Busting 100 Real-Life SCARY Myths....

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today I'll be taking on the scariest and most shocking myths in the world from the real to the haunted starting with in every horror movie they escape the Killer by jumping through a glass window here's Scotty now we're going to see if water actually protects you from a live grenade well that one was without BBS but I think it's time to take it up a ready oh gosh tra it that is a real be ladies and gentlemen did any of the balloons pop none of them none of them did but that is not busted it's confirmed same Beetle Juice three times in a mirror summons him Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice oh my God scared me so bad if you want to see a scared Josh more please like that video I don't know if I can do this Steven has to find a pingpong ball but there's copper wires and if he touches the wrong wire he gets shocked it's a scream he's dead he's done Steven where he go he's gone he's gone and that's what happens when you scream can you actually speak to ghosts has anyone told you you had time CH who this wait what he say is this a is this a western CH wait is everything scarier when it fell on the camcorder i l him carrying the cable right now with me oh that's scary okay nothing that crazy where's kidding this is this is Steven starting with Steve does he take damage when a creeper explodes three 2 one pull is this busted Steve I don't think Steve is good ladies and gentlemen H so Steve died but not the shield there's a myth that everything is scarier in the dark so I have Caleb here in the shower now what we're going to do we're going to add more snakes and then turn the lights off and see if this increases I'm so sorry Caleb Chase why are they doing this oh it's increasing his heart rate is in the80s and it's not even completely dark no no no no no no no guys he's crawling into my leg oh my it's a 98 he's going up to my he's going up what was it 90 you got 90 Caleb you've confirmed the myth yes please get me out of here oh my gosh claustrophobia the fear of Suffocation my heart rate didn't go up on the last few fears that we did so we brought in the Suffocation specialist the life is being sucked out of me in this bear to hopefully increase my heart rate look at [Music] the the pressure on my eyeballs was Unreal dude and this still didn't get me up that high huh I just don't think that was very scary how much ball damage will you take from 50 ft in the air 3 2 1 drop the dummy oh [Applause] oh are you okay oh no he's bleeding uhoh not only are we testing to see how much damage the legs take on this dummy but we're going to see if it's going to be alive or dead after we drop it into the water by using this GeForce meter so if it turns red like that that means he's dead and now we need another sticker three 2 1 oh God he's going oh oh wait his legs are fine um his legs are not fine Preston Chase look at this okay uhoh is he dead you can bust this like the dummy dude and wait a second if you look at his legs they're way better than the last guy's legs EAS way to get who is that who's laughing quit laughing is it done oh it's not done oh my God is it is it done please don't oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't think that is kind of a scream right that's not a scream if the kid is in the front seat of a car will the airbag protect them or will it harm them this is bobing my name's Craig name it 3 2 1 oh my gosh going going going so this is exactly why your parents told you to get in the back this is confirmed if it's your birthday this week this is for you 3 2 [Music] 1 there's more cake where that came from do Angry Spirits actually come out of the TV this is a pretty like I hate this show M you can outrun Michael Myers okay well uh he just walks around anywhere he can't even run so just like okay so uh as long as you can walk faster than a 80-year-old Grandma then you can out run Michael Myers it's not really scary where'd he go um Michael complimenting Somebody's Baby is bad luck because the Mayans thought somebody was going to steal it you have a gorgeous baby Scott thank you you want to hold her uh absolutely what goes up this Baby's built like a brick in Jurassic Park one of the main characters is able to outrun dinosaurs by sprinting a deal Jesus Christ that's busted eating up the toughest guy in prison is the best way to assert your dominance oh look he's so tough he's bald yeah what do you want I think we could take him Chase he's only got Stripes got orange wait Chase why are we on our knees oh no oh the first rule of escaping alcatra don't be an idiot dude it works dude this is stupid Freedom next up acrophobia the fear of heights do you know how high we're going we're going 14,000 ft do you know how fast we're falling 120 mph each of us has a heart rate monitor on to track how scared we are any last words