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[Music] this is a whoh rocket this video was brought to you by U this is the simplest type of Rocket you can make but in actuality it's just a soda bottle with a hole in the lid and some butane inside the butane Burns and releases CO2 water and heat the heat evaporates the water and what you get is a bunch of hot gases trying to expand somewhere luckily for them they have this hole downstairs they rush through the hole and create a jet that propels the entire bottle up the bottle is the combustion chamber the hole is the nozzle the butane is the fuel and the air is the oxidizer oh I forgot to mention the oxidizer yeah you do need oxygen to have combustion air has some oxygen but you know what has more oxygen oxygen as you can see oxygen really helps with combustion but wait a second if combustion does like air why is it that when I blow compressed air on a candle the candle goes out well combustion does like air but if you put too much of it too quickly into the reaction you actually remove the fuel out of the equation and you cool the reaction which is no bueno on the other hand you kind of want to be able to inject as much oxidizer as possible so you can burn as much fuel as possible and thus get as much whoosh as possible so how does one do that well that's the million dooll question and the million dooll question has a million different answers let's start with the first one not all fuels are born equal and all of them need different amounts of oxidizer to burn there's this thing called air to fuel ratio which tells you how much air you need to burn a certain amount of fuel for example to burn 1.3 G of gasoline you need 15 times the same amount of air each 1 L bottle holds 1.3 G of air so to burn this you would need 15 bottles of air that's a lot of air and that's the reason why you turbocharge your car a turbo is basically a fan that pushes air into the engine if you don't want to spend all that air you can just use methanol methanol is a special kind of alcohol and to burn the 1.3 G we talked before only requires six bottles of air propane would need also 15 bottles like gasoline butane also 15 bottles hydrogen would require 34 bottles I don't have that many bottles and nro methane we need only two bottles wait two bottles that's really low that's even lower than methanol how is that possible oh okay look at the formula for nitromethane do you notice anything weird yeah it comes with its own oxygen which means it doesn't really need much air to burn it now NR methane might be weaker than gasoline but because it requires nine times less air than gasoline well you can burn a lot of it that's what they do in the top fuel track racing competitions they use 90% concentration nitromethane and as you can see the results speak for themselves NR methane is also used in two stroke engines for RC cars and believe it or not despite of only using 25% concentration nitromethane these little Chihuahuas are more power dense than a Formula 1 car [Music] engine actually the only kind of engine that is more power dense than these little guys is a rocket engine right rocket engines that's what we're talking about sorry uh so imagine we went to make a rocket engine and as fuel we use butane which is really easy to get also cheap and as an oxidizer we use air which is even easier to get now what we need is a way to inject both the butane and the air into a combustion chamber and at the same time mix them for that we need an injector this is a swirl injector it has this particular name because both the air and the fuel are injected as counter rotating vortices that are then smashed together inside the combustion chamber the swirl injector you see on screen is actually from a Danish company called Copenhagen suborbitals as you can imagine they make rockets this here is a swirl injector that I designed myself and 3D printed and it works pretty well now to test a performance of set injector inside a combustion chamber I have this piece of quartz tube which can withstand up to 1500° C and also if you didn't notice it's transparent guessing that's the most important detail let's give it a test [Laughter] okay um that was intense but I just realized how stupid I am because I was talking about how quartz can take, 1500° C and I'm using an injector in pla which can barely withstand 80° C so yeah should probably do this in metal sponsor time remember I said that not all fuels mean combustion some of them mean energy calories food your body is much bakier than a rocket and it'ss fat sugar protein vitamins and even Metals For some reason getting all of that in a daily basis is not easy especially if you suck at cooking like me the perfect solution for me or anyone like me I guess is youu youu gives you easy to prepare meals that have everything you need including yumos my favorite one is chicken and mushroom it's delicious and I would know I'm Portuguese it's really easy to prepare you just need some boiling water you throw a scoop or two of the pre-prepared meal in there and you wait for 5 minutes and that's it it's perfect for people like me that tend to overeat especially because it has everything you need so it keeps you full for a very long time you might have seen this bottle in other videos the reason for that is I've been using Yu for a long time and it really helps me keep in shape if you're interested click the link in my description to try ul's instant meals today what are you doing now to make the new swirl injector out of metal I'm going to use my new CNC Ma machine yes I have a CNC machine now yes I have fallen in love with this machine called carara it's super easy to use because it has automatic tool changing automatic bat leveling and the most important thing a compressed air nozzle that blows the ships away I'm going to be honest with you I was not prepared for how awesome this was going to look I mean it was a freaking fire tornado still it looks pretty cool but uh it's not a rocket for it to be a rocket it needs a nozzle and a nozzle can be something as simple as a whole and for the time being that's exactly what we're going to use nothing OD [Music] okay let's get some stuff straight the S injector performed pretty well I think it R about 8 m/ second in the animal meter which is fine it's pretty good but I don't think the swi injector is the best fit for this kind of Rocket especially at this size I have another idea and my other idea is this one this is an annular combustion chamber commonly