Cars vs Waterslides in GTA 5

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welcome to the GTA death run challenge my goal is very simple to get from the beginning to the end of this course without dying can I do it or will I fail and uninstall this game forever let's find out all right well here we are in the GTA death run challenge you can see that this course is huge we go through these little uh walls here to the back there go all the way up to the top there and back down the water slides here all the way to the bottom and I believe that might be the finish I'm not entirely sure but we will find out together we get to choose whatever vehicle we want for this it doesn't matter what we take so I have decided to get the ultimate vehicle what that might be you might be asking have a look at this that's right we got the Weevil I don't know why but the idea of just like a chimp driving this for some reason just Just Hits right you know what I mean it feels like a movie that should have been made uh but here we are we're ready to go we could have taken any one of these nice little Vehicles back here but I just I just feel like the Weil's got the spirit that I want so uh we're going to choose one of these three doors I think uh only one of them is correct the others will drop us down down down into the water I feel like green would be too obvious uh red would be too obvious I think the safest beted is clearly just to go through white right like that's that's okay all right so white wasn't it I still think green is too like green is clearly go like green is a good color you know what I mean red is Bad Evil color so I'm pretty sure it'll be red then I'm okay by just complete process of elimination no skill uh at all it has to be green it has to unless this is like a giant troll and I was just meant to go off the map nope green green was the answer okay all right all right well let's kind of scooch through all right we made it through challenge one uh next up we have the towers over there I don't I don't really know I'm not too sure what's going on here oh okay so the board Falls away it's a chess board that has invisible Pieces Just Like This beginning part and we have to try and manage our way across it without falling all right this this should be super easy okay I think we made it two squares before it fell I think we went red blue and then it was red wasn't it that uh that dropped let's have a look here here hold on if I go forward just a little bit oh yep yep yep yep yep okay that was the wrong one all right I'm going to go right okay right was not the answer let's try that again I'm wondering if this is going to be impossible I'm wondering if I'm ever going to make it to the top there this is this is already difficult nobody has died this many times at the beginning of a run this is kind of ridiculous okay so we we tried there I think this might be solid this is solid okay maybe up here oh okay okay okay okay so you go forward right diagonal I reckon it's diagonal again I think maybe it's like a trick and you go across again oh okay wait does that mean blue is bad no blue is good oh okay hold on we have to try and remember this okay forward I've already forgotten there's no way uh uh I'm going to say across no okay well okay all right we have to try and remember the col again dude this is going to take 20 many years okay all right uh I think we're about halfway on the board which isn't too bad okay so we went here then we went here and then here okay and then we got to here and then we tried to go across and it fell uh but we also know going up is bad so what if I go diagonal no no no oh red is definitely the bad color there okay all right all right all right so we go oh God this is going to get hotter and hotter okay straight here turn around here here here and then across bam and then across no I don't even know how many deaths that is Griffin put that put how many death counters that is this this is I I'm close to 10 I have to be close to 10 by this point I don't even know if we're going to make it up that far by the way okay all right hold on hold on hold on okay so we get to here we get to here we get to here we get to here come over here oh dude I almost think you got to go across again no no it's not it's not oh please come on Weevil please come on buddy no and we're off we're falling okay well there's no way it's backwards right oh my God it was backwards here now then it'll be here right oh oh big movements big movements okay okay uh a dude I kind of want to go straight oh one more one more one more okay okay I think it's going to be diagonal it was not diagonal no across up up up and then up again nope not up again come on come on come on come on yes wait so over oh no way it's that no way what what okay I think we found this STP we should have been doing this from the beginning we should have just been checking everything oh my God we found it we're out we're done we made it through thank God okay all right I don't know what this smoke area is I don't know why there's two towers next to us but we're about to find out what is inside the smoke all right off we go come on oh God oh God oh what is this what is this all right attempt number two I think we know not to go too fast this time and we just got to try and get past the smoke first okay there we go and then through this smoke all right so now we could oh my God I don't actually think there's a break I think you just have to try and send it through oh no okay all right all right I'm going to try and go in between this one there we go there we go ooh keep going keep going keep going no okay so it's going to be a mix of speed and like timing it just right so we're going to we're going to come through the smoker again the Smoke Clear for a second okay we're going to go no all right we're com back through the smoke okay o i near I nearly went for it hold on I got to back up just a little bit and then get ready to go wait for it wait for it wait for it now all right this is the one this is the one I feel it I feel it I feel it okay good timing on the first part great timing on the second part oh we nearly got taken out there that's fine that's fine nice nice no no oh we nearly got taken out okay this is literally the last windmill we're almost there there there there there there there there there there yes we made it oh I got to hit the brakes yes we did it okay okay amazing work all right we just need to get a bit of a run up for this and we should be able to get through this section now I have done a bat BL this before so I know for a fact that if I try and have my camera above me it'll it'll it'll go badly I I I won't be able to turn so we need to go first person and just send it through like it's Initial D all right let's see if we can onot this come on come on Weevil all right that's good that's good oh and we spawn out we're dead I don't I don't know how you're meant to do this without dying this is insane okay oh okay I can't see I can't see and we're dead let's try this again hold on all right here we go here we go okay okay okay NOP okay so wait a second I have an idea all right all right I think I might have figured it out this time let's give it a go so you go up right and then you kind of yeah you kind of turn like that o and then left oh beautiful oh oh my God yes we're doing it oh oh my God okay we spawn out at the end there I actually oh I'm so worried we're not going to have enough speed for this next section we'll have to wait and see okay it's literally just one section left we can land there we're all good here we go oh my God please please please please please please let this work yes we did it oh my God oh my God we conquered it okay