here we go touch your fire all right and if a person goes above 14 BPM they're eliminated walking underneath the ladders the Egyptians belied these were bad luck because they resembled a guillotine which means it would you know cut your head [Applause] off I got it oh nice Josh if you scream you lose I won't scream but you don't know when the trap door is going to fall I'm scared oh my God the next myth is breaking mirrors it was believed that if you broke a mirror God would reain bad luck on on you that was pretty good Dy that one shattered what about sludgy 3 2 one lunch pretty good actually that was very cool dude I can javel in this my guy wishing somebody in early birthday is considered to take an extra year off their life so happy birthday Scott wait it's not my birthday so here we are to test out if voodoo dolls actually work or not right here I have Preston so I think it doesn't hurt to you know pull his hair a little yeah bring him over here it will take off his shirt and we're going to see what happens if we use this to pie him in the face 3 2 1 go this better have work if you hear a grandfather clock three times you're dead oh no this is not happening not on my watch rested I'll PL at the spinach sorry about the board in the what is this Chase please read If you are reading this first off hello this is who is it you from the future do not trust the heck Vince he's still mad you didn't send him a birthday card oh my gosh I didn't and at the end of this video he enacts a plan to embarrass you I always get embarrassed whatever you do don't say you like say you like what Wendy's Wendy's nuts in your mouth stepen you monster we're going to see if porcupines actually shoot quills at you if they get angry come on get angry oh he my leg stop biting my leg you goober dude you can feel it through the glove too that's a confirmation right there Steve punches through doors in Minecraft but can chase oh come on let's see your right hand can I get creative mode thank you it worked does Steve use his feet though it's harder to shoot upside down and it is right side up BR in this is so sick oh I see you zombie whoo wo wo these di here a little close hey hey hey buddy chill chill chill your balls are falling out how did that not hit him oh I think that was a neck oh shoot out of ammo no no no no hey buddy hey hey hey calm down calm down I put it in backwards you want talk about this [Music] please are you accurate while power sliding no I couldn't get the last one we're seeing if the color yellow attracts bees you ready oh that's a lot of bees maybe they'll accept me as their own oh there's a lot of oh gosh oh I felt something I think I got stuck oh I see some bees crawling on me I have this oh okay just like everyone be calm yeah I see it they actually all left my hand wait that tastes really good you guys want to try this come on oh he's about to do it he's about to sing oh always avoid Red Balloons I want it it's pretty I I like it it's pretty does Armor actually provide protection oh wait not me the statue first ah without armor oh my God the armor actually is providing sizable protection the diamond sword you chipped the blade it's Enchanted it's Enchanted you ready put that down put that down hey can we test it maybe on the other Statue oh what what the heck that barely crazy that's a scratch oh look at that damage hey oh oh oh my God sometimes it's it's curved wonderful what a blessing I'm going to be honest at this point in time I think we're going to have to confirm this protection actually provides protection using a hoe inside of the house brings bad luck how do you even use one of these you just I think you just that is not oh my gosh do you feel any more cursed I feel completed oh this is your TV Josh it's not sub eating spinach makes you stronger without spinach with spinach Oh Come me win whenn that worked this is the scariest scoom yet both of them have a two Bund head that's connected and there's a tarantula in the center of it it only ends when one of them screams so somebody's getting eliminated no matter what just stay Josh Josh just stay just stay just stay oh no oh no my for their pain subscribe crows are supposed to bring bad luck but beaky wouldn't hurt a fly beaky that's the worst name you could ever give a bird you don't even deserve to have them what do you mean don't touch the bird don't it's my oh my okay it's bad luck it's bad luck it's bad luck all right here's the dictionary I've never been able to read one of these but apparently you can cut them in half with the katana let's see if I can do [Applause] it that was the coolest thing I've ever done ah I get the coolest myth this next fear is cryophobia people who are afraid of ice bats and I could do this challenge alone because that'd be insane so I brought a Coloradan what's up are you actually afraid of cold water um to start get with you yes my heart rate went from 