Hot Air Engine Car (Stirling Engine 3D Printed)

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this video was brought to you by squarespace that's what i'm talking about wait okay now from the beginning the year is 1816 and the world is in the middle of a revolution the industrial revolution technology is accelerating and eddie's art is the steam engine an apparatus that can power machines to do work trains to travel on land and boats to cross the ocean the steam agent changed society forever using high pressure steam to produce enormous amounts of power that could literally move mountains but that power came at a cost because high pressure steam when poorly managed tends to explode and that is exactly what happened the boilers used to turn the water into steam were not safe and would many times explode and kill several people in an attempt to solve this problem a scottish priest by the name of robert sterling developed a new kind of engine that was safer quieter and used air as its working fluid it was an engine that worked with hot air like a hot air balloon but an engine it was a hot air engine come on you have to admit that is cool sterling didn't actually invent a hot air engine but he developed several improvements that turned this engine into the prime rival of this team manager to understand the improvements that sterling made we first need to understand how a sterling engine works and to do that let us first look at the ideal case a scenario so perfect that can only exist on the wet dreams of a mechanical engineer to that case we give the name of sterling cycle this is a glass syringe it's a type of serene that was widely used in the 50s to administer intravenous medicine and vaccines and this is its big sister it's a 50 milliliter glass syringe that i have no idea what was used to administer but i'll let your imagination do the work here i have a simple setup where i fix the cylinder of a glass syringe using a 3d printed clamp and close the cylinder opening using a piece of plastic tube which means that the air inside of the syringe is stuck if i place a burner under the syringe the flame will hit the air inside and raises temperature what inevitably also raises its pressure because the temperature and pressure of a gas are in a love relationship and intimately connected and that my friends it's gay lusak's law fortunately for us this is not a monogamous relationship but a love triangle that also involves volume because of the high temperature the air starts expanding what pushes the piston forward the volume goes up and the pressure goes down we reach the maximum the piston can travel so it's time to revert it to its initial position i will now remove the burner and let the air cool the temperature will go down and as a consequence the pressure will go down as well the air will contract and suck the piston back a piston going back and forth that sounds like an engine well not any engine this cycle describes the ideal sterling engine and the area inside this shape represents the amount of heat converted to work real engines have a cycle that looks a little bit more like this but anyway to turn this into a proper engine we need to repeat this cycle several times per second and to do so we need to find a better way to intermittently heat and cool the air robert sterling solved this problem with the use of a displacer piston that moves the air between the hot side and the cold side the displacer piston is connected 90 degrees out of phase with a working piston and they are both connected to a flywheel in the first part of the cycle most of the air is in the hot side what causes it to expand this pushes the main piston forward at a certain point the displacer piston starts moving down and forces yet to the cold side while the main piston keeps going as the main piston reaches his upper limit a big part of the air is now on the cold side the temperature goes down and the air contracts what sucks the piston back down and compresses the air [Music] this configuration is called the beta sterling engine and is the configuration that robert sterling used in his machines another variant of the beta configuration can be found on this model which is called the gamma sterling engine it's probably the most well known configuration of this engine because youtubers love putting it on the palm of their hands to show up even with a very low temperature difference the engine still runs another example of the beta sterling engine is on the car that appears at the beginning of the video it uses a 5 millimeter glass syringe as a power piston and marbles as a displacer a burner is placed on the back of the car that turns alcohol into heat the flame hits the air inside the syringe and the plunger moves forward pushing the front wheel this changes the angle of the engine and the marbles slide down what displaces the air to the cool side the air cools down and sucks the plunger the syringe returns to its initial position and the cycle repeats itself to build this car i used two 3d printers they're not jordan which is an fdm 3d printer that deposits melted plastic in layers and yellow on mars which is a resin 3d printer and cures resin in layers using uv light you don't really need a resin 3d printer to make this project but they are nice to make smaller parts that require higher precision for starters i 3d printed the front wheel and the back wheels in black pla on the not jordan and remove them using a small cap that i had laying around you can use a spatula next i 3d printed a simple part to hold the burner in black