EVERY School Lunch For 100 YEARS: World Edition!

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we're eating 100 years of school lunches to find out what country had the best school lunch starting with America and Japan look at this meal let's talk about this very sad looking food PE soup lentils and then ripped bread because sliced bread wasn't even invented yet what are these stewed prunes was so bad that was really good can we blame him though three cents for this whole meal it was only 3 cents all right enough about America oh this is the Japanese lunch or known as the uh Kaz kizuku Kuku where's the zoku try this out okay they get grilled fish a whole fish try the Miso soup this is what slaps oh my god oh you got to try this rice balls onigiri oniri I love balls now we have to decide which country's decade was the better school life 3 2 1 Jaan oh my Amer get out of there the 1920s were rough for our poor kids they were male nourished because their diet consisted of black coffee pickle potato chips and some of the roughest looking SNES I've ever seen they're very floppy it's a very subtle weener taste oh but the pickles though I hate pickles the best thing about this lunch is the black coffee are you hating on America right now yeah I kind of am this was 7 cents and I still prefer the Japanese meal we just had I can't afford that show this is only 2 cents why does it look so much better all right so here's the main dish called doll do M do MCH perf why am I on the non American side this is Sag paneer I nailed it m you like the SAG paner it's really good can I try some of it who who W let me stick with your wieners right can America really be losing back to back 3 2 1 India India one in the 30s the USDA finally published a guide on school lunches and I pray to God it's actually good food I have a full onion what that's peanut butter and nuts we were so down bad in the 30s man oh it tastes like peanut butter oh the aftertaste sucks oh it's cooking in me peanut butter and cottage cheese sandwich oh this I love cottage cheese do we just think we add peanut butter to anything it's good this is delicious what no no it's not tell me that not pretty good he loves it that's not v i got this I do you know what this stands for I feel like it means like the top it's the one pot meal oh just the whole thing in one pot the whole thing it's ham it's macaroni and cheese green peas mushrooms and cooked onions and it's actually cooked I don't know what this one okay we don't need to talk about that all right enough about your stuff I need to try this good very good is it really good very does it taste like the Veno snitzer try that isn't that good yes yes it is it's fantastic in fact why my mood so bad America that's so bad don't take me away hey come on hey 3 2 1 Germany Germany good I won't have it America I won't do I look I won't have it let's just finish you look like some depressed emo kid I'm from Finland they're all depressed can we talk about food no cuz I'm going to lose again again I don't know dude we got green pancakes I don't know what this is cream chipped beef on toast what is chipped beef take a bue to this that was amazing that was the best bread I've ever had in my life pron that's not good shut up wait hold on there's a Saving Grace here we have some delicious looking dessert please America like if this is fire you could win it's not fire how are we going to win a decade wait maybe combo combo combo in the milk in the milk in the milk there we go is it good I was so bad okay let's talk about this they're spinach pancakes with Lincoln Berry Jam Ling Ling you look like a Lincoln Park Fan right now honestly it's green but it's good imine not taste like spinach time for the poring wow what the heck is it good eat that it's good why is everything so good from every on the country I look emo but I'm very happy so how much do you think this costs no cuz I know it's going to be cheaper cheaper how about free this costs nothing Finland in this year this I did not need that do we even need to go to the podium at this point no we have a chance we stand a chance against France that looks awful dude I got a silver platter no no no you shut your mouth I know the French give up but we're not giving up our food it's really dependent on the liver loaf please don't suck please don't suck not pretty good oh my God we have a chance dude I'm so freaking pumped right now like the video and I'll kill Chase what no no no no don't like it don't like it 100,000 likes now let me my tomatoes in peace we got like this fruit salad and milk again we are so milky orange Custard with cottage cheese that's bomb all how much was this though Preston actually kind of expensive this is3 5 cents W but that's fine as long as it wins no wonder why the French is so weak look at what you're eating homie this can't win right this can't win no wait this is only the first course so the first course is beet salad no don't bring that in Chef thank you m this is not real this has got to be fake oh thank you thank you what is this roast guinea fowl sounds like a sports term this might be a split boat hey another course this is cheese this is guda come in B it's actually can you be oh look at that c of BT cheese oh press don't bring in another course dude you spit on his spoon I love you let me try the floating island mering this doesn't even look good no you're actually lying he's capping he wants America to lose this is only 20 cents is he allowed to do this for people we we that actually kind of a difficult decision you want to vote CH grab your plate huh sorry it's a platter not a plate right grab your platter in your four courses 3 2 2 1 Prin ooh yeah don't look at that number I know you no not my the 1960s yeah this isn't real you love pizza like just mixed vegetabl andarine the saddest cookie in the world I don't even like strawberry though not bad this is so bad I you have to try it you take a bite of these and you tell me you like these how delicious is that maybe some sugar I don't know that's right awful this