114 to now 140 5 minute timer Starts Now wait what by the end of the 5 minutes one of us has to be fully submerged bro my belly button is submerged get lower dude we have 2 minutes and 40 seconds left all right who's emerging rock paper scissors yep rock paper scissors shoot shoot Scissors Shoot no best two out of three Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot no dude once the timer is over Zeal has to fully submerge in the ice B I didn't sign up for this all right the time's over you got to fully submerge oh gosh oh gosh oh man please subscribe to zeis he did not sign up for this I signed him up for this will your iPad and Minecraft world survive fall damage let's test it oh oh wait is that expensive there we go sorry I'm not good at this I'm not good this is that good is that good I think that's more than high enough all right I'm going to drop it three two one drop oh my God come on Minecraft oh no oh who makes this C okay how do we test this if it's okay look at this it's actually like become a you I messed up yeah that is uh that's a bust for some reason the English believe if you break an alarm clock it means your time of death is coming soon ready oh okay woo it's so satisfying is it still going I got it don't worry oh wa is so good wait wait wait just listen my legs are not excited for this myth but in Mary Poppins they are able to fly with umbrellas super calri xalid dois it didn't work with one umbrella but will it work with two super just did it I felt some lift we need to go higher now he's going to try it with three umbrellas oh okay they don't work that much bad luck to leave your chopsticks hanging straight up I had a Korean friend who said that it means you want your parents to die that that's bad you put enough rubber bands around a watermelon it will [Music] explode oh my God it's going what what's going oh my God busted but confirmed at the same time busted and confirmed does Charlie Charlie actually work should you buy the fire merch app you can't buy it it's actually free to download an IOS and Android yes I can't believe you're going to actually go download the app and buy the merch that's crazy and the Pirates of the Caribbean they're able to survive by tipping their boats upside down and going underwater let's push me boys jeez push him he's buoyant he's so buoyant I mean I'm surviving oh my gosh I'm actually able to breathe I got my whole weight on them oh it's kind of working this is really nice wow oh hello other camera I thought for sure this one was going to be a bust did it work feel like you're in the womb in Japan they believe pumpkins would keep the ghosts away this is our friend Steven he died from the scream room but you can't cross there are high quality pumpkins here but just in case I do have this extra one uh-uh are you thinking no what are you you really going to do this you really going to did you have a big head for a ghost dude we have everything that would protect us from any form of evil necklace of garlic lemons freshly God they're so fresh this is holy water we have Jesus the Holy Bible English Standard Version iron silver silver wedding bells salt and more garlic there is no form of evil that could ever penetrate what we have here I'm serious you can pull a smoke grenade pin with your key oh he threw it at himself now let's take out these dang d oh no why is it this sweet innocent looking girl Preston's in there right now he has to last 60 seconds without screaming or else he's eliminated something's on my leg something's on my leg oh on the face okay here we go dumping I can do it I can do it I can do it so big boy Whoa these are okay just don't look don't look oh no it's screaming I'm not screaming I hate stuff near in my eyes okay wait three two two one tell me it's done Scott tell me it's done he didn't scream if you step on a crack you break your mother's back wait don't step on it she's not even on that's my mom you're right that's your mother-in-law I was joking Mom all right my mom didn't answer so I'm have to call Brianna's mom she's not answering this is unfortunately confirmed in movies you can curve your bullets like this you just have to close wait well wait what you're not doing it right whoa don't shoot the audience sorry I got to kill the audience no is our new book actually scary Scott let me read you a passage just before the crew heads back home to prove he's not afraid Preston accepts but once Preston and his friends enter the house the doors magically lock a shivering Breeze rolls in a voice message emerges and rolls in from everywhere and it says Escape by morning or you will never escape and you'll be stuck here forever Scott but if you want to hear the rest of the story you need to go pre-order the book Excalibur the sword and the stone can only be withdrawn by a king come on Chase you got it pretend like your wife is under this my well that's not all right I