Testing Minecraft Tricks That Might Get You Banned

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they were testing the most insane and craziest minecraft griefs to see if they really work this is mr beast's youtube channel this is not fake mr beast made a video in 2013 that we discovered and this is how to grief in minecraft we're going to try mr beast degree from 2013. i'm going to show you how to grip a world which sounds so weird instead of running around laying tnt and you know an admin seeing you and banning you build this redstone clock and the dispenser is going to shoot out tnt in random directions who knew we will be testing one of his today first off mr beast uh hello hi i didn't even know you could make a uh like a repeater that like did this does this actually work oh wow i didn't even know this was the thing and then uh filled this thing with a bunch of tnt and it just launched a lot of tnt out so here we go okay seems like his worked a little better let me try to reset that thing up wow all right that sounds pretty darn good all right this is the mr b special grief here we go that's actually pretty quick that's that's pretty good execution right there okay okay okay i'll actually rate that one pretty high but i think we can give it a 20 20 upgrade the old lover fella edition here what we're gonna do is put down a couple more of these bad boys fill them all up with tnt wow this is this is insane this is like the simplest nuke you could ever make in minecraft oh no no no i didn't mean to oops gotta start over okay so i don't know for sure if this is gonna work to be honest with you i tried a really weird design here uh fingers crossed this is the old test let's go to rip okay the repeater doesn't work but these do these do oh my gosh i'll be real honest with you that might be one of the best tnt griefing devices i've seen you put this inside of someone's base the amount of griffage you're gonna do i mean that's a literal crater now a big one that people have tried is the ender dragon versus wither one two three four four five six seven two like they fight each other so you put a bunch of withers down and an ender dragon and i guess they like destroy the world it seems like a good way to absolutely destroy someone's end so you know we're here for it all right so there's just the end portal i happen to see on the ground right here so we'll just hop on through i don't know how that got there now if we do summon wither just a few of them do they actually fight i mean i guess we'll just load it up that's loud that's very loud look at them they're just pounding every single one of them down there the end dragon is still up here now i don't know if they can kill it because obviously it's being healed honestly it's one of the worst sounds ever look at the end dragon oh no they're actually killing it they're breaking the end crystal i did not expect that to happen so i think we i think we got enough withers that have spawned at this point now you would think that he would not be able to survive even with the healing coming in here i mean that that is that is an immense number look at this oh my gosh the world's getting destroyed obviously oh they're actually destroying the obsidian they're breaking the entire towers how is it possible for not every one of these crystals to have been hit at this point look how many random blue things are being shot out the crystals definitely the most effective grief so far i mean if you manage to get two thousand of these bad boys spawned in like you will definitely destroy the end it is out healing this many withers if you ever thought you could kill this thing without taking the crystals down i think you now know your answer it ain't possible i'm gonna help them out i'm gonna break it for them i just i wanna see if they can kill it all right let's see now that they're all broken i believe i think all they need now is just for the ender dragon to land it seems like he's honestly invulnerable to a lot of it like the shots hit him and do nothing there we go there we go you're chunking them down boys slowly but surely all right so i spawned another ender dragon in they already killed the first one and this is the damage that about 2 000 withers did to the island so basically took off an entire chunk on the side over here all right now we're away from my single player world because this one is a grief so powerful it could destroy the fabric of this game this is like a symbol command snowball that summons a snowball that then someone's a snowball that someone's a snowball this basically is summons infinite snowballs i don't think it's like even possible for any computer even like a nasa computer to run this command as you throw it it just multiplies more and more and more and more and more and uh makes this really strange design i can't explain you guys why i just logged into a world and this was the first shot i saw i mean it's just it's unexplainable really give me uh the old command block here pop pop a commandy down and then we're just gonna type in the old command i believe is this actually bedrock it definitely is okay now if you're confused about this world why it's raining why it's snowing and why there's water and everything here exists it's a whole other testing video we did a couple weeks ago we'll link it at the end of this video but first let's get this bad boy tested we wanted to repeat and we wanted to always be active and i feel like that's pretty much it if everything goes well we should destroy this world and never be able to come back so fire oh my gosh look at this whoa it's literally painting the sky now it has stopped here again these will infinitely duplicate duplicate forever i'm surprised it's even running at this point i'm waiting for like a fuse to blow my computer's about to explode i gotta close this whole game out i mean look at this like i can't do nothing dreams spawned in like 50 000 endermen out here and uh yes they started destroying the world i think we can go like 10 times bigger and see how well of a grief this would actually make if you did this to someone's base