Trying VIRAL Command Block Hacks To See If They Work

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we found the most viral command block hacks on the entire internet and today we're going to test them to see if they really work this is the old uh the old sheep tried it uh somehow throwing a trident creates a permanent trail of sheep in the sky be honest with you i've never seen anything like that in my life i'm excited to try it out there's the command i don't know is all i do is just straight up get it right and throw it and then we're in business i mean let's just give her a shot obviously that's not as easy oh wait it's not even on yet let's give her old throw here that is really really weird you would not expect to see something like that in minecraft honestly one of the weirdest things ever oh oh look it throws up and then it comes back down and kills some of them on the way down that's really interesting so can i still kill them so let's try a creeper and see what this one looks like wow that is one of the weirdest things i've ever seen in my life i can't i just can't get enough of this one here we have a tsunami in minecraft so here's what you need this is going to be a tricky one i'll tell you that right now that's the setup command block one makes a repeater to command block two wow once you place an armor stand it actually creates a real tsunami that moves towards you so we're going to build this it looks like command block about three spaces and then another this is totally just kind of estimating here redstone comes on down like this then like this there's our redstone setup now we just got to get the commands typed in and uh once we power this bad boy we should be good to go so let's do impulse seems probably correct needs redstone probably correct i'm assuming that's right now i wanna be honest with you there is a very low chance this will actually work on the first try these are these are finicky beasts here to get this thing to work but it's really cool we're also gonna need an armor stand to test let's go ahead and pop it down over here a tsunami of minecraft something you've probably never seen before in your life here we go in three two one go oh my and not only that but the armor stands slowly walks forward and he's gonna destroy it oh no stop study stop stop stop stop you're gonna break the redstone there's some damage right there that's pretty insane now here's a way to get a mega explosion with creepers this tick tock shows a command that apparently significantly increases the creeper's damage this is with a 1000 radius an instant explosion we'll make the fuse three seconds we have a chance to get away so here's the creeper that's the explosion it just goes instantly but here's what's crazy about it creeper explosions actually create like this crater design in the sand i've never seen that pattern before here's a command where you shoot an arrow it mines all the stone but it leaves all the ores that is an overpowered sounding command got ourselves some command block geniuses out there so a bow that's going to delete everything except the orc gotta turn it on says syntax air unexpected stone one one oh there's two wands at the end of it well wouldn't i wouldn't it wouldn't you know there's two ones let's try it now let's say you get down inside this stone hole and start taking a couple shots as long as you don't hit an ore it'll keep going and it'll reveal all the nearby ores look how much emerald is down here isn't emerald like rarer than like freaking nether right there's like so much this one location so here we are with night vision after shooting a couple arrows down and it just reveals every single ore in the area one of the coolest commands i don't even know command blocks could do something like that you guys want to see something awesome take a look at this the scaffold walk this is what you're going to look like when you do it type it in i reduce the gui to make my screen look better this looks so much better i wish i had this in bed rock before this is probably repeat and probably we'll just do needs redstone so i can turn this sucker off so let's get a lever in here here we go obviously that did not work what are we missing unexpected command block at ck honestly oh we forgot the underscore and command block this is why i'm not a programmer this stuff kills me alright that should be it though there it is now you can scaffold walk which means basically make any block appear below you which is really interesting let's set this to air oh no oh no oh boy that was a mistake now you're just gonna fall through the world and this is what happens when you do water you keep sinking though if you stand still you are doomed to fall into a pit of water forever problem is though even if you fly it still makes water so you gotta turn this thing off real quick but very cool come in you can now walk on any block you want oh look at this one it makes a fountain of whatever block you put into it that's absolutely insane now it's not gonna be long before this entire world is unusable from our command block shenanigans but let's put one down right here let's put the command into it should be good to go let's get a lever and see what happens this could be really awesome if it works all right one mistake oh he's in java now we're in java edition that's where this command works it's gotta be on repeat and then grab yourself a lever pop it down and take a look look at that wow there's zero lag either that's really cool let's start with a different block what's something else that's like really unique you could do it with i know what we'll do you guys will like this one just infinite food okay that is one way to get an infinite food form let's do one more block let's change to something super weird let's do a skeleton wall skull i don't even know what that is oh dang that's that's actually horrifying the crazy thing is it's zero lag even with all the items that are coming all the entities that are spawning put it above your house and then during halloween boom all the skeleton heads follow or whatever you want that's a really nice command break minecraft with one command you can turn mobs into this yes you can turn them into this let's do it now and create this says animation requests sent to clients for processing so i don't know if that means it works so like let's just give ourselves like a pig here and see what happens here we go oh look at that beast look at him walking around like that that's that's that's really weird okay so we're going to start with this wandering traitor whoa oh the zombie's just swimming around look at him he's just taking it taking a swim in the sky even the cat is cursed oh no the poor kitty the poor kitty's head has just got his body through it it's like it's weird seeing all of this works great though if you need a better way to travel and maybe flying around like a normal pleb is not enough for you it carries you with a bat how weird is that i mean that's the ultimate flex if you can pull that one off we typed the command into this block already and of course if you guys want the commands we'll have them all listed on my twitter profile if you guys go follow me on twitter all the commands will be there you can get them whenever you want them but let's turn this on and give ourselves i guess a cart so let's pop this down turn it on get inside the cart and uh i don't know start driving but it obviously didn't work oh man i spent this whole time trying to figure out what's wrong and i spelled execute wrong again so let's hop into our minecart why is he in there would not be interesting if it flew with him i think the other thing i'm missing is i'm pretty sure i need