Devil's Toothpaste Rocket Engine (3D Printed)

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three two one [Music] elephant toothpaste a kid's experiment that consists of decomposing pharmacy level hydrogen peroxide into steam and oxygen using a catalyst like yeast about a year ago mark robert came up with a version of this experiment that is how can i say this a little bit more aggressive the reaction is in fact so aggressive that mark rober said this we literally made a rocket ship i mean fundamentally this is how rockets propel themselves now you know i love rockets and this seems like something would be really fun to experiment with unfortunately mark robert didn't share his recipe luckily i stumbled upon it a few videos ago by accident while researching some second world war stuff like i normally do this video was brought to you by nordvpn this is gonna be disappointing but the secret behind the devil's toothpaste reaction is just getting higher concentration hydrogen peroxide the one that you get at the pharmacy has three percent concentration if you want to get this kind of result you need something over 50 percent i'm pretty sure that mark ruber is using hydrogen peroxide that is either 17 concentration or higher and there's a reason why i didn't want to disclose this to the internet this chemical is really nasty once it comes into contact with anything organic it self combusts i myself was only able to get 50 hydrogen peroxide but even at this concentration it's pretty powerful in terms of catalyst you have a wide range of options mark ruber uses potassium iodide but i couldn't find that in portugal so i'm using potassium permanganate the potassium permanganate decomposes the hydrogen peroxide pretty quickly but after talking with tom from explosions and fire he recommended manganese dioxide a true catalyst so i gave it a test in three two one well that was weak with that with the permanganate is much more powerful can you see this look i'm putting a substantially bigger quantity than i put the permanganate and see oh it's working better now okay maybe i was mistaken okay so now we're going to do the exact same experiment but with a potassium permanganate just so i can show you how different in rate the decomposition is about the same okay in three two one look at that it's gone it's gone the hydrogen peroxide is gone okay so this next experiment is a little bit different you see the potassium permanganate has a lot of properties one of them is being a very good oxidizer which means it makes things burn pretty quickly so what i'm going to do is make a ethanol potassium permanganate solution and set it on fire to see what happens yeah that's basically it so in three two one okay so far is burning pretty normally i'm gonna add a little bit of peroxide to see what happens [Applause] oh boy do you see that oh look at that i think it's the oxygen coming out [Music] yeah boy that would work as an oxidizer [Music] this is not safe i was not expecting that hell yeah i know i have a powerful reaction in my hands but to turn this into a rocket i need a good way to inject and mix both the peroxide and the catalyst on my last video what i did was i made a solution of potassium permanganate with water then i injected that solution and the peroxide into a chamber using two syringes mixing the permanganate with water is a bad idea because it dilutes it it makes it lose power what i need is to keep it in the solid form and to solve this problem i took some inspiration on hybrid rocket engines do you guys remember when i was using bob to print high temperature ceramic parts to make a rocket one of the big problems that i had at the time was the fact that the parts were porous so i was having leaks everywhere but just like my grandfather used to say sometimes the problems of the past can be the solutions for the future he mainly used this to describe his kids but in this case it works pretty well i designed this square mesh and i 3d printed it using bob after treating the parts in the oven i got myself exactly what i wanted you see that it's pretty impressive it sucks so i'm going to pour some hydrogen peroxide inside this uh flask and i'm going to use the the piece of ceramic matrix that i impregnated and drop it inside and see how much vapor is going to generate three two one i would say that works pretty well i also would say that i have a lot to clean and as you can see the ceramic is still intact still intact a little bit darkened but uh no problem sponsor time nowadays surfing the web without a vpn is like not having health insurance you can do it but if something happens to you you're gonna regret it as long as you're getting a vpn you might as well get the best one and the best vpn is nordvpn i have health insurance for obvious reasons and i also use nordvpn it's really easy to use and you can enable it with one click or zero clicks if you use autoconnect they have over 5200 servers in 60 different countries which might get you better speeds and more content can you believe that the rush 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valve that is being opened by a mosfet transistor that in turn is being controlled by an rc circuit that i removed from an rc car the whole thing is being powered by eight aaa batteries oh yeah the lighting is perfect so uh as you can see it's raining not the best weather to test this kind of stuff i'm gonna test it anyway because i can't wait um i'm gonna use the syringe to inject some water into the cylinder and i'm gonna use the cartridge to pump it let's see how this works it might explode it might work pretty well i am i don't really know yeah let's do that three two one [Music] oh my god did you see that shot into the wall jesus five hours later okie dokie ready for another test i'm hoping it doesn't blow up please three two one oh it worked yes look at that another one oh it works so well let's go for another