Testing Cars vs GIANT BULGE in GTA 5

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-We're checking out the only game we're dealing with off-road bulges makes my brain want to bulge out of my skull, it's GTA. We wanted to find out which vehicle has the best off-road capability in GTA. Alex made his biggest map yet he calls his obstacles bulges and they get more and more ridiculous as time goes on. He's given me all these vehicles but I'm only allowed to use them until they get stuck or they're destroyed. As usual, only one can make it to the end. Let's do this. Welcome to harmless bulges. I feel like this is a lie from Alex. The one thing that really concerns me is that Alex said this is the longest test he's ever made for me. Now I do have hydraulics, but I only get one chance to use all the different cars. If they go off the road or they get destroyed, they're done. They don't come back. I love that these are harmless bulges. I feel like I'm already bulging some of the discs in my spine. Now what you want to do-- What you want to do is not listen to me at all. I was going to say, what you want to do is take these bulges nice and Oh, my God I almost got killed by my own Cluckin' Bell. You want to take these bulges nice and smooth, see. You don't want to let the suspension get shredded from the bottom of the vehicle-- this is really big. Oh God. Can I leave the 110% meat behind? I feel like the extra 10% is really screwing me over here. It's fine, Gray, just got to wind up and then hit the hydraulics. I didn't think this could legitimately. What is this? Jurassic Park bulges. This doesn't even make any sense. Jurassic Park what? What are these-- the type of off-road bulges that people had to deal with back in the Jurassic period? How would you know? All right. Oh, my God. I thought that here we could just go off but there's a hidden wall. When he meant-- leave the track. Does some of this not have a hidden wall because then you would never be able to leave the track? There has to be areas where there's no hidden walls. Not going to lie, Alex, you really overdid the bulges here. My God is that glass? Oh, it's fencing. Then we're going to go around here. Here we go. That's not too-- Oh, my God. [laughs] Hey, didn't expect the Cluckin' Bell to get that much air did you? Uh-oh. I got a lot of tires and none of them are making contact with the road, or I guess, the lawn, the grass whatever this is. The prehistoric grass. Was the grass longer back then? I'm stuck. I can't believe this. Am I actually stuck here? Come on. Cluckin' Bell can you use that extra 10% meat to help a brother out? Just throw it right in the front seat with me over here. I'll eat it. We'll start moving. It'll be great. Okay let me explain something. I am really embarrassed right now. I got stopped by my own Cluckin' Bell. It is lodged, look, in between the two tires. I guess it's onto the next vehicle. That's fine. There's plenty more where that came from. This one looks legit plus it has a giant plow on the front. Sorry. Probably shouldn't have-- Oh, wow it goes back to the middle, that's interesting. I was going to say probably shouldn't have put the turret right out in the middle of where all the vehicles go to exit the track and begin the challenge. Between this and the Cluckin' Bell, I can easily say this one feels like it has more power. It pulls up the "harmless bulges" very well. I'm impressed. It's time to get some air. I thought about getting air and then I remembered how the last time the trailer ruined my entire run and I suddenly didn't want to get air anymore. Although you have to here because-- [grunts] Uh-oh. Oh, not again. Not again. Please God. Please God, no, don't do this to me. Do not do this to me twice. It's impossible. Yes. Oh. Hold on, I got to try something real quick. [laughs] Yes. Sorry I had to do it. What is this? Like a prehistoric donut? They have donuts back then? I don't think they did. Come on baby. Are you serious right now? What was that? Oh, my other truck exploded. I guess I won't be using it anyway so that's fine. There we go. I was going to say this prehistoric donut that didn't exist is starting to-- Michael Bay. I almost fell through the planet. Was almost outsmarting me, and to say I got outsmarted by a donut is absolutely something you would find on the GrayStillPlays channel. No, don't slide down. I hate myself right now. All right, we're going to go a little bit up this and then we're going to flip right on the hood of the-- There we go. Stop it. Yes. God, driving this thing is like driving Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, looks like it too. All right. Now we're