Hybrid Rocket Engine (3D printed Fuel)

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recently i've been beaten by the rocket engine bug i want to build a functioning rocket engine that produces a decent amount of thrust so far i got some results using 3d printed parts and some ingenuity but in most cases the engines burned down now a lot of people would call that a failure but to be fair failure is just a matter of perspective what if my goal is to burn the engines down this video was brought to you by blinkist a few videos ago i was testing one of my vortex rocket engines and as usual it burned down there's nothing special about that but even when i turned off the propane fuel the engine kept burning intensively i was only able to make it stop once i turned off the oxygen at first this was really weird to me but then it hit me the oxygen was using the resin from the rocket's body as fuel now this leads to a very obvious question can i 3d print rocket fuel and the answer as usual in this channel is i don't know but i'm gonna try those of you who know your rockets also know this is not a novelty rockets with a solid fuel in the gaseous or liquid oxidizer have been around for a long time and are called hybrid rocket engines this kind of engine fits pretty nicely between the solid rocket engines and the liquid bracket engines it's called hybrid because it has elements of both its neighbors a solid fuel makes them mechanically simpler and safer while the liquid oxidizer makes them throttle the big problem with solid rocket engines is the fact you can't throttle them once ignition starts it burns until all the propellant is gone propellant is what you call the mixture of fuel and oxidizer liquid rocket engines on the other hand are throttable but involve a lot of complex parts which makes them really hard to build the hybrid rocket engine seems like the obvious choice for me so my next step was to 3d print some fuel i found this interesting geometry online composed of a double helix a small chamber and a bell-shaped nozzle that is supposedly very efficient to burn solid fuel i tried my best to replicate it using 3d modeling and i 3d printed it using common uv resin i made three rockets with different nozzle diameters as a method of ignition i use those sparkly things you put on top of birthday cakes i don't know how to say it in english to be honest i don't even know how to say it in portuguese i set up the rockets on a linear rail and gave them a test [Music] [Music] it's not it's not really not really combusting the entire engine but it's still pretty cool birthday cake oh [Music] yay okay the resin burned pretty well but i still don't have what i want thrust i mean i guess resin is not as powerful as a fuel as i thought i don't know a lot about solid fuels the only other time that i used solid fuels was when i made my sugar rockets and as the obvious name indicates they used sugar as the fuel it actually worked pretty well sugar is pretty powerful as a fuel [Music] what solution what you have a solution to my problem you have a solution for my fuel wait solution for my fuel i could make a solution a mix of sugar and resin that would give me a 3d printable super powerful fuel yes yes indeed but first i needed to make sure i could burn the sugar with gaseous oxygen and i could after that was known i decided to mix uv resin with sugar because i had no idea if this was going to print at all i made solutions with different percentages of sugar the first one had 10 sugar and i called it sweet brush the second at 30 sugar and i called it sugar punch the third one was 50 enriched and i called it candy ball and the last one was 70 sugar and i called it diabetic explosion actually the last one was very thick it didn't even look like resin anymore it looked like glaze you put on cakes i was pretty sure it wouldn't print but it actually did i mean it was a mess and i wasn't able to test it but still pretty impressive the rest of the rockets actually didn't print that bad so i took them to the attic and gave them a test okay oxygen i think the sugar is actually making a difference but it's funny because it started like burning very slowly at the beginning and then it accelerated and you can tell there's like there's a big portion of sugar burning out there's a sweet smell yes it smells like caramel i'm not i'm not even joking it actually smells like caramel anyway to the 30 percent let's do this okay time to test the 30 rocket which is being baptized as sugar punch [Music] okay that's scrange let's test the rocket did you see that katrina it moved it moved yeah it's still not the best design though but he moved a little bit oh it did i'm curious to see what the 50 will do let's go [Music] there's a hole through the engine i truly need to change the design yes i needed to change the design the exotic double helix crane was not burning the fuel evenly so to make sure i would get a better burn i 3d printed two simpler grains one with the dual valve nozzle and another one with the aerospike nozzle that took a long time to finish that was pretty amazing i mean it's still not producing any thrust look it ate it ate the the rocket from the inside out the resin is not too bad as a fuel it's not too energetic but