Tesla Pulsejet Engine [3D Printed]

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in the beginning of the 20th century a Swiss boy by the name of Francois heist was playing with a glass jar in alcohol no it's not that kind of a story like most young boys at their age Francois was fascinated by fire and explosions to entertain his interest it was a little bit of alcohol in a jam jar with a small hole on top and then proceeded to light it up with a match through this innocent and slightly dangerous experiment Francois discovered that in this specific configuration the alcohol wouldn't simply burn but instead explode in a pulsating manner the show didn't last very long but this captivated the young boy which began testing and developing this design after a lot of investigation in trial and error Francois highest invented the first working pole jet engine with only one opening which is nowadays called the Rhine spot the project engine is a part of the jet engines family with siblings such as the ramjet the scramjet and the turbojet what separates the pasta engine from his brothers it's conveniently described in its own name poles in this specific type of jet engine the fuel is not combusted continuously instead the thrust outputted by the engine is the result of interrupted decorations that by the third law of Newton push the engine forward one of the first to put the post jet engine to good use was the rocket master Robert Goddard one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry in the man who in 1913 thought it was a good idea to strap a jet engine to a bicycle reminds you of someone [Music] many inventors tried to design a working pulse-jet but the first one was the Russian engineer dvaravati which patented his first working model in 1906 in 1908 it was Macanese turn a french inventor who patented what is now considered the grandfather of all valveless pulse-jet and of course Ramon Casanova that patented is original design in 1917 somewhere in Barcelona one of the most famous applications for the post jet engine was the v1 flying bomb a jet propelled missile that was designed by Paul Schmidt in Germany during the Second World War this bomb also known as the buzz bomb due to the loud noise it made was able to work at a frequency of 43 explosions per second for about an hour and outputted an astounding 3,300 newtons of thrust for many years inventors from all around the world tried to use the post jet engine in a big variety of applications but as of nowadays they are mostly used in model aircraft and heating equipment the reason for this is the fact that even if this engine is really easy and cheap to build well it has big drawbacks like the working vibration the poor fuel efficiency and the deafening noise this doesn't mean that the post yet ancient story hints here new designs are being developed and one of the most promising ones is the pulse detonation engine a model that uses detonation waves to ignite the fuel and promises better efficiencies than the widely used turbojet with this in mind I decided to try and build my own post yet engine the problem is that [ __ ] engines are normally made out of steel they have neither a lathe welding equipment were still for that matter and that makes it a little bit hard for me to build one but I do have these 3d printers that can make any part that I want out of plastic now if you understand anything about post jet engines you're probably thinking plastic in texture you silly goose the running temperature of a pool jet engine can almost melt steel and you want to use plastic yes and for that purpose I got two new printers one is an FTM printer which means it has a hot tip through which plastic is pushed to draw layer by layer the part you want this specific one is called citas mk3 and i got it because it's great to creat high-precision parts very quickly I mean the only drawback on this printer is its size it's a really small printer I mean serious more like feeders to test this printer I first printed the classic bench e-boat apart that serves no purpose on this video tradition is tradition next I printed the handle for my toilet because it was broken apart that serves no purpose on this video but the smell was getting really really bad and of course I printed a baby Yoda apart that serves no purpose on this video but makes me warm inside the other printer I got is the trunk see Ultra Ball a resin 3d printer that instead of melting plastic uses UV light to view light-sensitive resin and thus build layer by layer a physical representation of your model to be honest it was the first time I used one of these printers but it was actually very easy to set up a new the first part that I printed was the piece of abstract art that represents the deep resentment that I have towards people that ride on trains with bicycles [Music] the next point that I made was this cool sculpture of three skulls on top of each other it doesn't really represent anything it's just cool and the right shape to chair up foot on my nightstand post jet engines can be divided into two main categories valve post jet involve response jet valve pulse jet use a one-way valve at the inlet to make sure that air can come into the post yet but the combustion gases can't escape through that end while valveless pulsejets instead of using valves use clever geometry to achieve the same goal post designs approach and can't default post Jets have better thrust efficiency but they are harder to make in the valves I have normally a short life on the other hand topless pool jets are really easy and cheap to make but I'll quit less thrust for the same volume because I wanted to build one I had to choose the category so I chose neither and both in 1920 another inventor got into the post jet ancient game enters Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla didn't actually develop a new post jet engine instead he focused his efforts on creating a new valve system that would solve the problems of the valve post jet engine the main problem with the conventional one-way valves used on post Jets is the fact