Tesla Turbine [Smoke Flow Slow Mo]

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this video was brought to you by blinkers [Music] forget about that for a second and imagine this scenario you're a farmer on the Year 500 AD and you're hungry you have no money no food but you do have a field full of wheat what do you do well that's a rhetorical question you make bread of course you grind the wheat mix it with east in water and you bake it okay but what if you have eight kids want to make some money and don't want to brand all that wheat by hand in that case you should probably build a windmill now you can grind a truckload of wheat and make a lot of bread that is a great idea and this is a turbine the turbine is a Rotarian mechanical device that rotates when it gets hit by a moving gas or liquid basically a reversed fan that can be wind water steam or the exhaust gas from a combustion nowadays turbines are still used to make flour but their main purpose is producing electricity to do that they can use something as simple as a small DC motor you attach the turbine to the motor find a way to make it spin and you get electricity of course the setup will only get you so far to get more juice out of this you'll need a better turbine a better generator and the parent moving fluid and that raises an interesting question what is the best Center how can you get the most energy out of a moving fluid certaintly the best setup should be the one that is commonly used and 90% of the world's electricity is produced by steam turbines i steam turbine as it's straightforward as its own name you basically use it to boil water turn it into vapor and through the vapor against the blades of the turbine okay but what is the maximum amount of energy a steam turbine can generate well as it turns out it's not so much about the energy it can generate but the amount of energy it can convert on a steam turbine you transform the heat from burning coal or a nuclear reaction into useful work or movement that spins the electrical generator this means that you need to put energy in to get energy out the important factor here is the relationship between the two into that we call efficiency the efficiency of modern bladed turbines is about 90% and that's brilliant but modern bladed turbines are quite hard to manufacture they are comprised of several stages of blades with complex geometry luckily in the beginning of the 20th century someone came up with an idea that might be a better solution of course I'm talking about Nikola Tesla and the Tesla turbine in 1913 one of the most ingenious man to ever walk the face of the earth aka Nikola Tesla filed a patent for a steam turbine that he claimed and the 97% turbine efficiency this turbine was really different from any other turbines designed up until that point because in his construction had no plate at first look at Irvine with no play it seems like a car with no tires and that's because in a conventional turbine what makes the rotor spin is the pushing force that the fluid impinges on the angular plate but in the case of the Tesla turbine the mechanism of rotation is completely different instead of using the fluid to push on the blades the Tesla turbine uses its viscosity to drag a rotor comprised of several thin disks disks yeah this simple circles with a very small thickness this is possible due to the boundary layer effect which is a very fancy way of saying that fluids are sticky they stick themselves to solid object and the thicker they are the stickier they get this concept is used on the Tesla turbine by forcing the fluid to flow in a spiral that drags the disks in a circular motion in this way the rotor in fluid working the same plane so there's no abrupt changes on the path of the flow something that doesn't happen in actual turbines where the fluid and plates work in perpendicular planes what forces the fluid to drastically change this path now if after hearing all of this you're thinking but in taxa if the Tesla turbine is the best solution wouldn't it be used nowadays instead of the conventional turbines well yes and no the Tesla turbine is not perfect it has big disadvantages like the shilling was is at high speed in the low torque output but just because an idea is not used from the get-go he doesn't mean it's a bad idea electric cars were invented a long time ago but only now are they receiving the attention they deserve and that's because someone decided to put in the effort to develop the technology I'm no Allen math but I'm a very curious Punk so guys let's put some effort into this if you follow this channel you probably know that I have built two tesla turbines in the path and by built i mean i 3d printable this will be my third attempt at 3d printing a Tesla turbine and this time I want to make things a little bit different the first thing that is different is the 3d printing technology in the past I used FTM 3d printing in which plastic is melted then use to draw layer by layer the desired part this time I will be using LCD 3d printing in which liquid resin is cured using UV light this technology allows for greater precision which will produce a Tesla turbine with less leaks than the ones before to 3d printer parts I will use my 3 LCD 3d printers being the first one Burroughs owner Joe the second one the elgu Mars which will be properly baptized by the end of this video and the Anat n for which is a new member of the family and in my opinion the most beautiful of them all I also want to build a transparent Tesla turbine or TTT to run an experiment in which I will run a full smoke through the turbine and record it in slow motion if everything goes right I will be able to visualize the spiral inside the TTT and get ideas to better design the new one to build the transparent Tesla turbine I used a laser engraver called or tourmaster to engrave my casing design on a piece of plywood my plan was to trace the path of the casing so I could later use a table saw to cut it out there's only one teeny-tiny problem with that