we a little too far at the end there but we conquered it next up we have whatever this is I don't I don't even know what to call this the the the plum the plum is Nightmare I the drain pipe from hell I don't know and then it just it just I don't oh dud so glad we had the Weevil for this I I actually don't think we would have fit down those those water slides without it but we're so close the end is right there we just have to figure out how to beat this section it seems pretty self-explanatory we just got to get enough speed make sure we ride all of the the boosters and make it to the top of the plumbus hole so we'll give it a quick test run okay okay it's feeling good oh we've lost all traction on the side uh we're still we're still going up we did not make it far enough okay I think it's because we lost traction I how this thing isn't smoking yet is beyond me I don't understand okay we're going to try that again but this time I'm going to hold forward and it should like kind of just ride the pipe it should it should stay down and hold traction the whole time all right here we go I'm holding down trying not to turn too much I feel like my right wheel is already yeah we already have lift off oh but we're so much closer oh we're so much closer okay see how it's basically laced around the entire Pipe near the top there right once you get past that first section I think all we're meant to do is just drive around and around and around and then that way the force will keep us attached to the pipe as we go up and we should make it so let's give that a go real quick let's see if this is the answer and that maybe we just to pegga to realize okay okay okay well maybe maybe I'm got to I got to hold down while I do it I got to I got to hold the front of the card down let's try that again I feel like we're we're kind of like close you know what I mean we're kind of oh my god there it is there it is there it is we're carrying the force we're holding the end down we're nearly there we're nearly there we made it that counts we have made it congratulations we're at the top baby our end goal is at the bottom of whatever this section is we just have to try and survive the trip down there now it looks like we have two choices of water slides to go down now normally you'd probably go down a water slide you know in your board shorts on your own have a little slip and slide have some fun I don't know if you've noticed but we're about a million stories high in the sky right now so I feel like going down in just your board shorts would be a little dangerous right now so instead we're going to go down in our grandmother's car the Weevil the one on the left has the tube around it so I'm going to choose that one I'm going to see how well this goes okay the car is already on two wheels uh-oh oh god oh this is way harder than I expected oh no oh no oh no oh no please stay inside the tube please stay inside the tube okay we fell but we're good I think oh oh no no no we're going to get flung off no we're not we're still going somehow the car is still managing to do this when it's not even on its Wheels we flipped back over oh we have to avoid the windmills oh my god oh it's getting intense I like it oh there's another wind oh just for science sake let's take the outside tube and see what happens here oh wow oh no no I can't break I can't do anything we're dead we're dead we're so dead we're gone all right well I'm glad we know which tube it is to start I think we got really lucky that first run I I'm honestly worried we won't be able to recreate that so let's go back down again we have to look out for the windmills I actually don't think we'll fall out of this even if I had like a ridiculous amount of speed I'm pretty sure our biggest issue right now is just the windmills so we can stay in our our our our Wheels we'll have a bit more flexibility oh my God okay well oh no I can't I there's literally nothing I can do we're at the mercy of luck right now oh oh no we're good we're good we're good o go go go go go go go okay okay there's another one coming there oh dodged oh my god dude I feel like I'm John Wick or Neo which are that's both K Reeves all right we're coming down the the the spiraly part I think we're okay right now I don't think we're in danger of anything there oh no uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh oh oh please let me back in no we were so close and oh we're good we're fine oh my God we're not fine oh my God I made it an executive decision here we have had to upgrade our vehicle to increase our chances of completing this now you might might be wondering why this thing well my thought process is it's a water slide jet skis are good for water there go if you carry the one cross the five out square root the hypotenuse you figure out that the jet ski is probably the most suitable for this job what here we go in the jet ski Lancey jety jet land I don't know land jet all right we're going we're off oh this already feels better oh this already feels better oh my God we actually might be able to do it on this thing and we have lost all control we might not be able to do it on this thing oh no we're back we're back we're back we're back back o dude this thing is actually so Zippy though look at it okay I can't see anything right now so we're just kind of at the mercy of the map this okay okay listen I don't know if this would be cheating the map right but what if we just kind of drove off and fell onto the blue we I we we've given this a good attempt right like we could feel like that would be perfectly except oh wow wait it might be possible hold on we're coming in hot oh oh my God we were so close oh oh oh pull back pull back no way too much speed oh wait wait wait oh we're going way too quick oh I think this is the one I think this is the one boys oh my God we would have landed on the blue we keep getting so close to the blue this one's not going to hit is it wait a second oh oh we made it we made it to the blue Get Wrecked oh I know never want to see that oh God I never want to see that section again I never ever want to see the the oh my God I can't even speak I'm so happy oh I can't believe it listen listen I know we were meant to ride that the whole way down but if I can do it better and smarter I should all right it's not my fault I was blessed with the Einstein gigar brain that God gave me so here we are okay here we go I I am praying that we get this in just one go if we can get this in one go I'll be so happy okay so we hit that one accelerate not too fast okay okay I'm hitting the brakes oh God no no uh it's very doable let's try that one more time so we're going to come to here okay so we're going to get a bit of a gas up for that one right gas up here okay this is where oh no oh no so we start there right and then I just hold the accelerator down for the whole trip will that will that do it here we go oh that's good that's good oh oh please yes yes no way we did it we did it we finished the death run challenge let's go oh there you have it the death run GTA challenge it took us a while and we had to be kind of geniuses about it we had to kind of cheat the system but a win is a win and if you like that video make sure to like And subscribe and comment below any kind of maps you want to see me play next time uh but until then I will see you then goodbye
Channel: heyimzed
Views: 1,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, cars vs spirals, cars vs spirals in gta 5, spirals in gta 5, testing cars vs, testing cars vs spirals, cars challenge, cars vs waterslides, waterslide challenge
Id: U8I1BEdW2Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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