pla and the chassis of the card in purple pla to give it some color to link the chassis parts together i 3d printed some pins in white present that will also work as the axes for the wheels and the limiters for the engine i also printed a clamp that will hold the engine and serve as the pivoting component resin parts normally need to be post cured and an easy way to do that is to put them in the sunlight but to speed up the process i am using an l cure that i borrowed from my sister to turn it on you just need to click this button here and chat to make sure everything runs smoothly i used six millimeter ball bearings that look cooler than they actually are when falling in slow motion the engine itself is made out of a glass test tube a five millimeter glass syringe and marbles to make sure i would not have leaks i used rubber o-rings to insert a syringe on the test tube it's important that the plunger from the 5 milliliter syringe runs without friction and i read somewhere that you can lubricate it using a pencil since graphite has a low friction coefficient that made sense at the time but it didn't work to assemble the 3d printed part i used super glue lots and lots of superglue i assembled the engine on the car and gave it a test what what it's moving yes it's working it's really working oh god [Music] i was feeling good from my small success so i decided to build another type of sterling engine a more powerful one the alpha sterling engine is another configuration of the sterling engine that uses two power pistons instead of one which means that is able to get more power for the same volume i designed the engine to use two 10 milliliter glass syringes we have a flywheel support a flywheel the cranks the connecting rods the syringe adapter to link the connecting rods to the pistons and the syringe support to add some inertia to the flywheel i plugged some m10 nuts to increase the weight on the outmost perimeters once again i printed some parts in plastic and some parts in resin because i didn't want to use screws as the axis of the engine i 3d printed them and use a fast locking system to hold them in place as a base for the entire setup i used a big piece of wood [Music] well that didn't work did it anyway the important thing right now is not to panic or get sentimental the last thing that i need is to get frustrated and start crying why did i think i could make the engine run you're trashing tags uh you talk a lot about theory but when it comes to making stuff you're a loser you can't even make the engine run you should be ashamed why did you create a youtube channel in the first place do you even 3d print bra i bet you the people watching the video still haven't subscribed yet or click the notification bell let's not even talk about leaving a like hey i know what you're doing stop it i'm just trying to help bro disembodied voice oh anyway so when you completely fail the important thing is to relax and blow off some steam what normally works for me is smashing some tomatoes why do you ask well hi my name is integza and i believe that everyone should find their true purpose in life luckily for me i found mine i really enjoy doing the occasional science and engineering youtube video but my real calling my true purpose in life is to hate tomatoes now i know what you're thinking in texas another gag about hating tomatoes drop the egg already well guys i'm not joking i really hate tomatoes in fact i hate them so much that i created a website fully dedicated to hating tomatoes and i called it i hate in there i post articles where i elaborate on the many reasons why you should hate tomatoes i post pictures where i express my disdain for the pseudo vegetable and i also share videos where i hunt the devils through to build this page i use squarespace a website building tool that enables anyone to create websites blogs and online stores they have a wide range of templates and an easy to use set of tools with which you can create the best design for you thanks to them i can now express to the world how tomatoes are a man-made food created by the illuminati to exert mind control over humanity if you also have something that you want to share with the world or you just want to build a strong online presence go to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch you can go to www.squarespace.comtexa to save 10 of your first purchase of a website or domain now really guys if you want to support my channel and for chance you want to build a website please use the link in the description below thank you so much for the support and i really hate tomatoes it's not just a gag back to the video okay no more relax let us look at the problems that my first design had and tried to solve them the most important thing in this type of engine is the heat it needs to be used in the most efficient way possible in my first design i used syringes that have a metal tip and that is not good because a lot of the heat is escaping the system through there i don't have any 10 milliliter syringes without a metal tip so i'll have to design the second version using 5 milliliter ones another problem i think also affected the first design is the compression ratio because the ball bearings are used at a 13 millimeter diameter i had to build the crank with a 12 millimeter radius which means the total displacement of the engine is 24 millimeters that might be too much compression what leads to the engine stalling to solve that i used bigger ball bearings with a 15 millimeter internal diameter for the flywheel so i can use a 3d printed main