Golden Ratio Turbine 3D Printed

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video was brought to you by squarespace biomimetics nature's design in the 30th of june of 1885 somewhere in austria a baby was born he didn't stay like that for a long time and eventually became a boy called victor victor liked to spend his time in the middle of the forest what makes sense since his father was a forest superintendent he liked to touch the trees feel the wind on his face and most of all observe the water water makes up seventy percent of the world's surface and seventy percent of the human's body but victor didn't know that at the time he just liked to look at it and admire how water flows through the rocks interacting with the fish and slowly molding the landscape around it victor quickly understood the power within water so he kept observing and observing and observing the years passed by and victory the boy became victor schaubager the waterbender literally viktor xiaobega developed many devices that bended water either to produce energy or propulsion and even if the final goal of these devices was different the root principle was the same the natural flow of water is not a straight line but instead a spiral vortex of course this principle is absurd it doesn't take much to look at a river and realize that water is not flowing in a spiral or is it water is liquid what means that it flows as liquids do and as far as flow goes there are two main types laminar flow that consists of smooth parallel lines that are beautiful to see and as rare in nature as a yeti playing a banjo and turbulent flow a chaotic disarray of water molecules that flow in a random way and it's everywhere including rivers one particular characteristic of turbulent flow is the appearance of small spots of rotating liquid that form localized vortices and that is called vorticity you may not be able to see them since water is transparent but they are there we have established that vortices are common in natural flow but only at the micro level what about flow that completely takes the shape of a spiral if you ever wash the dishes you know that when you empty out your sink there's a natural tendency for a vortex to appear that happens because the drain acts as a constriction that due to the conservation of momentum accelerates the already present spiny motion this progressively increases the rotation of water what creates a macro vortex flow a vortex flow is a mesmerizing thing to watch but it's also a very useful one and that utility comes from the simple fact that water and air always move together so here i have two bottles in the connector that i 3d printed using the nut jardin in the bottom one i have water and if i want to transfer this water to the other bottle well i just need to flip them and gravity will take care of the rest very slowly because of the constriction the air will cut the flow of water but there's another way to do it if i impinge a little bit of circular motion in the water a vortex will generate which will basically speed up the process let's try it [Music] the vortex pushes the water to the outmost perimeters of the bottle through the magic of the centrifugal force this creates a center pathway for the air to flow without interfering with the water adding some particles to the flow allows us to better understand the double flow and realize that we actually have two concurrent vortices one made of water and the other made of air both interacting harmoniously without disrupting the other biomimetics describes the intuitive tendency that humans have to solve problems using solutions that already exist in nature we wanted to fly so we looked at birds and we copy their wings there are many examples of humans copying nature but my favorite one involves spirals water and mathematics in the year 1202 an italian mathematician published a book called liber abachi where it described the ideal growth for a colony of rabbit the mathematician was fibonacci and the growth of rabbits was modeled using the fibonacci sequence the fibonacci sequence is a group of numbers where each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it if you take these numbers and you represent them graphically using squares you get a spiral now you're probably thinking integza that's just a made up sequence that creates a made up spiral what does that have to do with nature and to that i say sunflowers sunflowers had a serious problem to solve they have a limited amount of space to grow seeds and they wanted to grow as many as they can to improve the chances of sunflower babies if you approach this problem with a linear perspective you will waste a lot of space the ideal solution is to rotate each seed as they grow but by how much at you can try different rotation values and see what results you can get maybe f rotation maybe 3.14 rotations which is pi or maybe 1.618 rotations now that looks good or better yet that looks golden as you can imagine i didn't come up with this number randomly in fact i didn't come up with this number at all this number is the golden ratio and is the ratio that is followed by sunflowers and also by the fibonacci sequence and that is the reason why the fibonacci spiral is actually called the golden spiral you can find many examples of the golden spiral in nature and the reason why that happens is a mystery to me but here's an idea what if i took the golden spiral projected it into 3d space and then 3d printed it i'll be right back sponsor time hello hello hello my name is integza and my goal in life is to conquer ziwell so far i conquered my house i conquered my room the living room the bathroom and the kitchen also i have my eyes put on my neighbor's house of course that if i want to conquer the entire world i need some help so i created a website called where i'm recruiting people to help me conquer the entire globe to create the website i used a very useful website building platform called squarespace where you can create any kind of website very easily they have great tools that allow me to do the email campaigns share ideas in the social media and most important of all receive donations sorry about that if you also need the website you can go to for the