THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 2: Candy Carrier Chaos!

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[peppy electronic music plays] ♪♪ [voices echoing throughout] [Caine]: Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus! [Jax]: Pomni. [Caine]: Pomni. [Ragatha]: Pomni. [Jax]: Pomni. [Ragatha]: Pomni... [Caine]: Pomni! [Ragatha]: Pomni! [Jax]: Pomni. [Caine]: Pomni! [Ragatha]: Pomni! -Hello? [heartbeat thudding] [dark, ugly music plays] ♪♪ [screams] No! No! No! [stammers] Caine! Somebody, help me! Please! ♪♪ [shrieks] No! No! [Caine]: [laughs] Looks like our new friend's already abstracted. -[chuckles] Well, I guess we're not all cut out for it. -I don't even remember her name, honestly. ♪♪ [doorbell rings] [yelps] [wailing] [groans] Huh? -Hey, Pomni. How'd you sleep? Are you still sleeping? I'll let you get back to it, if you are. There she is. Hope you're doin' all right. I know yesterday was a bit of a doozy. -"A doozy." -Oh, and don't worry about the whole "abandoning me for the exit" thing. It's perfectly understandable what you were going through at the time, and there's no hard feelings. [laughs] Yer all good. -Huh? -Uh, well, let's forget about all that. Caine's got a new adventure today, and judging by what he's been teasing, it seems like it's gonna be a fun one. -Today's adventure is... That's right! The Candy Canyon Kingdom's been robbed of their most valuable resource -- maple syrup! It's up to you to bring the rotten bandits who stole it to sweet, buttery justice! -An entire kingdom of candy? Sounds sticky. -Very sticky, indeed. -Sounds [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!]. -Bubble, you can't say that. [Zooble]: Mmmmmmmmmmm, nope. -Zooble, wait! I-I'm testing out a new AI in this one! It should be 57 times more immersive! - Ooh, a new AI. You don't want to mess with the new AI, Zoobie? [Zooble]: Uh, yeah, no. -Whoa, sounds fun. What do you think, Pomni? -So, our entire existence here... is just LARPing? -W-Well, uh -- -Why are you all just standing there?! The -- The Canyon -- C-Canyon Candy Kingdom needs you now! Hmm? -Nah, thanks. I'm trying to quit. [majestic music plays] ♪♪ [cheers and applause] ♪♪ -Wow, Kinger, check out this castle. It's amazing! [Kinger]: They've even got little candy bugs here. It's so beautiful. -Yeah, this place is great! -LOOK!!! It's the princess!! -[whimpers] [trumpet fanfare plays] -Ah, you must be the brave knights sent to us by God... to help us with our recent catastrophe. -That's us, ma'am. Your kingdom's awesome, by the way. Love the vibe. -[giggles] I like you already. -Look, Pomni. We're already friends with the princess. -I'm not a child. You don't have to hype me up. -I assume you've been informed of your mission. The bandits that robbed us used a modded syrup tanker, so we figured the best way to go head-to-head with them is to give you a war rig of your own. [truck engine rumbling] -Aagh! -Ooh, violence. -What time period is this supposed to be, again? -Here's the key back into the kingdom for when you've secured the goods. I trust you not to let it fall into the wrong hands? -You can count on me, Your Highness. -Oh, please. Call me Loo. -[chuckles] Will do, Loo. -I call shotgun. [goofy, distorted warble] Oh, God, is that the horn? [groans] That sucks. Gangle, you drive. -Farewell, good knights. I have every faith in you! [truck engine revs] ♪♪ [truck horn warbles] ♪♪ [insects chirping] [all with Australian accents] -D'you think your mum's gonna pull through if we get all this back to the village? -I'm sure she will. This much syrup would save hundreds of people. -We won't know for sure until we get back to the village. She's a fighter, though. She taught me everything I know. Oy! Don't get too comfy, lads. Looks like they've sent someone after us. -All right, Gangle, when we catch up to 'em, I'll jump over, crawl inside, and shoot 'em repeatedly until they're unrecognizable. -I feel like that violates some kind of convention. -You're violating my ears with your clap-back. Get driving, driver! -So, Pomni, I'm sure there's some way you could help out here. Maybe when we catch up to them, we could -- -We could be assertive. Like this! -Hey! -[screams] -Jax! -[groaning] -Ah, that's perfect! Just hold that pose. I gotta get something. -Jax, you [BOINK!] -You know, I swear there was some kind of bazooka back here, but... [scoffs] ...I'm having such trouble finding it. [Kinger]: Pomni, take this! -Egh... -Here it is. All right, Pomni, you just stay like that, and I'll cross over you. -Are you kidding me?! Ow! -Nice going, Pomni -- now I have no bridge. -Ah-hah! Gotcha! [bang!] [air whistling] Me arms aren't long enou-- Whoa! ♪♪ [brass hit!] -This lot's trouble. Let's see how their rig does on those rocks around there. -Me arms aren't short enough to shift the gear. ♪♪ [rapid brass hits!] -Ooh, now we're cookin'! Hey! Ribbons! Up and at 'em! -I don't think we -- -Aren't you supposed to be submissive and agreeable? Move it! -[wailing] ♪♪ -Oh, these fellas just don't know when to quit, do they? [rapid