plan I don't have a table saw the only thing I have is this cheap electric saw that can barely cut lines into wood let alone more complex designs but anyway a table saw is just a table with a saw right I had a table I had a saw how hard could it be [Music] after losing an entire afternoon and a perfectly good table I am now the proud owner of the crappiest tables on the planet next I traced the casing outline on a piece of plywood and I cut it out [Music] you I also cut two pieces of acrylic that would make up for the transparent part of the TTT for the in light a 3d printed two-part an insert for the casing and a venturi nozzle to suck the smoke in a venturi nozzle takes advantage of the Bernoulli's principle which badly put say that when the speed of the fluid goes up the pressure goes down the pressure going down means that it sorts this is done by constricting the passage of fluid which speeds up the flow and creates a low-pressure zone so so so so so so need to cone oh so the pressure goes down exactly as it's shown this is just science that should be known universal rules that are set in stones now stop achieve its own speaking the truth into this microphone and turbulent flow cyclone destroy lies then I don't condone now way this music isn't over old town press the sub button if you want to hear it mound join me I don't want to be alone please after screwing everything in place and cutting out the excess acrylic off I already printed a bracket to find the center of the TTT and drilled the hole for the smoke to be exhausted now looking back I realize how unnecessary vent was because I could just simply use a marker in the ruler the casing is a square I used to read imprinting too much I have a problem the next step was to find the source of smoke and what a normal person would do is buy a cheap smoke machine but me being me I decided to use cigarette now I am aware of how stupid this idea sounds just saying it out loud makes me feel weird but this for the benefit of science besides every cigarette that I use here is not letting up on the mouth of an acne fast at 16 years old teenager is able to set up in used an air compressor to push air into the casing I lighted up a cig and record some footage after taking a look at the footage I realized the smoke was too thin thinking the problem was not having enough cigarettes I 3d printed the part to be able to use more cigarettes at once I called it a cigarette bouquet I'm not proud I just hope it works once more I set up everything in my basement and recorded the test this is the result nothing nothing happened except for the fire bouquet at the end this didn't help at all I had stupid ideas in the past but I think this one tops them all as it turns out the problem was coming from the venturi nozzle the constriction in the middle was making a turbulent flow that was dispersing the smoke what we need is a smooth laminar flow and to get that I 3d printed the inlet with a constant cross-section and I used my lungs now let me just say that I'm not encouraging you to smoke smoking is bad very bad I'm just doing this for science as you can see as the smoke enters the casing it generates a spiral that moves to the low-pressure zone present at the exhaust in an ideal scenario we would have a tight spiral that fills the entire casing and goes through most of the disk surface but that doesn't happen in this case in reality the fluid follows the curvature of the casing only in the outermost perimeters of the enclosure and then collapses in the shortest distance possible to the center this lowers the efficiency of the turbine considerably and to fix that it's necessary to use a better casing luckily for me Tesla already solved that problem with something called the volute casing Nikola Tesla was an amazing inventor and if you haven't noticed so far he is also my favorite just listen to this who springs to mind when you think of the archetypal inventor for many people is Thomas Edison but for others especially people who have themselves dabbed in inventing is Nikola Tesla this is a quote from the biography of Nikola Tesla by Margaret Cheney the original book is 422 pages long and as much as I would like to read the entire thing between my job making videos and pretending to have a social life I just don't really have the time the text I just read is actually from an app called Blinky's it transform big nonfiction books into blink that you can read or listen to in a matter of minute it's cool because it's like a trailer for the actual book but it still gives you the core message so far I read the biography of Nikola Tesla 18 minutes the laws of thermodynamics by Peter Atkins amazing book also only 18 minutes and if you want to know more about 3d printing I recommend the book called fabricated that gives you a rich overview of the technology and its amazing applications in only 12 minutes that's three books in under an hour that could be a train ride in which instead of staring at Instagram and getting angry that everyone is going to Ibiza except for you you could be learning and actually enjoying yourself if you're interested in you want to support my channel the first 100 people to click the link in the description below get a week of unlimited access to the app for free and twenty five percent discount on a full membership in a week you can read a lot of books trusty detector thank you for the chance back to the video in a patent filed on 1909 Nikola Tesla explains that the best way to get the highest efficiency out of a turbine is to create a gradual change in direction for the working fluid to accomplish that to use the volute casing an enclosure that gradually decreases its cross-section area and in that play smoothly guides the fluid to the exhaust port I never tried this design so let's see if it improves the end result because the casing is not everything I also decided to implement a convergent divergent nozzle at the inlet of the turbine this nozzle is commonly used in rockets and jet engines to accelerate