used in jet engines and because it works so well on jet engines it might just work perfectly here as well in this one I'm using a 3D printing brass nozzle to inject the fuel and straight on injecting the compressed air here this outer tube is acrylic which I promise will not melt because the compressed air is going to protect it the actual combustion chamber is the glass tube with holes in it the holes are to help distribute the air evenly throughout the combustion chamber not to brag but already bragging I was right this engine performed twice as well as the other one and I'm not even using a proper nozzle but what if I did what if I used the best nozzle possible for this engine this specific engine using butane and air to get the most thrust possible how would I do that well that's where things get tricky because nozzle design is the exact thing that makes rocket science the standard of very hard non- achievable impossible luckily for us someone condensed all of this in a very neat and free software called RPA this one right here the first thing that it asks you is the chamber pressure which in my case it would be about six bars my compressor can put out about eight but to be safe safe I'm going to put down six bars the second thing that it asks you is the mass Flor rate of both the fuel and the oxidizer in my case it's going to be mostly oxidizer which is air so I need to find a way to calculate the mass flow rate that my compressor can put out to get that value I plug my compressor into a big tube measure the output speed using my anom meter and convert that speed into mass flow rate and that gives me about 0.06 kg of air per second I choose my oxidizer my fuse and I say I want the exhaust pressure to be one atmosphere and that's it not only I get the dimensions of the perfect nozzle but also the ideal combustion chamber dimensions and the estimated thrust which in this case is about 2.7 kg of force I made three nozzles out of graphite which can will stand up to 3000° C I'm going to test the three and see if you can guess which one is the three money which one takes the money it takes the news have you heard the news m is releasing a new sports car it's called the Mazda iconic SP and is there with everyone you know what that means the spinning Dorito is back yes the wle engine is bad now if you can't really afford the car like me you can get the next best thing my commemorating wle engine poster this one right here I made it myself a lot of you guys were asking about this poster you see in the background of my videos this is a poster commemorating the wankle rary engine more specifically the 3D printed version that I made I made this poster because I want wanted a wankle reti engine poster to put in my shop and to be honest I couldn't find a cool one online so I made it from scratch and not to brag this one looks pretty cool if you want to get a poster like this you can get it in my website at the first 20 posters to be sold will be personally signed by me thank you so much for your interest and thank you so much for supporting the channel moving on that's a [Music] [Music] [Music] success [Music] I don't know if you noticed but uh it's not very practical to use my compressor as a source of oxidizer for this rocket especially a rocket this size yeah I need something a little bit lighter and the solution is to get the pure stuff you remember how I said that air doesn't really have a lot of oxygen well actually it only has 21% the rest is nitrogen that also means that if I use pure oxygen I only need 21% of the mass flow which is great but there's a tinier side this is the smallest bottle of oxygen I could get so I'm guessing I'm going to have to make this work I'm also making the rocket engine out of steel this time because oxygen is no joke [Applause] did you see that oh my God I'm actually scared and I don't even know how to put into words but I'm very excited but very scared still Jesus Christ let's do it again [Music] [Music] again so while I was working on this project a thought occurred to me why is it so easy to get liquid fuels at room temperature that are very powerful but not easy to get the same thing for oxidizers so I start looking in books scientific articles even Wikipedia and I I think I stumbled upon something very interesting that was hiding right under my nose this is hydrogen peroxide 50% hydrogen peroxide to be specific at this concentration is neither too dangerous or too toxic I've built Rockets with it in the past uh because hydrogen peroxide when it decomposes it turns into a lot of steam but I completely ignore the second thing that comes out of this reaction oxygen tons and tons of oxygen by the way there's a lot of great liquid oxidizer at room temperature the problem is that most of them are either really hard to get or very very toxic so right here I have a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with methanol now normally I would use tum prominate to decompose the hydrogen peroxide which would generate a lot of steam but this time I'm adding combustion to the mixture let's see what happens 3 2 one [Music] there you go now we have a great oxidizer and it's very compact oh my God this channel is going to kill me so what happened here and kind of still is happening is when I I throw the pottassium permanganate inside it starts decomposing the hydrogen peroxide into both Steam and oxygen the oxygen burns the methanol and the heat of that reaction kind of superheats the Steam and we get basically a dual propulsion rocket yeah it's very efficient I'm going to do pretty interesting stuff with this reaction in my channel expect a dual propulsion rocket coming in the meantime I want to help you guys uh do some projects so I'm going to give a 3D printer away on last video I give away a 3D printer to the most liked comment suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was i101 if you also want to win a 3D printer all you have to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will win a brand new 3D printer um if you already have a 3D printer you can get access to every single 3D model I used in this video in my website at and also get a poster please don't forget the poster well um this is everything for today thank you so much for watching and remember tomatoes are disgusting see [Music] you
Channel: Integza
Views: 1,005,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A6AZ1-msoyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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