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We're checking out the only game where you can load a car to a slingshot and fire it at light speed. It's Slingshot Stunt Racer. Now in Slingshot Stunt Racer, you can see in the beginning your slingshot is very weak. Look at that, pathetic. Limp if you will. However, by getting money, we can start to upgrade our various items. As I understand, it gets to the point where the slingshot just becomes completely stupid. Just keep upgrading the bonuses. We're getting a little further each time. Now we can start hitting the upgrades. Now, you can also do ridiculous barrel flips and rolls just because it gets you bonus money, so you get more and more each time. The best part is that there's really no limitations on exactly how many of these things you can do once you start going into the stratosphere. What I'm going to do is keep upgrading this as we go through the levels until we can finally shoot our car out of that slingshot at light speed. Now you can see with just a couple of upgrades and a few bonus upgrades, we're already getting like 900 coins per shot. We'll just keep upgrading this. Slingshot's level 15 and we've already completed this board. This is where the avalanche of stupidity begins because now we can get the multiplier on all the money. This is about to get completely out of hand. Let's just see-- Who put the barricade right behind my slingshot? Oh my God. Now luckily you can do some backflips here to maybe take some of the forward momentum out. Getting 6,000 gold per shot now. You know what? Just keep the upgrades coming. We don't even need 100% on the slingshot on this one. Let's just do like 74 and we'll throw a couple of backflips in there just for good measure. Perfect. I love how you don't even have to land on your wheels. They don't care if you die. They just want to know that you completed the level. At this point, we'll go ahead and put these up to level 19 just to see what that does to our slingshot. Not bad. I love that none of this is real. It's all just in our head. It's a bunch of cardboard boxes inside of a sweet house. Who does the interior decorating? More slingshots. All right. Did our slingshot get any more powerful? A little bit of a wall ride now. Then you go down the hill. I don't know how that was a front flip. I don't remember flipping anywhere. Usually, I would think I'm the one doing it. I would probably know. You want to hug the top end of the ramp. We're definitely going to need more speed to finish this one. We're getting close. Let's bring this up to level 23. The strength of the slingshot is getting to the point where it's almost throwing my car off of the launch pad. Oh my God. I was going to say it's really going to screw me up. Let's just bring this up to 27. The G-forces that my guy must be pulling the second the slingshot shoots, his uvula is probably stabbing him in the back of his throat. I'm going to barrel-roll my way to the end of this board. No joke. We're already at level 35 for the slingshot. In fact, I don't think I'm going to stop until I get my slingshot up to level 500 I would say. That seems to be non-rookie number-ish. More engines. How many horsepower would you like? Yes. I don't want a single horse left on this planet. I want them all under the hood of my car. Now roll to the finish line. Excellent. Now one of the things that you can also do is get a different car right over here. Oh yes, supercars, muscle cars, a pickup them up truck. Let's do some fast cars. All right, this looks really simple. It just looks like a jump. I almost feel like I don't want to hit this too hard. Like I would go too fast. Glad I did that about 50% or I would've went into the stratosphere. All right more bonus. We'll do this at like how about 60-65% Wouldn't want to go too hard here. Like I said, I don't want to go to space yet. That's coming though. Then roll, roll, roll almost there. Since we don't need 100% of our slingshot yet, I'm just going to keep putting money in there and we'll bring this up to 80. Like I said, I want as many-- Oh my God. I want as many bonuses as I can get. I could probably do some flips here. There we are. If you look closely, you will not see a driver inside of this car. He probably doesn't exist anymore. He got evaporated on board number two. I almost put my car through my TV. Now we have a long turn at the bank that goes down. All right, let's do level 41 engine. Again, there shouldn't be plenty. I feel like we have enough power to get there with no problem. Oh, now we're just running into things. Who put this stuff here? Am I the child inside the house? My dad's going to come home. There's just going to be like coffee mugs laying all over the place that I am using for the obstacles for my car. Level 45 slingshot. What will that get you? Oh, okay. You don't even drive through the obstacles anymore, you fly through the obstacles. Once you start getting into the 40s things are already getting out of control. Let's keep bringing the money up, because the more money I have, the more stupidity I can-- Oh, my God [laughs]. Oh, [laughs] no. Was that a bird up there? I think that was one of the tires, one of the obstacle tires. I shot it like a railgun. Look at the money. [chuckles] I need to grind a little bit of cash. What