Getting Revenge in Among Us

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so today in among us we get our revenge all the kids that were mean to us in high school get payback can we take them all out before we get caught yeah look at these guys look how mean they were to me they're all laughing 10 years later it's high school reunion time I will get my revenge I mean look at this map we're at the high everybody's partying okay so how this works what I have to do there are a bunch of different uh games at the high school reunion to play like check this out there's a there's a drink up here right a uh Kool-Aid drink if I drink this watch this oh gosh oh gosh do now I'm able to sabotage it look at this if I open up my revenge plans right here's the poison punch bowl so I have to develop a poison in science lab and Spike that fruit drink which is down here we will get our revenge you want to make fun of me okay let's make this here we go and okay so I got to make that color so I got red okay so that kind of looks purple let's get blue there we go oh we got the poison what do I need to do next Spike the punch bowl and then we'll claim an unwitting victim and dudes while I set this up do me a favor hit the like button no that's just pointing hit the Subscribe button to Joy the join the team fam let's do this okay so if I Spike this hold on sabotage oh oh gosh it's poisoned so to the next person that comes up here I'm just going to wait right here and just wait for him to come here hopefully cuz how this works you see this is my kill bar right once I kill enough people I win and unlock the final ability this is their Quest Bar if they do a bunch of these things the other punch let's go fill up this bar okay there we go wait oh this one there's something wrong with this one Sundy can you help me please like do the like I think I'm choking Pat this is this is what happens Pat you want to make fun of me in high school you remember that one time you told me my mom was so dumb that she tripped over wireless internet you remember that Pat yeah I do but it was like 4G back now you die I don't want to well Pat's dead Let's uh let's go ahead and camouflage as hello I am we got my revenge that wait that unlocked me another ability too hold on I think that wait no I have to hang him on the the flag pole first I have to get Revenge by doing this okay let me grab grab body oh gosh huh hey Kate how's it going cool awesome um and we'll go ahead and drop body right there that should have give me another ability yeah I unlocked poison trap hold on what is [Music] that cool cool cool yeah hey K was that was that fun killing Pat wait what what are you talking about Z Mur punch I murder oh drinking punch oh who are you wait how you know I you know the Imposter can disguise how sure are you of this how sure Z I'm 95 + 3 - 10 wait is 82 82 I don't know math but I trust with my heart all right Pat all right zud all right zud I'm not voting K you're so d I'm skipping I was just with Kate why are you skipping you're out just vote you're out out I hate this I hate wait Gary you were just with her well why would you got Gary oh my God no Kate made the worst mistake ever we won um hey Gary so you know when you you're with her before you're supposed to say that long before we vote why didn't you tell us that early how did you not bring that up well cuz I was in the middle of processing what Z trying to get out with the nine doing the all Z you know we remember things right z z you know we remember things right Z okay it was really badly timed I thought Kate was just dumb my bad well that went well didn't it um okay I got poison trap what does this do there's sigils let's try it on him let's put it right [Music] there that's fitting he doesn't have legs for 3 minutes Perfect all right well I know who I'm going to be poisoning this whole time this will be fun okay what do I need to do next I need need to set up more victims I've done this that is check marked this one says Avenge the janitor okay I'm on to you get three kills and I'll give you something special what I already got a kill right get three kills I have one so I need to get three kills and you'll give me something what are you going to give me what are you going to give me janitor okay I'll be back I'll be back I need two more kills so we've done the punch o the dance let me do the dance okay here we go what do I need to do oh click o click oh click I'm clicking I'm clicking I'm clicking I'm clicking I'm owning I'm owning oh 4951 literally built different look I'm on the leader board look what does this mean what does that mean does that mean something good okay so since I did oh yeah like I said in the intro uh this bar here if they fill that all the way up they win to fill this up they do these H little party mini game thingies but since I've done this one I can now sabotage it so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to camouflage a zud since he's sus and I'm going to as soon as someone gets on this I hit the fire alarm while they're dancing and they die so I'm just going to hide here and wait a few moments later oh no Z you beat my score zud watch this wait minute 4.9 easy peasy oh uhoh help help somebody help no I'm electri help help help help help help help help help son son son help me please please in this is what happens Nico this is what happen happens when you make fun of me in high school