I Remade Every Mob Into AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft

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we are remaking Minecraft Mobs into the amazing digital circus starting with my personal favorite Jax thank goodness this is all a dream and we are going to use an Enderman since they kind of look similar already first thing is first I'm going to remove the texture then we need to add a neck like so now we can shrink his arms next we can design his clothes eyes and his mischievous smile and voila now we send it to the developer and see what it looks like in game oh what dude wait a second do you remember him being this big cuz I think I might have made him too tall he was pretty tall I'm like I'm like right at his crotch wait okay how does that look he's still taller than us he's like three people tall we don't know what the developer necessarily did to these mobs that's why we have to test a bunch of things hey yo buddy wait dude he's just taking our diamonds and bolting oh there he is go get him we're never going to be able to catch up to him we need like a mine cart or something like that to catch this guy oh I see one I see one on it where's it at oh no Jay I literally had a I had a water bucket in my inventory we could have just done this oh now you're saying yo he's hungry okay well don't give him whatever's in this we need the mine cart so let's just pickaxe the mine cart okay I got the mine cart wait PR do you have all the items wait did he get them again you jerk oh no ow ow I went to attack him as soon as you end pear I'm so sorry oh wait wait wait wait big brain big brain so wait he picks up anything we throw on the ground right ooh are you thinking what I'm thinking we could try throwing things in the lava to see if he follows I'm just going to Chuck the water bucket in there no way oh look at that no way no way what an idiot oh no no no no oh gosh no no no no can we just rate this one and move to the next 10 he's annoying eight now for the main character of the circus bney she has a super unique design so we're actually going to start with Alex for her first I started with the overall body changing squares into the circles making it look like pom's design and perfect now I can start on her face I really want to get her mouth and eyes right because they are so expressive in the show and to top it off I added an animation of her turning crazy I then spent a ton of time on the extra little details and now it's done we looking for the star of The Amazing digital circus pomy pomy man pomy is the newest addition to the digital circus there she is oh look at her eyes dude wait PR are you sure should you should look at her eyes oh no they look like QR codes wao listen listen to the sound too ew oh wait that's the Jack in the Box sound hi Chase let's face our fears okay all right staring contest if you blink it lose I'm not blinking oh hey yo where'd she go pomy what are you doing in the tree release the arrows oh uhoh hey dude she just keeps teleporting this is crazy she's kind of like an Enderman Ender woman Preston sorry sorry sorry end end woman oh oh Preston I think I got her I think I got her is she dead what is that what what is that oh it's a cape wait I want a cape wait Chase it's a door it says Exit on it in the show she keeps trying to look for the exit door but there isn't an exit to get out so basically put on like the VR head and they're trapped in the amazing digital circus forever but pomy believes there's a way to escape all right I'm going to go I'm going to go don't go in it we've got to wait until the end of the video because we have no idea where this is going to take us for all we know this could trap us in the amazing digital circus that's I mean that's kind of it sounds awesome okay wait that means let's rate pomy three 10 why 10 cuz this door could take us to the amazing digital circus but we'll see at the end of the video fine ratha our friendly doll who unfortunately in the show was turned into a cursed glitch and for ratha we're using a witch model to start we going to move the head up and add a neck now I can make the face round and add her a button for her eye then I redesigned the arms and legs like so and finally I modeled ratha's purple dress and her little bow to top it off all right please follow me uh ragi is supposed to spawn somewhere in the plains so we might be finding here soon dude oh oh wait I think it's here okay what what so what did you give the uh the developer for this guy well I kind of just like all I'm doing is the art I'm letting the oh gosh I forgot about the button she looks good but like wo wo wo did you hear that chase I thought you were humming so it is ragath that's humming she's trying to touch me Preston does she do any damage let me see oh she has two hearts Preston take her she doesn't want me get away from e e e ew oh wait dude this is just like the show why is she following me wait Chase I I need to see how much damage does she do let her hit you once oh I'm out of Sprint let her hit you just one time just one time okay fine for science oh no it's still two hey yo wait have you noticed the block Trail she's leaving by the way I thought that was just a texture pack my favorite part about this is how ragi doesn't attack me and just attacks I don't like this mod this is a 1 out of 10 so far all right let me see what these blocks do oh Chase these blocks what the they're like glitched blocks and they're just spawning random things okay well can we get something to kill her dude these blocks are CS Chase like genuinely they're freaking curs listen I know you're just making content right now you're delaying things but can you please help me I'm coming I'm coming sorry I was on fire I'm good now I'm good now oh wait these blocks are not all bad dude listen I'm guiding her right now let me find something that will help me just give me a second oh wait Chase bring you to the well I can't hear anything okay and run Chase Run Run is she alive I don't know wait I think we killed her I think we killed her yeah she's definitely gone nine out of 10 nine nine yeah because she's fine I agree nine is fine you are right it's time for the craziest character in the show Kanger but there's no chest pieces in Minecraft so we'll have to start with a villager for him I'll start by removing his arms and face e this is creepy now we'll squeeze his body in to make it more slender and then break Minecraft's