we're going to do is go flying, and then just flips, just nonstop, more, more flips. Yes. Barrel rolls, front flips. Oh, my, I almost landed that. I was really close. I don't believe it, it almost rolled into it. Okay. In order to beat this, maybe 30% of our true power. This is like some Dragonball Z-level stuff here. You want to know what his power level is, Vegeta? It's a lot. Okay. I'm doing 50% and I'm almost going out of the universe. There we go. 50% we got it. I got an extra barrel roll, and I'm breakdancing on my hood. I'm just sliding infinitely now. I cannot stop. What do I need to do to stop the car? [laughs] The car is [?] I broke its physics already. We haven't even gotten to where I want to be yet. Like I said, I want at least 500. [chuckles] If the level finally gave it to me, it was just dragging on for a while. All right. More bonuses. I have a feeling we're going to be able to get all the times bonuses, and we'll go right off the roadway. What other cars do we get here? Ooh, this looks like something that has absolutely no safety measures. All right. Bring that up to level 49. I wonder what the aerodynamics of this thing are. Oh. [laughs] I feel like going straight for money on this game is probably overdoing it just a little bit. $20,000. I don't need any more power right now. Again, we'll just go for bonuses at the moment. It's not a matter of not being able to reach the finish line. I need to stop going over the finish line. Maybe 60-66% That seems pretty holy. All right. Now, do some backflip, nice, easy backflip. Perfect. How come these cars don't have any friction? It's like I'm using this car in zero-G or something. Look at it, it's just sliding. [chuckles] It's just randomly vaulting to the side. Again, I'm just going to go full, I don't know where it is going to take me, or if it would be far enough. What a fool I was. Of course, it's far enough. 37,000. Keep the money bonuses coming. What do you think, 66 again? That seems to be a good number. I don't know why, but that number and I seem to be fantastic friends. Never mind, that number betrayed me. 72. 72. We'll throw a couple of flips in there because we can. All right. A little bit more, probably need about 80.83. Oh, shot off to the side there, not my best aim. Now, I'm going to go ahead and drive to my death. Yay. I've got the money bonuses up to level 82 already. There we go. 74. There's a lot of obstacles in the way though, sadly. I need to front flip this, and then of course go straight in between both barricades somehow then hit this gas tank. 44,000 gold per shot. Maybe 87. The aerodynamics get really crazy once you start getting closer and closer to 100. There we go. Got it. One last barrel roll. I don't even know where that came from. Sorry, agave plant, whatever you are. I'm going to crack you open and put you in one of my beverages. I love cactus too, not to eat, just to look at. Barrel roll, don't know where. I need to get a car with actual tires. Which one of you guys had sweet treads? Is that a taxi? [laughs] We'll come to you next. You're both yellow, so you have my seal of approval. I got to use the taxi. All right. More bonuses. Again, going through the bonuses is cake basically. This car may be faster than the last race car, I'm not sure. Okay. You know what? Let's bring our slingshot up, why not? Is this stupid, is it? [sighs] Yes, it's stupid. [laughs] My guy probably doesn't even know if he finished the race. He's like, "How did I do?" They're like, "You came in first because you killed everyone that you passed." I don't even know why I'm putting points in the engine right now. They all evaporated. Staying on this thing is hard. I go so fast that I just fly off. All right. Let's put a bunch into the bonuses, and then we'll go 70% Okay. 70% is still too much. I have a lot of money saved up. 63% Wow, I'm only using 54% of my total power at this point. That's roughly what it takes because if I do any worse, my character just gets jettisoned off the wall. All right, here's a little bit of a barricade. Can we roll to the end? If not, we'll probably do about 60% and that'll get us there. I'm already at almost 100,000. You know what? I'm going to keep some of the gold. Try like 57% Oh, yes, this looks good. This looks good. It's going a little bit faster around the corner. That's good. Now, we can go ahead and roll down the hill here. Nice. I don't know where that barrel roll came from, but now it just needs to nose its way to the end. Oh, I don't know what happened at the end there, but I just had to inch my way to victory. Did some sort of strange hop at the end. As you can see, I've went ahead and grinded a little money. Oh, God. Oh, no. I'm going to use full power just to see how bad it is. All right. We're not at lightning speed yet, but I feel like we might be getting there. All right. I don't even know. Maybe like 70% It's tough. Oh, yes. 70% looks pretty good. Let's do some backflips. Backflip. Backflip. Backflip. Yes, backward momentum and then land it. Oh, wow. It rolled forward. Are we literally back to 66% about again? I think that was 67% but it should work out. We'll do a couple of barrel rolls too. Usually, it just gives me the barrel rolls. I'm surprised. I love it. The taxi has no friction as well. Every day I like to polish my taxi with an entire bottle of Crisco. Gives it that lustrous shine. Also, it makes it so that I slide for eternity. Stop. I need to finish the board. Oh, God. I'm literally still sliding at this point. It's still going. I can't stop. I love how I've upgraded my slingshot so much so far that it's just completely disassembled the boundaries of the world. Oh, finally a sand dune. The sand dune was the only thing that stopped me. 56,000. Yes, why not? Bring it up to 86% Yay. I'm completely gone. I am now off of the bonus area. I've left. I'm just going to keep pumping this up. Is this a ramp? I can't even see where this goes. G forces are delicious. I may have also broken all of my spinal column. That worked out really good. Luckily, there was enough stuff getting in the way. All right. 