Do I REGRET Buying a Tesla?? (Model Y after 50k Miles)

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[Music] foreign [Music] ever since we got our Tesla in March of 2021 our lives have never been the same from being able to wake up every morning with the full battery so I never need to go to a dirty gas station or wait in this Costco lines ever again to test this amazing technology like they're full self-driving where the car drives on its own on long road trips reducing driver fatigue so when I arrive to my destination I'm just chilling to all the awesome software updates that makes the car better every time and we can't forget there have been no issues charging on road trips because of their crazy and well-planned supercharging network I mean there are Chargers everywhere it also shows the status of the Chargers on the screen and new foods or bathrooms nearby eliminating any range anxiety so overall I've been very happy with my purchase for the most part but then this article caught my eye by Tom from Tom's guide wait is this the Tom from Tom's No I can't be anyways Tom put out an article that he drove his Tesla for more than 1 000 miles and will never buy a Tesla he hates the minimalist interior the way the Tesla locks and unlocks the turn signals the lack of Apple carplay or Android auto ditto on that one and a few other stuff and I'm all for anyone's opinion but it got me thinking do I regret buying my Testa without the crap I went through and am I the only black sheep do others feel that way so I ended up asking 10 people around my neighborhood who own Teslas how their experience is and if they had any issues and the results will surprise you what is up guys it's Chris with everyday Chris and welcome back to my channel the number one place for Tesla Tech and everyday life make sure to slap that subscribe button and hit the like button for the YouTube algorithm so I've talked about all the good stuff of the test let's talk about the bad stuff that happened with Daddy chill AKA my Tesla Model y long range now one of the craziest right off the bat was when my high voltage giant battery pack died and I wasn't able to charge the car or driver for over a week but I'm gonna go into that in a second now there were a lot of minor issues with the Tesla Model y like the trunk opening and then sagging down a little bit and when I did take it in to test the service for them to fix it twice in the end it was never fixed and it just said it was within spec which has been Tesla's motto it's within spec because other cars are like that but really it isn't and we can't forget about the horrible quality control and fit and finish issues they came with the car like this Jagged trunk piece that again looked like it was sawed off by hand but when I told the service people they said it's within spec now I've logged in almost 45 000 miles probably almost 50 000 miles soon after all the road trips we have planned and in the two years we owned the car and again I've had my share of bad experiences but overall it wasn't too bad so let's start with me and warning this isn't a Tesla Fanboy rant or drinking the musk Kool-Aid I'm going to be 100 transparent now it already started when I purchased my Tesla now when you get a Tesla I do love the fact that it's not like any other car dealer you order it online there's no hassles no issues and you get an estimated date and that's it eventually there's a window of when your car will arrive and that window gets smaller and smaller and then eventually you get a VIN number and a text from someone to schedule a pickup date and here's where I already went to hell I remember that I told them I wanted to pick up the car in person so I can inspect it they said sure but then a few days later in my app it was scheduled for a home delivery I had to call them back again ask them to change it it was just a little Annoying and that just doesn't stop there we even had a friend who had a VIN for like a month and like most people who has a tester for the first time they don't know the small secrets and small details like if you get a VIN number that means you're probably gonna get your car within a week or so so you should be ready however nobody called them for an entire month so when they finally called because I told them to they said that the car has been there so just come and get it now bruh now I'm not saying it's all bad when we got our Tesla Model X I told them that we wanted to inspect it and they listened but they had to cancel my delivery day because of a recall but that's not really their fault and aside from that the overall delivery experience was amazing and again if everyone had bad experiences you're probably hearing about it a lot more what about you guys have you guys had any bad delivery day experiences let me know in the comments below yeah when we got our Tesla Model y we picked it up in this parking structure because it was during coveted times we inspected the vehicle and for a car that's been out for over two years the build quality wasn't that bad panels were aligned paint looked good aside from a few issues like recessed door handles and that Jagger trunk piece like we talked about we were pretty good for the most part and again I have a deliberative video on all that stuff like a hundred mile fit and finish warranty stuff so check out my delivery Day videos for that when we were about to pay for the car because it's Tesla and Tesla is all about technology they of course offered payment in the form of of a direct deposit online easily through your phone all you have to do is input your banking account information and you're done we came home I was vibing it was our first Tesla it was so much fun and then the next day reality kicked in and I found