left that way you can breed them look at this guy he's got a base that's his girlfriend inside the base and it says never jump from a high structure into a one can you not jump into a one water hole that actually kill you i mean that'll take you out of the world the nether farm i actually wish this worked it doesn't unfortunately and uh yeah that's just the door don't want to make your base like this one i'll be honest it's just in general do everything you see here don't do this is good never use gold tools or armor it's just not that good isn't gold technically faster than netherrite yeah gold is actually faster so you're super rich i mean actually only use gold never throw ores into lava to smelt them that is the funniest tip right there i bet someone's done that don't go into the water without a door you can breathe in the doors look at this it's just the air pocket it works the same in real life look at this dude he's wearing a fishbowl in his head that's a very interesting is that what is that skin what am i looking at how is that possible you just never know what you're gonna see out there in the wild the 44 thing you should never do in minecraft coming in here folks and it says a present that i bet this will be a pumpkin it wasn't well it was but it didn't work oh portals can't work with crying obsidian what's the purpose of crying obsidian it makes those respawn anchors and that's it you should be able to make portals it looks better you should be able to make them with crying up city dark oak trees don't grow if they are by themselves these boys gotta be real thick so plant down in two by two if you want them to grow i didn't know that actually either i mean i kind of did but not fully i haven't taken it in always had a two block high roof in your mind this is my biggest pet peeve when people mine like this and then you kind of jump up and you can't put staircases in it it's just it's a really annoying that's why i just dig a straight down hole for my minds cover your redstone up yeah a lot of people don't do that like even now like a lot of people will make redstone and like it'll just be on their floor like you can just go underground to do it it says getting hurt with your own trap well okay oh i bet there's magma is there what what where'd that even come from that actually was a really good trap i didn't know that was even there don't get stuck in an infinity room while building it okay so guys this is weird anyway infinity rooms are very interesting i'll tell you what this is very hard to get out never hit or break a beehive it'll sting a bit very very well worded i like what you did right there and never make a form of sheep in the forest because wolves will come after and kill them two very good tips one building never mlg water bucket with no water in the bucket i mean man if someone's about to pull that play off i mean i'm just gonna say they deserve to lose life in game all right says never make a bridge when you hear a ghast that's actually pretty smart and i like how the gas looks it's literally just like two eyeballs on it oh it's just googly eyes on the top of this bad boy yeah that's a good tip don't do it never step on the pressure plate they recreated an entire desert temple they're trying to teach you not to step on the plates when you go inside of them don't mind ice without soaked touch if that ain't the truth ice is expensive man the dolphins really give you bad luck is that real apparently if you hit dolphins it gives you like actual bad luck in the game i don't know that's actually true or not i'm really not 100 certain on that one oh okay yes good advice maybe don't make a wither right next to your base all right it's probably a bad play to do unless your base is surrounded by obsidian maybe better armor does not reduce fall damage i actually did not know that at all but if you're on my server the more you jump off the higher acrobatics goes and that will actually decrease fall damage so don't use furnaces for ores and food use blast furnaces is that is that the case why are blast furnaces better is that it they're just faster yeah i thought oh oh food is smoker oh i don't have any of these in my face i gotta upgrade my base these are the new blocks i've never really used oh the museum of things you shouldn't do never let a zombie attack a villager unless you want to abuse the system don't break logs of the wooden pickaxe that's good yeah never put a block on top of your chest and chokers that's a classic mistake that i think we all will always make forever oh here's a good one don't press q while holding your best item next to lava i'm gonna let you guys figure out what that one does go test it yourself on my server but don't submit a support ticket all right you heard me don't do it oh yeah if you stand on diamond ore to mine straight down it's gonna all get destroyed and even more important the diamond because that's kind of not the best anymore you gotta make sure you clear every single block around your nether right your ancient debris because i've made that mistake a few times and lost in long not a good situation there goes the minecart train don't know what that's going on too use water to make a one block mine that's actually kind of an interesting