number one rule by making him round next I need to stretch his face up and add the little King chest piece on top okay now it's time to model his eyes and place one there and there nice finally we can add his purple robe his floating hands and ta we have ker all right Mr Chase okay let's think about this kinger is a very scared individual in the show he's always hiding so what if he's hiding in Minecraft where would he be hiding uh I mean oh oh that okay wait let's open it up open it up open up their safe can you please get oh what the eyes on Kanger hey we're not going to hurt you we're oh oh he hurt himself I'm going to grab a lead hey get him get him tied up get him tied up I'm going to lasso him lock this got him oh it actually worked this is ridiculous yo look at his eyes bro honestly I love him oh my God can I keep him dude okay like isn't that like against the rules cuz he was once a human everybody in the amazing digital circus used to be a human before they were digitized what happens if we kill them though uh wa okay dude why is that your first instinct it always is dude the way that you have the lead attached to the center of his poor eyes so wait if you break I think if you break any blocks next to him he just gets scared he sounds like a goat wait okay let him go let him go what happens okay oh oh my gosh dude he's crazy fast hey buddy you okay you freaking out bro he has seen some wait oh did you hear that yeah dude did you ask did you ask the devs for all the noises I don't remember asking them for that one to be honest well they deserve a raise oh he's gone where'd he go where'd he go come back here come back wait Chase I got an idea Chase what just grab it take half Oh no you're making me do this uh both of wait don't let him go wait wait server can you break the block beneath him that's what the server looks like that's what he looks like oh okay hey why is he not running oh wait he dropped Bedrock yo how did you not notice the Bedrock he dropped and he dropped a Scoot a scoot speaking of which uh rating three four yeah that was it was funny but it got it it got old fast now it's time for gangle who probably has more unstable emotions than even kinger and that's crazy to say for this one we're going to start with the skeleton since they both don't have have any bodies to start we'll remove the skeleton's bow and position his arms out like gangles next we'll redesign his chest to look like confetti and disconnect his limbs from his body now flatten his head and design the mask for this we're going to need two versions one for gle's happy face and one for his sad oh dude these look great now we just need to color everything in and make a few final touches and we're done wait so okay gangle is wait why do we have this die do you have die I literally have nothing wait okay he was supposed to spawn in this Village okay what does what does ganger look like GLE he's like he's got like a happy and sad face and then he's got like a ribbon body bro you are a fake fan please like this video if Chase is a fake fan okay let me ask the oh my God I just see a hey yo chill hey yo wait PR pres I see him I see him I see him hey yo what up handsome oh he's got a happy mask I thought Jack's broke it when he's got the smiling mask on I assume that's good he's like waving oh wait we've got bro we've got regeneration is like bad oh my gosh did you hear that giggle is that Josh it sounds like I think it's gangle but it's really a creepy giggle wait Preston you have that die what happens if you put it on him okay soit we have regeneration two right now but uh wait step back see if it goes away okay oh yeah it's gone are you that really does sound like Josh did you send Josh's giggle I don't think so dude what is this oh oh you can feed him the dieye why does he eat dye oh he loves me now yo is that a part of the lore I don't know he's not following me hey yo I don't think he liked that one oh so he only like he only will come to you when you get a certain distance away so if I like go like 10 blocks away I don't know dude this one kind of got a mind of his own do we have jax to you know break his happy mask oh oh it's a girl oh is it oh no chase oh I don't know what just happened Preston I don't know what just happened why what just happened oh oh she shot at me why did she get mad why does it sound like a baby oh she's got the scary mask on do she she so mad oh she's so she's only shooting at me Preston oh no God Preston instead of killing her what if we try to make her happy what you me to die her again yes instead of her dying we die her does this not like remind you of like a horror game oh she's there oh she's back she's back I'm going to give her to die oh wait she's back to normal is she happy yes ow oh sorry wo wo wo wo Chase what are you trying to do I kind of want to see what she looks like dead okay yeah that that's SM uh get the lava bucket Chase get the lava bucket server can I get a lava bucket hey don't laugh at us buddy all right I got the lava bucket wait wait wait no we got to Trapper Trapper Trapper first trap all right initiating trapping Cut Her Off no stay oh sit Chase you're blocking me there we go there we go there we go all right chase you know what to do don't let your gangles gangle that's a CJ if I've ever heard of oh my gosh we're still taking damage up here jeez why did you bro put the lava back oh she died wait there's nothing down here Preston uh okay so I think uh Chase ready to rate 3 2 1 Z what no I give you 02 this is or was kmo character in the circus who was abstracted in the show because he went too crazy first let's start with a Wandering traiter as our base model I need to remove his arms and add cfo's noodly ones next we need to shrink the head and add the mouth eyes and a party hat that looks great now we can add the little blue ruffle around his neck and his buttons finally we could cut him and change his body shape to match this looks great but we aren't done we need to add his creepy abstracted transformation for this I started with a ravager remove the textures and spin a long time shaping it to look like this sick finally I added the creepy eyes all over and boom it's done I can't wait to see this in game who are we looking for again CMO the clown hey yo speak of the devil speak of the clown hey look at him clowning around dude wait that just looks like Brie okay somebody stop this man it's my life that's on the line every time you