test i'm looking at the screening of the camera like an amateur it doesn't matter well same result why did i click the button too long i'm gonna have to do this all over again oh my god so i blew up another engine ah the co2 cartridges are just too powerful it's too much pressure i need to use less pressure like compressed air but even if i used compressed air the plunger mechanism is not working well the 3d printed piston has a lot of leaks i need a better system i mean the syringes that i used last time work pretty well but i don't really want to do it manually wait a second the syringes wait a second [Music] if i have compressor coming into here and i put the hydrogen peroxide here i can push it with a syringe i don't need to 3d print anything well with a little bit less pressure of course [Music] as a reservoir for the compressed air i used a soda bottle i did this in the past and if you want to know exactly how to do it you just need to click in the video that is about to appear on the screen right now okay so i need to test the system so here we have the compressed air reservoir the electrical valve and the syringe the modified syringe to act as a well as a syringe pump i'm going to fill this up up until 4 bar and see if it works okay the bottle is full i'm going to press the controller and see what happens oh it worked do you see that work perfectly let's try it again three two one nice okay let's try it with some liquid like water as you can see i took the liberty to test the one-way valve as well to see if the plunger has enough force to push it in okay let's put some more inside three two one well it works pretty well all the electronics yep mission accomplished we did it guys i mean not yet i still have to test the market ah now i need to assemble the rocket let's get to it [Music] so that is done as you can see i have the the catalyzer catalyst i think it's catalyst the catalyst ceramic thing is in here i have the nozzle everything is ready now i need to connect this to the syringe pump let's do that i'm gonna use some thread locker and that should be enough it was not [Music] and it's ready ready for use so in theory the plunger is gonna push the peroxide through the one direction valve uh through the catalyst transform it into steam and oxygen and out of the nozzle that's the plan let's see if it works but first i need to mount it onto something let me turn the screen to me so i can see myself in the camera okay so my idea is the following i have this support that i 3d printed a while ago is the same that i used for the test with the pump uh and i'm going to mount it on this sharky mcshark uh skateboard that is from luana she doesn't know i'm using it she doesn't need to know let's not tell her and i'm going to mount it here right the engine is here the electronics are here and with a little bit of luck this is going to become a rocket skateboard yep so the devil's toothpaste rocket engine skateboard was ready to rumble and rumble it did okay we are ready to test i hope the the one we've all worked well but i'm gonna find that out right now okay it's full we're gonna close the valve and we are ready to test oh my god i'm so excited about this i hope it doesn't blow up can you see my face i hope it doesn't blow up let's test this get a wider shot and we are ready okay let's get behind this camera three two one oh yeah oh my god did you see that [Music] oh jesus christ i got them steve they still feel me that was awesome [Music] mean this is pretty heavy can you see me i'm talking to you this is this is pretty heavy it's producing a decent amount of thrust i mean it's not something colossal but it's really amazing yeah let's test it again i have a british accent okay so we're gonna repeat the test um i haven't removed the catalyzer i think it's already i think we we should move fast because the one-way valve is not really separating things yeah let's press record in the cameras and try it again i'm curious to see if the manganese dioxide that was left in the engine is gonna react as strongly as the promenade did let's see remote let's do this okay are you recording katrina three two one [Music] after that successful run i tried the engine again but the result was different the build-up of pressure inside the reaction chamber was so big the one way valve i used was jumping out of place i tried to mend the situation with the strongest glues i had but the outcome was the same [Music] after all that work all i got was one successful run and a lot of know-how on how to make this work this is how we roll here on integza we fail and we learn and by we i mean i i don't know why i use plural the goal now is to get a stronger and lighter version of this engine and strap it to something like a rocket or a bicycle i mean let's not get ahead of ourselves nasa wasn't built in two days this was a super cool project to make and i made it mostly using 3d printing if you want to repeat this at home i'll leave the files in the description if you don't have a 3d printer i can help with that as well on my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was laven and she suggested that i should strap my afterburner to a plane well that sounds like a video to me if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer well uh this is everything for today i hope you enjoyed the video and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya so the alcohol finally stopped burning um and you we have this remaining sludge and just to prove you i just proved you uh that this is manganese dioxide or at least some kind of catalyst that uh reacts with the hydrogen peroxide i'm gonna pour some drops of hydrogen peroxide inside so you can see it's still it's still catalyzing it pretty quickly actually
Channel: Integza
Views: 710,622
Rating: 4.9454632 out of 5
Id: vVven2CPaaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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