the pressurized gas to supersonic speed with all the fury out of the way it's time to start printing some part i 3d modeled the new design and the standard one to serve as a control now it's probably a good time to tell you guys that I'm a beginner with SL a 3d printing and I'm telling you this because I made a lot of mistakes in this project for starters I once again tried to print the access and disks all in one part bad idea I had to use tons of support material and that messed up the dimensional tolerances I'm not saying it's impossible to print all rotor in one go it just really hard at least it came out better than my last attempt I wish that was the only mistake that I did but it wasn't much warping parson finished because I didn't put enough resin in the tank lay your shifting expansion problems badly cured part dimensional failures using the wrong resin and cutting myself while taking a part out of the printer these are all the mistakes that I did and I hope you are able to avoid them but after a while I tuned my process beginning at the slicer is important to use the recommended clearing times it's also important to orient the parts properly and the void supports in areas where you need dimensional precision like for example the axis of the turbine that needs to feed the ball bearings perfectly to avoid vibration after slicing everything you need to make sure the bed of the printer is properly leveled and all the screws are tied if everything goes well at the end of the print you can use a spatula to remove the part after that you should clean the part with alcohol and put them in the Sun for a while so they finish curing properly since I wasn't able to 3d print the rotor in one piece I had to redesign the whole thing and printed in two parts the disks and the axis I could only fit to this at one time in the printer and because I wanted the distant red and I only add enough red resin for one printer I used the anat and for to print 40 disks that's a lot of days and a lot of prints in the end the n84 behaved well all the disks came out with the exact same dimensions and it was easy to assemble them on the axis as support for the axis I used 60 millimeter ball bearings which are capable of reaching insanely high speed I printed out both casings and the respective late and also one convergent-divergent nozzle and one standard nozzle I assembled everything and I used my compressor to make the speed test I started off with the sender turbine and using my tachometer I measured about 15,000 rpm then I realized I had the compressor on two bars of pressure I crank that up to eight bars and I test it again [Music] reach the speed of 30 1000 rpm which basically beats the record of my first tesla turbine by 6,000 RPM next i tested the new design it only got to about 10,000 rpm it's not bad but there was no improvement I think the reason this design failed was the fact that the volute casing creates a big void at the outmost perimeter exactly where the flow is more laminar and efficient the flow goes towards the center in a more gradual way but at the cost of making the disk smaller in comparison with the diameter of the casing so for now the center design still wins because his tradition in this channel I also tested the turbine using my lungs and using only the power of my breath the standard turbine reached the speed of about 6,000 rpms I challenge you to do better because I also recorded some slow-mo footage of the turbine spinning I was able to compare the results from the digital tachometer with the speed I can calculate using the footage and a stopwatch it was pretty much the same next I printed a motor support and the Nexus Union which I used to fit a high speed DC motor on the turbine I used this and a load of 330 homes to measure the power output of the turbine [Music] the turbine produced about seven volts with the load which gives us a power output of about 0.15 watts as you can imagine this power output can't do much but that's not my goal anyway what I really want to do is improve the design bit by bit until I get the best set up the reason why I bother with this is because I know the Tesla turbine is very versatile and can be of great use if we put a little bit of effort into this we can find a way to make energy cheaper and cleaner for that I count with your support leave your opinions on the comments section below they are of great value to me because in the end of the day I'm just some guy with a few preachers trying to make a difference talking about 3d printers it's time to baptize the L goomar's on my last video I asked you guys to nickname my new resin 3d printer and as always you guys rose up to the challenge you commented a lot of suggestions but these are my top pigs we have bhasu which is a fictional name for Mars the more you know we have gooey Bruno for obvious reasons lil UV Fred goo lagoon El Guapo pretty much preface Marcia and igloo must in the end I sent the list with my favorites to my patrons at patreon and they chose the name El on bars which I quite like if you want to become my patron at patreon you can use the link in the description or the panel at the end of the video because I now have a new resin 3d printer I shall challenge you again to find an awesome nickname for her all you have to do is post a comment in the video with the nickname and subscribe to the channel if the nickname you posted is the one with more likes and this video surpasses 200,000 views you will get a praetor exactly like this for free so don't forget to Like share comment and subscribe well this is everything for today thank you for watching and until the next time bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Integza
Views: 1,078,017
Rating: 4.815712 out of 5
Keywords: science, Nikola Tesla, Tesla, Turbine, 3dprinted, 3dprinting, elegoo mars, anet n4, resin, uv, light, 3dprinter, engine, diy, venturi, slow, motion
Id: qL3kCawHMqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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