insult my wife okay I know why is he standing next to a bell wait doesn't he go he goes crazy in the show like remember he gets like abstract Ed or whatever but I don't know why that happens wait I okay I have a I have I have a feeling we got to hit the Bell but I don't want to hit it so close no no no no wait does he key right click him first he makes no sound oh wow dud he's he's literally a bot I mean no I will say the model looks perfect like the model is great but he literally does nothing sorry my bad nothing nothing's happening you're scaring the villagers stop stop oh my okay Chase You' got aggro it's on me wait I'm going the house I'm going to the house here what what's happening dude he breaks the blocks he breaks blocks okay PR how do they stop him in the show I don't think they they I don't think they do actually doesn't Kane like put him into some weird place I don't know do I look like Kane do you dude he's literally wreaking havoc on this poor villain okay think think think all right Chase I've got an idea can you keep him distracted uh I'm going to do my best he's kind of op okay I'm going to see I'm going to see if we can make an iron golem oh no there's a baby villager hey see pickle got it all right I'm back oh oh okay I got the iron let me find the pumpkin and we're good let me find the pumpkin I'm completely out of Sprint Preston I got it I got it Chase come here bring him this way bring him this way I at three hearts one heart Preston bring him this way oh my oh shoot he's coming after me oh I got to build this before he breaks it get him bro I think we found his weakness wait we got to get rid of the water get rid of the water get rid of the water yes Chase look got it yes get him freaking go woohoo ow all right what are we rating this guy oh I mean if fact drops Bedrock the rating is going higher I will say Minecraft needs more uh bosses so I know my rating seven nine ooh I liked it Minecraft needs that next in our line of cursed circus mobs we got zubble since she is made of so many parts we'll need to do this one from scratch I need to start by making a triangle for the head then I can add her eyes and a tenna like so now we can make this squiggly line that is her neck and connect it to her body then I can add the wing on her left side and her right arm with the Crab Claw the rest of the time I just spend on adding all the little details and finally we made Zub what are we looking for we're looking for somebody who goes in a couple of Parts huh Mrs zubel oh speaking of the devil what what do we got in the distance oh Zub Bo oh wait it's probably just a flower wo dude Zub is honestly well okay Zub chill oh she's aggressive chill Zub chill relax we're just back away press wait I'm oh no dude she split into two wait okay Jas you take the body I'll take that this is a lot harder oh I got an idea I got an idea from mine come here Zu okay so what did you tell the devs about this one I don't know I just know that zub's here and I don't oh no zub's smart enough for not throw into the cactus I want to see how many pieces oh there's oh her arms on the ground oh dude I'm trying to drown zub's head come on give me the wing give me the wing maybe the foot oh two hearts server can you heal me real quick please chase you fight yours I'll fight mine I'm muting up she's surrounding server can you heal me thank you hey yo wait that was too easy comments let me know how many pieces do you think she's going to be in oh her body she got boded oh dude there you are Preston I got the hard one oh my gosh wait she's in four pieces okay okay I'll take the uh I'll take the the I think they're all after you I'm sorry oh okay she's finally dying okay we got oh wow rating zubal five 6 and A2 I was going to say five cuz she broke into five parts oh I can't count that high all right ladies and gentlemen as promised it's time for the exit door that we ended up getting off of pomy wait we're missing a mob aren't we are you sure I think we went through everything no I think went through everybody in the amazing digital circus oh okay well let's just go let get it baby all right I think you just got oh yeah hit the handle okay oh no are we we are in The Amazing digital circus no no no no no no no no no we can leave right we can just leave whenever we won this just made me realize you're right we were missing somebody who is it who is it Kane oh no the circus leader the freaking Mastermind himself dude okay um he can't be that powerful right yeah except for the fact that he controls the entire world dude he's like the ring leader of the amazing digital circuit okay well we got to find him our final mob on this list is the scariest one of all and the main villain of the circus K we're going to be using an evoker to start and first things first I split his head in two and moved it slightly forward then we added all the little details of the teeth and gums to make his mouth head next I modeled his top hat and added his spooky eyes into his mouth after that I redesigned the body Limbs and suit finally we have to add one last thing his Cane he's the ready Preston Preston but the bedro oh oh my gosh Chase back oh no wait if you're spawning here we are definitely trapped I don't like this Preston I really don't like this I don't like this either wait okay so what does this mean we have a countdown bar at the top what is it wait what happens at countdown oh wait Chase hit the eyeballs it's doing damage to him okay oh wait okay wait he's actually not that strong oh okay he's taking damage when we hit the eyeballs oh shoot wait what if that means we have to defeat all the eyeballs before the countdown dude there's no way I don't have a bow oh no wait this is literally the one time we needed a bow and arrow this okay this isn't good chase you got to punch the eyeball just punch him just punch him okay yeah you take left I'll take right okay press in the countdown's going down oh no no no no no no no no no no no no punch punch punch Chase don't give up don't give up we can do it we can do it you can you can jump and you can reach some of these eyeballs too oh oh no oh no did you hear that music what does that mean oh what's this countdown for enjoy the void should we raate it or are we just done uh I'm giving Kane 11 out of 10 um I'm 12
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,068,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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