out something horrible I don't know if you saw it on the news but they ended up charging us twice for our car as in a double charge it's a crazy ordeal not because of what happened but because of the customer service first off there's no real number to call aside from your sales advisor and I called the delivery Center the sales Center and they all gave me the runaround saying that it's a pending charge so don't worry it should cancel in a day or so but a day or so went by and it definitely went through and it left us with no money in our bank account and we were freaking out and honestly with Tesla this is Tesla's Achilles heel way back when like years ago when I heard about Tesla I thought Tesla had the best customer service like Chick-fil-A status they had a red a carpet for you when you accept your car they had a ball they clap to make a big deal out of it and they make it a very enjoyable experience and yeah yeah I know with a lot of volume Tesla produces it's impossible to provide that service for everybody but it may be a lot of volume to them but to you and me it's like one car and maybe even our first real car purchase ever so it wasn't until the news got involved where people from corporate finally called me and followed up with me to make sure I got my money back oh and for the trouble they did throw in a 200 store credit to use in their Tesla store I mean it's still better than nothing but yeah you know there's a saying you can never get another first impression and Tesla's customer service for that experience was downright horrible but you know don't hold the grudge Life's Too Short just move on and live your life and live our lives we did [Music] it [Music] worked out perfectly and if you haven't seen any of my Tessa road trip videos my wife and I don't plan on having any real kids so our first son Simba is unfortunately currently fighting cancer and there's no way we're ever going to leave him alone and have like a magical honeymoon in Hawaii so we brought the vacation to him using the Tesla we went to Oregon twice we went to Arizona basically anywhere where there's water so Simba can enjoy his best life and although his cancer is getting worse we're honestly taking it day by day just basing it off of his energy level to make sure he lives the best life he can so in our first year of owning our Tesla Model why we logged in over for twenty thousand miles and had zero issues and then in July of 2022 which is just a little over a year of owning the car something really weird happened we literally just got back from eating and the car was parked in a parking lot we then went into the car and I got a notification saying that the charge level was reduced and it's still okay to drive I thought it was really weird I didn't really think much of it I thought maybe it was just a glitch or something and the car needed to restart so I restarted it I tried plugging it in but I got the dreaded red Tesla logo saying that it was unable to charge but again I was really hopeful I thought maybe if it just went into a deep sleep it'll be fine but when I woke up it had the same issue I was unable to charge I have a whole video on it it's a huge thing but long story short there was some sort of fault in the high voltage battery so I had to get it replaced so it was pretty much the equivalent of having a gas car and not being able to fill up gas so in a normal person's perspective that's a pretty urgent service issue right well wrong when I tried to schedule an appointment and first off I can't even talk to anyone in person so I have to do it through the app and the latest earliest appointment was like over a week out which is not gonna work I mean I had to go to work I have to live my life it's not like I had a spare car lying around so I did some research online and people were saying to call emergency tests of roadside service since technically it's not really drivable so I did and I was on hold for a super long time when I finally spoke to someone they were super caring they said they could tow their car to the service center now or I could drive there and they'll let them know that I'm coming anyways I mean again you could watch the other video for the super details but the way that they handled it wasn't the best I mean the car isn't drivable wouldn't it make sense to give me a Tesla loaner in the meantime but they only said they could give me a loaner if the car is being serviced currently which it wasn't because they're waiting for the battery so essentially they said you could either drive the car till the battery gets really low and then come back when the battery is ready or you can possibly hold the car for you just let it sit in the parking lot and we can get you an Enterprise Rental which is like a gas car I am super glad that they did offer the Enterprise Rental which is still better than nothing but I mean still so again if I had to say one negative thing about Tesla it's their service policies when I'm actually at the service center the workers are accommodating they're super caring and they do whatever they can in their power they're super nice about everything honestly and the Tesla Service Center in Irvine which is where I go to it's like family over there everyone there is so nice they're always willing to help and I really appreciate that but again I feel like there's a disconnect somewhere along the line because I'll put in a service issue and they say they fixed it but then when I look at it it looks the exact same and then when I tell them that's the same they'll tell me that it's actually with inspect and supposed to be that way which is super annoying but honestly is it just me or as my wife puts it do I have the YouTube curse so I had to do some research I live in