it's honestly kind of like amazing to see something like that this is your little tiny base we're gonna be griefing here and maybe you just built like a wall around you to try to survive the night really we'll just start with something simple let's just do one enderman here's one enderman let's start out small here's one okay one's kind of boring let's do five they literally are just doing nothing in there i feel like we need to step it up a little bit we're gonna take it up to like 50 of these bad boys that might be a little bit much to be to be honest i need to turn it off i can't even see it oh no i'm just gonna do an immense amount and like risk crashing the game you know what's even weirder is when you zoom up and look they're just constantly moving it's like a little bacteria like they just zoom around everywhere we just doubled our production capacity here i mean if this whole world ain't covered by the end of it we didn't do it right now if you guys want to see what the endermen do after this entire video is over we're gonna come back at the end and check in to see how much damage they've really done now this is super annoying it's such a simple grief like you have to be good at the game green's out here saying to build a bunch of another portals inside of someone's base the noise is gonna be off the charts it's so annoying i can't stand listening to that thing why does it have to be that loud like portals should be silent so what i think i'm gonna do is join my minecraft server play.loverfella.com right here and go do this to a player on my server i know it's pretty annoying but i'm gonna do it anyway this is ben's base in trade up right here this is where ben lives and records his own series so what i'm gonna do is actually build another portals in his base right now that's one all right that's what one nether portal sounds like can i go under his base like what's he what's he working with in here oh look at this he's got an entire wall back here okay so this is literally like behind my brother's base in minecraft all right he's not online right now which is perfect because we don't really hide ourselves and uh i guess the best way to do it a little obsidian there a little obsidian there and just kind of make like a giant obsidian ring and then literally just like pick random spots throughout it and then just cut it in half and i think this will give us a couple portals each of them has their own sound but we can do more and literally surround the entire side of his base with it this one feels evil because like then like once you break it then your base is you got to break all the obsidian don't do this if you want to keep your friendships that's all i'm going to say because what if is that the right size can this work what if we do this if we light leg all of them horizontally can you hear how obnoxious let's see how long it takes us to hear i'm just gonna walk in okay there's one where's the the super ball must be here there it is this appears to be a lag machine using soul sand so you need three stacks of sand for this this one's more of like a like just not even like a fun grief like this is the type of thing you do to someone that you hate which again i don't know the legality of doing this wouldn't recommend doing this particular one definitely not gonna do that on my minecraft server i don't think it works to be fair with you uh but let's try it on like a single player world see what happens literally can't believe the endermen are still here i mean they're still working we'll get an aerial shot here towards the end of the video this is the simplest grief on the planet soul sand a little bit of water and um literally that's actually all you need you could also get some sand but we'll use concrete because it's more fun i don't know how deep we have to go four probably is good right i don't know one two three okay so this is uh where you're gonna bounce up doesn't it stop bouncing after a while okay yeah so the sandal bounced for like a limited time thing is though like i'm pretty sure it breaks here we go okay this is definitely not the quickest way to play sand to be real we're gonna use world edit for this like if you're trying to like you know you're trying to do this i don't know if you're gonna have access to world edit but if i go up one and i mark this and just keep setting it to sand and then get rid of this it should just like literally keep spawning sand in so each time it breaks i'll just spawn more in it's actually bouncing a lot higher each second too obviously it does break after a certain period of time so i'm not sure like if this even works that's obviously very dense with sand right but they're all starting to break you can see them pop out right now so i don't think this thing really works anymore so your friend plants a bunch of sugar cane you walk around and then just put string on top of it which is practically invisible i would never notice this and it stops the sugar cane from growing completely this dude is someone we shouldn't take on i'm gonna give him something for it because i feel bad but let's go through all of his sugarcane real quick so most players don't use shaders so we'll do without shaders and see how hard it is to see and uh obviously it's very hard to see do i want to do it to every single sugarcane or is that too far like you literally cannot even see that i mean it's practically invisible there's nothing going on here maybe it'd be even more fun if you do them in different links that way it just still seems like they're growing but like not completely i like it that's pretty good i'm gonna give this guy a little prize though because i feel bad for him he doesn't have another right i'm gonna give him a single nether right inga there we go now we'll come back have another red ingredient i think that's worth it another red ingot for all of this trolling we've done to this player go to your friend's base and break every single tree so that they're floating this one hurts me to look at i mean i can't stand when i see one floating tree you're not gonna have any friends if you do anything in