free trial and when you're ready to launch you can go to to save 10 of your first purchase at the website or domain come on do it the world won't conquer itself back to the video [Music] now this is a beautiful shape it kind of looks like a lily flower or at least his inventor thought so when he came up with his name this is the lil impeller and was invented by j armand in 1996. nowadays is used as a high-efficiency water mixer for giant tanks of water but it was meant to be used as an impeller an impeller just like a propeller is an actual element that produces thrust but the big difference is that the propeller pushes the water while an impeller well impels it to better illustrate this concept and kill my curiosity let's build a water tank attach this little impeller to a motor and do some tests [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay guys we're ready to do some tests i'll put now the lilly impeller into the motor shaft let's fill it up with water doesn't seem to be leaking all that much uh i'll connect the power supply now let's test it [Music] come on that's cool now i'll put uh some of those confetti thingies so we can visualize the flow three two one as you can see the lil impeller pushes the water downward what creates a low pressure at the center at the same time its rotation impinges a circular motion to the water these two things combined create a steady vortex that is able to mix the water in the entire tank so i'm going to switch the cables so the turbine spins the other way around to see if i see on any changes or i don't know i just want to try it okay okay let's try it this way in three two one even when rotating it in the opposite direction the water is still displaced outward but this time in a positive angle the result is mostly the same because we still get a recirculating flow that starts at the bottom is pushed to the top and because of the low pressure at the center ends up flowing into the impeller again which means that in the end the vortex is still generated this fascinated me but at the same time i kind of looked familiar because the behavior of flow was in almost everything identical to one of the most used pumps in the world the centrifugal pump to test my hypothesis i 3d printed a simple centrifugal pump and tested it on the tank my suspicion was confirmed they basically behave in the exact same way as a pump the big difference here is the reversibility because the little impeller can also be used as a turbine instead of being the impeller moving the fluid what about the fluid powering the impeller here you can see a small spiral turbine with a similar geometry to the little impeller being driven by smoke as the smoke passes through the turbine it changes direction gradually and loses most of its kinetic energy which means the kinetic energy is going to the turbine at this point the idea of making a wind turbine using this geometry became irresistible to me so i 3d printed one [Music] the turbine was ready and for once i wanted to test it with actual wind instead of using my air compressor my first test was on the beach because even i need some vitamin d from time to time it was actually windy but the turbine didn't perform well getting to one vault was a dream out of reach thinking i needed more wind i went to where the wind is supposed to be today we are here to return this baby turbine to his natural habitat with its family where it belongs with its big sisters so i do not i drove 20 miles from my house because i'm thinking it's exit you record too much inside the house what about instead of using a hair compressor you use actual wind to test the turbine right so i think where can i find wind well at a wind farm in a wind farm i can certainly find wind well i was wrong not not the slightest breeze i'm just unlucky jesus i had no wing to test the turbine so i did what i normally do i used my air compressor and that was when i realized my mistake the reason i could barely get to one volt was because i was using a high speed motor as a generator this type of motor gets to almost 20 000 rpm using just 3 volts which also means that to use it as a generator and get 3 volts it needs to spin at almost 20 000 rpm and even with my compressor i was only getting an output speed of about 2300 rpm using that motor was a bad idea but most dc motors behave like this so if i wanted to use a dc motor as a generator i needed to find a way to increase the output speed so i used gears to solve my problem i bought some dc motors with planetary gearboxes with ratios of 1 to 30. that means 30 times more speed even turning them slowly was getting me over 3 volts it seemed like i found my solution but i didn't you see i forgot the law of equivalent exchange yeah i got more speed but i also got a lot more resistance it was really hard to turn the axis of the geared motors there was no way the turbine was going to produce that much torque i was running out of ideas the desperation of a failed project was beginning to take over you're a loser in texas you again if you can't finish the project nobody is going to subscribe to your crappy channel i bet you won't even find a good generator and you know what that means no likes no shares no nice comments telling you the project was cool this is the sterling engine project all over again hey i was able to make the sterling agent work okay the sterling engine that's it thank you evil voice that represents my fears and anxieties wait what in my last video i 3d printed the sterling engine but i also have a metal one with the generator sterling engines are not that fast and don't produce a lot of torque so i stole the motor on the engine and i copied the pulley system i 3d printed a pulley in resin and also a support for the motor i assembled everything and gave it a test okay so i'm gonna do a little test with the air gun to see how many volts i can get with a new system of pulleys and the new motor okay in three two one that was a nice improvement i got almost 15 volts and that was more than enough to power a small led light i had laying around but to be honest led lights don't take a lot of current and as one of you guys told me on instagram it's not about the voltage it's all about