dealing with tube bulges. Okay. Is this something that most off-road vehicles have to deal with? Oh, this doesn't seem that bad. Is that a windmill in one of the tubes? I feel like tubes are not supposed to have wind turbines just-- Whoa. Just jutting through the middle of them. All right, I may need to use the hydraulics a little bit here. Oh, whoa. [chuckles] Oh, whoa. No. He took the walls away. Oh my god. [chuckles] Oh, no. I almost lost this truck. Okay. He did take the invisible walls away for this portion, and that makes sense. Okay. I think I may have vastly underestimated the amount of speed and power that you need to get past this. What? Are you kidding me right now? Not into the water. Oh, it's so shallow that I can't even drown to death. I don't know why he would have put this here. A tank is great for mud and sand and stuff. I don't know how well it's going to do climbing bulges. This is the type of course that you would need 80-inch tires for, not really tank treads, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I've had a lot of things murder me inside of this base, so now it's time for me to get a little bit of retribution. I just got to get a little bit closer to get that helicopter. One last try. Come on. Please, just do it for YouTube. [laughs]. All right, you may live. I'm not going to lie, this thing's doing way better than I thought it would. I am completing the course at the slowest possible timing, but it's not a timed course so I get-- Whoa. [chuckles] What is that? What happened? Anyway, I was going to say it's not a timed course so I guess it really doesn't matter. What is going on? Oh, [laughs] it's the turret. The turret is flinging the tank all over the place. Oh, I can use this turret to keep myself from getting stuck. All right, around the corner. There we go. Now, right after this is usually the part where I end up losing my traction. I've lost two different vehicles here. Maybe if I go up-- Come on. How about if I go a little bit sideways like this, can I? Oh, invisible wall, I forgot. I have an idea. Just trust me. Okay, just trust me. Hold on. [grunts] Here we go. Come on. Come on. This is not working out. Maybe I'm going way too big. Grab mom's car over here. If it's good enough to go to soccer practice, it's good enough to go off-road. Oh, wow, this thing's traction is a lot worse than I thought it would be. Whoa, the aerodynamics on this thing are incredible. Oh, yes. This is amazing. Look at the height it gets. I'm pretty sure this is the fastest I've gotten to this point. It can just squeeze in the middle of the bulges because it's so small. Are you ready? Yeet. Uh-oh, and-- [laughs] I'm on top of the hidden wall that Alex made. [laughs] Screw you, Alex. [laughs] Oh, I have to go back now, but that was pretty good. I legitimately got to cheat part of the board. This whole time, my mom's car was OP, I wish I would have known. With the hydraulics, this thing's unbeatable. Oh, this is one-- Oh, okay, I need to calm down here, I don't want to send this thing off the side. Full 180. As long as we have hydraulics, and I don't go flying off the side of this board, I'm pretty sure this is going to be the new personal best. Yes, new personal best right there. Didn't even have a problem climbing that. Okay. It cannot climb just by itself, you need momentum, but I need to make sure I go around this side of the wind turbine here. We're going to get up to the top, yes, see, and then we're going to move around to the side. I don't want to go too far. No, no, no. No, no. This was the best car. Mom. I still feel the pain from that last one. You know what, try a supercar. Realistically, if mom's car can do it, this should do it even better. The G20 has been one of my stable cars for completing everything in GTA except for the crazy challenges that Alex has been doing recently. Look at all this. Oh, yes, it sticks to the road real good. Gets height when you need it. You can lean it and land nice and flat. Perfect. I still haven't made it past the tube bulges. I want to know what comes next. Oh, this is not flat in the ground. I didn't just get stuck in here. Did I? Are you kidding me right now? Come on. The hydraulics on this, they are garbage. Well, my self-loathing has reached new heights. Guess we're doing the limo. I am running out of cars. Now, luckily, the license plate on here says RICH, which means that we can overcome anything by simply paying away the problem. The only problem is I can't really pay away the pain. In fact, in an odd turn of events, I'm paying for the pain. Which is really twisted. I suppose I'm the masochist here. Come on, come on, come on. No. Maximum