TurboJet Engine (3D Printed)

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once upon a time two brothers were bored ayore yeah will we should build a bicycle we do that every single day will what about a bicycle with an engine that's a motorbike will um what about a bicycle with an engine and wings oh i never heard of that before i wonder what that would be called that would be called an airplane i think this video was brought to you by blinkist on the 17th of december of 1903 the wright brothers made history by flying the first piloted heavier than haircraft that they invented and built the first flight covered 37 meters in 12 seconds and just like that the first airplane made its mark to achieve this the brothers used a self-designed four piston engine that was very low power but also very low weight with only 81 kilograms without the fuel this little engine allowed the brothers to have a little taste of the sky but the rest of humanity was hungry as well so as you can imagine things evolved pretty quickly in less than no time airplanes became common the engines used got more powerful and lighter the combination of a powerful petrol engine and the propeller allowed the airplanes to travel longer and faster but unfortunately this setup had a big drawback the usage of propellers puts a limit on the speed of the aircraft because once the tips of the propeller reach near max speeds shock waves are created that increase vibration and drag one easy solution to this problem would be to fly higher where the air is thinner less drag but because the air is thinner there's also less oxygen for the combustion on the engine so power is lost anyway another way to solve this problem would be to still fly higher but somehow find a way to use the power of the engine to force more air into the combustion chamber of course this is easier said than done nonetheless someone found a solution in 1930 a british pilot named frank whittle submitted a patent that described a new kind of engine that used the dynamic compressor and the turbine connected to the same axis to accelerate air and produce thrust it took eight years for whittle to make the new engine work but when it did it marked the beginning of jet powered flight using the one and only turbo jet engine the turbojet engine is nowadays commonly used in commercial aircrafts that transport everybody to everywhere it's the big cylindrical thing that looks like a fan and is attached to the wings of the airplane this weird-looking cylindrical fan is able to lift off hundreds of thousands of kilograms off the ground but how does it do that in principle these engines are pretty simple they have a compressor that sucks air in the air is used to burn fuel in the combustion chamber and the hot gases rush through the exhaust making the turbine spin in the process because the turbine is connected to the same shaft as the compressor the turbine powers the compressor so it's kind of a vicious cycle now this seems pretty simple right so why is it so hard to build one well to be honest i don't know but i'm about to find out because i intend to build one i'm guessing that for me it will be even harder because i don't want to work with metal my only means of production are a couple of 3d printers and that's about it i mean i recently found a way to 3d print ceramic parts that can withstand very high temperatures so i might be able to use that i'm pretty sure i can 3d print the compressor part in plastic because it's before the combustion so yeah let's start with that i 3d printed an impeller in resin and a diffuser in pla the impeller accelerates the air and the diffuser slows it down enters the speed into pressure this works like when it's raining small droplets at a fast pace but under the trees the rain slows down and the droplets get bigger the diffuser is like the trees i think since i was 3d printing i also made a turbine in resin and a support for the shaft so i could make some tests for the shaft i used the eight millimeter steel rod that i threaded on the tips after all the 3d printing i had a lot of support material to remove and you know what that means support removal asmr [Music] [Music] after assembling everything i gave the setup a test with compressed air and it seemed to be running pretty smoothly the blue part is the turbine stator its function is to redirect the hot gases into the turbine blades inside this setup i have at least three parts that i can 3d print in plastic and those are the access support the stator and of course the turbine so maybe i can try to 3d print them in ceramics to 3d print ceramic parts i use a ceramic resin called forcelite that is 17 resin and 83 ceramic because there's 17 resin in there i need to post process the parts in a kiln and burn out the resin the problem with this is that the parts shrink 17 at 1200 degrees celsius what creates stresses that can deform and crack the parts to deal with this i have to design the parts with some limitations in mind for example i can't design parts that are thicker than one millimeter i give it a shot in 3d printed the stator and the turbine in ceramic resin after that i burned out the resin and the results were not good the stator was a mess with cracks all over the place and the turbine had distortions that renders it useless since it needs to be very well balanced this project isn't going very well is it this turbine is essentially rubbish what do i do now delete your channel tomato lord yes it is i on the flesh and i have worse news for you in nuts guy it's in the exam whatever i have created an algorithm that will block the subscribe button on your videos so people can no longer subscribe to your stupid channel enjoy your last subscribers i will upload it in 10 minutes so it's not up yet no my programmer is finishing up things so the algorithm can also block the like button so people can no longer like your videos what do you have to say in natsuka well i guess i should say smash that like button disgusting well i wonder are you gonna upload that algorithm now that you're pressed into my table pressed that's it [Music] ah [Music] sponsor time hello hello my name is integza and my goal in life is to conquer ziwa together the world i need the power and as you know the knowledge is the power to get more knowledge i think i have to read more books but there are so many books and they are so long and have no pictures luckily i found the solution blinkist blinkist is an app on your phone that gives you a summarized version of thousands of books that