see what you mean if you can pull this out chase you will literally get depressed in YouTube channel what I might get a hernia instead all right keep going if you keep pulling we'll keep busting some other myths you can disappear midc conversation so did you like the new Batman movie actually have un Vengeance sorry Scott man I'm still [Music] [Applause] vengance I'm venance you can summon Batman using the bat signal someone looks unsubscribed [Music] Chase Chase you're clearly not getting I'm not doing that you're busted Chase no no no [Music] no there's always a guy in prison who gives out tattoos as long as you pay this going to be fake right no this is oh this is Chase this is okay okay it's confirmed it's confirmed pre look I really she never look better what does it say what does it say no matter where you are somebody's always watching you or a tattoo that's it I'm leaving this place are there actually monsters in your closet 3 2 1 oh that's not a monster what is that I don't know but it's not a monster it's not scary can we show that on YouTube I don't know do you think we'll get live just shut the door shut the door shut the door wait if you open it again does it change should we open it again 3 2 1 krobia is that really a thing that's really a thing I have to be handcuffed behind my back and find the key in here while being stuck no here's the only key that we have you going to drop it right now yeah I'm sorry oh God it's my this foot is I dude I can't find anything in here yeah I'm full stuck aquaphobia the fear of drowning which means if I don't find this key I will drown or I need to stand up and I'm stuck in the oo right now ow I will I refuse to die in a box of ox the water is high the key still in there somewhere yeah Ox sucks and you had a heart rate highest of 137 and I couldn't find the key and you couldn't find the key sad now we are criminals we are attempting to lockpick for the first time ever without any training and as you can see the door is very locked you don't do this every time you come home no Pi your nose how don't call the cops you want to see if you can do it Scot yeah I'm try yeah see it's not as easy as it looks huh they make it look so easy in the movies wait did you get it wait let's get all this stuff that just means you're a criminal bad luck to spill salt because it invites the devil into your life table I don't see him anywhere putting a smoke grenade in water stops it oh there it goes and drop it oh oh my what are you doing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you doing I would say that is a negative do Ouija boards actually work uh it's working it's it's working that's a note for me dog I don't really want to mess with this they don't work Scott will you please do the honor they're magnets boards don't work next myth is everybody really afraid of clouds Warehouse door did it get you a little bit you got me a little bit but I but I didn't scream you can survive bullets when underwater what's your password again well yeah I'm a safe I'm alive it's bad luck to sleep on a table all right good night bro hope nothing bad happens to you at all Dam me I love you bro it didn't break there was feeling in that one people that sleep with fans on are scared of dying do you feel like you're going to die would I know what that feels like but I don't I don't think so you can break through a skyscraper window what do you f look so massive here's the mission so these things are actually real these are called ninja rocks and they're supposed to break glass when you throat hey Larry just a whole handful or what all right Captain it all right the ninja rocks were a failure criminals in the movies clearly of higher technology oh god oh no yeah oh yeah it's not breaking okay don't move bro relax relax it's fine remember if you scream you're eliminated also there's a key in here that is on one of the back of the mannequins you have to find to escape D that scared me this one's real it's a real person we have three actors in there the first one's already tried to scare him but there's still two more and Scott has no idea I'm just going to give you a hug okay we're going to do the do [Music] okay was that a scream no no who who made you scream pull your face off the monkey wait stepping on ashes can cause bad luck we have these two balloons one of them has something good and one of them has something really bad just going to sprinkle a little bit out we're not going to need this anymore all right I think I fully desecrated this person's ashes rip Steven you were a great employee hey Sten yo and Sonic he's able to freeze time to dodge every single projectile so can I do it in real life all right I'm I'm leaving in homophobia fear of insects what the heck is what is that oh oh my gosh bro bro oh it stinks did he pee on me dog holy cow the Pinchers dude SP just what have short [Laughter] [Music] I blame you and you