Spending $50,000 On BANNED Amazon Items!

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did you know you could buy actual Uranium on Amazon we're unboxing $50,000 of banned Amazon items actual uranium or it's not real uranium right actually holding these right now is the same as me being on Chernobyl soil today well let's see how radiated this is jeez what does it had 840 now we rate it four out of 10 banable why eight imagine some 10-year-old kid steals his mom's credit card orders uranium and eats it cuz he wants to be like his favorite Marvel super her big lasers this is $400 oh my gosh there smoke Preston all right give me some of this paper huh okay ready we're going to point at the same time 3 2 1 wait I want to see what this looks like with it lights off a few moments later you should play with Eloise this oh my gosh 3 2 1 n stand aside uranium I definitely shouldn't have this but I'm keeping it don't put in your Chase did you laser my butt again the world's brightest flashlight all right introducing a regular flashlight bam not bad not bad the world's brightest flashlight God I'm scared and that's only at half power now we're going to full power the Fan's kicking in and it has a GPU and our final verdict good item not now B what are you doing poop you can literally send your enemies poop for $2 and you can choose this is real poop yeah that's it I'm opening it oh we brought this see the dang why would you put on the table I got on me all right so should this be sold [Music] online I don't know what I expected uh yes can you get cow dude listen cow elephant gorilla poop you can get the combo pack um I'm going to say zero brilliant idea I would say eight what yes you shouldn't be selling poop online to be send to your friends this is the stun stick oh why it's so loud this will help us test to see how many bolts are being pumped into this state 16 my gosh my thumb's got a freaking hole in it too look at this all right wait wait is it hard to click it's already broken that's going to be a zero for me it didn't even last enough for a full scene edible scorpions tarantulas and even ants so whoever gets the shortest stick chooses Last Chase longest stick gets to choose first ant yeah you know what Steven I'll leave the tarantula to you buddy 3 2 1 why was it so salty that's what she said that's rough I put far worse in my mouth though this sucks I'm going give it a one three I I kind of agree but just not as much cupping therapy it may ease back pain however it can lead to infection Chase I think I need to get you on the table here are you licensed I hope you're ready for the first cup you've done this before right absolutely oh oh wo dude you look like you have a massive boil and that's it I mean how do you feel like I sucked you bro what did he say I'm in pain but I'm I'm relaxed once it's been 5 to 10 minutes you pinch the tip to release the air three 2 1 oh wa do I look cool oh dude you are battered and bruised my friend what do you think about this product you should probably subscribe if you think it sucks n four wow only if Preston is doing that a circular glass cutting blade hit it all right we're going oh wow it is drawing a cut I mean it sounds like it's cracking oh this is good you can see the perfect circle right here the instruction says to also draw spiderwebs from the circle to the outside of the glass tap it oh jeez I think this is a bust it's practical but the people that would be using that would be trying to break it that's true and they would not be very sneaky so two I wanted to be different voodoo dolls all right now we're going to let one of our team members inflict success or pain on our dolls we have a divider here so that way we have no idea where a is attacking our voodo dolls I'm going to be honest I did feel like warmth in my chest shut up dude no I don't I don't know if he actually did he actually do something not anything but he is holding your doll that's going to be a fat zero I'm I'm sorry Preston I'm disagreeing with you I'm giving it a 10 how could you even say that because I felt it all right Preston I know we disagree they're more not illegal and banable than the lasers a spy listening device all right Chase say something really quiet your dog water Preston your dog water silver rink love you chase so much I love you chase so much okay I'm getting mixed feelings but the fact that I can hear that is wild all right this is uh what is this 10 ft away Preston face all right Preston FaZe rug will beat you in boxing yeah take a step back like And subscribe I can't hear him I said like And subscribe all right say something oh my yeah it works yeah but we're going to give this one a zero I was going to give it a four really yeah why what situation would you need this all right fa you use this to suck the boogers out of your children's nozes okay be gentle first I don't what is happened all right the first one was clean thank God second one though we might not be as lucky yeah hold it in there man I sucked I have clean nostrils um I'm going to actually give this one a pretty high rating cuz this is weird a that's a four I I'll give it a three I don't care yeah like blow like like learn to blow your nose oh oh my God it's a 27 lb gummy snake that contains 40,000 calories very sweet Wow Let's put them together and there you have it I mean listen to this sound that's crazy let's see if we can break some glass for this bad boy huh 3 