that they have moving parts instead of using moving parts on its design Nikola Tesla came up with a very ingenious idea that uses teardrop shaped canals pull off flow in one way but create increased resistance when it tries to go the other way this device was patented on February of 1920 and thus was born the Tesla fall and you kind of all that is not evolved at all a standard one-way valve is able to completely block flow in one of the directions for almost any given pressure or speed of a fluid while a Tesla valve can only increase the resistance in one of the directions and works better with high-speed bursts of interrupted flow [ __ ] engines are the perfect application for Tesla's valvular Condrey because they are able to increase thrust efficiency without including art parts manufacturer or decreasing the running time a post jet engine can be divided into four main parts the body the ignition system the valve and the fuel source let's start with the body because I had zero experience with [ __ ] I started by testing the simplest version possible the jam jar pulls Jam which is basically the same design Francois Hines accidentally discovered in his childhood a jam jar with a hole on top so I got a jam jar emptied it out and drill the 10 millimeter hole on top after you basically drill a hole in the jar you will need a water reservoir you have to feel like a little bit in the bottom with water so we can cool the jar in helping the vacuum effect for the pasta you will also need fuel in this case I'm using methanol which is a kind of alcohol but be careful this one is really dangerous so don't forget to wear gloves well let's do this after pouring the water in the volumetric cup sorry about that after pouring the water into the cup and methanol on the jam jar I gave it a good old shake and tested it out alright that was something right take 2 take three you really need to make this kind of experience outside because inside is really dangerous experience experiment Jesus my english is bad that's why you guys are always comparing me to FES Russia even though my accent is nothing like here [Music] Portuguese and he's fake Russian okay takes seven eight Adam now he's not even pulsing a little bit of air what about the jar oh let's go inside so I can try and make the flames appear in the screen in the camera in the video that whatever a little bit of a slap synchronize the audio mate oh yeah what's better with water [Music] [ __ ] I got something in my mouth remove all the water I think it's all about the fuel-air ratio right yeah next I tried the bigger jar because bigger is always better I mean not always maybe most of the times testing with the bigger jar I learned something important the ratio between the hole on top and the diameter of the jar is really important if the hole on top is too small the compression inside of the jar gets too high and instead of a deflagration you get an explosion nope I didn't learn the first time after testing without much success with the gem jars I decided to get a more controlled design so I printed out some common designs including the infamous right spot to print the models I used aramet pla like a better version of common pla that withstands more impact in temperature i'll leave the link in the description from all the designs I tested the one that actually worked best was a simple cylinder with a cone transition you would assume that pulsejets building plastic would probably melt on a matter of seconds but actually hold up pretty well with the longest running time being ten seconds [Music] after all that testing the 3d printer jam jar pulls jet was a little bit mushy but it survived what I learned from all those tests was that the design for the body of the post jet doesn't need to be too complex but the ratio between air and fuel is really important and to ignite that mixture I needed an ignition system I had the whole thing planned out I thought this miniature ignition system on banggood it already had a coil a switch a miniature spark plug and wait a second 7 to 25 business days to deliver oh man that's gonna take forever I hope he only takes the 7 days you didn't know so to build your own ignition system you're going to need an Arduino a relay some high-voltage capacitors a spark plug not to be confused with the butt plug an ignition coil and a 12-volt battery this entire setup basically is the ignition system the 12-volt battery such as a power source the transformer coil serves as the way to step up that voltage because we need alternating current we have the Arduino and the relay to oscillate the current the spark plug of intuitive name tells you well is where the spark happens and the capacitor serves as a way to basically prolong that sparked yep passing tags are messed up again dumbass basically everything he said is right but he arrogantly bought the components before checking the specs these capacitors are electrolytic capacitors which means they have polarity which also means they don't work for me I tried to buy some ceramic ones online but I couldn't find any with the right voltage and capacity so I went scavenging in my basement and I found an old PC power supply that had what I needed the real light doesn't work as well they are made to interact alternating current and we'll be using DC current so I trashed that and I use the high voltage massage to get the Arduino I had to take the one I used on myself punching gaming helmet because I was in a hurry and completely broke the power supply was another Hicker the battery wasn't able to give out enough current I needed a quick way to get a high amperage power source and I do exactly where to get it this is Malinga my first 3d printer hi Molina we've been through a lot together I learned a lot from you and I will always remember you but right now I need your heart after ripping out Melanie's entrails I did some quick tests and I got some sparks noise then I injected the Arduino with some basic code telling the transistor to open and close once a second let's make it faster oh the transistor is getting really hot let's try