alone we're standing on 11,000 pennies but one of them is Tails side up and the reason that this is bad luck I defer to Scott cuz I forgot I hate you this is stupid we're going to need a lot of help to find the right pennies so we brought in a subscriber let's go Josh uh so Josh if you can't find this penny I'm taking the shirt back when I found it no I'm just kidding wait does that one count no that's head I don't know if I'll going to find it one eternity later I think I found it there's one stuck right here that's a tails what wait what do you mean is that it Aiden yeah yes Josh are you uh are you 18 no sad and the next fear is ideophobia never heard of that before oh it's snakes honestly snakes are not as scary as most people think now the one thing is just don't crawl in my pants you know these ones SM oh this one's making sound dude 90 beats per minute CR ad Mission Impossible left on the wings of a plane but can I do it in real life it's time for the last scream Room Preston versus Joshua whoever screams first loses and whoever doesn't is the champion why are you posing you're posing like you already won cuz I always win I always win never get out all right I'm taking this Bol to the scream room blindfolds on it's empty oh my God Jesus yo you screamed we're going to do every single bad luck myth you've seen this video all at once and still see if we have bad luck starting with Running With Scissors and why you getting hit with bananas okay okay under this wow Scott really be doing everything kicking buckets is that supposed to be bad luck I think so oh well just oh relax you have very nice pants baby thank you wait hey wait you need shave my leg wait no I need to shave your leg no you have now done every single bad luck myth there is so it's all busted just like figure indoors your hearing is better when you're blind all you gentlemen have to do is make it to this chest and you win okay what what's in the chest I don't know but surely it's good right that's confirmed do bananas actually make you peel out in a go-kart I love skin marks is like when I go to the bathroom wa Jes come on oh this is confirmed Can you steal a car without getting caught hey it's on a video game you can't just stand in the Middle with wait what oh my gosh oh oh can you do a late flip like Sonic that that sounded painful well it was are grappling hooks actually useful throw it up Scott oh nice shot let's see your Mobility oh Scott with those forearms you can hold my sister really well Scott I trust you with her okay thank you oh he's on the glass now Scott you're like an arms length away from me buddy Scott don't let this beat a Rosen Jack moment from Titanic huh I might die in the Arctic what are you coming or not no I can't hold myself no with the Rope this size this is busted this Su come on can you do two flips inside of a ball just like Sonic let's go do wooden pickaxes actually suck get it no not towards me what the that is actually amazing wooden pickaxes have been misrepresented and it's time to stop it I'm a political activist and I stand for wood can you fly through holes like Avatar can you hold as much as Steve yesing table torches okay another sword that's fine extra helmet put that on my head ow ender pearls glow stone no Jason's holding a lot more than I thought oh gosh TNT couple more swords ow no oh gosh where go huge shout out to this subscriber's idea for our next myth can you throw a coai just like in Naruto here we go guys just going to give you a comprehensive tutorial on how to throw knives just like this that's a bull eyye baby in play pots you can find valuable food and items like in Zelda o is mayonnaise valuable no but it is an instrument oh God cu Chase get it that was so much more satisfying I got mayonnaise all over me now I'm not seeing anything valuable Preston by we saved the best for last the Box keep doing that Preston there's a pungent smell coming from this the Synergy is really good every time you swing my life gets harder oh gosh I have Tobasco in my eye take your guesses in the comments what's inside of the Box gems gems girls 3 2 1 yeah it's a nugget it is a treasure oh you any ketchup get this yeah it's on the wall oh there we go okay I'm going to go ahead and confirm this miss you can make prison weapons out of toothbrushes and combs so what you have to do essentially is you can break the toothbrush don't worry about that you can just break the toothbrush Woo is that sharp that hurt no not yet struggling this this is the bendiest toothbrush I've ever held in my entire life so we will file it instead are we getting little nice of a corner over here look at that oh ises that did that hurt ow yeah it hurt I don't know if that's sharp enough whoo wo whoa whoo whoa whoa whoa whoo I was it you see that guy dude I hate this guy let's get him wait make sure no one's around should we uh shank him oh what can you hit targets midair