2 1 W what situation would you ever see getting this item for a YouTube video oh my gosh that's a little sussy isn't it oh cut that out flip it that's a six yeah this is high on the list man this fart vacuum will filter the smell of your gas meaning you can now legally fart on a plane this goes in your butt no other side other side that goes in your butt this goes well not inside your butt there's a legal disclaimer you can't put this inside it did this is a full waiver this is step one it's at the npe now once Chase rips it that's when I pump wait I have one I have one and three two got it okay I'm pumping come on oh dude I think I smell it oh God that doesn't work and the voodo dolls are off and this is now on top if it would have worked I would have actually genuinely brought this onto a plane and tested it this is natural jellyfish and only a few of them are safe for humans to consume we had to soak this in water for 4 hours and then boil it at 60° C so as long as we followed all of the steps it won't sting us or give us food poisoning food poisoning or getting stung there's no good option what the fudge is that that does even look like jellyfish wow it smells like bad stuff take a bite dude it's so salty is it weird that my mouth goes numb a little bit I would take the Scorpion over this yeah I would rather the dry than this brain looking stuff that was disgusting seven six not as bad as the fart vacuum but close yeah roast beef sandwich bath salts bone [Music] Appetit is this going to Bubble it looks like I pooped my pants oh my God jeez Stir It Up okay it smells so I just want to dry a sip you don't have to do this press give me a good Scoop all right cheers I'm only going to take a sip if everybody comments what we should call Chase's bath water you're actually tastes like water for me that is a gag gift so I'm going to give it an eight this was the taste I smelled his farts and I've tasted his bath water the intimacy right now is uncanny this device helps you find spy cameras anywhere inside of a room there are three cameras hidden inside of my office right now so we're going to see if it actually works this hole right there is where you look through I'm going to turn the lights off oh sick this pen looks suspicious but I don't see anything here you let me see this is what it looks like inside oh wait so that's the camera right there look at that little tiny dot in the pin okay so that's one out of three oh Chase good job that's number two oh wait there's the glasses oh it's right in the middle look there's the camera this is something you need anytime you go to an Airbnb or vbo pick up one of these cuz that is sick zero zero low is good it means it's useful and serves a purpose T Fugu no I did not swear at you we are eating the world's most poisonous fish the fins of the puffer fish basically if you don't prepare it right your muscles like just you become paralyzed and then you you die and there is get wait for it wait for it no known antidote Tor Fugu T Fugu the texture is bad The Taste is bad the mentality is bad I think this is just one of those weird flexes like I hate a poisonous fish that could kill me and I survived 3 2 1 6 wow yeah I'm serious so 100 people a year die eating puffer fish and we still keep eating it we're going to put that up there food that kills 100 people a year definitely deserves to be up here a pimple popping toy oh yes oh you feel it you know what the worst part about this is is you have to manually load in the pus satisfying you don't like that no I don't like freaking the fact that you put it in the hole and then you puff it up it's crazy I feel like I'm puffing up a pastry oh it's so satisfying flip three don't pop me pop work I would like to say that no dogs were harmed in the making of this next item but this is coyote urine which is used to uh deter animals oh not poppy we have a piece of chicken and Poppy's already trying to go to it poy wants it but we have to spray it with the coyote urine to see if poppy will not go to the chicken a little spray a lot of spray okay okay I think that's enough all right poppy hey no way you're going to eat that now oh that smells oh we have no idea if she's still going to eat it no no Poppy poy you psycho this dog does have a channel if you want to see more of her by the way I'm going to put that at a nine that's smells awful and it didn't even work because the dog literally just ate it anyways like that was a full marination in the coyote urine poy what was that I'm actually going to be putting this on the pedestal Chase if you're cool with that yeah we can poppy fit up there too we have the new most banable item we have a real chicken and this is a chicken harness to take your chicken for a walk just in case it's not getting enough exercise all right so now we have to figure out how to put this harness on the chicken in the first place oh and it also came with a little bow tie yeah it's going to look good just don't fudge it up I'm pretty sure he's dumping all over me right now um oh jeez I'm so sorry sir I have to move your chin Chase he doesn't like it there we go I put hold them hold them hold calm down CH it's just a chicken you're freaking out how many YouTubers does it take to put a harness on a chicken and click nice all right come on if I run it'll follow me all right let's see it on for you good treat oh yes now he's standing there we go there we go no he's fighting the collar