Zelda TotK Vehicles & Builds That Will BLOW YOUR MIND 🤯 #2

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it's like up but a really creepy version of up [Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome back to your daily dose of Zelda totk today's episode is a special featuring some of the best Soni builds we've seen so far let's get into it what this vehicle lacks in practicality it makes up for in style Mister is using Wheels either side of a steering stick with springs attached and that makes for a rather unique way of traveling just don't attempt to use it on stealth missions this thing is loud this is a pack of three Deployable combat Bots Anya gets the pack closer to the bad guys using Ultra hand he's also found a really cool use for a fairly useless device foreign this right here is a time bomb the smart part about this build is that the explosion from the time bomb activates the Zone eye on the three robots if you learn to make one transport device in totk learn to make this this can be used for discovering shrines exploring the depths and for ubering koroks around it's extremely cheap to build all you need is a steering rack and two Farms pay close attention to how bravest has angled the parts for maximum performance [Music] t-wolf captioned this clip robot walking test failure I don't think this is a fail at all he's built a frog foreign [Music] saucer and I'd say succeeded he's using four wings to create a circular base and then is using sleds to create a domed house for the pilot Rockets get him up into the sky then the fans underneath the wings take over the propulsion cool build [Music] all right [Music] phase poop and fart in 69 classic name has accidentally built the Divine Beast VAR Meadow image reference in the top right if you want to re-jog your memory Link's pause has created a vehicle designed specifically for traversing The Depths let's break it down so here's the clever part one of the recent breakthroughs over the past few days is using Springs as suspension Lynx pools can effectively toggle the suspension by stepping off and back on the steering stick other methods for exploring the depths include whatever the hell this contraption is I count 12 Wheels in total all at slightly different heights which creates the upwards motion required to Traverse over uneven Terrain actually genius [Music] there we go [Music] Alfredo The Imposter has sent us his new Mac design it's called the advanced combat Mech build and this thing is super impressive the mirror shield on the back saves no functional purpose but it does give it Iron Man Vibes I think that's acceptable [Music] when you're building zondi Contraptions or anything for that matter slope surfaces can be a real pain in the butt here's a good tip for you save a workbench platform made of a stake and some large wood panels to your auto build you can then use ultra hand to adjust the height of the platform pretty smart hoop and fart and calls this the shower head foreign car with a stabilizer on top and then 18 beam emitters attached to a construct head Blank Slate calls this contraption the spinning top of death let's see what it can do time to send it into a bow Goblin cam it's giving me Beyblade Vibes wait what if we made two and made them fight each other leading pain Pope blames growing up in redneck culture for the inspiration here this is the most Trucker Song I could find so please don't be offended stepping off the steering sticker back on it activates the spring-based suspension so we can do this we've seen some hyper-efficient vehicles in these videos but now it's time for some hyper inefficient Vehicles this is the boingotron 3000. foreign this is a cardboard cutout of President Hudson players are picking this guy up and doing some interesting things with him he can even be glued to Zone iPods and used in builds such as this President Hudson Mack is it a boat is it a land vehicle is it General Grievous's wheel it's all three after millions of years it swims again yesterday we covered sorenia's hyper-efficient one fan flying vehicle but it had some problems with stability well he's been hard at work and this is his much improved design the only two components are the downwards facing fan and the steering stick the rear of the vehicle is constructed using a korok frond which has virtually no weight supporting a sphere with bronze either side balance and steering is now greatly improved and this thing hardly uses any power tactful honk calls this the multi-spinner Mark 1 and you'll quickly learn how this contraption got its name foreign car has a single hydrant flame Frost and shock emitter making it perfect for any occasion now the cool thing about this build at least in my opinion is that it doesn't use a stabilizer it relies on centrifugal force alone to stay upright [Music] but what if the enemy is immune to projectiles or Elemental damage well tactical Honkers thought of that that's what the spikes are for the spinning mechanism is a motor stolen from the gemimix shrine and it's powered by a shock emitter instead of the zonai battery directly to get it out of the shrine fuse it with something then pay the NPC at Tarrytown 20 Rupees to split the items the