the power so one of you guys suggested that i put some load on the generator so i can know for sure if i'm getting a decent amount of power so what i did was connect this led light bulb and a 330 homes resistor i'm going to test it see the voltage drop and try and calculate the power yep let's see with a 33 ohms resistor and a voltage drop of about 9 volts we get a flowing current of 30 million pairs and an output power of 0.25 watts a quarter of a watt are you kidding me enough of this if the mountain won't go to muhammad then muhammad must go to the mountain wind is just air moving relatively to stop right if the air won't move it's time to move the stop so i took my little turbine made of fragile pla on a 75 kilometers per hour trip 75 kilometers per hour wind is what you call a gale-in-wind terminology and it looks like this you might not get it because of the shutter speed of the camera but the turbine is spinning insanely fast and of course that in these circumstances the outcome could only be won yeah the turbine exploded and all my work ended up on the trash bin i could right away print another one but i took this time to think and meditate and that's when it came to me of course from the start i was taking the direct way that's easy way when i should be taking a more step-by-step approach the answer was in front of me the entire time stepper motors they are low speed high power motors mostly used in 3d printers to control the position of the axes this reignited my wheel to make a good wind turbine i was anxious to test my hypotheses so as usual i sacrificed my first 3d printer after stealing a stepper motor from melina i measured the output voltage and current and i was getting pretty decent results just by turning the axis with my hand but before i could use it i needed to fix the current coming out this type of motor is a common nema 17 motor and it has four wires coming out each pair of wires outputs a beautiful sinusoidal wave that is completely useless to me what i need is to turn those waves into a flat line and to do that i used a full bridge rectifier i actually used two one for each pair of wires and i linked them in parallel to get more current after using my crappy soldering skills to unite all the components i gave it another hand test and things were looking pretty promising the generator was looking good but i had no turbine since i had to print a new one i decided to go bigger so i maxed out my printer's volume and printed a monster turbine with 220 millimeters in diameter if you're wondering why the turbine has the color scheme of a 90's track suit well it wasn't by choice i ran out of filament two times during the print being left with only green piala in the end i had to print the colossus support for the turbine in the most common collar in nature when designing the turbine support i created two motor mounts one for the direct drive and another to drive the motor with gears just in case i needed to step up the torque a little bit i 3d printed two beautiful red gears in resin with a ratio of two to one after that i put the whole thing together when i woke up rolling in the driver and found john's out hitting on the liquor again they want to laid about half past ten when he let loose for the cat right there with the new turbine ready it was time to run some tests i used my compressor to test the turbine using the direct drive and the geared one i used a load of 57 homes and the option that resulted in the higher power output was the direct drive one with 1.75 watts it's not an enormous amount of power but after coupling a power converter to the system that stepped down the voltage to 5 volts and increased the current i could now charge my headphones my phone and a small spark generator i'm not gonna lie i was pretty proud of how the turbine turned out so once more i decided to take it on a ride but this time slower i place the turbine on top of my minivan and i use the roof as a way to fix it in place i know it's not a great idea but it worked as i started moving the turbine started to rotate even with speeds as low as 30 kilometers per hour the turbine would many times accelerate in an explosive way spinning so fast that the noise became scary 30 kilometers per hour is a good test speed because it's not at all uncommon in nature at this speed the turbine could easily charge my sister's phone and light up the red light at the same time i actually found out that for low loads and wind speeds of about 30 kilometers per hour the turbine is able to output as much as 8 watts if i use it to charge batteries using natural wind i might get a decent amount of energy out of it but for now i need to wait for natural wind if you're wondering why i started the video talking about the power of water and i ended up building a wind turbine well let's just say that i have a plan to use this turbine with another one to create an awesome hydraulic generator but for now i need more time i know not everyone has a 3d printer at home to replicate this project and that's the reason why my last video i promised to give away a 3d printer to the comment with more likes baptizing my hot air engine car the winner was angus from maker's muse that gave the name of dp bird to the car congratulations angus you just won yourself a 3d printer i'm just kidding the last thing that angus needs is another 3d printer the actual winner was a subscriber from brazil named lucas and he baptized the car the bull he actually sent me a picture where standing next to the printer and thinking inezka i don't know who that is but i'm really happy you received the printer if you also want to win a 3d printer all you need to do is subscribe to the channel leave a like on this video and post a comment suggesting a theme for a future video the most liked comment will receive a 3d printer and i will make a video about that subject well this is everything for today i hope you enjoyed the video and remember tomatoes are disgusting see ya [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
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Views: 742,556
Rating: 4.8949471 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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