Ray close your eyes I'm scared is he going to bite me uh maybe open would you like to take him for a walk I didn't expect this at all um yeah here you go let's see if he walks for Brie come on buddy let's go what what you got to be kidding me get it to walk no it really said it it helps so if you a rooster call it worked all right counting for the Jen arest and it's a one three I don't need it but I kind of want it this is my wife's cat Eloise who I despise wait your wife or the cat the cat Okay the wife is good the cat is not good there's this device for the freaks that want to feel really close to their cat you get to lick your own cat good do to you oh wait actually you already smelled my farts but that is even closer I would love to lick Eloise oh my gosh you freaking cat pillar all right pull it we have unleashed the beast [Music] come oh this cat hair everywhere yes she does she love it is her face happy is it a happy face Eloise yes she um she looks really happy and pleased and oh this one's big I have so much cat here in my mouth Elise already hates me let's see if we can improve that go ahead and give it give it a lick that tongue's demonic honestly this is the susiestyle is she enjoying thisise look at my face friends now you see the cat hair everywhere it is everywhere I think she's breathing like she thinks she's going to die all right what do we rate this uh this cat tongue let's go and rate it while Lise is here she's being a good girl 3 2 1 10 this has got to be replacing the coyote urine that is bad I'll put her up there little Nitro no this is just like the death chip but in a gummy bear it is the world's spiciest gummy bear 900 times spicier than a jalapena there's 10 regular gummy bears in here but one of them is a little Nitro this is basically Among Us gummy Edition no okay we're going to keep eating these gummy bears until one of us eats little Nitro May the hottest man wi Chase let's get it yes we're good that gummy bear that just touched little Nitro was already like a jalapeno no this one's really spicy that one that you just fed me was close we still haven't eaten it yet that's a scary thing there's only two more bears one of them is the death bear it's a different texture no oh no no are you serious I'm serious no well since Chase is incapacitated you know I'm really glad I came up with the idea to feed each other cuz otherwise I stabbed the death bear ah oh my gosh okay we're going to say that's a that's a that's a SE seven 60 these are banned items from our childhood starting with the razor scooter which is known to literally break your ankles it can also break other things like this pineapple my God it's a lot harder to use than it looks okay now the real question is would you let your children play with this toy CH no because I've hurt my shin way too many times on that thing I agree this is a big no the Soccer Boppers man we played with these as a child but it didn't actually hurt us come on keep on talking they would start deep flating and then you would actually get punched leading to Bruises and black eyes oh no listen I want to show these off look how deflated this is now here's a full one this is for science okay full one not bad it's so much worse I would let my kids play with I would too come on come on they got to toughen up huh we need a generation of strong exploding golf balls which are band Massachusetts Ford Nice Shot yo that's arsonic see that ball buddy Chase it's all in like that little pivot huh it's all in the hips Preston get that ball oh shoot okay that's a swing in a Miss hey hey look it happens yes oh my God gosh that's so fun woo now would you let your kids play with that yes cuz they're not banned in Texas we got the Pogo ball I think this speaks for itself you want to the best thing about this spinal cord injuries I love that I don't think this was meant for my weight nice okay you just got to be mindful you know of the objects what are you doing you're doing this on purpose all right just come come my direction just be careful there's a I'm getting some air on this I'll get some air oh no no no no that was my mom's you are going to get me grounded you got to try this it's way harder than it looks easy all right looking good so far easy money it's all about the technique Chase let's go oh no he okay we're good oh jeez no no je okay okay was that even necessary I faked it that's what she said that was totally on purpose I would let my kids play with this I would not they have my hips nope these gym scooters were banned because they were crushing people's fingers so we have hot dogs on the floor to see if they'll actually break some fingers all right tin glizzies Chase is scooting go let's go oh my God wait did I crush it power move power oh yes welcome to the grinder wait yes me one more one into three yeah did I get it yes just pick up the bottom of your wheels oh oh imagine imagine if this this could be fingers did you hit your finger I did I always thought these were so harmless your Turn 3 2 1 yeah oh jeez oh Preston Preston did we get them all um bro I think we went over them I didn't even think we went that's a skill issue all right would you let your kid play with this yes yeah I would too I play with all the time I'm fine this water rocket had 37 reports of incidents including lacerations to the forehead what shoulders and the hands you keep it pumping and once you think there's enough pressure you pull