Orange County which is the number one place with Teslas I asked 10 people about the X experiences with their Tesla some had model X's but mostly it was threes and wise they also have other non-testas they only have one Tesla so they aren't crazy test the Fanboys and the results were actually really surprising I asked all my neighbors how long they had the car how many miles from the car and how many issues they had major and minor so let's start with neighbor number one he had his Tesla for about nine months he totaled around seven thousand miles and he had three minor service issues and for him he had a model y long range neighbor number two had his model y performance for over a year and you logged in over 29 000 miles with zero issues minus the original fit and finish issues that came from Factory which was really minor and I think they did it at his home which is a win labor number three had his model wide performance for about five months and he logged in about 5 000 miles and again zero issues neighbor number four had his model y long range for over a year he had two small fitted finish issues and you logged in over 26 000 miles neighbor number five had his testimony performance for over a year logged in over 15 000 miles and only had one small fit and finish issue so so far everyone really just has that small fin finish issue and no major complaints which is actually really good neighbor number six had their brand new mono wire for a few months with again zero issues I mean come on how come I'm the only one with issues uh that's so save that for another day labor number seven had her model y for about one and a half years she had four to five issues but nothing affecting the actual Driving Experience and she's logged in around 27 000 miles neighbor number eight had his model X for four years he had around three to four service issues nothing major he said but mostly he's complaining a lot about the cost of Tire Replacements neighbor number nine had his model three for seven months with only 9 000 miles on it and he had a total of a whopping eight service appointments due to issues that kept popping up like squeaking condensation in the headlights body alignment issues and he drives a model three and lastly the winner neighbor number 10 had his for over two years he commutes a lot he drove a total of 56 000 miles with zero [Music] service issues not even a fit and finish issue all he had was a flat tire and Tessa keeps calling him to tell him that he has to replace some o-ring in his trunk due to a recall and he drives a model 3. so overall it's amazing I mean these people had their Teslas they've been driving it and they really haven't had any issues I feel like for me I just got a lemon and something happened but that's actually really good so when I asked him how they felt about Tesla and how they felt about Tesla's service they did say Tesla servers can use some work because of how busy they are and there's never any loaners available but they do love the mobile service visits and how they can fix most of their issues from the comfort of their own home overall none of them had any major issues like me and they're very happy with their purchase however I did throw in a curveball and I asked him if they'd get another Tesla or a different electric car brand and a lot of them said they did still like having at least one gas car so do I regret buying a Tesla no I think if I had to take my car in for service more I'd say the quality of cars aren't worth the headache and hassle but honestly it hasn't been that bad it's just that when I'm there for service I'd expect a loaner car for a long service not just Uber credits I also don't like how they set all be done in a day but it always always takes longer now they are trying to do better their app shows the status of your repair which is highly inaccurate but it's still nice they now have service members that work around the clock like a graveyard shift so they can work on tests more but overall it does seem like there are some initial quality control issues that Tesla fixes for free but after you just drive the car and there's nothing to worry about no timing belts no oil changes nothing again it could be OCD but one of my neighbors is the most OCD because he is a user interface engineer so he's all about the small details and he hasn't had any issues with his model y either I mean we love Tesla so much roostin got a model X and someone asked me why I didn't get something nicer for a similar price range like a BMW IX which is super sexy and with Tesla opening their superchargers to non-testless in the near future and other cars having full self-driving features you would think I would want another car but then I said but does these cars have dog mode and I think that's what makes Tesla so unique and why they're one of the highest selling vehicles in the world they have so many Nifty features with their software updates the fun Easter eggs and the self-driving is what makes tests so awesome overall the service may be hit or miss but the car itself is solid time will tell and I'll most definitely do a hundred thousand mile video update but overall we're very happy with our Tesla anyways guys thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Everyday Chris
Views: 336,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla model y, model y review, model y, new tesla model y, new tesla, 2022 tesla model y, tesla review, tesla regrets, tesla model 3 review, tesla model y delivery, tesla autopilot, tesla model y interior, model y tesla, 2021 tesla model y, model y long range, model y interior, tesla model y review 2023
Id: 7GmiRMXkBxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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