speed. I wasn't using that anyway. I got to this stupid donut hole again. This is my arch nemesis. Basically, any car that doesn't have really big tires. I have no idea how I'm going to get past this. It's like trying to shove a hotdog inside of a soda straw. I don't even-- What the-- Whoa. What? That's not how gravity works. You know what, I'm not going to ask any questions. Sometimes I look at things and I don't know how I succeed. I feel like every once in a while, God is just giving me a break. He's like, "You know what, let's turn off physics for just a moment for Gray," and sticks the landing. Let me ask you something. What would you take a limo that looked like this? Give me a five-star Yelp rating. All right. We're onto two bulges. Now, this is further than I thought this thing would make. All right. The first two bulges are no problem. We don't have any kind of obstacles. Perfect. No problem. Now, the only issue here is my car is really long. I don't know how well it's going to handle going off to the-- Oh, boy. I got a real problem. I can't climb this thing. Well, onto another car. I feel like the only thing this does well is let me down but I'm still going to give it a shot. Hopefully, I cannot run over all of the other cars and destroy them because I may need to use-- Oh, God. You know what? They're fine. They're fine. Everything's fine. I'll exchange information with them later. Oh, yes. Remember how I said big tires were the key? Are you kidding me right now? Let this happen. Let this happen. The stupid steps on the front keep catching on the bulges. Look at it right there. I have to park this thing off to the side because I won't be able to get past it if I don't. All right. This thing looks sweet. Oh, yes, I almost hit a bird. I don't know whose fault that would be. I'm not really sure if I would be at fault for that or that bird would be at fault. I feel like I have the right of way. It's harder for me to dodge than it is an eagle or a hawk or something. Please don't ask how I did this. I hate everything about my existence. Just trust me on this. I've got a plan. [laughs] There's no way I can make it in this thing but it's not off the course yet. I can use it to hit the other truck back onto the course. Oh, yes. Do you believe in second chances because GrayStillPlays does? I've had another problem with this thing. That back bumper you can see it sparking everywhere gets caught on everything. You can get tons of speed. You can use the hydraulics but that stupid back bumper doesn't let me get anywhere. Come on, hydraulics. Oh, okay. We could just bounce the whole truck like a piece of rubber. I don't know if that's how trucks work, but we've already defied gravity and physics, so we might as well defy however, the density of metal work. Over the prehistoric bulges. No problem. Oh. Oh, yes. I'm so glad that you didn't make this invisible wall-- There goes some of my bad choices. I'm so glad that you didn't make this invisible wall much higher than this. Wow, this thing has some pull. Can I finally get past this tube for the first time? Out of the way. There's the wind-up and the pitch. Why do I feel like the answer is no? In case you're wondering, the answer was no. Hey, wait. Are you kidding me? Alex, does that count? I just lost one of my trucks and it's not my fault. I just talked to Alex. He says it totally counted. [laughs] I can't even use that truck anymore. What are the chances that a jet just lands right on the map and RKOs one [laughs] of my trucks? Let this work. Let this work. Come on. [laughs] I am so overwhelmingly screwed. I don't know how I'm going to complete this challenge. None of these are doing it. I need you to get out of the way. Thank you. I have two trucks left. Two. Now, I know for a fact that this one has tons of power and speed, but beyond that, it can also jump. It has a flame thrower, which really doesn't matter. The big part is it can jump like that. Now, you may say, "Gray, you just jumped--" Are you kidding me? You may say, "Gray, you just jumped off the platform." Yes. Luckily I can jump back on. As long as this thing doesn't get-- [laughs] The jet is completing the course. [laughs] The jet is doing everything I couldn't do. Come on man. The jet just exploded. I'm so glad. Now you know how it feels, you scumbag. It's right in the middle of where I'm trying to go. There's just a bunch of missiles sitting in the middle of the track. I'm so glad they don't explode when they're off the jet. [laughs] Oh, yes. Oh, we're running it now. Just bounce. Okay, hold on. I was going to say just bounce over the obstacle, but the obstacle bounced to back. Just bounce. Just