this cord but we have no idea if it's going to explode while we're P to it up oh my gosh dude it's not pointing at me oh what what's happening I just messing with you hey jeez don't do that to me why did he go on the other side of me cuz I like a little old meat Shield is that all I am to you right now say yes we all know the truth let me get a pump in let me get a pump get the pump let me get a pump the amount of pressure that we put in this are you ready for this be gentle show Mark Rob or What You're Made Of This is for you Marik Rober to the [Music] Moon I want to catch it no no would you let your kids play with that yes yes lawn darts yes I'm just reading this I can't believe this is real 6,000 kids went to the hospital because of these in the span of what what makes them so dangerous I think because the original ones had a massive Spike so kids would just throw it in the yard at a Target at their other friend's feet and then what it doing these yeah we got to spice those up don't do this at home please I don't think mine is going to be as good as Chase's why is my cooked and his is so straight when you throw it up does it just it goes down right yeah are you going for it oh it's close yeah you don't have the the structure it's your okay that is so much duct tape let's see it all you got it hit it from here hit the melon from here I like these melons show me how much you love these melons oh CL don't wor I got you get it PR let me show show you why this was banned that's why all right Preston what do you let what do you let your kids play with you no oh we got tether ball which apparently is dangerous because of hand breing you hit oh sorry PR's ever played tether ball I I'm sorry don't break your fingers or break your hands like the kids did I can't promise that I hit it this way you hit it that way all right here we go here we go yeah H to my H into my other side no no you can't hit the string bro the freaking dirt on the ground no I'm losing my oh this is banable don't me would like this can we just ban this I I'd let my kids play with it I would let them play too kids got to get hurt sometimes the creepy crawlers this is vintage look at the you just look at the boy and girl in the front I got to say the boxing back in the day for toys was way cooler it's different this is like the oven to turn your Creepy Crawlers into uh you know their hardened versions oh so you get to design your own Creepy Crawlers yeah but it gets almost a 400° and if that wasn't bad enough the fumes apparently are toxic oh that's not even burn yourself and burn your life not a good combo oh dude there's a bat oh a lizard scorpion now I'm kind of into this I know I'm in what is that wait press what happen why are there holes in the Box were these so hot that they burnt through the box I see why it was banned yeah yeah we Sho the spider all right spider so you're supposed to use this to protect your hands but I don't think it did a lot of protective nope pron do you see how much this was back in the day it's uh oh wow $225 to burn your did they say the fums were toxic I wasn't doing that on purpose I promise bro you got to drop it in there okay so now it's fully dropped in so let's just let this cook move to the next item you guys got sck around toxic fumes stand back I already feel it it's different man we got clackers I never played with these until now and they were dangerous because they would apparently explode and the strap mod would get in your eyes what before we do that can we hypnotize the audience you will subscribe to this Channel all right let's get smashed how are you so good at clack I'm good at clacking balls Preston SOS low djl that's what he says okay switch me cl I need to see if this is a skill as you I don't like how Chase has got good moves here how are they doing they throwing them on the floor should we try it they bounce that's what balls do no way these things are tough man but I did bring something from work okay you got this oh this is going to be wild you ready to see this come on I'm going to use a vice grip keep squeezing and I'll keep smashing come on baby it's not that good on we're good come on Preston now that is going to explode yeah are these just not crackable let me try this oh NP and 3 2 1 what no this is crazy rested my ego's at stake here they won't well we got one ball now you can only have girls is that how it works yeah I see why it was banned I don't think these should have been banned I would let my kids play with these our kids could clack together oh it's smoking oh no no it's not smoking it's cooking those are the fumes that are apparently toxic that you're not supposed to breathe in and we're very close to it we're safe and sound baby did you just call me baby yeah baby how hot we talking here folks 340 I mean look at the smoke coming off of this huh this is asking for like second degree burns D could you imagine like a 10-year-old doing this like unsupervised I couldn't imagine myself doing this unsupervised chanto now we place it in the water oh oh it's so satisfying our spider is about to have no legs just like Han Solo so not only gets really hot but then a kid would have to use a needle to get it out they really put the worst of everything in this toy God bless the80s what have we created we got it we did it wait it actually looks really good we actually did a good we made a baby I mean we made a creepy crawly this is our child it