Murder in Mexico: The Bruce Beresford-Redman Story | Starring Colin Egglesfield | Movie | Lifetime

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[birds squawking] <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> - A story that's been making headlines</i> <i> for the past two years, in April of 2010,</i> <i> the body of Monica Beresford-Redman</i> <i>was found in a sewer in Mexico.</i> <i> Her husband, Bruce, a former reality show producer,</i> <i> was arrested for her murder.</i> [crowd muttering] <i> - Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. - What happened?</i> <i> - Bruce, did you kill your wife?</i> [overlapping chatter] - Bruce, how did you escape the authorities in the first place? How did you escape-- - Are you using the press to play your own reality game show? What about your kids? - How'd you do it? How'd you do it? [all speaking at once] <i> - Did you think you were gonna get away with it?</i> [all speaking at once] <i> [Latin music]</i> - Ready? One more, one more. - Say "Cheese." both: Cheese. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Look, there's a lizard! Look, Mom! There's a lizard! - Happy birthday. Isn't this perfect? - It seems nice. - Nice? This is better than nice. - It's pretty amazing. - We should have done this a long time ago, just the four of us. Get away. - I'm gonna get us checked in. - For this to work, it's gonna take the both of us. I just want us to be happy again, for things to go back to the way they were. - I don't know if that's possible. - It is. I'm gonna prove it to you. Okay? This trip is just the beginning. - I hope that's true. - I'm gonna get us checked in. Why don't you show the pool to the kids? - Mm-hmm. Did you remember to order some more cachaca? <i> - Stop worrying and relax.</i> <i> The restaurant is fine.</i> How are you? How are things with Bruce? - I don't know. Good, I guess. - You don't sound very convincing. - No, he's being great. Really. He's trying so hard. <i> - Is that enough?</i> - [sighs] We'll see. I promised I'd give this a shot, and that's what I have been doing. I owe it to Katie and Miles, if nothing else. - You have to take care of yourself, too. [beeping, door opens] - Hey. I'm gonna take the kids for a hike. - Wouldn't they rather just stay by the pool? - Probably, but I want to get 'em out a little, see the real Mexico. And you can stay if you want. - No, no. I'll be right there. I've got to go, Gretchen. Call me if you have any problems. - I'm here if you need me. <i> [soft music]</i> - Come on! Let's go. Look! Look! - Hey, wait up. - Not so far. Stay with us. - Oh, they're fine, honey. Wow. This is gorgeous. I'm glad we're here. A little adventure is good for the soul. - I'm all for adventure. I'd prefer to do it without the bug bites. - Hey, let's do a picture with the kids. - Oh, yes. Take that. Picture time. - All right. That's it. You guys look like explorers conquering the world. <i>Oh, that's great.</i> [camera shutter clicks] - Enjoy your lunch. - Thank you. - More iced tea on seven. - Okay, got it. - Hey, do you mind if I get Terry to cover for me tomorrow? - Hot date? - Date? Yes. Hot, that's debatable. - You're so picky. - No, I just want a tall, handsome, charming producer to sweep me off my feet. [phone ringing] Who's already found somebody like that? Oh, that's right. You did. - Zabumba, this is Monica. - Hey, beautiful. Just checking in. - Speak of the devil, we were just talking about you. - Good things, I hope.<i> - Always.</i> - That's what I like to hear. Do you still need me to pick up the kids later? - Can you? I might be able to break free, but-- - Yeah, no problem. We should, uh-- we should be wrapping up here in about an hour or so. - Great. Why don't you bring the kids to the restaurant, and we'll have dinner here? - Sounds like a plan. Listen, I better run before these guys kill each other. - I thought that was the point. - Yeah. Well, after we say action. - See you later. Love you. - Love you back. - Come on, knock it off! I said knock it off! - Whoa, whoa. Guys, guys. Hey, hey, hey! All right! Time! Easy, easy. Listen. Hey, I thought you guys wanted to be a part of this, huh? This show is about respecting the sport and each other, okay? If you can't control your anger, you're out. Got it? - Yes, sir. - Yes, sir. - All right. Take a break, cool