I Beat 5 Fast Food RECORDS in 1 Day

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this is the record for the world's tallest Burger but I'm not impressed so we're going to double it we have a really important question though is there any way we can get a cheeseburger with about 50 Patties on it we're there y are the best these two people are the best McDonald's is doed we love McDonald's oh my gosh that's only like this is only 10 patties this already looks huge oh thank you thank you thank you this is number 11 12 13 14 15 here we go this we are halfway there and this thing's already about to fall I'm trying to break five fast food World Records today and to beat this world record our Burger has to be over 2 and 1/2 ft tall stop talking and help je right there we go don't let it fall don't let it fall you want more oh my God this is so much meat is this another 10 that's another 10 this is going to put us at 57 patties 67 patties this is 77 patties all right now fun on top I hold it hold it tell me Chase this is the world's new tallest Burger this has to be it come on please please please please please we're at 30 we did it yeah the world's new Thomas Burger we still have four more records to break today and the next one is Doo Bell Chase I need you to break the world record for the most hot sauce seat in 1 minute me what why not you it's Preston Channel like no I'm not good with spice okay just one packet right and to make sure that we actually beat these records we have Andy here from Guinness World Records to officiate and make sure that we're following all of the rules now Chase the mark to beat 200 g 200 wow so it's the entire bottle almost I'm turning off content mode I'm going mode I'm nervous I'm freaking nervous you're nervous I'm nervous three 2 One Go YouTube thought this world record was a bit too spicy for their platform but you can watch Chase's full attempt in our Discord or on Instagram okay now it's impacting me you feel the after effect I feel we're seeing to be broken he's calculating okay please I want this I've never wanted anything wor by in my life the record to beat most hot sauce even in 1 minute is 200 g chase you achieve 332 are you serious are you kidding me 330 grandon we did it you did okay I need to go to the bathroom though so badly oh my gosh oh my gosh that was amazing but we sold three more records to break so let's head to Basin Robins Preston why are we doing five what we just broke two records can that call it no because of the fast food Glory belt wait what I want to be the YouTuber that has the most fast food records in history but that can only happen when we get all five so get inside have I asked you a question how well do you know all 31 Flavors at bask and Robin I think I know this pretty well I really need your help to beat the record for guessing the most ice cream flavors blindfolded in just 1 minute you got the Sally I'm excited I'm ready this the record of beat is 18 flavors go is your first one vanilla no chocolate chocolate what what flavor chocolate okay we're going to go on the next one uh vanilla did I already say vanilla yes you did but it's okay I feel like that's not enough in the spoon there I I'll get you more I'll get you you can't just oh that's icing all the cake oh she got one I was g a spoon and then she she took over that's R Sher she's oh come on come on oh that's the non-dairy Mint one yes it's actually right know chocolate chip yes yes yes come on Al oh n coconut we need this mom's making cookies no but that's okay we the next one 10 seconds don't let the time scare you pistachio yes yes I know you love this one Ally yes come on need one more come on ni to how many is that did we get it I think it was 10 13 you got 13 that's amazing Alex oh we didn't beat the record but that's okay no it's not no it's freaking not McDonald's again again we're going to break the world record for the most french fries eaten in 1 minute and to help us beat this record we flew somebody in who holds the record all the way from Connecticut bring out the person who holds the record for the world's fastest mouth fastest I I didn't know that you said fastest I thought said Fest my God I thought you said Fest oh I love you give me a h wait but how is this going to help us break the world record I've been known to do put multiple things in my mouth watch this Preston no way wait let's try this though dog wow he the wow in the background all right Preston I'm so confident in Sam she has the record for the world's largest mouth I have two's the second one technically widest mouth the widest and the largest so if there's anyone that can break this record it's Sam let's see how many you can fit in your mouth what is the current record for the most uh fries in the mouth right now 15050 that's it this is crazy they're just like I can't you can't hear anything she's speaking French fries look this is incredibly impressive but the record's about eating the most fries in 1 minute Sam are you going to finish those yeah you want some yeah what to break this record Sam you have to eat both of these large french fries which is the equivalent of 300 g at the end of the minute your mouth has to be completely empty you feel like you're really confident right now huh are you ready Sam I'm ready three 2 1 go oh this is this is a lot of french fries you 15 seconds you got this you're on face face she's almost done with one fry my job is on the line if you mess this up I might get fired this is a good Pace this is a good Sam you have 45 seconds you have 15 seconds you have 15 seconds come on come on so freaking close 10 seconds Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam don't laugh did we get one fly down 2 seconds and that's a minute no who's hungry why did you bring me here because I thought if you had a big mouth you could be a big eater okay