doesn't smell good but would you let your kids process no hey but still it's banable I will eat snack time Cabbage Patch Kids shase I just want you to guess they had to give $40 back to how many customers 50 500,000 customers $40 how do the math I am not really a math guy $20 million yo you are an expensive baby she will eat anything okay so you just stick it in so is it the mechanical jaw I really want to put my finger in there hey yo what the it looks like your grandma but like demon version oh my gosh wait is it really eating trying to hold on to the Twizzler wait where does it go it goes into her backpack back I mean how much can she eat let's stuer I a banana she got an appetite this is my audition to babysit prent Breeze Future kid it looks like she's smoking a french fry B that's what the french do though Preston you're going to be a great dad I'm all right I'm tired of this fake food give it some of the real stuff we got carrots nice do not like the carrots wait a second give her give her the no why the gzz it's too big that's what she said eat the Gizzy eat there we go now try to pull it out pull it out I would never let my kid play with this eat a cranberry where are the Cranberries going I think she's full Preston I think she's fine I need even know where the Cranberries are going B this item's banned we're not we would never let our kids play with this right I'm saying yes Chase do you trust me uh what am I doing here I got a pubg rocket launcher never used one of these before I didn't know that pubg made one of these watch out no what where are you aiming I'm a I I got I got your hand ready don't move it trust me all right trust you my that is a terrible trajectory it's got an arc it's got an arc prove to us you got 100 moabs oh so close it was that too high it was too high wasn't it I understand now I got to get there we go higher oh a smidge up yes but I would definitely let my kids play with this I'll take 20 69 can't beat that I didn't watch Black Panther but we do have the Black Panther battle gloves great movie all right we're going to come over this is the end of wakanda okay maybe these are things I didn't mean to do that yeah wait really wait watch this look how dangerous I am wa the hardest thing about this is fitting your entire hands I know this is meant for a kid you see that squeeze how did you even get your hands in there if I punch something with this I'm breaking a knuckle all right let's see if we can get through some Saran Wrap easy yeah what sharper than I thought it was it it didn't hurt that bad ow I told you no would not let my kids play with this or chase yeah it hurts skip it bop it oh I mean do you like the occasional broken ankle I just can't believe it occasionally people are breaking their ankles doing this jease you're actually good hey yo yes it's the fortnite dance bro this is harder than it looks yeah ow I see it it's like the Razor scooter but attached to your ankle so wait wait swing it and then jump it swing this is so bad there we go this is awful this is freaking a weapon of mass destruction talking about weapon nice let's go this thing's heavy oh he's warming up oh he's I'm cooking I'm cooking yeah oh we're good no memes one opportunity don't miss your chance let's go yeah yeah I like the movements oh that could have been your ankle my kids are not playing with this this is banned in my house yo-yo balls oh yo-yo balls yo yo yo yo balls I don't feel like these are that dangerous y wait why were these banned something to do with maybe the the oh the Open Fire are these flamable are we testing them I think we have to test and see if these all right yeah bring in the safety water bring the water yeah please don't try this at home we are in a very safe environment right now and we have protection oh it's about to pop it's about to pop does it pop or is it just flamable I mean I'm seeing Oh it's flamable put in the water how that's hot that's awesome what are you doing all my balls I God don't worry water always on standby oh my gosh okay that's awesome but but they didn't explode let's load her up now really let this one cook let it cook let it I mean it's already got in fire wait wait it's CAU fire let's see what happens dude it's not exploding you don't know that give it a chance please dude it's still not popping what is in that oh it popped all right would you let your kid play with this oh no way dude not with an open flame around no not my kids not his kids no kids wow those are some balls Moon shoes but take a look at what the originals look like exposed Springs literally just metal Springs in a shoe these are supposed to be safer these don't look safe dog I'm going have to go shoeless dude look at this all right let me get my stickets I need to see which one of us I need to see which one of us could stick it higher you look like a giraffe that just got burned I feel like one of those giraffes see that vertical oh almost the tip he's getting Russian come on ain't no way you're doing this the Moment of Truth 3 2 1 jeez jeez did I win that's a negative go would you ban this though for your kids no this is based jump to the Moon kids they're called Sky Dancers look look at this imagine this is just get into your eyes that would be bad you got to really rip her okay rip it and quit it oh we got to see who can get it closest to the ceiling without it touching ready oh yo technically mine didn't touch you just hit the top