Mechanic Reviews a Tesla Model Y. The TRUTH About Tesla.

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hello and welcome to the car care Out reviews Channel and welcome to a Tesla Model y a video that I have been wanting to do since day one of this channel in today's video we're going to do a proper technical review on the Tesla we're going to look at the inside the outside some things that are good some things that are not good in a fashion that you typically do not see in typical car reviews without further Ado let's get right into it [Music] let's start our technical review under the hood oh um just give me a moment there that's much better now I can understand what what well let's talk about the Tesla powertrain and something about electric cars that you need to know about every electric car is basically a simple recipe giant battery electric motor you send power to this electric motor the car moves you cut power from it it stops that's basically the recipe for every single electric car there's really nothing Cutting Edge about that car is very big you don't have an engine you don't have a transmission you have all kinds of space for a giant battery but here's where Tesla magic is and really any electric car and this is how you should gauge electric cars the thermal management system and this is where Tesla takes the competition shakes their hand tells them welcome to the 1920s that's where their technology is compared to this this is where this truly shines let's talk about thermal management for a moment why is it important Lithium-ion batteries are very tricky to manage they don't like cold weather they don't like hot weather they want to be exactly where they want to be so in the case of cars if you're in cold climate well the battery is too cold if you're in hot climate well the battery is too hot and then when you charge the battery it heats up when you let it sit for too long it's too cold and and the tricky part is how do you manage the battery temperature ideally and without becoming counterproductive people will say well sure we'll just put heaters in a giant cooling system well at some point to run this system it's going to become counterproductive where your range drop and here is the other problem with electric cars HVAC CNN gasoline engine you have a heat generator the engine I don't care how cold it is outside the minute you start the engine you have heat generated in electric cars there's no heat generator so how do you warm up the battery and how do you warm up the people inside the car that's the biggest challenge and this is also where Tesla takes things to the next level especially in the model y the earlier ones they had also breaking technology but here this is the latest and possibly the craziest system you'll ever see in an electric car and in order for us to understand Tesla's magnificent system of thermal management we have to go back to basics that have nothing to do with cars a subject that is fascinating to me might be boring to many but bear with me we're going to keep this extremely simple so this would all make sense thermodynamics I'm not a scientist I am not a physics expert but I'll share with you my humble education here thermodynamics up to a certain point there's no such thing as cold per se there is heat and there's less Heat keep that in mind for a moment so if I take an apple that is frozen at zero degrees and I put another Apple next to it at negative 30 degrees there is a tendency of the Apple that is at zero degrees to transfer heat to the one that is negative 30. simply because the negative 30 apple is colder or has less heat so even though they're both Frozen and super cold the one that is colder will want to transfer take heat away from the one that is at a higher temperature so basically regardless of where your temperature is whatever object there is lesser temperature will want to trans take heat away from the object that is at a higher temperature that is the basic gist of how this magnificent system really squeezes things to the next level let's dive in and things will start to make sense let's start with the kind of the most important thing in your normal gasoline car or even in a hybrid for example you have two modes of of HVAC per se you have cooling when it's hot outside you need to cool the cabin you have heating when the cabin is too cold and you need to warm it up in the Tesla there is 15 modes yes 15 modes of heating and cooling because the entire cooling system is not just there to heat the cabin it's actually for the motors and the battery and everything is integrated in a way that only a genius could figure out how to make and make work so in order to do all this you have so much going all these systems are integrated into each other there is a cooling system for the battery there's a cooling system for the drive Motors in the case of this Tesla Model y there's a dual motor all-wheel drive there's two Motors and then you have the inverters for these motors that also need Cooling and then you have the cabin that also needs cooling and heating depends so here's how they did this in a way that is a genius they invented a something that they called a super manifold you can see it proudly sitting right here this super manifold has a valve inside of it that is never heard of in the automotive industry because it's just defies what is complicated but it's actually rather simple component wise it's just a bunch of hoses and a valve that is brilliantly engineered so this valve is called an octo valve it's an eight-way valve I mean this is something unheard of in the automotive industry you either have a three-way valve most a four-way valve for coolant this is an eight-way valve and it not only has coolant it has refrigerant passing