whole thing costs 33 09 to build and it's surprisingly durable yukino-san has built a handy device for torturing bad guys [Music] what's even more Sinister is that he's included a viewing platform within the design just listen to those screams and if you're a fan of Star Wars you'll agree this build was inspired by Anakin Skywalker's Pod racer in episode 1 The Phantom Menace the design is actually fairly simple it uses two wheels up front for steering and two fans on each pod a 45 degree fan under the steering stick to the rear provides lift and forward momentum it's fairly maneuverable works well on water and it costs 30 zonai without materials now this is POD racing now Nicholas live has sent us his build bonus points for the desert setting which really gives off Tatooine vibes [Music] he's opted for a triple fan and two rocket combo for each of the engines and a wheel to get this thing off the ground [Music] the base is a wing and steering stick combo which does mean eventually the wing will break but it does look cool [Music] [Music] we're now reaching a level of intelligence I'll never get to in game or real life t-wolf was tired of falling from his Vehicles so he built a two axis gimbal here's where it gets really crazy no matter what the vehicle does link does not fall out of it because you know physics oh a close Contender for build of the day was Ultra baboons tank with functional hatch when the device is activated the spring closes link into the driver's pod [Music] foreign with link now secured he's free to terrorize Hyrule without the fear of getting hit screw building your house in Tarrytown build a mobile home instead disclaimer correct companion not included does this machine look dumb yeah yeah does it also do a surprising amount of damage yes [Music] in case you missed that look at the damage a couple of wax does on a high Knocks [Music] thank you one of the most popular modes of Transport is the steering stick with two fans otherwise known as the hoverbike we've covered that a bunch on this channel if you fancy mixing things up and spending an extra two fans the basket actually makes for an interesting base the steering stick sits towards the front of the basket and four angled fans provide the propulsion the top bit is even good for transporting carocks around [Music] t-wolves on a roll with vehicle designs and this one is powered by pure hatred and spite what it lacks in movement it makes up for in smashing enemies foreign here it is punishing a high Knocks keeping on with the Star Wars theme natural 2 has built himself a TIE fighter [Music] waxy boxy has designed what is in my opinion one of the best truck designs we've seen today and this couldn't have come at a better time as I found better Trucking music foreign [Music] [Music] it's not much but it's on its work [Music] keeping on with the farming theme ice track has built a tractor although this Harvest does not look very Bountiful [Music] [Music] the spinning blade underneath the tractor actually does harvest the rice [Music] Iran 120 has built this death bike that moves towards enemies using homing carts at the base of the vehicle although in retrospect a stabilizer might have prevented tooling from Catching this straight op Sun created a solid attempt at a walker and honestly this gives me so much hope for a functional atat the machine is called Gunter by the way and I think he suits it remember T wolves two axis gimbal from last episode while one of the most popular comments was now put it on an aircraft t-wolf has done just that this means you can do full-on backflips in your aircraft without link falling from the steering stick the correct Space Program continues to progress in its mission to one day put koroks on the blood moon [Music] foreign [Music] speaking of rockets this could revolutionize korok's space travel as we know it this is Russ's proof of concept multi-stage booster [Music] [Music] Cecil likes walking in his stupid little boots and then doing a stupid little dance we love Cecil wait actually did Schmidt just accidentally create an atst without any weapons I think he did you've seen players build suspension systems using Springs but what rugras has built is a spring lust suspension system foreign [Music] made this working Flower Bomb Cannon first he loads up about 10 flower bombs into this chamber then using the steering stick he activates the spring at the bottom of the chamber classic speed still this giant ball from a shrine by fusing it and then unfusing it by the Goron entire town the steering stick spins the wheels either side of the ball as the giant ball is attached to those Wheels it too spins the large ball is the main contact point of the ground but the arms of the vehicle act like stabilizers this is just genius design foreign the ground troops are advancing and Gail has opted to provide air support I'm 99 sure this is not what the developers pictured when they saw players completing this mission [Music] game inspection likes his obliterator Tron 9000 so much he's made an edit [Music] so we're all missing rivalli's Gale right but what if I told you there was a cheap solution to Get Hype with zonai you're in luck new gas has a rocket glued to a