bar no I saw that you were like an inch away hey Chase Just Close Your Eyes real quick okay why am I closing my eyes oh sorry sorry foul ball what's happening oh do keep Clos keep Clos I just all right yeah if Preston was my kid I would ban him for playing with this how many times can I say I would ban this oh I would not let my kids I bu character hoverboards 52 fires yes wait fires cuz the battery in them just explodes all right wait why do we have pool noodles you know why buddy Preston no see you're good at this oh oh you got to do this you got to choose your character pron I don't think you mind's turning on a jeez Oh I thought it was going to blow up no stop it come on man stop it stop just go to the next clip my kids will never ride this we will zoom into the next clip I mark my words they are dangerous wait why are you have my bar why I mean my my action figure oh roller blade Barbie it's an action figure I don't even how to put this into words all right so let me I'll put into some words the Barbie isn't actually dangerous it's her roller blade watch this apparently this was a good idea if this makes Flames Preston it does look cool why is it dangerous if you go over anything flamable you have a major problem like what like what like this caused by the roller blade of a doll what are you doing we don't need this wig anymore that's my wig this is obscene president would you let your kids use this no absolutely not today unspeakable and I are going to be unboxing the weirdest items we could find on Amazon I'm scared you should be boy it's a toothpick gum wait no way you think this would impale me dude I would hope so oh would you look at that we will not be shooting each other we will be shooting balloons as John Smith said in Pocahontas both eyes pooping it's a work in progress you're just going to get closer oh bro what is this all right lean over ready and oh oh three all right let's see it you ready yeah guessing the price price is right we can't go over but we can't go below 3 2 1 $20 the correct answer is $1 1890 let's go Nathan gets it wait you went over you went over next item hander pants now we're getting to the weird stuff this feels like underwear I think this is what Ash Ketchum wears yeah oh it's definitely ashes should we guess the price $420 it was $16.95 Preston's Point hyper whistle the world's loudest whistle all right well we're going to have to plug up 142 DB for reference this is a normal whistle I'm going to blow it as hard as I can that's what she said I'm not ready for this okay it's not bad that was pretty bad now we see if the price is right and I'm going to say $28 20 bucks so it's $19.95 let's go you both went over but Nathan gets the point the reason the points are important is because whoever has the most by the end of the video gets this the best item Poop Shoot poop on your head contest well oh I've always wanted to do this you ready Preston unfortunately we can't use real poop because YouTube will demonetize it nah this looks about what I look like whenever I dump oh my gosh look at this oh look at this did I get it yeah did I really I got it hey yo see how many you get in your own head oh you got one okay this kind of good shoot throwing poop at your own head has never been more enjoyable I told you it's cheaply made well because we know it's cheaply made I am going to say $18 $21 it was $19.99 I got it Lobster flops if you eat kosher you'll wear these keep these away from my mom you know what I'm saying him with a Chun oh we've got an additional product this is a bonus bonus round uh American mullet socks nothing screams Freedom like a moly we're hitting maximal level of Freedom right now dud man this is no dude they literally have AET this is so sick dude slide that boy on wait let me get that sock all the way on how do we look I'm going to argue that the socks are weirder than the flops the flops are actually kind of fire like I had actually Rock these but the real question is if I if I were to rock these how much are they 15 bucks I'm saying 14 $77.99 this is so stupid that's so cringe I win that's cringe oh it looks like a dangerous bow and arrow let's get right to the point oh those are some insane arrows yo this thing is crazy you got to hit the blue one I don't really have a lot of aim with this I want to hear no excuses blue wow that is crazy dude dude I'm going to put this my nightstand when I'm sleeping yeah what are you doing with this man feel a little ninja we're going to go for the bluey and yeah oh nice got him first shot all right now you got to get the other Bluey show me your dexterity hey that was close let's see how far I can shoot it from show me how American you are oh hey that was juicy this thing is very welld designed very well it is well designed it's not cheap and these arrows I feel like are at least a couple of bucks I'm going to say t $22 $23 for $1 1999 I never wi in this a that is crazy it's a Tic Tac pistol actually goes kind of far oh my gosh do it sh CH those mouths look at this guy huh ow I'll go for the top cup okay yeah what the heck tactical reload incoming why is mine not oh my hey jop off oh my it's very cheaply made I also don't know why it's so hard to pull back I had such high expectations $13 19 bucks 14.99 finally I win a challenge only cuz he busted what speaking of busting what Incarnation Amazon why are we selling so many weapons oh it's a rubber band gun look at this it's a