through it as well a seed refrigerant and that's where the magic is how they made this work and this is how they were able to squeeze every last drop of Heat going back to that thermodynamic principle so let's say this car is at 32 degrees Fahrenheit at zero centigrade well here's how the life will start we need to heat the cabin and the battery is too cold so we also need to heat it up a little bit so here's how this is going to start coolant will flow into a chiller and this is a crazy bar wait a second that colon is at 32 degrees well the chiller is going to cool that coolant below ambient temperature that's cool and then we'll go to the radiator which then because of the thermodynamics laws will absorb heat from the ambient temperature because now the coolant is colder than ambient temperature so it's going to absorb some heat then that coolant that absorbs some of the heat goes back to warm up the refrigerant so then that refrigerant would be a little bit higher temperature goes into the compressor which is by the way an electric compressor that electric compressor compresses that refrigerant sends it into a condenser inside the car where now this this refrigerant is at high temperature high pressure and that's how you hit the cabin that's pretty insane how how you're squeezing the laws of thermodynamics to do that you're basically creating heat from 0 to 0 degrees Centigrade or 32 degrees Fahrenheit that is a pretty cool concept and basically of course we didn't talk about this this has heat pump system so the AC system very simple same thing with any other car so basically AC works same thing with the thermodynamics thing it's taking heat from the cabin into the refrigerant and that refrigerant comes around that it's very hot now loses its refer its heat in the condenser and then Cycles back and that's how the cycle basically works but here in the heat pump system when we're heating you flip that you have the part that absorbs heat outside and the part that loses heat inside very simple thing you know there's heat pump in cars Toyota RAV4 Prime for example uses a Prius Prime nothing really crazy about it from homes use it but the way they're doing this here is incredible that you are cooling the recruitment below low ambient temperature having it load up with heat then that is used to the to warm up the refrigerant which then will run the heat pump system that is pretty crazy but wait it doesn't even end there because we have that eight-way valve that can really cycle the coolant the refrigerator anywhere it wants here's what they do as you start driving because remember we're trying to squeeze as much heat as possible to warm the cabin and warm the battery especially on a cold day you just started driving so what it's going to do is as you start driving so you have the electric motors they generate some heat because you have friction you have all kinds of stuff going on to drive the axles and do that so they're going to start to heat up a little bit and then the inverter that drives these motors also generates Heat so they're going to actually flip the Octo valve in a way where coolant will now go to the Drive Unit whether Front Drive Unit rear drive unit whatever the case you have it'll absorb some heat from them it squeezes a little bit of heat from them and bring it back to heat up the refrigerant which now can heat the cooling system for the battery to heat up the battery and the cabin that sounds just extremely complicated but the reality is it is not the design of it and the engineering that went behind it is what's mind-blowing how they thought of every little thing because the execution is actually very simple once you invented that valve it's just a matter of a bunch of hoses running everywhere and This brilliant valve that can change the flow of coolant in a matter of second without having 10 20 30 different valves that change everything it's brilliant how it works and how fast it works and then things are extremely complicated design wise I mean there are times where this car is driving both the AC and the heat is inside the cabin because it's adding heat to the cabin but then it needs just a little bit of heat back to keep the refrigerant happy at the temperature that it likes so it's gonna kind of heat the cabin but then cool it a little bit basically it takes some of that heat back that is excess and use it to to warm up a coolant to heat up the battery whatever the case may be that it needs at that moment I mean the engineering level here is beyond anything you'll see in the automotive industry but then there is like the super mode where this is where they thought of every little thing here let's say the temperature is extremely frigid you can drive these cars in very frigid weather and that's the cool part let's say things are extremely frigid they're actually going to turn on two electric heaters which become counterproductive because these electric heaters consume a lot of power and your range will suffer but at least you have something to keep you going you're gonna turn on these electric heaters which are going to generate heat which is going to be used to heat up the cabin and heat up the coolant and heat up the refrigerant so it'll have double use for it so when you're wasting that energy from the battery for these electric heaters you can use them both ways not just once this is the beauty of this and through that octoval throughout this entire system that is so cleverly designed that's how the 15 modes of heating and cooling Cycles come about because you have this octo valve you can with an instant just grab every little bit of heat possible from this entire brilliantly designed system to get the cabin heated and get the battery heated and cooled in a way that is possibly