brass hits!] Hey! Quit muckin' about and get back up here! -Oh, yeah. Right. -[groans] Everyone all right? [Kinger]: Can you repeat the question? I couldn't hear you over the knives. -Hey, Gangle. You should ram into 'em. -What? -You should NOT ram them! Pomni's still on board! [crash!] -Do it. It'll be epic. [Ragatha]: Why are there so many knives back here?! -Do it, or I'll tell Ragatha about the figurine thing. -Guh! [laughs nervously] ♪♪ -Are you guys trying to [BOINK!] kill me?! -These guys are whack jobs! Let's give them some of this. -Aww, no more ramming? Guess I HAVE to tell Ragatha about the thing now. [Gangle]: What?! -Oh. You're still up here. -Guuuuuuys? [Kinger]: Pomni, take this! -Uh, hey, Kinger, is that rope attached to anything? -Uhhhh. I don't know. Let me check. [clang!] -[grunts] ♪♪ -W-W-What? Wha? -I blame YOU for this. [SPLORCH!] [tires squealing] -[screams] -[grunts] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH-- Oog! Ack! [grunts] [wailing] OHHHH, NO!!! [hollering] [grunts] [groans] [grunts softly] [voice echoing] Lads? [mutters softly] Hello? [eerie ambient music plays] Anyone? [breathing shakily throughout] ♪♪ Huh? ♪♪ Uh... ♪♪ [gasps] [breathing heavily] ♪♪ -Guh! [wails] [grunts] -[gasps] -[groans] Huh? -Where are we? W-What's all this? -I-I don't know. W-We're somewhere under the map, I think. -"Map"? Why aren't you or any of your crew up here? -I-I'm not sure. Be-- Because we're not, uh, NPCs? -"NPCs"? What are you on about? What are you people? ♪♪ What am I? ♪♪ Where's Mum? -Y-You have a mom? -Shouldn't she be here with everyone else? [shakily] I can't even remember her face. Did she ever have a face? Was anything ever real? -Okay, w-w-wait. Don't -- Don't think about that. I-I-I think there... must be a way to launch ourselves back up. Right? -[hyperventilating] ♪♪ -I want you to tell me exactly what I am. ♪♪ [fudge splorching] [whimsical music plays] ♪♪ -[groans] Is everybody okay? -No... -Oh, man. Poor Pomni. I hope she's all right. -"Poor Pomni"? How about "poor us"? We're one tanker away from being Augustus Glooped! -[groaning] Oh, what's that? Do my eyes deceive me? A delicious gift from within the kingdom gates? Don't mind if I do. -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy! We're not food! We're not candy! We're none of that! You don't want to eat us! -Wh-- You're not candy? How am I expected to eat something that's not made of candy? I'm sorry. [Kinger]: Pomni always seems to miss the big, gloopy monsters. -Who are you, anyway? -I am the Fudge. I used to live within the kingdom walls, but I was banished by that rotten princess after I ate too many of the delicious townfolk. Oh, they were so delicious. Sometimes I can hear them... calling to me. [townsfolk screaming] -Oh, God. That just sounds like murder. -Is it really murder if it's delicious? Answer me that. -You make a great point. -Uh, no, bad point! -Why don't you leave this to me before I start thinking your hair looks like licorice? -Jax! [Kinger]: Oh, wow, it kind of does. -Stop! -Well, Mr. Fudge, you seem like an upstanding guy with real noble goals. -Oh, I'm not. If you knew what I did in my free time -- Oh, you'd be SICKENED! -[clears throat] As I was saying. I happen to know a way into the kingdom walls... if you'd be willing to help us out in return. -Hey, when did you -- -Shut up, licorice hair. [Kinger]: Here, hide it with this. -Oh, you must be some kind of master of unlocking things, come to free me from my outdoor prison. -That's me. All we need you to do is help us bring some dirty bandits to justice. [air rushing] -AUGH-- -I saw the reaper wink at me... -Wait, w-w-what just happened? [lollipop stick creaking] -Uhh... y-you wanna try helping out at all? [laughs nervously] Or are you still... Hey. You okay? -No. -You wanna talk about it? -What is there to talk about? -I don't just want to leave you here. -Why not? I don't matter in the slightest. I'm nothing. My life, my memories... friends... It's all fake. -This may seem weird, but... I think I know the feeling. Well, m-maybe not... the e-exact feeling, but... Feeling like you're nothing is... kind of normal. I mean, people even feel like that in the world I came from. But... Y-you still care about your buddies up there, don't you? I'm sure they still care about you. -What does it matter? What do we have when you people leave? We're just obstacles... created to be defeated and forgotten. -Well... You don't have to be. The -- The circus -- th-- the place I'm from? Well, I -- I'm originally from somewhere else. But... If it has to be my home... ...Maybe it can be yours, too. The people there are... interesting... at the very least. Maybe you... [sighs] ...Could be somebody real there. -Why are you trying to cheer me up? How does this benefit you at all? -I guess I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing. I don't want anybody to feel like that. -But I'm not even a real person. Would I even belong? -I'm sure you wouldn't belong any less than me. [chuckles] And... I could use a friend. -"A friend." You're a