sled saved in his Auto build so we can quickly do this and it only cost six zonite foreign the new Tears Of The Wind Waker DLC God that music so much nostalgia [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we gave daily awards for the most ludicrous most impractical Vehicles meme lover 6's unicycle would take today's hands down [Music] oh [Music] time to check in with the engineers over at the korok Space Program Marty has built a four-stage rocket by placing Rockets underneath hover Stones ignition [Music] foreign work engineer and we've had a further breakthrough in the hoverstone department the hover Stone floats in the air naturally activating the steering stick causes the spring to push the hoverstone upwards repeating this creates near infinite upwards propulsion Alfredo the impastor has created the ultimate tank design link enters via the rear of the tank which is being held open via a spring now watch what happens when link enters the steering stick with the rear door now closed it's virtually impossible for the enemies to damage alfredo let the destruction begin [Music] [Applause] foreign features a mounted cannon on the top but also a dual beam emitter set up on the rear of the tank adding to its Firepower [Music] if you watch these videos often you know that farming equipment has a special place in my heart this is scrago tape Shop's wheat collection machine his design uses two swords mounted to a horizontally turning wheel on the underside of the vehicle that cuts the grass [Music] no collection system as of yet subscribe has to follow behind to collect the loot I'll be watching this project with great interest [Music] no your eyes are not deceiving you that is Metal Gear Rex brought to life in Zelda tears of the Kingdom the build is by euron 120 on Twitter and it comes complete with a functional anti-aircraft Cannon the anti-aircraft Cannon has also been electrified which makes it look way cooler genuinely one of the most impressive builds we've seen today what a talented guy [Music] did anybody else have one of these RC cars that could flip over as a kid Bilson has created his own version in tears of the Kingdom the steering stick is mounted on four wheels that has a stabilizer on Top This ensures the section that link stands on always remains upright the two arms holding the wheels are able to spin freely on the axis foreign all-terrain vehicle that is virtually impossible for link to fall off [Music] [Music] this is some Advanced korok torture and frankly I'm impressed deep GG has built a spring-based cannon system to launch koroks into the chasm the car rocks are stored in this holding pen and then dropped down into the firing Chamber from there well you guessed it [Music] using the steering stick Powers the door on the holding pen and refills the firing chamber with Vic tip I meant corax corrects look s dusk was inspired by the sandbenders vehicles from Avatar when he created this [Music] so there's a theme of Tusk failed successfully Clips in totk and here's Angus cable Junior's contribution these walls can't be climbed you so zunji built an elevator smart use of the small wheels foreign this takes today's wholesome build of the day this is Mateo's stable dog washer and dryer hydrants provide the washing of course now for a quick dry with a couple of angled fans but if you want to avoid the nightmare fuel that is Gloom hands you're going to want to pay attention this rotating Fire and Ice barrier makes light work of these pesky Critters [Music] so small spoiler warning for the muktarak boss fight incoming this handy Contraption uses a spinning wheel with hydrants attached place on top of the Homing cart it's a cheap but effective tool to bring into your fight [Music] as he hates water the machine will hit him quite a lot and it will also clear up any sludge on its way move over Epona there's a new and more graceful Steed in town somebody put out its misery clear flat calls this the spiked wheel [Music] the wheel itself is made up of sleds with spikes attached [Music] link stands on a stabilized steering stick next to a wheel that rotates the outer wheel it might not be the fastest most practical or the most lethal but my God it looks cool foreign 's not the only player making great use out of sleds this is classic speeds amphibious contraption X bullies apma emitter fighter craft is so lethal it will not share the sky with anything else could this take on a dragon we may need a follow-up Avery Bayberry has built a weapon to surpass Metal Gear this is also the closest I think I've seen anybody get to an atst impressive thanks so much for watching guys don't forget to hit subscribe if you're new and we'll see you tomorrow for another video
Channel: Top Gaming Plays
Views: 1,066,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, zelda totk, zelda totk gameplay, zelda gameplay, zelda totk boss, zelda totk building, zelda totk mech, new zelda, zelda build, vehicle, boss, bossess, walkthrough, zelda totk funny, zelda totk moments, zelda funny moments, zelda funny, zonai, zonai builds, zonai devices, ultrahand
Id: vPq0TnC7E6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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