91 engine. Now, if I had to guess, I'm probably going to fly off of this thing. I was totally wrong. I don't know what kind of tires this taxi has, but it almost did this entire board perfectly. If anything, I would say more slingshot. More slingshot. The speed that this thing goes through the boards with, and this looks like it's the proper speed for this level. All right, more engine then. I think that the engine gave us the extra boost we needed. You know what? More engine then. All right, where am I landing this thing? Oh, not over here. [chuckles] I missed it by about a mile and a half. Let's try again. This thing has a tendency to pull to the left. Maybe if I do it to the right like this. Oh, there we go. That's definitely the way to go. Throw some backflips in there for good measure. I don't know if the backflips change your trajectory. I'd like to pretend that they do. Maybe I can stick the landing here. Perfect. Did exactly what I thought it would. All right, I think we need a supercar. The big question I have, is the supercar faster, legitimately faster than the taxi? We're going to keep everything as it is. Actually, I'll upgrade the money a little bit more because you can always have more money. Here we go. Oh, my God. My car just went upside down immediately. It wasn't even doing the course right side but it's flipped onto its roof. How about 57%? Oh, my God. Maybe 49% [laughs] You know what? I'll just do it on my roof. It's fine. It's honestly no big deal. There we go. Again, the roof doesn't have any friction on it anyway, so I can slide across the entire board. 80,000. You know what? Let me give this a little extra oomph. How about 63%? It's all about the aim. I've got to keep this thing on the road because it's just too powerful. It goes straight off the road. Okay. This one looks pretty good. Looks good and straight. I don't know how it did that, but somehow it like corrected its course. We're almost there. I might even have to upgrade the engine a little bit, but not the slingshot. The slingshot is getting ridiculous. Okay, so that was about 70% We're still about 100 meters away. I did 80% there, and we'll throw some front flips into the deal. If you act now, I'll give you nine front flips and the ability to break dance toward the goal. Just keep sliding. More engine. Well, what's funny is this car apparently is just meant to race on its roof. I don't know [chuckles]. I don't know if this is the proper way to utilize this vehicle but in the game, it is. 90,000 coins, whatever. I told you we were going to get 500, by the way. I'm not stopping until I get 500. I went through the planet. I actually went through the planet. I am in the core of the earth right now. This is amazing. I've gone so fast that the board cannot hold me there. I had to slow myself down so the board had a reasonable expectation to contain this vehicle. What do I want to do? More money. If we're ever going to get to 500, we need to keep the money rolling. We'll do this at about 76% 76% looks pretty decent. Maybe we should go to like 90, right? We don't want to go to 100. I don't even know what 100 is. There's 92. Oh, 92 is beautiful. Oh, 92 is perfect. A little bit of a backflip there. Look at that aim. Boom. [chuckles] Right on the roof. Like I said, I think we're only going to land on the roof at this point. I'll blame it on the sandstorm. There was a sandstorm in my living room. Now we'll do more slingshots. Oh, I get to choose. Left or right, huh? What does right do for me? There's a bit of a curve and then there's a jump. Right was the right answer, I think. That's kind of redundant, but it was legitimately the right answer because we can just slide on in. Also, it looks like our bullseye's getting bigger. 