like Attack on Titan you can cook eggs in a microwave I don't believe it for a second I put seven eggs inside the microwave that egg is squirting oh my God hey yo it's impossible to fight on a tight rope while balancing get over here he get off me Yoda Wily no never forget no stop look at me are you okay your head little bit this is gaming without lag hey that's a big one that was a great cut but now we're going to add a third of a second of lag with a VR headset all right you ready oh all right you ready yes freak ready oh come on where the freak are these going swing early hey yo I'm swinging as early as I can we got to get at least one ladies and gentlemen swing oh we so slow on swing Oh Come swing some people say if you throw poop in a fan it's a bad thing I'm going to test it that's yeah that's confirmed it's easy to throw Captain America's shield that was terrible can I try wow America the classic myth of if you can use a nail file to get through bars we be here for a while all right get it kick it oh I missed kick the B out my hand oh I'm sorry wait you did it come on go oh my God that's the best one so far I can't believe it actually work oh well I guess the can have th this thing you can hang on a Ledge for more than 30 seconds he's like a little ball oh I got him in the nuts oh the knee I don't want to do this don't do it he doesn't deserve it get him oh they threw it in the fan you got egg on your face see Jeremy you look beautiful you can't break an egg with your fist oh money shot um phrasing you can surv survive a thousand years of death 3 2 doing it Preston you're doing it we were having so much fun busting these myths that even some YouTubers decided to join us see Mr Chad one shot is all I need I mean one that'll be edited out right yeah yeah you like that I love that that's a banger all right this is it easy oh yeah you can't eat five Popeye's biscuits without taking a gulp of water oh my God you doing good all right we're seeing if it's easier to play multiplayer in real life without having voice chat [Music] [Applause] on now we're playing multiplayer but I have earbuds in and we're seeing if you're actually worse at online video games if your friends are trash talking you dog water PR 4-year-old can't play it's over the age limit you can't be shut up you're so annoying I'm going for the center I'm going to show you guys who's a camper you need help out of the are you scared where the other ones did you just throw a Nerf gun at hey you're out on the right you're out all right that's it I'm shooting Scott in the leg all that's it I'm going over them I'm using you as cover out silver rank silver rank dog water dog water that myth is busted but it is incredibly annoying big shout out to DFW Adventure Park for letting us film here come play paintball and so many other actor activities you can climb buildings just like spider oh gosh hey try this great power comes great responsibility don't kiss me okay oh my gosh this is scary each one of these is supposed to hold 200 lb Doctor Strange confirmed okay can't even see this is not going as planned you will never be Andrew Garfield sh me all right all all right here we go now step now suck nice okay man I just want to it's just so tempting you know don't do it suck please suck I don't like what I just said [Music] Indiana Jones he's able to replace the diamonds on the scale perfectly with sand in order to steal them 3 2 one go oh it's so close wait it's a little bit off I think something like a tra happened bust a bed sheet is strong enough to climb you got some good grip or what yeah I think I got you oh my oh it's a little bit slippery dude it actually works come on yeah wooo can you ride a bicycle underwater can you use a pogo stick underwater wait okay I'm doing I C this is confirmed can you punch things mid swing all right Salas give me a little bit of a yep a little bit of push wait a second all right push no more push punch it punch it don't it yes so in the Titanic Rose is able to survive from a door that comes off of the ship when it crashes that's the lightest one out of all of us so let's see if he can survive on the door that's one person we know that would happen but if Jack did try to get on the door can two people fit and still float okay ready this is one of the biggest myths of all time is if Jack could have also survived with rose at the wait okay you're going down I think this is busted Jack could have survived with those if she just made space
Channel: Preston
Views: 1,557,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, prestonplays prestonplayz minecraft, preston 100 layers, prestonreacts, preston reacts, brianna, keeley, tbnrfragz, prestongamez, prestongames, preston gamez, preston games, funny, preston minecraft, prestonplayz roblox
Id: YOPpnLcxYf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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