keychain no no wait for it wait for it oh hey yo dude that's crazy [Applause] [Music] 3 2 1 I blew it too quick that's what she said that was not an epic moment but these are still epic items what's the price though most of these items have been approximately $20 so I'm going to go out in the limb and say1 1850 you think this is $1850 I believe this is 1850 crazy I'm going to go for 13 bucks it is $15.99 let's go oh oh no no it's a yodelling pickle now this is a weird item if I've ever seen one I don't like pickles I don't they're sour they're like phallic I don't like [Music] them look at cats are bad and this might be up there dude no no stop this is my spirit animal I'm going to say low just because I hate the item n bucks n bucks is so cheap though I'm going to go 12 it was $14.99 pens that can print in 3D oh fudge dude this is actual dog water the amount of hyper Focus right now like crazy fish you're just so tiny dude this is so much fun this is kind of cool all right we're making progress honestly dude I'm actually kind of solid right now boom I feel like I made stilettos they do look like a like attractive ladies Reg shoes she's going out on a Tuesday night you're taking her to Joe's Crabshack it looks like an obese fire logo what do you mean all right there it is who's this better though yeah that's a real question here ladies and gentlemen who recreated the brand new chalk collection best fire app is available on IOS and Android for free all right what's the verdict judges my vote is for Preston's honestly hey don't be biased we ignore the paycheck I'm going to go with our guest here oh we got one for Nathan one for Preston not bias at all I'm going to give it to Preston wow I'm going to be honest I what the heck dude yeah mine's way better now that is sick how much do you think it costs a forgot um $32 $39.99 let's go wow seriously super sized chicken let me see that Wing oh look at it look at it now let's see the wing inflate watch it inflate hey hey see that it's me in the morning hey yo what the what is this I knew that was coming dude come on open your mouth what do you mean by that give me a wing daddy expectations and reality oh I was trying to land on it that would make a good spanking though you know let me spank you turn around brother turn around there's nothing about this I like this is awful still hungry collect them all I really hope this is under 20 bucks 18 21 11 .99 W thank God you know what that makes up for it sour Warhead soda uh start with the green beans cheers yeah cheers tastes like a green apple now we're going to take the blue oh vile like literally dog water now we've got watermelon I love watermelon flavored stuff here we go I can't be real that's a negative Ghost Rider black cherry soda but it's red I'm getting a headache oh wait no dude the AR atics of this hting different it smells easily the best flavor so far disgusting this one was decent compared to the rest now this one's probably going to be the most sour considering it's lemon oh okay I I like a good lemon now that smells like urine really that smells like urine oh it actually does God D I hate them all they're all terrible don't buy this product not only is it weird but it shouldn't be consumed thankfully the grand prize will not be these sodas but we do have to guess this for six-pack 12 six bucks $17.99 $17 they're just milking every drop of s they're milking every Warhead that's probably what they're doing in the factory they probably just like I can't re ties milk wa we have space food from Russia I think it's a burger right we have food in a tube from space this is kind of scary I'm ready to suck what did he say there's not even any ingredients on oh wo she is w oh yo chill wow what in God's green earth am I about to ingest that's vile y it's actually kind of good I like hate it but I like it that can't be good for you man oh my gosh and now it's everywhere you think there's like one whole Burger in here or do you think it's like two I'm really uncomfortable watching this you want to see something uncomfortable dude I hope the table [Laughter] breaks thank you Russia for sending us your food we are are very happy you decided to bless us with such a beautiful tube 10 bucks no you're crazy 28 1795 why do I always bust and now it literally looks like my wife's cat went to town on this table you might be laughing now but my name's monkey deffy pretty a good videographer you should join my crew gum gum pistol dude one piece live action oh no give me the item no way bacon flavored toothpaste wait is it edible uh do not ingest no it looks like normal toothpaste I just got told we're not allowed to actually use these toothbrushes because we have to use a teethbrush a toothbrush with teeth on it I don't even want to do it I'm not even being paid for this but it's like a minty bacon it doesn't smell like bacon at all how much do you think the bacon toothpaste costs I'm going to say 10 bucks I'm going to say $7 it was $9.99 what so I'm off by 1 cent and then what do you think the toothbrush cost $5 seven bucks the teethbrush worth $40 40 oh together they're $20 each is it real teeth the world's tiniest violin the soundtrack for your life story I can't even fake the violin cuz I got no musical [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Talent oh I didn't get that out of that wait hold on he's kind of killing it who let this man cook oh my god dude I get Diggity down