off. - Bruce! - All right. All right. Ten minutes, we're picking it back up. - Come here. Hilary's got a couple of possibilities to replace the two guys we lost. - Anyone you're excited about? - These two. They're good on camera, and they have great stories. - I like this guy. - Let's bring 'em both in. - Mm-hmm. - We trust your instincts. - Thanks. - Careful. You're a happily married man. - That I am. <i> [Latin music]</i> [bell ringing] [kids laughing and chattering] - [speaking in Spanish] Hey! - Hey. You're not really gonna let them have all the fun, are you? - Well, I'm not really much of a dancer. - I don't think that you need to be. - [humming] - [chuckles] Hi, baby. [chuckles] [heavy breathing] - [moaning] - [grunting] [both panting] <i> [soft music]</i> You okay? - I thought we weren't gonna do this anymore. - I thought so, too. - This is the last time. - Okay. - I mean it. This isn't who I want to be. - [kisses on shoulder] - Then we'll stop. - Bruce-- - What? Doesn't it feel good? - You know it does. - "When the princess saw the Beast laying so still, "she feared she had lost him forever. "Tears sprung from her eyes, landing on the Beast like raindrops." ♪ [singing in Spanish] <i> - Of course I do.</i> Yeah, I want to see you. So when am I gonna see you again? Three days? That's way too long. I don't know if I can go that long without seeing you. So what do you wanna do? Go to dinner? Maybe to our favorite place? Maybe a massage afterwards? Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that. And then we-- Hold on a second. <i> [dramatic music]</i> [door closing] - [panicked breathing] [sobbing] - Monica, you here? It's a little early in the day for that, isn't it? [glass crunching] What's wrong? Is it the kids? - No, the kids are fine. - Did something happen to Bruce? - I think-- I think he's seeing another woman. - Oh, my God. <i> [soft music]</i> - I heard him talking to her on the phone. Flirting. - Do you know who it was? Are you sure it wasn't a-a work thing or something? - Trust me. I know when Bruce turns on the charm. - Did you talk to him about it? - I was too shocked. - I'm--I'm going to start opening up. Just sit here as long as you need to. - Yeah. <i>- Hey hon, Kids are watching TV.</i> I'm gonna catch up on some work e-mails and calls. - Okay. Oh, can you take the trash out? <i> They come first thing in the morning.</i> - Yeah, sure. <i>You all right?</i> - What? Yeah, why? - You were just a little quiet at dinner. - Headache.<i> - Well,</i> <i>I'll bring you some aspirin on my way back.</i> [door opening, closing] <i> [dramatic music]</i> - How could you? Hilary Sanders? - What are you talking about? - "Can't stop thinking about you. Miss you already." Don't lie to my face. - Hilary and I are colleagues. That's it. - Do you meet all your colleagues in their house in the middle of the afternoon? - This is not what you think. - I don't even want to see you anymore! I want you out of the house! - Calm down. You're blowing this out of proportion. - Don't tell me to calm down. I'm not one of your stupid contestants you can control and manipulate! Do you have any idea what you just lost? Hmm? Not just our marriage, but your family too. I will take the house and the kids and every goddamn cent you make! - You are not giving me a chance to explain. - You mean I'm not giving you a chance to manipulate your way out of this. You're right, I'm not. I don't care. You're not coming in. You're sleeping in the guesthouse. I will make a bag and leave it out here for you. - This is crazy. - I hope sleeping with her was worth it. I hope it was worth throwing your entire life away because that is what you've just done. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Come on, Daddy! - Come on! - Guys, no running! - Whoa! - See why I said no running? Apologize. both: Sorry. - No worries. - I hope we were not so loud last night. - No, I didn't hear anything. - Yeah. - Besides, I think we're probably out a little later than your family. [chuckling] - Well, let us know if there's any problems. - Yeah. Have fun at the pool. - Sure thing. - Can we go now? - Walk. - Have fun. - Thanks. They can't just run around like bulls in a China shop. - They were just excited. - Why are you making excuses for them? - We're on a vacation. We're supposed to be having fun. - You're right. - I'll be