that's okay because we still have two other locations so we can still get the glory B wait we can yeah but Sam's not invited go home Wendy's and this record is the most difficult we've atted so far wait really why because it's the most Burgers assembled in 1 minute who is the best burger assembler here huh are you are you the best burger simpler is this what your name Iris can I see those cutting skills yes perfect you ready for the official attempt yes Iris now I've validated a few things each of these Burgers weighs at least 2.9 o we're using special buns that have a diameter of at least 4 in each bun needs to be sliced knife or your hand you got this Iris and the record to beat is eight you're going to smash that 10 she's going for 10 please comment that iris is the goat to show your support go you got this Iris nice Cut O Okay Soul test Soul test yeah nice oh that's one this is a perfect Cadence two let's go okay perfect perfect perfect huge that's four 15 seconds this is number six 5 Seconds come on come on close no you did great hey that was the warm-up so let's mid Max this we could also technically get more tables too that way you don't have to reach as far to put the burger down all right Iris this is going to be your second attempt go go go Iris you got this let's go come on come on come on H yeah cheer on cheer on 30 seconds you got this Iris you got this let's go right Iris 15 seconds 15 seconds got this Iris don't stop don't stop going time time that's eight okay now we got to inspect them we got to make sure they're up the code start here those two AR sliced all the way through the second one she got really fast I was like your second or third burger she was closer the speed was picking up and she's getting them all the way cut that's so hard let's go again you got this three two one go yes this is looking good good Pace good Pace pull it off there we go oh yeah yes come on let's go Iris 10 seconds 10 seconds Iris come on Iris oh my gosh wait we just got to see I feel like Andy my dad right now oh he's kind that's two three dog you give me a heart attack right now Andy this is it this good tie come on come on no Iris the record to beat stands at eight you achieved eight congratulations world record title comman iris is the best I want to see it's spam Starbucks the current record for the most expensive Starbucks drink is $148.99 cents held by William but if you look at his cup it's nowhere near the size of our hi can I please have a trenty vanilla sweet cream brew as well please five packs of for spring we've released the largest fire merch collection ever with over seven new designs only available at firem merge.com l in the description can I have nine of those so 10 in total please just for reminder we have to break this record if we want to wear the glory belt no more content we're just breaking records okay how you doing ni is there anything that we could do to make the order like $150 what about extra espresso shots shot we make $28 oh that' can we please have that that was so clutch now the question is will this fit 10 drinks we can't break the record if it doesn't fit inside this cup oh my gosh we got it okay okay oh shoot once we pour all of these drinks in this cup William will no longer hold the record we will don't no you're spilling you're spilling I'm not spilling I've never spilled in my life getting splashed oh dude we are actually halfway full with only three or four cups we have six more we have six more to go oh yeah oh double pour double four oh you want some careful careful oh dude we're actually not going to f hold the Fai Preston I want to hold it up for you okay is this isn't even the last drink though all right there we go I don't know what to say no no no we can we can put it back together we can it's a terrible day for rain Subway and we only have three records meaning we have to get two if we want to have any hopes of getting this Glory belt why is the camera so low I don't know excuse me sir would you be interested in help us break the world record for the most expensive sandwich yeah I'm down this is the current most expensive sandwich it's $214 and it's a grilled cheese at some bougie restaurant if we stack the sandwich up to the brim we can get over $214 yes sir that is the record to beat we can freaking do this so how do we start do we start cutting the bread yeah so we cut the bread dude Daniel's the man tell me the strategy now what are we doing here first do we do meatballs first it's whatever meat you want to put on there first I mean I'd love to put all the meat on there but it's got to be like meticulously stacked right like we got to make sure that this thing fits like a sandwich but didn't take long before we ran into our first challenge the manager I think we're being kicked out right now I'm not sure for okay yeah hey guys can I go to the other side of the corner really but we just started stacking oh okay well we'll go we'll go we'll go Danny you might need to start dumping dude just dump just dump the next problem was the fact that the bread started breaking and we had to think of a strategy to keep all of the meat inside we can take those ingredients from that part of the bread and put it in the middle okay can you do a little meat Mountain for us yeah yeah thank you buddy oh yeah okay okay okay that counts that counts that's what y wanted Danny you made me a very happy man person I'm scared about the logistics of this it still looks like it's going to fold do you think we can toast it too it's not going to fit in my toaster you could you could roll it up I don't know then we needed to safely move the sandwich down the line without it breaking in half can I come back there and help you real quick someone needs to help me drag it they're not going to help me coming in dude okay ready I don't know how much this thing weighs but