4 Bulls#!% Facts That Movies Love to Quote - Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder

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[Music] hello Internet my name is Daniel O'Brien and welcome to the 300th episode of obsessive pop culture disorder the only show on the internet bold enough to ask the question uh but what about today's episode explores hey did you ever notice how movies lie I did here's proof luk The Sounds Lucy like Limitless is the latest and long line of lie pedaling Sci-Fi movies and yes I could have said lii but I already felt like I was caught in a trap of alliteration and was legitimately worried I wouldn't be able to break out of it seems like we're safe now so let's look at a list of Clips you know how they say we only use 10% of our brains you've heard how people use only 10% of their brains you know how you only use 10% of your brain they say we only use a fraction of our brains they say that man uses only a tenth of his brain power but what this does it lets you access all of it that's the statistic we only use 10% of our brain but if you possess the wherewithal and the strength of character necessary to make the Bold decision to take drugs like scarlet and Lucy and Bradley Cooper and Limitless you can access the other 90% of your brain thereby unlocking the secrets that allow you to write really good novels enabled me to finish the book in 4 days or manipulate space and time depending on what the screenwriter thinks 90% of the brain actually does [Music] in actuality the parts of your brain are specialized and constantly working on any number of processes that you don't even need to think about so maybe you are using 10% of your brain to write or read or talk or not fart but that doesn't mean that the other 90% is just sitting dormant as is the Assumption presented in Lucy it doesn't mean that being able to access the other 90% means that you can now learn multiple languages or do karate or change the color of your eyes cuz the other 90% is committed to a bunch of behind the scenes brain stuff that you need in order to live and function in the world this myth spread because once upon a time a few neurologists discovered that a human can survive with parts of his or her brain removed which in turn was bastardized into this simple 10% concept which is insane 10% may not seem like much but it's a lot if we look at all we've done with it yes I know even when Morgan Freeman says it it's still not true hey remember this scene whoa yeah put that away what the hell or this or this this is a real gun it's not a toy oh that flick looks great anyway movies would have you believe that a gun any gun will go off just the second it hits the ground and go off in this case means depending on whether or not there's a staircase present you can wipe out all of of the bad guys in a ridiculous and comedic [Music] display we're supposed to laugh because they look and sound different and we don't understand them the truth of the matter is that the gun industry is just that an industry like Automobiles and fast food and any other industry focused on not accidentally killing people there are big impressive companies that manufacture guns and have a serious financial interest in making sure their products don't randomly shoot people to death when dropped real guns don't go off when draft because if they did the companies that made those guns would get sued until their balls fall off and companies in general hate that sort of thing in fact ever since the gun safety act of 1968 all guns have to go through mandatory drop safety tests so there's just a room of dudes somewhere just throwing guns at each other and being like this is a job I guess here you you're a guy or a gal and you want to do some crimes or lady crimes and it's you would prefer if no one found out about your crimes you're not one of those criminals that gets amped when people are like o a criminal oh my so you're trying to keep it secret and and not get caught and then you meet someone who wants to help you with your crimes but like what if she's an undercover cop brainstorm ask if she's a cop she legally has to tell you if you ask her so say I you a cop you're in Boston is important in this hypothetical I forgot to say upfront but we're do we're doing The Departed are you still a cop no you a cop I'm not a cop according to movie Law asking a cop if he or she is a cop is like cop Kryptonite they immediately have to let down their defenses and surrender why do you ask so many questions cuz I'm a cop what they're really saying is hey if you ever had any doubts before I'm about to commit a crime cuz I'm a criminal I just wanted to give you a heads up you don't have to tell me what your job is there's literally no law that says you do to the crime so you were about to commit a crime and you asked your crime buddy if she was a cop and she was so offended by your suspicion that she cut your penis off and just storm down you want to chase after her apologize and make it up to her because the real crime would be to lose her as a friend but you've suddenly got a more pressing matter re your penis is on the floor so you decide to prioritize that you grab a Topper Weare case fill it with ice drop your dick in and Skip off to the hospital or whatever is the least painful way to travel hand your ice penis to the nearest ER Dock and get ready to bask in the praise they will no doubt throw at you for having the brains to put your dick on ice right did I just cut off cut off your finger yeah it's on the floor to my perect I don't want to see it pick it up put it on ice pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up thanks obviously wrong while it's right to keep temporarily displaced body parts on cold direct contact with ice is dangerous and could give your blood vessels freezer burn making it difficult to put things back together the best thing to do is wrap the body part in a cold wet piece of cloth or even better is to not get body parts cut off in the first place that's just that's just basic Healthcare stuff it needs fresh air it's been locked up in that cooler for 7 [Music] hours that's all this time join us next week when our topic will be how to tell the difference between Bill Pullman and Wesley Snipes oh good I always get those two confused which one was Twister anyway bye [Applause] [Music] hey I have two tips for you one if you subscribe to our Channel you'll get all our videos more conveniently for free sounds great other tip Culver City California there is a store that sells nothing but model trains uh uh you're welcome
Channel: Cracked
Views: 2,358,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucy, Scarlett Johansson (Celebrity), brain, brain power, movies, film, sci-fi, Science Fiction (TV Genre), Luc Besson (Film Director), Limitless, Bradley Cooper, Community, Kill Me Now, True Lies, parody, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, humor, cracked, cracked.com, Action, Sketch Comedy (TV Genre), Satire (TV Genre), The Departed
Id: B9IawChHtK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 21 2014
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