it works it burns and it produces like an exhaust that's cool enough i guess getting there and oxygen and is broke it was kind of an interesting show then it accelerated because it got more surface area why am i not uh putting this fire out oh you bastard sponsor time my grandfather always used to say tomatoes are disgusting which is 100 true but he also used to say always use the right tool for the right job which is very helpful advice for example if i'm crushing a tomato i like to use my own hands but if the task at hand is to choose a book i like to use blinkist blinkist is an app on your phone that condenses books into blinks that you can't read or listen to in a matter of minutes if you have no time to read the entire book you can use blinkist as a way to save time and get only the raw information but you can also use blinkist as a sort of a trailer for the original book which also guarantees that you're not wasting your money i recently listened to the rocketman by robert kearser while i was 3d modelling the parts for this video it's a motivating book that tells the story about the apollo 8 mission and the first man that got moon sand on their shoes blinkist is a great tool and not at all expensive if you're interested the first 100 people to click the link www.blinkies.com will get unlimited access for a week and 25 discount if you decide to go for the full membership by using the link in the description down below you're not only making yourself more efficient but also helping me make more videos like this and to that i say duncan back to the video okay so the sugar in wrist resin is working much better and the simple grain helps the fuel burn in an even way but i'm still not getting thrust enough maybe 3d printing my own fuel was just a bad idea are you giving up no i'm not a coward so i heard you caught some of my killers by killers do you mean those little ninjas that were attacking me since the beginning of the video i killed almost all of them you bastard and the rest of them are you keeping them prisoners [Music] yeah prisoners what do you want in return for them you know what i want no come on you have to say it fine hey guys don't forget to subscribe to integza and smash that like button that was wonderful okay now give me my killers no there's something missing and you know it what the epiphany i make those by accident you want me to just come up with a solution for your stupid plastic rockets here on the spot it's not plastic it's sugar and rich razor wait wait i haven't tried plastic that actually might work i'm a genius no you're disgusting and by the way i killed all your tomatoes you deceiving little prick i'll get you for this in texas the plastic that i chose was abs because it's abundant and derived from petroleum which in some degree should make it a good fuel i 3d printed some different grains using the not jordan at 100 infill after they were done i gave them a go wow the light did you see the light i saw rob wow wow that's amazing oh god it sounded like a demon like crying out from hell [Applause] [Music] my god it smells like burnt tires ignition happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday mr rocket and it's over jesus christ that's that's right that's so bright who needs a fire extinguisher when you have my lives don't smoke that [Music] it is i the rocket man okay give me something rocket look at that wow it's i can't sing this it's copyrighted okay so the abs fuel was much more powerful than i was expecting and bright and when i say bright i mean really really bright it was able to illuminate my entire attic i think abs is a great fuel to keep on testing but first i need to make some upgrades firstly i need a nozzle so i guess on the next video i'll be testing some different geometry nozzles to convert all that energy into thrust also i need a strong body for the rocket and i also need a better setup to test the engines yeah i think i can get some real power out of that 3d printed fuel now i know that not everyone watching my videos has a 3d printer at home to print some rocket fuel and that is just not right to diminish the problem in my last video i gave away a 3d printer to the most liked comments suggesting a theme for a future video the winner was wall c2 and he suggested that i could build a cnc co2 laser well i could use some cnc machines actually i gave away another 3d printer doing a challenge in my discord server and the winner was master wheel which was kind enough to live stream the unboxing of his new 3d printer if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a brand new 3d printer you can also join us in the in-text discord server link in the description down below well this is everything for today i hope you enjoyed the video and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya and i can't eat stop i can't stop eating tomatoes you should guys we're gonna show you how our power come on let's go wait wait oh hey you can can you see it [Music] power power has no battery do you mean gas yes because the lighter would have battery used to fit gear
Channel: Integza
Views: 322,429
Rating: 4.9627113 out of 5
Id: bsmBur9iVxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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