is sadly probably the best thing on the plan you didn't even try the pizza that's pretty good I don't need the sympathy I hate everything about this meal I hate it so much I would pay so much money for this welcome to South Korea so let's start with fried rice tofu nine different things oh tofu disgusting right yeah look at the awfully delicious fried rice listen I'm overwhelmed with all the choices I'm looking for the band Chan oo the pickles are better than my whole plate open up wa wait this is hold up open up now I'm sprouting man this tastes disgusting oh that's not very good try that no the spinach is better than my mixed vegetables these are carrots that's weird that's really good ooh kimchi ooh it's so spicy kimchi is fire my guy yeah I taste the fire that it's fire and then this a loaf of tofu wait is that impolite no you want it really impolite it's like what do you do this it means you want your parents to die my parents or your parents I obviously B why my mom that case it's saying all right we're not done Preston we got your drink that's a is a good Bevy or what he's better than oh this no not his pizza you literally ruin everything let me try your strawberry bab that's really good right well only through like half of the dishes I need to try these Korean strawberries I mean it's just a good strawberry you know this is oh fish soup what type of sou all righty let's try the fish soup I know it's going to be good isn't it wo wo homie oh spicy yogur oh that's why they had the yogurt drink oh Chase none of that's getting into your mouth oh isn't that crazy I have my vote we don't even need to go to the podium yes we do this is 30 cents how much is yours 50 it's always more expensive all right let's vote let's vote all right Prest it just because the fish soup America wins go America no stop the count the Korean food was better no it is not it's America I spoke sry the channel name is Preston Korea wins 70s is looking good it's looking mighty good I'm from Australia I can actually do an accent can you let me enjoy my food from the 70s for 1 second we got van peaches a whole cup of corn it's the world's dest chzburger what is it called again incrediburger incrediburger incred Burg incrediburger it's a dry little Burger I'm not going to lie but not my chocolate milk oh that's my hair I'm sorry I have eaten chased his fingers like eight times in this video we got butter GN actually that is better than I thought it was you like that these are peaches isn't me the peaches don't have a lot of flavor full Ranch Doritos are better than the original hey let me try some of this chocolate cake that is fired this is when America started getting fat I mean this boot Ain not nutritious but D does it taste good a Snickers bar I mean it's such a basic meal but it's still pretty good I'm going to be honest with you right now Australia is depressing looking wait Tim what's a Tim Tam oh you've never had a Tim tamam I'm not cultured it's a chocolate cookie from Australia from I've already had it this is a mommy monster noodles it's giving me instructions right now to Crunch it shake it and Munch it you are crumbing everywhere that's not bad this is kind of like the dry Ramen snack Doritos slapped this though one final thing tell me it's veite in there no it's got to be veite you know I hate Vite we don't know if it's in there it's your country you need to up to it oh it's bad isn't it hey don't be squirting on my side dog take me milk so that was definitely oh my gosh Chase is this finally the moment does America have this in the bag I'm going to do the honors Australia you've betrayed me we have waited this entire video it only took seven Dees this is you got to defame it more bro sure America you win hit the confetti yes to the 70s wait what in this the 7s to the ' 80s yay let's get it ' 80s hello 80s I am Soviet Union oh dude we're in the Lunchables decade ah that is American capitalist scum what are you I a Soviet Union comrade Russian boy hey can I enjoy my food now absolutely bro it was so processed in the ' 80s that they counted ketchup as a vegetable oh Capri son don't tellow my Capri give it back to me just focus on lunchable all right well we have a Capri Sun for those of you who did not live and experience a childhood you take this beautiful yellow straw and you miss about 100 times until you get it inside of the hole and then you get this beautiful this so good can I please get my Hershey's back yes absolutely we got curly fries ladies and gentlemen I put in my mouth that is very good all there is hair in my ketchup how would there all of your hair in my food it's our ketchup not yours not theirs power let me enjoy my lunch bowl huh here try my cracker around oh that's really good right Jolly Rancher fruit ol they're not as good as the Fruit by the Foot why did you open my chocolate pudding oh I just tried it before you did because I love you put veggie mine in here I'll eat it with you right you really all right let's see it all right let's go bro there is Ving my arm put it in your mouth not putting this in my mouth come on I'm not putting that in my mouth Preston can you eat the veite hey this is pretty good did you eat the veite a little bit let's see what we got over here all right we got it's the user it's 0 now we have some beef gash so it's not hot what is that is that not skin so so done it's like a really light cheesecake is capitalism good you got to try the kle and a berry puree drink it just tastes like a Jamba juu smoothie all right there's one more thing we got to eat though some only pudding you really want taste cinnamon wow it just tastes like air it's time to vote let's do it 3 2 1 America are you kidding me you have fruit rollups you have curly fries you have pudding what do we do watch this there's nothing to put on the tray anymore yes there is no no Soviet Union sucks W no dude you know what my mind goes to the gushers you got sunny sunny sunny nuts hit him with a wiener thank you there just a dirty groy carrot what is this crisos the homeschool kid did never