Terrifying Things Nobody Tells You About Pregnancy - Cracked Responds

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- Hi, I am Moana Sherrill. I am the head of physical production here at Cracked. And I have also been pregnant and had a child. And so, today ... (clapping) Oh, yeah. - Congrats for that, that's great. - Huge achievement that no one else accomplishes. But today, I wanted to share with my female colleagues some of the things that we just aren't told about before we get pregnant. - No one tells you how horrifying any of this is. - And shouldn't they tell us? Like really we should know, so we're gonna know. - We're gonna dive in even further. - One thing that we don't know is that some women both poop and vomit, or one or the other when the contractions start. - That's soon. - Because the contractions are there to... Dilate you. And I didn't know-- - Oh no. - Oh, yeah. I didn't know how much you need to be dilated. But to be full dilation, you are about the size of-- - That looks like the solar system! - Yeah, you start at one to 10 centimeters, and you open up to roughly the size of a bagel. So that takes a lot of-- - I'm never going to be able to eat a bagel again. (laughing) - But, that takes a lot of ... That's really intense. So some women, not all, but some women... Go to the bathroom with each contraction. - And vomit. Because of the pain? Or because of the extreme-- - Because it's basically just squeezing your insides, like (boom sound effect) and so it can cause it to come out either end-- - Both ends. - Or both ends, or no ends, but it happens-- - No ends. - Before your.. No ends, fingers crossed. You cannot wear tampons, they're really dangerous. - Oh, they're dangerous? - I was gonna say useless, but dangerous. - I was gonna be like, Yeah, I feel like probably would just-- - You know how your insides open up to the size of a bagel? - Yeah. That also opens the capacity for bacteria to get in you. So you cannot use a Tampax, because that makes things really risky. Oh, yeah, this is going in the video for sure, me talking about tampons. - I mean it's all ... - It's all horrifying. - It's all up in the air. - It's important to know. - So there's one of the things you get told to watch out for because you might go into labor in a few days once X happens is, losing your... Mucus plug. (Bridgett makes gagging noise) Ew. - I mean I guess I know why they call it that, but like, why would you call it that-- - They don't need to be so literal. - I think, and it's gross. Granted it's gross, but it's not as disgusting as what comes to mind when I hear the term "mucus plug." - Yeah, I have to imagine. - I hear that term, and I'm like, I'm gonna (beep) vomit right now. - It sounds like a snot plug, it sounds like a snotty- - Yeah. - It's not that gross. It's not that gross. - Okay, good. - It's not like, beautiful, save it. (laughing) - What if you're collecting like, "Here's my mucus plug. "Here's my placenta, here's my baby." (laughs) - All in jars. - Whew. When your baby comes out, so they've been in your womb for a really long time. They haven't pooped, they don't poop in utero. - What? - Their first poop is this thing called, I hope I'm pronouncing this right. Meconium? Which is-- - That sounds like an element from another planet-- - Basically all this stuff that's been stored up in there tummy and it's like tar. And they do that for a couple, like a day or two. - That looks like if a bat molted. - I'm sorry Bridge, Bridgett's gonna barf. I'll shut my computer now. - If a bat molted, and like shed it's skin, and just left it there, that's what that- - That looks like when in an alien movie, the alien is in the house and then there's no sign, and then there's a sign, and it's just goo everywhere. That's what that is, it's that. - It looks like motor oil, but it's just really thick. - Yeah, it looks like motor oil, like it congealed. - Also, I had no idea that you need these things called maternity pads after you give birth. So you give birth, and... - For what? I'm gonna regret asking that immediately-- - Pads? - Oh yeah. - I feel like it's something messy. - The whole of your of your internal lining, that was holding your baby, comes out of your body. And I had for some-- - Isn't that what the placenta is? - Yeah, and there's more. But for some stupid reason-- - There's more. - I thought, "Oh, that just all happens at once." Not true. Weeks. - Weeks? - Weeks? - So in this image I'm showing you, this is a normal sized pad. - Right, yeah, That looks familiar-- - This what you get sent home from the hospital with. It's like a diaper. - That's a diaper. - It's a diaper. - That's a diaper. - It's a full diaper. - We're looking at a diaper. - Yeah. I didn't know. - It like weirdly looks painful to me. And I know it's just a garment, but-- - I think it's because you know what's gonna happen into that pad. - Right. Like, if someone's wearing that, something horrible has happened to their body. (laughs) - Or very natural. - Or something very natural and beautiful. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Women often talk about how the baby, when they're pregnant, can cause them to need to pee a lot while your pregnant. What some women, a lot of people don't talk about is post labor... Urination control. - Oh no. - Yeah. - I can see that being a problem, that makes sense. - You pee a lot? - Some women have issues because your kegels are ... - They just got stretched out like rubber bands. - Battered. And so you might sneeze in Target, your first time out in public after a long time. And just, oh it's so ... - It's a little... - A little or a lot. - It's good for those pads, right? - Yeah, thank God for those pads, right? (laughs) - Yeah. - I mean, honestly, after mucus plug, I'm not sure anything could shock me anymore. So like, sure that one adds up too. - Sure, you pissed, sure. - Fun fact, sometimes when you pee, you get an extra mucus plug. (laughing) - It regrows and falls out again. (laughs) - Oh, a treat. (laughs) - You can plant it in your backyard and it becomes a tree. - The mucus plug tree. - Yep. - Alien seems to be correct, in their portrayal of how things emerge from your womb. It's just a monster that comes out of your belly button. - Okay. - Yeah. I'm right. - So they make it scarier. - Like let's lay eggs, that seems simpler. - Yeah, that seems like the easier way-- - Can I get an egg option. - That'd be good, I really would've like that. I really would've liked... - An egg, and I can just crack it open when I'm ready. (Carmen makes smacking sounds) - Just keep it under a heat lamp, and then one day a little hand's just gonna punch through. - This cute little baby. - This cute little baby hand. - That'd be so good, 'cause like, oh God. - So thank your mother. - Yeah, thank your mother. - That's insane, what she went through-- - Give your mom a real big hug. - Yeah. - 'Cause she went through a lot. (laughs)
Channel: Cracked
Views: 274,220
Rating: 4.7824287 out of 5
Keywords: pregnancy fact, truth of pregnancy, giving birth, joy of birth, science of birth, Cracked, cracked.com, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, laugh, satire, parody, hilarious, spoofs, Cracked responds, Hot takes, cracked team, bridgett greenberg, carmen angelica, women and birth, secret birth facts, gross, childbrith, women humor, fun facts
Id: ivpqUnAC4lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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