this is what happens remember that time remember that time remember that time you said my mom was so short that you could see her feet on my on her driver's license you remember that huh it's not my fault you're you're little what you know what it's time to die all next victim down now I need to put him on a flag pole uh uh uh let's do camouflage as a and and grab the body why do they poop like they're leaving poop Trails behind this is so gross but I have to do it here we go and drop it I will get my revenge oh I got water wallup what does that do um I don't know what water wallup does all right well we got that one done wait I have I get one more kill with the janitor then I can go talk to him hey bro nice hat what you can't what is no wait he's being kind of bully isn't he Z isn't he being kind of no I was I was literally complimenting his hat I don't know I don't know sigil I'm going to I'm going to hit sigil his legs are [Music] better this is fun I'm having fun okay uh next one I think it's over here uh this one yeah karaoke right that's karaoke swap the karaoke disc tamper with the soundboard claim an unwan victim so if I do this I have to complete it first and then I can sabotage okay let me do this on Biffle biffle's got Slow Hands right yeah this is a typing compeition hey B oh you I'm going to destroy you I'm going to destroy you drip you got to type Sigma Whoever has the most letters typed in wins rud why you quick what do you mean chill dog dab on you Flynn a Flynn gritty H Crush oh yeah Noob bro dude my fing going to fall how are you going so fast what do you mean oh you think you're so handsome it's cuz you are what oh gosh are you okay don't dance on me sorry don't dance sorry that unlocked it that should unlocked it I should be able to sabotage it now tamper with the soundboard claim the unwitting victim yeah soundboard is down there hold on make sure Nobody's around I got to be careful so if I go down here tamper with this right sabotage it oh oh oh it's sabotaged so what I'm going to I'm going to call Gary to this mini game and I'm going to let him win because whoever wins dies this will be fun he's going to try to win and I'm going to just stay at zero so uh Gary here we go hey Gary Gary you're going down Gary you're going down you're going down dri appreciate I'm going to win this I'm going to win all this why are you why are you trying rap hello wait Sunny why are you even try Rush wait wait a second when do you think he's going to get it guys at what point do you think he's going to understand what's happening you I you no so now Gary I have this kill button Gary do you remember when you made fun of me in high school and you put my head in the toilet and you gave me a swirly and then you called my mom so fat that she stepped on a scale and it said to be continued do you remember that Gary I did it once and guess what everyone's going to know your mom's still fat and you still get [Music] swirlies that's what you get Gary that's what you get all right that's done let's comes out again and uh oh yeah what does water wallup do let me go ahead and drag the body come on Gary Come on Gary come with me let's go ahead and throw you right up here right there there we go there we go there you go Gary have fun I am a psychopath okay I got karak karak karaoke what did I have a stroke karaoke Carnage and I have water wallup what does that do where's sigils I got to keep him legless oh there's sigils you know what I'm going to try this on here water Wallop uh is that what is bad okay um I didn't really like that and I can't see so good now what happens huh I'm just the bone of a man so now he's going to his skin I think I need my skin I need my skin Oh no is that Gary uh oh okay I found my skin uh I don't this feels weird don't watch this this is private okay now what now I vote you out maybe I don't um what what was that what did you just what did you just did you do something karaoke Carnage running I'm running away what is karoke carage what is happening your voice is horrible just like nose ow okay cool all right um well karaoke Carnage is insane uh I need to cut off his legs again soon though all right cool let's un camouflage and let's go do the next thing wait the guy the janitor hello janitor I got three kills here take this if you kill the lights no one can see you wait what hold on what gruesome goggles unlocked return to the janitor complete hold on hold on what is this cut the power to the school gain a kill with laser vision hoist a body on a flag pole in darkness oh here's the control panel oh oh is that it's dark oh look in the bottom left gruesome goggles look in the top left they have a minute of Darkness there's Biffle there's Zod I'm going to go talk to zud hello Zod I can't see anything can you see anything I I literally see nothing okay let's try echo location I'm going to go find find sigils where is sigils is he it's so dark oh come on dude hello hello hello sigil I hate you do you remember that time when you made fun of me well you deserved it look at you you want to know what I do to people like you I cut off my legs apparently and over you die wa no no hey wait wait no it's not that serious oh oh my gosh well that was gruesome wait I didn't do the task right I got to hoist a body up while it's dark I to go pull the electrol again there we go it's dark now I got to put the goggles on I can't get another kill with