it feels like it's like 40 lb wait wait wait careful for the bread nice okay very basee base base base base base good good good good good good all right I'm going to help you put on these tomatoes and lettuce okay I'm going for the cheese grab all the cheese you got okay there we go now we take the whole thing kind of nice slap it on there cheese is not free we're good hey you need to stand on the other side bro me yeah yeah okay okay okay she kicking you out I'm moving I'm moving and you're serious about no toasting bro you are about to become an official world record title holder can you cover can you cover can nice there go if this sandwich is over $214 we will call it the Danny commment Danny Mountain please Danny can we get a little man in there too yeah sure we need a little sauce wants to dry sandwich right thank you oh you blew the top off all right it is shutting it is actually stable the sauce is kind of like a little glue it's adhesive D we are ready to ring this up did we beat $214 will we be the world record holders is this the most expensive sandwich or what this has been the most expensive sandwich here I gave you a 20% tip so yeah that's why the subtotal of this Danny Mountain sandwich $214 to be is $434 the record hey um so who's going to need this oh um you just help us break our fourth record we only have one more record before Preston gets to keep the belt I love it hey freaking love you man you got it can I kiss you what dominoes this is it our final attempt at our fifth record if we can get this we will get the glory belts the world record is the tallest stack of pizzas and it's going to take about 70 to Beat It let's not get kicked out no we're not going to get kicked out these guys are cool can you do like a really big pizza order for us just 80 medium pizzas please this is a lot of off oh I don't know if those are going to shut dude oh like a glove Richard you want to ride with us yeah okay let's go Richard do you know that guy's name this guy hey I just can't believe this guy Richard got in our car the first time meeting us and is going to help us break an official Guinness World Record all right gentlemen this is your third attempted Guinness World Records title of the day and it's for the tallest stack of pizzas I verifi that the pizzas do not exceed 12 in in diameter or 1 in in thickness and once you reach the end has to stand for 5 seconds five and then I will conduct the official measurement the record to beat is 1 M wait that's three that's what that's literally taller than me and you know if you get this third Guinness World Records title you can get the glory belt Richard I want you to do us the honors okay you trusted some idiots at your store to then come back to break a Guinness World Record with one down boys we only got freaking 80 more to go there we go a dude there some of them are kind of misshaping man any odd shaped pizzas go here they got to be the last okay perfect get fired buddy how many you fired you're doing a service to Dominoes right now they ain't even paying us okay there we go stack that baby all right yep looks hot we're already toppling this way I'm pull back a little bit yeah I'm going to start pulling her back D we still got to go like this mucher like we're not even halfway there yeah nice nice it's tilted man it's not going to fall baby okay here here hurry hurry hurry I actually need this one quick get another one get another one hey hey yo don't you do it give me another one give me another one give me another one do no well you guys can try [Music] again I was thinking no face up face down face up face down yeah they don't they don't all have to be in the same direction oh we'll swap tables out and we'll just build it on this which is more thin and it's going to be way easier gentlemen this is your final attempt you're innovating you're changing up the strategy I do respect it but this is the one to stack it and make it count let's see it last one guys make it count oh we go again only drop when he says drop drop drop drop drop yeah drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop I'm 90° on these sides I can pull it back a little bit too is that good uh yeah right there me the middle I feel like it is leaning towards me quite a bit let's flip this ra start being careful on the rotation so yeah I feel a little bit of the wobble now so we got to be extra careful now cuz it's it's going a little bit now it's going that way let the weight fall we can start stacking straight on this one then yeah yeah it's still coming towards you a little bit this is where we need speed by the way it's really coming towards you now dude like it just gives out gentlemen you did set two Guinness World Records today unfortunately though this one don't be like this unsuccessful don't be like that Andy I'm sorry none of the pizza is going to waste it is going to the homeless shelter but it would be better if it was going to the homeless shelter with a Guinness World Record but we're not going to stop until we have five old records under our belt please if you want to see a trve for more fast speed records go ahead you subscribe and click one of these videos we almost did it we will have the glor belt one day w rard
Channel: Preston
Views: 1,897,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, preston 100 layers, prestonreacts, preston reacts, brianna, keeley, tbnrfragz, prestongamez, prestongames, preston gamez, preston games, funny, preston minecraft, prestonplayz roblox, Fast Food World Record, Fast Food Records, McDonalds Record, Fast Food Record, Drive Thru, Drive Thru Record, Drive Thru World Record, McDonalds World Record, Worlds Largest Burger, Giant Fast Food, Mr Beast, MrBeast, Ben Azelart, Stokes Twins
Id: x5XzpCAzMEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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