axis that will also serve the function of the cranks a two-in-one deal just like in the shampoos i 3d modeled two holes in the main axis at a distance of three millimeters and four millimeters so i could have two different displacement distances in one engine another optimization that can be done is reducing the amount of air inside the engine less air means that the temperature gets higher in the system and that means it will expand more efficiently in practical terms it also means that the displacement of the air will be smaller but that's not a problem since i also reduced the diameter of the cranks one important thing for the engine to run is to make sure the flywheel is able to spin freely for about 20 seconds and i would know i've built zero working sterling engines so far to make sure the flywheel runs with almost zero friction i'll teach you a exclusive intexa tip you take the ball bearings you remove the plastic cover then the metal casing apply some wd-40 and the bearings jump out of place because that is a terrible idea just make sure you apply some wd-40 on the bearings and you should be good to go don't do it while the burner is light up though apparently wd-40 is flammable who would know that wd-40 is flammable everyone as a base i still use the big chunk of wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] noise okay sheeple it's time to try the engine i hope it works yes give me all the heat i should wait a little bit right the engine is moving yeah i think i'm also burning the two i'm burning the two i don't want to burn the two oh it's working yes yes not very fast is it what what oh the tube burned the tube is completely burnt i need to find a way to protect the tube but it worked right very nice very nice the engine was running true but i needed to find a way to protect the tube if i wanted to see the engine running for more than 30 seconds my first plan involved using a piece of cork as a cover to protect the tube but that didn't work apparently quark is flammable who would know okay so what i'm going to try to do is couple the tube with some thermic sleeve put them together and the thermic sleeve when it heats up normally shrinks so you should make it tighter yeah let's try that god damn it the chip fall off again my next plan was a little bit smarter i used rubber tube with incorporated fibers that should withstand higher temperatures oh my god the tube is burning it kind of worked but the tube still got destroyed in the end my final stroke of genius was to get a burner with a smaller flame it doesn't really solve the problem but it delays it enough that i can test the engine [Applause] faster uh the tube is that again it was going so fast once again the culprit of it's stopping is the tube this was probably the fastest speed the engine achieved but i'm not sure because i didn't measure the rpm sorry about that i did measure the rpm in a test where the speed got very high i calculated the rpm using slow motion footage and a marker we have four rotations in 14.2 seconds but because this is 32 times slower is actually four rotations in 0.44 seconds which give us 9 rotations per second and 540 rotations per minute which is not bad okay so i have a plan to make the engine go faster and it's by using the economizer or regenerator and my plan involves this i don't know what you say it in english i would call it like a dishwashing metal porous thingy yeah all right i forgot to talk about the economizer which nowadays is called the regenerator the economizer is probably the most important improvement made by robert sterling is a component capable of storing heat that is placed in between the two cylinders so the heat can be recycled instead of lost to the atmosphere through the cold cylinder in my case i used pieces of what in english has the name of scoring pad it's basically a metal sponge that is good at storing heat but at the same time allows the air to go through i placed bits inside the syringes in a way they would not interfere with the piston stroke okay we have something houston we have something more and more the regenerator is working conserving the heat in the system we have ignition we have the movement i don't know how to sing i'm just making up is this warming up again of course it is yep my economizer plan didn't work very well it's a shame but you can't have everything can you not at the same time well if you want to 3d print either my alpha sterling engine or the beta sterling engine car i'll leave the stl files on the description if you're a patreon to the channel you will also receive the source files so you can improve on the designs i know not everyone has access to a 3d printer to try and replicate this project and that's why in my last video i gave away a 3d printer to a mr puddles and here he is 3d printing for the first time if you also want to win a 3d printer all you have to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment baptizing my hot air engine car if this video reaches 200 000 views i'll give away another 3d printer to the comment with the most likes this is everything for today i hope you enjoyed the video and i should be going i need to start working on my next project see you soon guys and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya [Music]
Channel: Integza
Views: 1,377,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stirling, engine, hot, air, thermodynamics, science, law, engineering, inventions, Robert
Id: lmncBzb2Xbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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