108,000 coins. Oh, yes, more slingshot. Don't mind me just jumping off the planet. Pretty typical day on GrayStillPlays channel. Okay, now we're in the winner and there's traffic. Can I hit the traffic? Why is the traffic levitating? Hold on, I want to see if I can hit it. Ready? Wait, wait, wait. Now. [laughs] Oh my God. Wow, that's pretty close to where you need to be. [chuckles] I thought I was going to overshoot that ridiculously, but this isn't that bad. I might want a little bit more engine. All right, wait for it. Wait for it. You go straight through the car. I was kind of wondering. Look at the barrel rolls. This is some maverick-level barrel rolls right here. Maybe 95% All right. Let's do it. Let's try 93% and I'll throw some flips into the deal there. Okay, that looks good. Come on down and Frosty gets to see-- Oh, I've laid it on the wheels. No [laughs]. That's not supposed to-- 125,000? I was going to say, that's not supposed to happen. Hold on. I'm just grabbing a different vehicle here. What else we got? Woah, what is this? I want whatever this is. More money. Almost at 200. It's like a DeLorean. Sweet [laughs] Oh, God. It doesn't drive normally. Oh, I can't hit traffic. I hit traffic. [laughs] It's a big accomplishment. Oh, and I caused the traffic to hit the other traffic. I caused a big pile-up. All right, let's crank up the engine and we'll do this at about 97. Oh my God, the DeLorean's amazing. I thought supercars were fast. Let me over 68% this way. How about that? It still goes over. I'm only using one-tenth of my power level. Literally, I'm using half of my power level right now. Perfect. I think this thing levitates a little bit as in it seems to float. Okay, so now there's two chunks of traffic. I don't really know where I'm going. Am I supposed to go this way or is that? It's up here. Let's get more slingshot. Let me see if I can, maybe 61 by that. Oh no, we're going to need to go way more. More engine. 82.83. Jump off the ramp. Big jump backflip looking pretty good. Maybe 85% That's 85% went perfect right off the side there. We're still not close though. All right. I'll do 94, 95, we'll do 95. Of course, it just bounces off the roof because why not? I'm over level 200 on the bonus money now and it shows. He could go all the way. Come on DeLorean, touchdown. 200,000 to spend. My slingshot just got like 20 levels immediately. Am I going to fly off the edge of this thing? I'm not even riding it on my wheels. Whatever, I'll just keep putting points into this. What could go wrong? I did like 83% there because it's just been too fast. Now I have to do a wall ride but technically, the DeLorean doesn't really ride on the ground. Maybe it'll just stick to the wall because it's gotten little gravity beams going on over here. Maybe it can't slide off. Oh, I can fall. There we go. Then just put her in reverse. Just throw it in reverse. Almost. More engine. A flat landing. I'm getting 150,000 to 200,000 per run. Let me get some more money here. Oh, I'm right there. Oh my god, yes. I slid backwards into it. All right. Let me go ahead and get my bonus real quick. I think I may have just barely gotten it. I love how you get the bonus. You're not even supposed to get these flips or these barrels but because I have so much speed, I just get all that extra bonus on top of this. How much money is this going to be? About 80,000. What do we have all the way at the top? It's a fire engine. Why do I feel like this thing isn't going to drive very well? Oh, I never mind, this thing handles amazing. Oh well, the fire engine. Where have you been all my life? First try, is it going to be? Oh, that was close. That was almost first try. More upgrades. There's a lot of traffic that I have to go around now too. I want to know who's behind the wheel of this fire engine because he is making the impossible possible. Bam. Right there to space. Pretty close to the end. 172,000 now per shot. I might have to start doing real upgrades. I will get some barrel rolls which this thing does do very well. Now it's going to roll down the side of the mountain. Just keep clocking in those barrel rolls out times 11. Why not times? Can we go over 25? Let's go over at least 25.16, 17. Just keep multiplying my cash. I don't mind. Maybe 25 was underselling it. Maybe 30. How about that? 30. Excellent. Nice crisp 30. The boards are getting pretty hard. I am almost up to level 200 in all of my-- Sorry. What I was trying to say before I ruthlessly murdered someone is that I'm up to level 200 almost in all the categories. Why there's so many people on the road today? Flip, flip, flip, close. I'm like a missile, like a very skillful missile that also happens to put out fires. We're not at level 500 yet. Not good enough. This one's particularly hard to get because the area that you're supposed to land in is hiding behind a little mountain so you have to ramp it. Then you have to just barely go over right there. Look at how close. What we're going to do is we're going to go at a very very slight angle. Let's try that again without killing a family of four. Go. There's that slight [?] I was talking about. Oh, this is perfect. Right there. It's on its roof and it's back on its wheels. 182,000 coins. Oh, yes. I'll just go down the roadway. [laughs]. We don't need roadways where we're going. Maybe only 82% Oh God, 82% is still awful. What is happening? How far away is this ending? It's really out there. Let's bring up the engine and we're going to slow down the sling we shot. That was not enough. We did not slow the slingshot down enough. On the plus side though, look at the bonus numbers. I might need a different car for this. We need something sporty. Something that hugs the road. Something like this. How well do you not destroy the skeletons of people around you? Try that. A lot of people come in on the on-ramp over here. Oh, yes. Oh, this thing hugs really good. This is what we need. We just need even more speed because where's this going to land at-- How much further do I have to go? Pretty far. More engine. Hugging it hard, real strong, little