this video you guys would not believe how long it takes me sometimes to find a dude who just has trees like this dude's got trees but ain't got no base all right i guess you kind of got a base i can work with this okay now these are the worst because you gotta build up to break them we'll just do a few more around here i don't want to destroy his whole life but i want to make it just bad enough that he knows something went on here he's still oh wait he's jumping oh he sees me but i don't think he realizes what i just did to his zone here's another right sword my friend please enjoy that treat it nicely sorry for destroying all your trees go into someone's base rename all the gray blocks the wrong names and then when they go to pick them out they're not going to know what's what because they all kind of look similar anyway this is the kind of grief that i can get behind i respect something like this this is my brother isaac's base all right and inside i think he's got a really tiny chest room downstairs we'll take the cobblestone and the site gravel diorite all we need now is an anvil and we can just name this stuff and then we're going to randomly put it back inside all this is going to be andesite we'll do some cobblestone also call it and honestly already this just feels triggering to me so now look at our inventory how confusing this is so all of these have just slightly off names and then to make it worse we can just randomly place them in his base like this with like no particular reasoning go to someone's farm and then replace half their farm with coarse dirt i would never notice it and then i try to hold it and then just get stuck there so it's super annoying honestly it like triggers me to even say to do that so i'm gonna go do some players on the minecraft server here we go oh look at this perfect target guys this player is afk on my minecraft server they've got a beautiful farm there's already parts where it's got dirt but let's just pop down a couple coarse dirts in here oh okay this is awful you literally can hardly tell the difference i feel so bad oh man this would literally be the worst thing ever to have to deal with i'm sorry for breaking some of your crops man i don't mean to do this for a video i apologize in advance i think the worst part of this is just like doing a few like not doing too many that it's so obvious leave like the regular dirt in some areas too like i want them to think it's like bad land like they can't build anything here something bad happened to it this is the kind of thing that i encourage you to do because it'd be just enough to make someone a little bit confused but not enough to ruin their gaming experience so this one's kind of fun and innocent now they call this one the mega nuke apparently it says you can literally break minecraft with this so it's just a bunch of n crystals around tnt and apparently when you break it uh well i don't know what happens let's find out what happens by the way this is where all the endermen went into the beginning if you remember that clip here it is they've still been going for over an hour and 15 minutes right now so we're gonna see what's happened here in a second but let's do this whole mega tnt thing so it was like this there was an end crystal right there and then we had some end crystals all around the sides like this we're gonna let her rip see if it actually breaks minecraft here we go in three two one uh yeah this is exactly what you thought of underwhelming did awesome almost nothing this is literally like my favorite one ever what he's doing is using a cobblestone generator underneath the ground that pushes up a cobblestone randomly or after some certain period of time you're randomly gonna have cobblestone in your base all the time and you're never gonna realize like where it's coming from like you're gonna break it and then you're not gonna check underneath it and then every single day you come back it's gonna be there and it's just gonna be like the most cursed block ever i mean it seems like a tough build to make like it's quite challenging so we're gonna do this right here inside of this path all right so there's like a path with some stone we'll try to make it so that right in the center of the path a piece of cobblestone pops up i just it's gonna be really hard it looks to be about a four wide section you need so we'll just dig out a little bit of here it's all about confidence guys just got to believe in yourself all right step one it seems like we're putting down a um we're gonna put under some plank so i can like see what i'm putting down what is this build it's like i look at this stuff and i'm like oh yeah no i can't do this and then i get down there and i start trying to do it and i'm like oh not literally nothing makes sense anymore i got the water in lava that's definitely not love now the question becomes how does it work oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh we did it the only thing is like i don't know if you have to manually throw an item down here or not to get this to work like when i do that it triggers it that gets made and then once it on untriggers it like pushes back up and then it gives you the second so like it does work it goes up what we're gonna do though is just kind of cover it up for now obviously we don't have to know it's down there and then like if i just walk in and trigger it it's gonna push it up problem is though i want this to be automatic if it's not automatic then like why not just walk over and do this all right that's literally the same thing as just making this whole system you can kind of see like random holes everywhere but like overall they're not like they're not working together they're not digging this massive whole like dream hat in his click right here to watch an illegal tnt business i started in my minecraft trade up series it's an absolutely insane video [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,261,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: iGiqcYz9Hd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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