the most efficient ever in the automotive industry now we've talked about this system having 15 modes the only way it can do that is with the Octo valve and I also told you that this system is Complicated by Design everything was thought of but in components an actual layout once you look at the car it's actually not that complicated because what makes This brilliant is the design and the software that drives it and how it is watching everything so let's talk about actual components of this thermal management system because this is where it's at nothing special about the lithium-ion battery it's just a Lithium-Ion battery nothing really special about the drive motor that drives it's just a motor it drives inverter supplies power to it and that's about it so the first component which is possibly the biggest deal this was not always the case with Tesla's this is something on their latest systems the super manifold or the Octo valve actually sits right in front of you very proudly says super manifold I would be very proud and write the name on it too if I invented this then the first point of coolant refrigerant in exchange of temperature is going to be your liquid cooled condenser so this doesn't have a condenser this has a liquid coal condenser but it's actually used for other purposes as well not just that then in addition to that we have the second point of refrigerant and coolant exchange that's going to be the chiller that's separate from the liquid cooled condenser which you can say it is the same thing but it does an opposite feature then there is two more radiators inside the car one of them is a condenser used to heat the cabin one of them is an evaporator used to cool the cabin and then you have a big radiator which sits very slanted down it's not because this car doesn't really have a grill in the front and you also have an electric compressor this is also nothing special many hybrids many cars actually have an electric compressor and better yet your refrigerator at home has an electric compressor so hardly the special thing there and you have a maze of coolant pipes ac lines going everywhere that's just the way it is basically you have coolant lines going to the battery because the battery is liquid cooled the coolant will cool and heat that battery and then you have lines going to the rear drive unit the front Drive Unit you have a couple water pumps electric water pumps and that's about it and it's a relatively a simple system yes there's a lot of hoses and a lot of complication but you don't see it looking at the car because what's complicated is that inside the components and the way it is managed and this is where it's at with Tesla I mean this is a mega complicated system but when you look at it in the car it's not really that complicated it's the way it is brilliantly designed and if there's anything that Tesla does way better than anybody else in the Electric market it is this and this is what makes Tesla special in my opinion let's talk about the exterior of the Tesla Model y or for that matter all Teslas really because all the model Y is is a tall model 3 and all the model 3 is a small bottle s and all the model X is a lifted Model S basically they all look the same and this is where Tesla in my opinion falls off a cliff I mean I have not seen a more bland looking car and I understand some people love them for their technology it's not just all about looks I mean you could have made them a little bit better looking first there's no Grille in the front even though this has a radiator people say oh electric cars they don't have an engine they don't have a radiator actually it does and it's a very important one but instead of putting it like normal cars where the radiators in the front you have a grill and life is great no we have this closed section that by the way every time you run and throw a car wash this section will not clean because it's such an odd angle that regular car washes spin on car washes will not touch and then you have the bottom section that is open and that's where the air actually goes up into the radiator don't know why they all look the same but beyond that the build quality and the fit and finish on the outside is for like a better word horrendous I mean the gaps are all over the place the little when you start looking at the littlest details it almost feels like Tesla spent all their budget on their brilliant thermal management system and the way the electric car works and they they were just like man let's just glue together a body and let's just throw it and let's do this this is a very poorly put together body if you like Teslas I am sorry this is the truth I have to say the truth gaps are all over the place things that are very cheap and flimsy but not really well put together all the Plastics around they're naturally well made and to me this is where kind of Things Fall Apart because I don't like how these things look they didn't really have to look like a spaceship now the one thing have to be said some of these odd shapes and odd looks have to do with aerodynamics so you don't have a block going down the road and hope it becomes efficient but still every single car out there is trying to do that as well to increase their efficiency by making a more swoopy body so it's aerodynamic but this one is just this is it's not good looking that's just my car guy opinion and one of the most annoying things about the exterior of this car is this door handle look I understand the design of this this makes sense you don't want handles sticking out for aerodynamics perfectly fine but here's the problem you have to push this and then the door opens and then this thing sticks out and here's what most people will want to do you push this and then you want to pull it