idea never place doors on different sides very good advice you don't want to be doing this this one is super important don't forget your elytra's durability if you don't repair this thing over time using phantom membranes and mending you're going to die in the middle of the air never build a beacon with diamonds build it out of iron now that's that's up to you i mean i'm just building whatever i got all right i got gold iron diamond i got everything in mine and i feel like diamond is not as useful as it once was so don't build a house out of slabs i've never seen a slab house in 10 years of minecraft i'm sure there's a reason you might want to slap house one day oh look at that sand will sometimes drop from how it spawns and you might fall i don't know if the odds are falling into lava but you could fall into a cliff when the sand breaks no water in the nether bad move and also you always want to hide your nether portal when you see a gas blast coming although i guess couldn't gas re-light your portal as well you use the same wood please it just says use the same one please someone here is not like when they use multiple types of wood that's pretty funny that's not bad advice don't bridge the gravel now go ahead and try it there buddy give her a shot okay well that obviously doesn't work at all if you wondered oh never delete minecraft that's what it says that's putting minecraft in the recycle bin that is probably the best advice we've seen so far today you need light in a house yeah yeah some people use like optifine in fulbright and they get like max brightness like right now i don't have any torches but it's still bright to me so netherride doesn't burn in lava i mean yeah that's actually a pretty good advice definitely true don't trust every single piece of carpet you see sometimes magma blocks will be under it might do a little bit of damage you never know that's gonna pop out here's one this uh just a big fat bed in the nether you can guess what that one is oh that's a pretty clever build right there never fall for a trap that a person made in an old event it's proof you don't watch old videos and people are falling in over and over right here that's true guys if you don't watch all my videos you're gonna be in that situation never enter a dangerous place without proper armor or tools i'll say it jungles should be more dangerous they should have like poison slimes i'm just saying all the ways digging up can cause you damage scrabble lava your friend could fall on you or mobs could fall on you now if your friend falls on you i i don't know what exactly that's going to do but if they're pvp you you know could happen don't trust people when they say free money on the lover fellow server that is literally the most true thing ever people will save free money and then you'll teleport to them and it'll be inside of lava and they just watch you die or they'll trap you and i don't understand why but never shame people about their bills the world is about peace and love wow that's actually quite beautiful ancient debris uh wow that's definitely not gonna work i'll just leave it there never make a railway system without powered rails yeah yeah that's actually pretty good i would do all powered rails to be honest with you that's my move oh ladies and gentlemen we've got a play coming in here take a seat right here this is gonna be a show little 94 i am ready when you are i'm in spectate so i can get a good shot but here we go 94 digging into the lava base just doing a little bit of mining out here today oh pulls the lever fall straight down into lava the tip here is do not trust your friend when there's a lever right next to you all right very very beautiful show i mean wow another show today we are in for a treat folks level 98 is insane is this even a show what is this 98 showing us oh the jungle tree but it's a baby tree very nice somehow i've got a command block i don't even know how here we go here we go i'm trying to get the balance into honey it looks like oh tried to get the the clutch water bucket mlg very difficult to do and look at this whoa what oh that is wild i've never seen anything like that before minecraft dang that was like literally like a grand finale coming out of this one oh it's using the end portal below it to bounce the box i did not know that was possible and whoa this is a beautiful build now this guy says when speed running always bring bets you can cycle the beds when the dragon's purging comes down it kills them in seconds make it easier use f3 plus b to wait what f3 plus b whoa f3 plus b shows hit boxes oh that was a hack you could just show hitboxes i don't know that you can also do like f3 plus g or something yeah f3 plus g actually shows you world borders wow and it even shows what direction people are facing and we've got level 100 coming in hot folks this one is a bunch of other fellow hearts oh wow the whole entire server worked on it subscribe and like look at this a beautiful heart absolutely amazing
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 3,251,696
Rating: 4.8659444 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: l54f0YU7i5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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