with it you already know what's our price what do you think we're going to say a solid 17 doll hairs I'm going to say 10 bucks [Music] 1166 ninja throwing star magnets oh now I don't think this is weird because if you think think loving anime and Naruto and pointy things is weird call me weird Target you got to go for the 500 like this the magnet's on the back it's on this little side right here so you got to go I don't think it's going to go in though that's what she said so how much do you think they cost 6.99 I'm going to be on the bull side with this one and I'm going to say $6.49 it's $110.99 that's some bull shrimp a dude lie detector this kid does look like a liar I hate these now let's detect some lies let's make oh freak what is this dude this is just a free shock all right my hands in I'm going to ask you a question are you scared of the ocean no oh truth yes give me another question do you like Taco Bell no I don't like it oh wait this is kind of lit are you subscribed to the Preston Channel yes but are you so you are not yeah no I'm not you I'm not subscribed yo it actually works though I I I lied you freaking lied this guy we're going to guess the price 3 2 1 $28 $27 it was $645 I am being that guy right now and I'm just guessing one below or above Nathan it gives me better odds waa waa waa it's fragile it's fragile no it's not oh I'm Kim Kardashian I don't know what to say about this it's kind of sick it is kind of sick like you wouldn't be incognitive if you're trying to be hidden you stand out like a sore thumb oh my gosh dude yeah check this out oh yeah you really can't see a single thing that's crazy 13 bucks I'm going to go on a Limon say $12 it's $16.99 D it Dar it Amazon why have you forsaken me what is this jumbo safety light it's like a giant glow stick just Ben snap and Shake oh this boy so what you're going to do is you're going to bend it you're going to snap snap it and you're going to shake it oh my gosh man dude that is very bright they harvested chern Noy I mean this is illuminated little like mini Gizzy Sabers what lights on lights off man that is insane I ain't going to lie this is way brighter than I expected it to be this is a normal glow stick that is terrible I don't know how much this costs but it's worth the money whatever we paid for it we got our value should we guess the price do you know it I have no idea I have no idea back out there this might be the most powerful stick I have ever held and the price Nathan is $19.99 $18.99 it's, 1550 let's go this is the most beta strategy that I'm doing right now but it's working what is this it's just a bag no no no it's just a bag but on the inside Rings man I mean I got really big team so I need some really W who's using this dude look look look look I don't understand that's the coolest thing I've ever seen look look look I feel like a cat see the middle right here boom I don't like it it's just a little fidget it's not a fidget it's way too big to fidget with it's massive what do you mean I'm fidgeting it with it right now and no one's in my personal space dude it's probably going to be something like high 12 bucks $13 it's $15 let's go why did the white stuff come from sorry oh it's liquid gallium it's a metal but it can liquefy yeah this stuff is sick look at this pop the cap little liquid metal that cool ooh ooh ooh it kind of looks like the blob dude put this in the eggs in the morning for some extra iron not actually though cuz it's toxic no do a flip flip all right that's crazy do like a pancake flip though okay now our gallium's all over the table I think gallium is actually somewhat expensive you you got to guess the price first I've been going first all the time come on go ahead what do you think I'm going to go $24 we'll go 23 $47.99 I knew it was more expensive you suck my doodle what do you mean what do you what do you mean what do you mean we have a child chucker a what a child chucker cuz you know you're like oh I wanted a boy and it was a girl let's freaking go my boy just teabag some children for the record I want kids but for every like this video gets one child will be saved from Nathan because my child is going safely in the trash where they belong I'm thinking this looks pretty good ready for this not bad now it's my turn you ready all right so first we're going to take our child make sure you have the pacifier in and we're just going to oh nice do that and then we're just going to stuff the child Papa does love you I promise no B he still missed all right oh oh oh the trajectory does look good oh my dude okay I think Nathan's just trying to kill the kids oh he got clotheslined yeah that's that's what I'm talking [Music] about yeah let's go what's the price of the gag box there's not actually an item that comes with this it's just a gag $4.99 six $9.99 let's go all right this is it for all the marbles I could lose here if I don't win 3 2 1 $27 it's $23.99 no no yo chill bring in my prize to the winner this gift is proof I listen hey guess the price
Channel: Preston
Views: 4,839,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, prestonplays prestonplayz minecraft, preston 100 layers, prestonreacts, preston reacts, brianna, keeley, tbnrfragz, prestongamez, prestongames, preston gamez, preston games, funny, preston minecraft, prestonplayz roblox
Id: Mk67SYpHP7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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