from here and then this whole thing comes down this is a button many people think the model S that has the handle that comes out and you pull it would push the button whatnot this is all this is a manual one this is not a manual door this is an electronic actuator you just open the door this is a basically a glorified button to open this door just make it a button and add a little handle next to it we don't have to deal with this dealio I I don't like this handle for everyday use just maybe works on a Supercar which this one is hardly is let's talk about the interior of the Tesla Model Y and this is where things fall off a cliff even more with the exception of the screen which we're going to get to in a moment there is really not much to say about this interior because it has nothing there is not a single button on this interior except a few very very few there is two rotary dial thingies on the steering wheel and then there is the hazard light right here two map lights and that's about it shifter turn signal thank you for that very much but uh otherwise there is nothing in this interior I mean this makes the cheapest most horrendous Eco box look like a special interior because there's nothing on this interior and and the worst part about it is the way it's put together and rather glued together again we go back to the same thing as the outside the materials here are not good and some people will say oh but this leather is some special leather but the rest of the interior for someone that works on cars this is extremely natural put together and this is the problem with these cars they wanted to be special they wanted to be different and in in the process of doing that things are not good here I mean this is a very expensive car and the interior is not good that's the bottom line everything is cheap feeling not really put together well gaps are all over the place I mean it feels like this was literally glued together with some the cheapest glue possible and the most horrendous materials I really do not like this interior with the exception of one thing the scream this is another place where this goes to the next level and and this is really well made look folks there are some things about this car that are good some things that are not good this is one of the good things this is an enormous 15 inch screen there are laptops out there with screens smaller than this and initially when you look at it it's like whoa this is really nice but when you start using it more and more you realize how really well made this is I mean the software is super well the screen is such a good screen I love it and let's talk about it so basically at any given point you can hide this you have this giant navigation and it shows you the car you can lock the doors unlock them and then you can open the front or the trunk just by clicking on the screen but wait goes more you press this little car icon all your controls are here even your glove box is here right here glove box window lock child lock you can fold the mirrors turn on your wipers change your steering angle whatever you need to do it's all here there is no physical buttons in this car at all you want your climate control you just press here climate control is on and now you can control you want to change the direction of air you can do that I mean this is it has to be said this is well made and this screen is super responsive your autopilot settings your block settings and then customizations go beyond anything you will see in any car it is unbelievable the attention to detail in the screen I mean you can very easily change so many options you want to go pedals and steering do you want Comfort mode sport mode acceleration do you want to chill or Sport and then we go to lights do you want the front fog lights on or off do you want your headlights on Auto on parking off I can see where consolidating everything here kind of works and then we go to stuff like the glove box hey we have a pin number for the glove box so you don't have the valet key and all that mess and speaking of the key there is actually no key in this car this is just a little credit card looking thing that's the key and if you use this you need to upgrade because all you need is your smartphone you basically open the door car is unlocked already and it's kind of running you just press the brake pedal and it's on just like this now the car is on and running all your lights are here warning lights which gear you're in Drive reverse whatever the case may be and your push it this kind of feels like a Mercedes-Benz thing but the other thing is we have no on off switch you basically you open the door walk away and it just kind of shuts off and Powers down and that's it folks this interior is the kind of interior that makes the cheapest Mitsubishi Mirage feel like a luxury car except for this screen this screen is really well made it has to be said let's talk about the back seat of the Tesla bottle why I am 5'7 this is my driving position I have decent new room very good Headroom but you do have the hump because this has all glass roof here but the thing is uh this theme of cheapness is everywhere I mean this plastic in front of me in the seat look every manufacturer will not fully wrap the seat in leather to save some cost and that's fine but this is this you know what this plastic reminds me of GM in the 90s this plastic that feels like just by looking at it you're gonna break it that's how cheap things feel here and again there is absolutely nothing there is a vent that you can actually move with your hand here which that's very luxurious in the back but otherwise there is really nothing else here to be expected in the back seat other than cheap plastic and nothing fitting or put together a well here then the