you can read in 15 minutes but you don't even have to read them you can listen to them while doing other activities like brushing your teeth making the poopings and crushing the tomatoes i just came from the bathroom and i just learned how to master the spendings of money by reading a book called mind over money because money is also power if you also want to spend your money wisely and you want to get more power the first 100 people to click the link blinkish.comslashintexter will get unlimited access to blinkist for a week and 25 discount if you decide to go for that sweet full membership the free trial is very free and you can cancel it at any time also by clicking the link in the description you're helping me with my mission so thank you back to the video okay so i solved the problem of the turbine and that's great but i still don't know how to make the shaft support or the stator the problem with the ceramic resin is that it has 17 resin in it so when you burn out the resin it messes with the structure of the part if only the resin was like separated like on the outside molds okay so instead of 3d printing the parts directly in ceramic resin i printed out some molds and filled them with some high temperature cement that is used in fireplaces to make sure the cement would get evenly distributed i used my vibrating saw to remove air [Music] bubbles [Music] okay the parts are pretty good but there's still a lot of excess material which i'll have to remove using the dremel you know bobby the card style [Music] so [Music] okay so far i have the compressor the shaft support the turbine stator and the turbine but i'm still missing a key element the combustion chamber now i don't think i can find a way to make the combustion chamber that doesn't involve working with metal so i got a welding machine i never welded in my life before and i'm pretty [ __ ] at soldiering so this will go smoothly i want to learn to weld from scratch so i'm going to start simple i'm going to spot well some thin sheet metal and maybe watch some tutorials let's see how that from goes today we're going to be make loading uh oh 30 22 gauge [Music] i'm going to show you three common mistakes in sheet metal hello the first one's going to be a hi-lo look at that fast numero uno it looks like a disease the second one's going to be too big of a gap and the third one is going to be blowing through strike and we just took carried it nice nice and easy down the groove the puddle looks pretty cool it doesn't it still looks like rubbish but it's better i think [Music] i forgot to connect the electrode again electrode let's go here i think i'm ready to try it on the real thing i was not [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you know to center it yeah now i can center i can weld this very nice [Music] it is working [Music] once the combustion chamber was ready i had all the parts that i needed so i assembled the engine and gave it a test there once was a ship that put to sea and the name of the ship was the bully hearty the winds blew hard her bow dipped down all blow me belly boys blow okay that was a lot of work uh it's time to test the engine i can barely wait i really hope it works but let us pray please god of thermodynamics help me get this engine to self sustain the combustion without burning my house in the name of calling first isaac newton and propane fuel amen a little bit of the compressed air look at that no friction no friction bay i almost burned my face [Music] little bit of lubricant so you don't overheat the bearings and die on my hands [Music] round two fight [Music] as you can see the ball bearing is captured it's dead for some reason the lubricant is not getting to the ball bearing yeah it overheated i need to replace it and we are back so the problem was with the ceramic ball bearing it had a a rubber casing uh like a cage that melted and caused the friction i substitute it with a ball bearing without a cage i mean it has a cage but it's a metal one anyway let's proceed lubricant yo master lubricated engine my grandfather always used to say you can't have too much lubrication maybe that's why you have 13 kids [Music] little bit more lubricant okay so i substituted the torch with a spark plug and i'm going to use intact the bot to ignite the fuel let's see if that helps potential in three two one [Music] let's go another time okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] i feel it's so close uh it's like with a pulse jack it's like it clicks and then i can run it [Music] basically [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] unfortunately after that run i couldn't run any more tests because i made the engine run for longer than it was prepared to so i melted and damaged a lot of components but who cares it worked i mean it was a 10 second run but it doesn't matter it worked so you can bet your asses on making your version too i have to confess that building a turbojet engine it's been a long dream of mine since it's my favorite engine i also think that there's no better way to understand how something works than building it i know not everyone watching my videos as a 3d printer at home to replicate this project and that's the reason why on my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was jericho and he suggested that as a half million sub celebration i could use a vacuum cannon to crush tomatoes i like that idea here you can see jekyll with his new 3d printer if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer now before i end the video i have to talk to you about ayush ayush is a young man from india that contacted me because he really wants a 3d printer but can't afford one he tried to build its own but it wasn't really working properly so in this video i decided to give away two 3d printers well this is everything for today thank you for watching and remember tomatoes are disgusting you got mail what dear mr integza my name is tomato lord jr you have killed my father prepare to die may the weathermen come to bring us sugar and tea and rum one day when the tongan is done we'll take our leave and go she hadn't been two weeks from shore when down on her right whaleboar the captain called all hands and swore he'd take that whale in tow soon may the weathermen come to bring us sugar and tea and rum one day when the tongan is done we'll take our leave and go
Channel: Integza
Views: 565,463
Rating: 4.9484019 out of 5
Id: qsvpU7G5IJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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