and burn some paper I bet you can even light up a cigarette with it and this bring us to this video sponsors whose voice is that slap it slap it wrong you can say bye to addiction don't even think about using that ignition it's a robot that slapped you right in the period wrong that's a tough one you get to tell other way slap it wrong because I have to do I've been using for a while now and let me tell you I stopped smoking completely well it's all because I can't my mom but hey it works the ignition system was practically finished I just needed to connect the spark plug but in the most ironic twist ever the miniature ignition system arrived on the male so I used that one instead I felt bad for not using the ignition I made on my own and to correct that I used it to punish my brother George ruin the big print a few videos ago the miniature ignition had the magnetic switch that could close with a small magnet I cut that out and use the transistor and Arduino instead after soldering everything together and cleaning things up I put the entire setup inside the box and chatter the ignition system was ready next I took care of the vault just like I did for the body of the post yet I started out simple and did some tests for starters I designed and printed a transparent teardrop shaped as lava on my new SL a 3d printer Troxy Ultra Ball aka UV demon uh this is such a lame name if you guys come up with a good nickname for this printer please leave a suggestion on the comment section after printing the valve I printed some nozzles and glue them to the valve to push fluid through the valve I used some plastic tubing and two syringes to make sure I got some good contrast I mix some rust color dye on water you can use a less edgy Cup but I mark or as you can see on this crappy slow paced slow motion when the fluid tries to go this way it finds a very easy path to go through and resistance is almost non-existent but on the other way the fluid flows upon itself and creates turbulence and that increases the resistance proportionally with the speed of the fluid after printing some other designs including a replica of the design present on Tesla's pattern and testing them I got a good idea for the valve I would use on the final post yet first I 3d printed the interior canals present on the teardrop-shaped Tesla valve on PVA PVA is a 3d printable plastic that dissolves on water it is normally used as an easy to remove support material then a 3d printed - centering pieces that would hold the canals in place inside the 30 millimeter tube the bottom one in resin to make sure there were no leaks and the top one in bloom PLA the next step was to assemble the entire setup and buy some plaster I mix the plaster with water and poured it into the tube after the plaster dried I removed the lid and placed it inside of water for a couple of days 48 hours later once the PVA was gone I removed the tube from the water and place it inside the onion at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes to make sure the PVA was gone once it was completely dry I researched the black paint and jaren heat-resistant as lava as a fuel source I used the propane can that I equipped with a 3d printed nozzle I had almost everything that I needed but I still needed to print the body for the pulse-jet and find a way to make it heat-resistant I designed an easy to print model that have a main body a lid and the support jacket both the body and the lead ab 30 millimeter tube adapters to insert the test of all and they exhaust I 3d printed the three models using only outline parameters to make sure the parts were solid remove the support material and thread it all the holes to make the body of the post yet resistant to high temperatures I kinda had a silly idea hice elated the holes on the post yet with black tape and made another batch of plaster to carefully pour inside the body and like lid I tried to make the plaster layer as uniform as I could and I think I got it once the plastic was all dried out I reopened the two holes on the main body one hole is for the spark plug and the other one is for a 10 millimeter steel tube on which I made one millimeter holes to disperse the propane gas to close the tip of the tube I used plaster as well I inserted both the cube and the spark plugs and tested the spark plug after that I assembled the post yet and this is the final result it's time to make some noise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the end I couldn't get more than just some single poses out of this design but at least a plasterer idea work the combustion chamber didn't melt or deform I wasn't ready to give up just now so I got back to the basics and try the only design that had worked for me so far the plastic jam jar pulse-jet I made some changes to incorporate the spark plug and the inlets for the fuel and air and printed it out with this simple design I got some better results consecutive pulses at an interval of one second [Music] there were times in which it almost started before I could get it buzzing the back of the engine melted on my next iteration I decided to use a design that has been proven to work very well and start with ease the focused wave engine of office post jet that looked like a light at the end of the tunnel for me I got some plans online and I used them to 3d model the engine after printing two engines one in orange and another in blue I gave it a go it's time to make some noise again I hope this time all goes well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look at that what a hole who cares anyway my poster is dead anyway it [ __ ] word I mean it wasn't was it like it didn't really start like full full boost dead noise like it started right I think I think it started anyway I think it's a good start huh you have to crawl before you walk see ya [Music] [Music]
Channel: Integza
Views: 2,563,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, pulsejet, engine, 3d printed, 3d printer, rocket
Id: 28XbT11lL24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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