bounce. Just bounce. Just bounce. Bounce. I have found the one position that this truck can get into where it can't utilize its bounce. Don't you worry, though. I have a plan. Come here. I need you again. I made it all the way up to where I was before. I can make it back. I'm going to nudge this thing off of here and I'm not going to make that mistake again. Now that I know what I'm doing, I am invincible. Here we go. You ready for this? Watch this. No problem. You ready? Boom. Easy. Up this. Come on. Yes. Im going to ride the Cluckin' Bell, ride it. All right. We're doing a little bit more off-road here than I had originally anticipated, but it's fine. Now, Gray, do not get stuck inside the donut. It's kind of a Dorito. There we go. It's not really a donut hole. It's like a triangle hole or something. Yes. See, if you bounce right as you begin the incline, you can usually get over it. The problem is you don't want to bounce when the truck is fully on the incline. This thing is doing great. Finally, a truck that is letting me down, is totally letting me down right now. I got a problem here because I can bounce this, but the problem is I can't go off the side. We're going to bounce it. We're going to grip it. No. Just trust me on this. Are you ready? I might even be able to do-- I was going to use it as a stop and I went off the side of the board. There is one truck left. This is probably the hardest challenge Alex has ever made so far. I don't think I've ever lost every single vehicle that quickly before. Well, it's not actually quick. I've been doing it for a while. The problem is I haven't gotten anywhere. No joke. The Wastelander is amazing. The distance this thing gets when it ramps stuff is unbelievable. Look at it. It just pulls itself right out of the Dorito of power. Look at the height it gets. Then down, watch this, no problem. Watch this, boom. Big deal. I think a lot of it has to do with the front being so high off the tires. Ah, finally. Yes. This is the first time. This is the first time I'm getting past this. I don't care what it takes. It's green, I'm green, we love it. Oh, my God. We love each other, it's fine, we're friends, yes. Oh, my God. What is that? What is that? That's just a sheer wall. [chuckles] That's not a bulge. How am I supposed to get over this? Do I just trust it? Oh, wow. It is just a sheer wall. Oh, and there's a hole right there. Okay. Hold on, hold on here, Alex. Go around the side, perfect. Little trick right there. Is there a new bulge? Oh, here we go, here we go. What is this? Pop it bulges. [chuckles]. Okay. All right. What are the pop it bulges? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. I vastly underestimated the pop it bulge. I didn't think that the balloon would have that much force? What kind of force did you put in these things? All right. Let's do this very controlled. There we go, yes, yes. Are they getting taller? It feels like I'm having to climb higher and higher to get over these things. God, I think he's stacking them on top of one another. Yes, there's more than one popper there. He's got [chuckles] five of them. Oh. Happy New Year. [chuckles] This is not bad. This actually isn't that bad. That one was tyre bulges, with a Y. [chuckles] Okay. Oh, you legitimately made a bunch of bulges out of some tires. Okay. Well, the Wastelander's been doing great so far. This is what you need to get around the apocalypse after all. Watch this, there we go. No problem. The tires are providing quite good grip too, for the Wastelander. Oh, it's a giant tire now, all right. Again, it's tread on tread. It's working out just fine. There we go. Now, it's an even bigger tread tire, all right. I haven't really had to use the hydraulics that much. I'll use it a little bit to-- Come on. Just to get over the very first hump and then to pop the back sometimes when it gets stuck, but other than that, it's been really-- Oh, my God. It's like a giant tractor tire. Look at the knobs on this thing. This is cool using a tire as an off-road bulge. [chuckles] Oh, yes. This thing, we're going all the way, right now. Well, I have to go all the way because it's the last car. Oh, the tire moves. Can I outrun this? Come on. You cannot outrun this. You have to have sheer momentum. More speed, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, yes. Random bulges. [chuckles] Now, we have sludgy bulges. Do those straws count? Oh, God. The straws don't count. What is this? What is this? How do you even get over this? This is ridiculous. Look at it, it's so sheer, there's no way for my tire to even get any grip. When I do get grip, it shucks me off to the left or the right. Okay, no