have a Cris Speedo I've never had this oh it's not that bad not that good 90s is not looking good for you my guy oh you got applesauce they didn't buy like applesauce but baby nah dog everyone raise your hand if you like applesauce that's like everybody in the room Sten you know how much sugar is in applesauce look how much now I can enjoy my meal pece with my Crespo and my beautiful Sunny D you still have your G Chase I'm tapping you back in Chase I know the [Applause] resurrection n dude see that's the power of the gers where am I well I finished my whole meal and it was not good okay chase the whole all my sonny dude that's too much be all right so we're in Ukraine right now huh you got bangers and mash are these little wieners why who puts wieners in their mashed potatoes bangers and mash not bad you can't go wrong with sausage and potatoes wait I actually am very confused about the rest of your meal to be honest yeah wait what is this livered onion oh right Bor what's the cream sour cream really no to the borch hey maybe the sweet crusty pancakes look good wait this is a sweet pancake that is hard is it like good hard like hard eat only thing I like out of the the the bangers and the mash I love Ukraine but the food for the school kids not borit I would not pay 21 C how much was yours I was like a$1 don't say anym bring it to the podium 3 2 1 America again how do we settle this give me the bread bread flip oh okay Cream side is Ukraine red side America got angle a little bit and then come on no cream no put it down bra 2,000 I'm getting full dang it take a vote in the comments which is more unhealthy all right so apparently this is a a Corky Twizzler it's not like my country is known for the cuisine it's a rubbish it's very rubbish dude I have all of the fast foods combined we have pizza nuggets a waffle there we go Pizza take a bite so the us lunch was $2 this is terrible you want to try my fries the waffle fries everyone loves waffle fries Propel this stuff is really good black cherry prople it's flat right oh that's not it this tastes like childhood it's not good this is he's homeschooled Chase it's fine he's not used to this dude calling out all the homeschool in the comments yeah I know you're full but like I do love chicken nuggets I will say I would ask for triple nugs hold the fries and P the off I don't know if you're any better I mean is this food is this all edible I just love the fact they got beans this is the first time in the video that the world is more expensive in the US as well you are $25 finally America is cheaper wait are these toast they're Smiley faed potatoes you got to put beans on them how about this try this turducken or whatever it is the turkey Twizzler so it's like fried turkey oh that's not good it's not very good do they even have turkeys in Britain yes they have turkeys in Britain do they really yes I'm to Google it show me a British turkey yeah oh oh yeah that's Turkey right there this is like their their form of nuggets not a good stab I mean literally not a good stab on your drink what is this this is Izzy yeah sparkling juice I like that more than the prop can you please eat whatever this pink stank is on your Pepto bismal on a turd chocolate sponge cake with pink custard wait have you ever tried pink custard really want to try a little little nibble I hate the custard it tastes like medicine the bubble gum medicine during wait he does I got wait food fight no at the end yeah at the end yes 3 2 1 America finally now we're back to back champions without the back it's just to two wins 2010 we did it we made it and we got a burrito nice I don't like how you're feeling that burrito up who splits a burrito in the down the middle I thought it was a burrito it's a wrap what's the difference oh my gosh after all the fried food this is so nice look what kind of chicken it is you might not like it no wait is it is this real chicken or fake chicken that's good oh it's ficken this is when Michelle Obama came in and health up all the school lunches oh my gosh ficking is so bad no you're right there's a residue why you taste the it's like a film oh and the milk's back nonfat milk wait I do like non-fat milk it's just so watery it it really is just water and we got sweet potato fries these are kind of litty sweet potato fries are not as good as original but they're healthier but regular fries are just better I'm going to literally enjoy my granola it's a par fat wait what are you saying about Bri destroy this clip please it's that's a good B fat don't forget the best part steam broccoli is probably the best vegetable yes all right America you've had your time time to shine afghanistani and stand up all right so now we get to try the food um what am I looking at here Preston it's an SOS ration it's a high energy biscuit is it like astronaut food no is it like the food we ate in the desert can you help me open this these are sealed you can't feel this but this thing weighs like a couple of pounds I think this was on a tank there's got to be a way to open it got it wa oh wait it's like a ton of individual energy bar 500 calories inside of each of these bars that actually kind of tastes sweet it kind of tastes like a cinnamon biscuit what is this this is it is oil can I try some sorry I forgot to add vegetable oil and a gallon of oil to bring home for only this price you can feed aund kids for an entire month so we'll be making a donation and if you want to you can as well so with that all being said I know why you waited this far into the video oh you okay oh was that glass to find out which company had the best school lunch with America
Channel: Preston
Views: 4,455,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, prestonplays prestonplayz minecraft, preston 100 layers, prestonreacts, preston reacts, brianna, keeley, tbnrfragz, prestongamez, prestongames, preston gamez, preston games, funny, preston minecraft, prestonplayz roblox
Id: Ql53E5IK8Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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