strange little character. Suppose I could give it a try. All I ask is that we don't tell the lads about this. They're a couple of bright-eyed yobbos, and I don't want to drag 'em down with me. -[chuckles] Yeah, that makes sense. What's your name, by the way? -Gummigoo. -Wow, that's... just about as dumb as my name. -What'd you have in mind in terms of getting us out of here? -[stammers] I don't know. M-M-Maybe some kind of glitch with the truck's collisions? I'm not really sure how we could... All right, I'm just throwing stuff at the wall here. If this doesn't work, we could try something else. -You're the expert here. -[laughs nervously] I'm really not. But let's see how it goes. [engine turns over] [blocks thudding] I just realized, this might be a little vio-- [KABOOM!!] [trippy music plays] ♪♪ -Gotta say, this is a lot more anti-climactic than I was hoping it'd be. -What were you hoping for? -You know, like, one big, final battle. Bloodshed. Death. Chaos! Whatever. -Are you sure they disappeared? It wasn't that they fell off, or something? -[stammers] I can't say for sure, but, uh -- Yes, definitely. -It's not like the boss to vanish with a clown. Very unusual. -Well, that's... concerning. [Kinger]: [muffled] Well, if worst comes to worst, we could always ask Caine to find her. -I'm more worried she's having another horrible experience. She still seems really upset about what happened yesterday. I don't think she really likes me that much. [Kinger]: It's a lot for anybody to go through. Don't take it too personally. I remember how long it took for you to adjust. -O-Oh. Yeah. I'm surprised you remember that. [Kinger]: [normal voice] Remember what? [muffled explosion] -Do you guys have a second truck that flies? -Yeah. Oh, wait -- No, we don't. No, not at all. [air rushing] -[groans] Down I go. [upbeat music plays] -[laughs] Couldn't keep it in, could -- [rattles lips] -Uh, what's all this stuff? -Pomni! Are you okay? W-What happened? -Yeah, I'm fine. I, uh -- I made a new friend. -Boss! Where have you been? We got fudged. -You don't wanna know. Good to see you, lads. ♪♪ -Why are there two bad-guy trucks? ♪♪ [Kinger]: This one's full of syrup, too. -Oh, yeah. Suppose it is. Well, uh, you don't suppose my mates here could, uh, take this one back to the village, could they? -I guess. Since there's two of them, there'd be no real harm. -I'm so unbelievably disappointed right now. -Well, maybe there'll be blood, death, and violence in the next adventure. -Ha-ha-ha-ha. How wholesome. -O-O-Oh, yeah. Uh, this is Gummigoo. He's gonna come back to the circus with us. -Oh! Uh, i-is that allowed? -His reality was kind of... completely shattered? I feel like it was the least I could offer him. Opposed to just leaving him behind. -[chuckles] Hey. That's good of you, Pomni. -UGH! Let's take this DUMB truck to the DUMB kingdom, I guess! [cheers and applause] -Thanks to you brave knights, our kingdom will once again thrive. I'm sure it was no easy task. -You have no idea. -Farewell, brave knights. Have fun executing that bandit fella! -Yes. That is what we're doing. [distant explosion booms] -Oh, hey! Maybe I didn't leave the gate unlocked for nothing after all. [approaching rumbling] -Uh, what? I-I thought he was dead! You still did that?! -Okay, wait. [The Fudge]: [chuckling] -Y-You did what, now? -Well, love to help you again sometime! Bye! [The Fudge]: [laughing] [distant townsfolk screaming] -Welcome back, my little hard-shelled hamburgers! -So, this is the circus, huh? I could get used to this. -Oop! Looks like one of these guys made it through. -Wait, wha-- Blagh! -W-W-Wait, wha--? -I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows... what could happen... -[laughing manically] -Welp, I'm gonna go drink water! It's been a while since I've done that. [swoosh!] [Zooble]: Sheesh, I thought he'd never leave. -I'm really sorry about that, Pomni. At least you tried. You know, he might be back in a future adventure. I know Caine sometimes likes to reuse NPCs. [Zooble]: Got everything ready. -Hey... You at least wanna join us for Kaufmo's funeral? We like to have a little funeral service to remember the people who abstract. This one just got pushed around a bit with your arrival and everything. [Kinger]: It's the least we can do to honor their memory. [pensive, melancholy music plays] ♪♪ -Oh, man. I always think I'm prepared for these things, but then you set up the picture and, well... I'm already breaking. [no audible dialogue throughout] ♪♪ [upbeat, jazzy music plays] ♪♪ ~CAPTIONED BY FOULWEATHER STUDIOS~ ♪♪
Channel: GLITCH
Views: 91,779,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta runner, glitch productions, funny, video game, webtoon, cartoon, 3d animation, animation, 2d animation, 3d art, animated web series, web series, online animation, newgrounds, nintendo, fortnite, minecraft, smg4, mario, supermarioglitchy4, anime, western shounen, naruto, my hero academia, zelda, glitch
Id: 4ofJpOEXrZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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