joke. Oh, come on. Man, I don't know. Did he put invisible walls here, because the problem is I can go off to the left or the right, and probably get over it that way, but I don't want to fly off the track. Whatever, I need to just pray this works. Here we go. Yes. Wow. That was annoying. Okay, whatever this is. There we go. This is pretty easy. At least it has surface area for the tires to catch. Is this an inner tire? Oh, it's the tubing for a tire. I love that they've already done a patch job on it. All right. We'll just work our way up here. Luckily, rubber is easy to get a grip on. All right. Climb the titan, and then we're going to-- How? Oh, they're staggered. Oh, they're staggered. You can't just go from one to the other. You have to go at an angle. All right. Yes, we have to do this at an angle. I'm going to hit it and then we're immediately going to bank to the right. Are you ready? Go. I want as much speed as possible and then we're going to bank just a little bit. Yes, got it. Oh, this sand gets everywhere bulges. I'm not going to lie, this doesn't look that scary. If it's just sand, it doesn't really-- Oh, yes this is easy. Oh, this is great. This is like a little vacation after. Oh, this still has the hidden walls in there. This is like a little vacation after everything I just did. Yay. Little-- whoa [laughs]. What is this? How come it was so easy and then there's this? Why did you just dig down to the center of the earth? Can I go around this? Oh, he put spacers there. All right. It's like the Mariana's Trench just right in the middle of this thing. I guess you can do it if you go like this, and then I'm going to have to use the hydraulics here. Just go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go off the side, and then we're going to ramp up this way. Just get speed, Gray. Just get speed. Big jump, climb it. No. Make the bad man stop. [grunts] Yes, yes. Oh, harmful bulges. Oh, remember how in the beginning it was harmless bulges? Now it's harmful bulges. Okay, so this is the very first harmful bulge. This should be the easiest one. Okay. All right that wasn't that bad. I'm not too afraid of that. Now we're going to do the second harmful bulge. Oh, wow, yes this is like noob pro legend bulges over here. Whoa. I am trying not to leave the ground that much because I'm afraid of rolling this thing and then going straight off the map. Ugh. Oh my God. [laughs] I think that this last bulge here lacks some fairness. Okay, down. Okay, here's what we're going to do. We're just going to send it. Just go, send it. Just don't look, Gray. Just keep hitting the gas. Okay, stop there. The one thing I can say is you don't want to bounce off the side of this thing. Oh my God. This might make it, this might make it, this might make it, go, go, go, go, go, go. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Yes, yes, yes. You climber. Oh, you're like Sylvester Stallone of climbing. I love it. Cliffhanger has nothing on the Wastelander. Now it's just a sheer wall. It's a sheer wall. You can't even see it. I have to get out of the car to make you understand the scale of this bulge. This is an unfair bulge. Unfair. Are you ready? I really hope that he didn't put maybe a hidden stop stick or a boost or something in here. It turns into a sheer wall at the end. How? Now I've done this before. If you wiggle to the left and the right, sometimes you can get a little bit of extra pull. I did not get extra. Oh my God. Hold on, I need to control this. I don't want to lose this. I almost lost this off the course. We're going to get as much speed as possible then we're going to go. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to use the hydraulics downforce then we're going to pop to get as little-- Just trust me, it works, okay? You want as little extra friction on this thing as possible. Once we get to the top, we're going to lean it forward. Lean it. Oh, I don't want to lose it. Okay, let me have this, Alex. Why do you torture me? Oh, yes. It's because I pay you to do it. Ah, come on, come on. Just bounce it. I can lean it forward. Lean it forward. Lean it forward. Yes. Oh my God. I think that, at this point, my agony is now bulging because we have a winner. Well, I went off-road and now my life is offline. Anyway, folks, hoped you enjoyed this episode of GTA till next time. Stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,238,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, crazy cars in gta 5, testing cars, testing cars in gta 5, in gta 5, giant bulge gta 5
Id: z7qFijXNcX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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