backspace pretty decent actually stores in the back pretty big you have two buttons here that lay down your back seats now they don't bring them back up this price point that would be nice but hey you have a lot of space here and this is I guess some of the redeeming features of the rest of the car of course this doesn't have a spare tire and you have a giant actually super deep storage area right here and I suppose it's pretty cool in a practicality side this is decently sized car but let's just hope it lasts because it's so cheaply put together and materials here are just not good let's talk about some things that I do not like about this and for that matter all Teslas see I love the technology in this car this thermal management system and this electric drive and the way everything is set up and designed and that screen are the top things on this car I mean this is where all the budget went primarily for the way it drives the the driving system and then that screen how well thought out it is but then we have to inherit the car itself I don't like the way it looks I don't like the way the interior feels not just you know materials and design no the way it's put together it's it's glued together as for lack of a better word that's the best way to describe it on the part where I don't like the way it looks that is a matter of taste it's okay but I don't like the way it's put together it's not really well made I feel like they spend all the budget on the design and they decided oh we have This brilliant design now we can put whatever body we want but that's when Things fall off it's not a nice car it rattles it squeaks it's really rough on bumps it's not really refined in any way shape or form and really you're buying this for the thermal management system in This brilliant design and the screen is very nice but you're compromising so much and these things are not cheap yeah sure you could buy a model 3 for 35 000 uh yeah that's not the case sorry Mr Elon Musk that's just the truth I don't like the car I wish they would just scrap the whole thing sell their technology license it to other companies that make real car bodies and interiors and everything this would be the only car then we really move into the era of electric cars because this electric car system is possibly the best but at this price and the rest of the car it just it makes absolutely no sense and wait this car is extremely fast and it is I mean it'll slap you in the seat drive you in a way that it almost feels like your heart sinks comes out of your body and then it comes back but then if you keep doing that your range goes very very quickly and then there is a point if you're driving in hotter climate where the software is just going to limit that because you overheated things Beyond where This brilliant system can handle so really nobody buys this because it's extremely fast because it kind of goes against the whole point of electric cars so you're going to constantly be charging it why I don't get it so what is the final verdict on Tesla Model y or for that matter all Teslas because they're basically small medium big they're all the same this is the company that put the electric car on the map made it possible with their technology with their design with the way they made the system work and they in that department they are the top they are the best and this has to be said but my severe problems with Tesla are the rest of the car people usually they buy Teslas they're fascinated by the system and how it drives and the screen and how well it's made they kind of glance over the rest of the car I'm sorry here is a message from the rest of the world because Tesla owners or plus like the community the core communities actually a minority in the car world this the rest of the car is horrendous that has to be said it's just it's not a nice place to be and spending that kind of money for a not nice place to be will quickly get old I've driven this car for a week after the first couple days it started to wear out there's nothing in this interior other than that screen and that I'm sorry call me old-fashioned it's just there's no amenities there's nothing and and the way it rattles and just Everything feels cheap and glitchy and just not well thought out or put together really starts to wear out quickly and this is where I wish Tesla would kind of quit their arrogant ways and kind of the stubborn ways of oh this is how we make it take it or leave it think about the masses this is a brilliant system this could actually be an everyday driving car except the rest of the car and today at these prices for what these things are going for there are a lot of companies that are starting to catch up with their electric technology and soon this will be a thing of the past where thank you for making the electric car mainstream but we could figure out the rest of the car better and here we go folks before you go running to buy a Tesla you need to draw look at the rest of the car because it's not nice that's the god honest truth folks I hope this video is helpful informative I hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos and until the next video folks may the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut Reviews
Views: 350,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, Tesla model y, mechanic review, Tesla repair, Tesla design, Tesla reliability, should you buy a tesla, Tesla battery, Tesla Octovalve, Tesla motor, how teslas work, how Tesla work, elon musk, the car care nut, mechanic review tesla, 2023 tesla, 2022 tesla, Tesla model 3, Tesla car, Tesla plaid, Tesla model s, Doug demuro, savagegeese, car review
Id: 7HC72p2gfuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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