a bat with a tag named ride so uh oh there he goes he's gone there he goes so you could sit in it but i also wonder if you were to do that could a zombie sit inside of that because i feel like the answer is yes that's an intense command there's a lot of stuff going on over here can you steer it is the real question because clearly that thing has a mind of its own you can't control it it controls you it just goes wherever it wants to go so you put that thing on maybe it takes to where you want to go or maybe it takes you into a new city you'll never know you ever wanted to make a real perfect circle of minecraft well now it's possible in bedrock edition by using this interesting grouping of commands it will slowly build a literal perfect circle for you of any radius that you want to help with your builds a very valuable tool to have i don't know if you can get world edit on bedrock so it's kind of actually really valuable to have so we're going to pop it down put the command in here so if we put the uh armor stand on top that'll be your central point yeah we're gonna name it h it all looks spelled correctly here we go i'm looking i'm not seeing it it's not quite working for us i don't know that this one's broken a couple comments say it won't work for them either so there might be a mistake in the code we've been sent see if you guys can find the mistake here if there is one this guy has created a minecraft grappling hook but it's actually an item that would actually be really cool inside the game so you put it on an arrow use this command you can shoot out an arrow and it'll kind of teleport you or grapple hook you to that location put in our command right here i believe it's going to be a repeat we'll just make it always active winding up taking the shot that's weird okay you can't actually turn it's very uncomfortable to do but if i get too far away from the command block then it seems to no longer want to do the command for us so obviously you don't want to launch yourself into a new planet but if i come back near the command block try it again take a look what the too many targets too many oh if you shoot too many arrows this particular command says oh there's too many arrows i don't know where to teleport you how about a rideable snowball we're sick of riding carts we're sick of riding boats let's put a seat on top of a snowball sit on that bad boy and fly through the sky like santa now i'll just do always active and then uh repeat on it i think that should be good to go so let's see if we can ride this bad boy through the sky and there we go it just sends you to the sky and way back down can you go through like a one block hole with it like could i travel through there because a snowball could will it take me to the back i mean the answer appears to be yes let's try that again let's see is this a secret way to get in you know you've got like a hole you can't fit through it throw the snowball it does work you can travel through one hole so anything a snowball can go through you can now here's what we like to call hot steps because your steps become hot everywhere you step turns to fire literally will kill you if you're not in creative mode but i thought it was kind of funny we're just gonna put it on repeat needs redstone close that bad boy off pop a little lever down here so this is for the fire walking and there it is if you could make it so you were immune to fire by taking a potion this is like a legit special move in a lot of like rpg games like leave a fire trail now you also maybe want a bridge egg something you might have seen in high pixel bed wars if you use this command you can throw an egg that will create a bridge to anywhere you want to go honestly we should just be good to just paste the new one in here and click okay we'll just grab ourself an egg and uh see what happens i gotta turn it on first now let's see it oh it started mid-air there you go there you go a little bit of bridge egg action the cool thing though is that you can change it to whatever type of item you want obsidian it would not make an obsidian path and it does so that's really special right there now apparently you can use command blocks to morph so you name a name tag morph and then whichever mob you name morph you morph into that is interesting that is interesting we're gonna pop down two of these commands one here one here with amv in the middle all right let's get the command set in now all right command one looks like this command 2 looks like this now we name a name tag morph i guess is the next step you don't need mods to do stuff like this all you need is a brain and someone to steal from on tick tock so here's our name tags we'll pop these down we're going to look for any errors because again we're expecting errors given visibility for hey it worked failed to teleport okay okay all right okay and here we are it literally lets you become any animal that you name with this very cool 10 out of 10 for me this is a real curse command you're going to like this one but it's really weird so you type this in use the coordinates of the location right above the command block and throw a bunch of tridents right around the command block once you turn it on it creates a helicopter or something i don't i don't know i don't know about this one this one seems a little bit weird to me uh if i grab a trident though and throw it a few times maybe we could see like what if that if it does anything we're gonna go a little bit overboard on this one i think we've done it correctly but you can never be too safe we want to go all out that's how we do things here nice little trident circle just like this i think that's a good little amount now let's turn it on and bang it just makes a giant spinning trident of doom and the weird thing is is the more you throw they'll start automatically stacking in there this tick talker has created a way to realistically throw snowballs when you throw the snowball it now leaves a trail of snow i don't actually know that's probably not realistic at all to be honest with you but it sure does look awesome here's our command block you're going to be seeing a lot of these throughout the episode today i will just make it as needs redstone probably a repeat action i'm just kind of guessing here let's do it without let's do it without all right there's your generic snowball the boring snowball now we're going to give the command block upgrade and now it's all spell right 100 it works this time no doubt my mind there it is look at that that actually looks really sweet how much more fun would they be to have these around your base snowball fights with something like this that's actually beautiful and here's a way to create mob statues these are mobs that won't move they'll just stand there and decorate your base pick the mob you want to make type in the command right here and then you can pick whatever mob you want for us we could go for a gas click enter and there we go so we've typed in the command with a gas this is on the java edition you get your own gas it sits there i guess you can't walk it i thought you could build inside of it it'd be really weird if you could but you can pick any mob you want so we could replace gas and say yo let's make it a freaking strider well boom now you got yourself a strider statue they can't take damage but they won't fight back go follow me on twitter i'll be posting a link to all of them where you can find them look at that screen [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,728,724
Rating: 4.9146066 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: joDd2bxB3sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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