that though it's disabled but W am I still drinking hello zud zud I hear you zud where are you I found an exploit no he's exploiting I got to stop him I have got to stop him he's just drinking it over and over again and filling up the bar okay I got to grab sigils grab body there we go right there oh gosh did I do it please please say I did it right Quest update yes it's checked okay now I need to do this next one rig the piñata with fireworks hello Sunday I keep hearing you he please will you Le me leave me please yeah you can't there oh I can see he my legs are God what happened to your legs I don't uh I eated them I was drinking the juice and I think I E drink the legs what did you have no no no did you have a stroke I'm okay I'm just a little nervous there's a killer Among Us that b there's a killer look there are bodies all over the place alive who's even alive oh no wait I forgot I need to go up here and drag this body too okay let's go ahead and uhad and grab this body there we go and drag this over here and there we go okay and there we go I am an abute psychopath just Spam The Juice it's I found I I know I know they're spamming the juice no no no no no no no no I got to stop this I got to stop Biffle no stop drinking the juice and filling up the bar hey Biffle oh you want a piece of no I'm going to destroy you okay so how this works every time we do damage to it look I'm doing 11 damage whoever gets the last hit wins so you got to you got to plan out the damage you know you got to oh you got to plan out the damage you think you're cute and ugly and 2 how do you even get that Biffle Biffle are you kidding me how are you so good Biffle you think you can beat that bi bi oh you're so bad what do you mean I'm bad you're bad are you kidding me broke uh Pat what what do you mean I don't I won you're really bad you take the L dance take the L take the L loser take the L stop it don't talk to me okay what to do now rig the piñata collect three fireworks plant fireworks in the piñata claim unwitting victim okay where are the fireworks oh they're on the map there there and there all on the bottom left got it okay let's grab this one there we go I need two more one's up here got it dude look at this map this art sick right I think I got them all I did okay I got to plant it now hold on I'm going to poison zud stop exploiting zud you're a monster so now if I sabotage this right there we go that's sabotaged now Biff's SK want revenge on me and win so I'm going to try really hard cuz if he wins he dies I can't I can't show that I'm the impostor until he's about to die like like in the Gary one go again I'm going to destroy you again you're going down look at this 20 EAS you don't want this noise you don't want this you want to go again huh you want to go again H you know what you know what I'm going to Max it out I'm maxing it out I'm 25 you want a piece of these apples you want to go again brother you want to go again you want to go wait why am I on fire what Sunny why am I on fire help me you remember that time you made fun of me in high school and you tied my shoes together and then you're loser you you said my mom's so stupid that she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side you remember that bble I do remember that I'm sorry I'm sorry you're sorry is too late Biffle you die and we hit him with a quick dance there we go and wait is it hold on is it just me and zud left let me go find oh there's zud let me go talk to zud I'm not going to say anything ah Sunday is this actual Sunday or disguised Sunday hold I'm going to try something I'm going to drop the body I can't tell I was talking to I'm going to disguise his okay I think that was Sunday I I think that was actually Sunday you're not talking to me I'm pretty sure that's Biffle inside your bag cuz I was talking to him a bit ago it's me inside the bag cool dude cool yeah so that is Biff huh if I put if I put this up here right here right that's that's the last one that's the last one right there let me just I'm just going to I'm just going to go over here don't mind me just going to CW hold on what's party pinata do no I said no don't worry about it oh oh you're in a pile of candy now why what is wrong with you let me out you're out of the candy I don't want no you're in you're in a pile of candy you remember that time Z remember that time in high school remember you remember that time in high school when you took my homework and you peed on it and then you pooped on it and you gave it to the teacher and you said I'm ugly you remember that huh and that other time when you literally said my mom was so fat she takes pictures in panoramic view you remember that Z I'm sorry Z I didn't mean to I was I was an angsty teenager I'm sorry it's time I take it back sun it's time zud it's time for the atomic wedgie what sorry what the atom what's happening hi oh God let go of my underwear help me janitor help me what is that Sunny no no what is this the atomic don't worry Z don't worry Z it's a fake bomb Z it's a fake bomb don't worry it's a fake bomb Z it's a fake bomb [Applause] um we did it hit the like button hit the 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Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,808,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3fOd8cV0pqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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