bit of a jump, lots of air and we're definitely seeing the ending better now. I just have to go even further. More engine. Probably to get this engine up to level 300. Look at the speed. Look at the distance. Look at the altitude, like an unidentified flying object at this point. Oh, if I land on my roof, will I just slide over? Because I remember that none of these things have any friction on the roof. Apparently, this car does. Right. More engine. It looks like what happens when you upgrade the engine is the car keeps its speed for longer on the road. What's funny is though, once we start getting all these levels up to 500, it won't be on the road that long. Okay. This is probably the fastest shot I've done so far. Remember, it keeps a lot of speed so we're getting a ton of height and now we're coming in for a legitimate landing basically like a plane, they land on the roof. Going straight for 300. We're there. This is going to make it, I can feel it. Oh, I can see my house from here. Well, it might not be my house. I could see someone's house from here. I'm not really sure whose it is. I just roll on down to the winner's podium. Or you could totally run out of gas. I don't know if you just saw how much money I'm getting per run now. I went ahead and I grinded the bonus up. [laughs] Oh God. Oh, the speed. Oh, the agility. I am just barely able to hug the road at this point with 300s in my slingshot and my engine and somehow it is still not enough. This is the boss of levels here. Oh, I may have overshot this. I may have gone. Nope, never mind, this is a game of ridiculousness. I am almost spot on. Level 401. Oh my god. This is not how cars work. At this point, the speed that this car is taking those corners, I have overshot it now. I wasn't sure if I could eventually overdo this but I can. I guess when you're getting a million coins per run, things can get out of hand very, very quickly. I'm coming in hot. I am breaking the atmosphere at this point, and touchdown. Yes. Does it get harder? Oh, it's just a bonus area [laughs]. I might as well claim some bonuses. The best part is the amount of money that you get, it can't even show it the actual cash. It just shows it's like 100,000 but it's like a million per go. I could straight up just go for five at this point I think and a big jump. Okay, this is going to be an easy landing. No problem. I may have even overshot it a little bit. I wonder if I can roll this back there, just land it and then I'm still going. Oh, it's just carrying me at this point. It's like, "Ah, at this point momentum has no meaning to you, Gray. Just keep going." That was 2 million I just got there if you saw the number move. All right, well I said I was going to get these up to 500. You know what? I'm going to put them all at 502. 502, do you want to see what this does? Ready? Yay [laughs]. Oh my god. Before I do this level, for real, are you ready to see what level 600 gets you? I can't do 100 because it doesn't work anymore. Like here, look at-- Nevermind it totally works. [laughs] Oh my god. Before this, it was just sending my car through the planet. Yay, infinite distance. How am I going to beat this? 9, 15% Okay, 15% looks pretty good. Oh wow, 15% is way too much. I'll only use three-- Hold on, can I do it? I can't go lower than 10% What I'm going to do to try and beat this board is ricochet it off to the side and maybe I can land it or I can hit one of the cars. Okay. I hit a car. Oh, that's definitely the way to do it. If you hit a car, I can almost land it. In order for me to win this, I have to murder someone. There it is. That was the perfect head-on collision. Just arc over to the side. Yes. These are the last few boards. Okay, this one required easily into the double digits of power. For this one, we'll do 24% Let's see what 24% gets us. Oh, I may have called it first try. Look at this. Roll, roll. Keep rolling, keep rolling. Maybe 26% 25 there. Oh, 25 is very, very doable. Oh wow, actually the car kept on the roadway way too good. Okay, that was 23 and it is going to rub its roof, which is nice. Then I think I might be able to slide it. No, not quite. This is 23. Oh, that car just helped me out. That car just helped me out big time. Just keep rolling, keep rolling, keep rolling, keep rolling. Ah, 24. This is 24. Somewhere between 24 and 25, but the problem is I may have to increase my levels. 25. A little flip. There it is. 25. Got it. With an extra barrel roll off the car, off the other pedestrian traffic. Is this going to be it? [laughs] We have a winner. [laughs] Yes. Well, I used the slingshot to go around the world at 1 million times light speed. Folks, [?] this episode of Slingshot Stunt Driver. See you next time. Stay Foxy. Much Love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,124,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, game, android gameplay, android games, ios games, best android games, best games, top games, mobile games, best mobile games, android best games, slingshot stunt driver, slingshot stunt driver game, slingshot stunt driver gameplay, slingshot stunt driver walkthrough, all levels, max levels, testing cars, testing cars mobile game, slingshot game
Id: oRzY9wLy0_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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