right there. <i> [Latin music]</i> - One, two, three! - No! [grunting] - Your mojito, senorita. - Oh, I didn't order anything. - It comes compliments of the resort. - Oh. Well, then gracias. [car door opening] - What did you tell the kids? - Nothing yet. He's been sleeping out there and coming inside in the morning. - Are you getting a divorce? - "Dio mio," I can't even think about that. - If a man cheats on you once, he'll do it again. How can you ever trust him after this? - You never sugarcoat things, do you? - Oh, I'm your sister. I tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. - He's a good man, Elena, and a good father. - But maybe not a good husband. - Katie and Miles are going to be devastated. I can't do that to them. - You didn't do this. He did. You can't blame yourself. You could do so much better. Oh. [car alarm beeping] <i> [people muttering]</i> - You look beautiful. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. As beautiful as the day I met you. - [chuckles] Stop. <i> [romantic music]</i> - I think next time we need to get a place with two bedrooms. - You need to shower before we go to dinner. You stink. [both chuckling] - Thank you. - For what? - For coming. <i> [soft music]</i> We needed this. - Okay. Shower. Go. - Definitely two bedrooms. - [chuckles] - Ten minutes. - Kids? - Why is it so hot? - Okay, time to get dressed. - Oh, Mom. - I put your clothes over there on the bed. - Hey, you got you a head start! [phone vibrating] <i> [soft music]</i> [phone vibrating] <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> [angry mumbling]</i> - Hey. Just ignore it. - Is that the TV? <i>- Or the kids.</i> - No, I don't think so. It sounds like an argument. - Well, if it bothers you, go to the front desk. - I don't want to get them in trouble. - [sighs] We should have gone to the adults-only resort. <i> [muffled thumping]</i> - Did you hear that? - Go to sleep. - [screaming] [birds squawking] [exhales sharply] - Hey, let me get that. - It's okay. - I got it. Monica, we should talk. [keys jangling] I mean, maybe not now, but we can't just keep avoiding each other. - There's nothing to talk about. - I'm sorry. You have to believe it meant nothing to me. Things with Hilary just sort of got out of control, and I'll do whatever it takes to prove it to you that it will never happen again. That you can trust me. - I don't think that's ever going to happen. - I'll make it happen. I promise. I'll never talk to her again. I swear. - You work with Hilary every day. - I won't hire her on this next show. I made a terrible mistake, and I will regret it for the rest of my life, but we can't lose this. We can't lose us. - And what do you expect me to do? To just forgive you and forget about it? - Of course not. Just give me a chance. That's all. <i> [soft music]</i> I won't let you down. I swear. - I need to put these away and get to the restaurant. Bruce? Um, maybe we could-- I'm sure the kids would like it if you came to dinner tonight. - That'd be great. - Okay. <i> [dramatic music]</i> [car engine starting] [phone vibrating] <i> - Elena thinks I'm crazy to give him another chance.</i> - So it was, like, a one-time thing? Are you sure it's over? - He swears it is. I think I believe him. He seems like he really wants to make things work. You agree with Elena. - [sighs] - Well, I suck at relationships, so who really cares what I think? - If it wasn't for Katie and Miles, I would leave. I would. - No, I'm not judging you, Monica. You have to do what you think is best. - I don't know what's best. I just know the moment I decide this is really over, my kids' lives change forever. [indistinct muttering] Your assistant told me I could find you here. - Monica, uh, do you want to take a seat? - No, it won't take long. I need you to stay away from Bruce. - Listen, I never meant to get-- - Stop. I honestly don't want to hear it. I don't care how it started or who is to blame. I'm here for my family. They are the one's you're hurting. - I really thought you and Bruce were over. I won't get in the way of you guys working it out. - You won't contact him? - I know how important this is. - Thank you. You really care about him, don't you? - It doesn't matter. It's over. Oh, my gosh. [kids chattering indistinctly] <i> [Latin music]</i> - Hey. Are you looking for the kids? - Oh, uh, no. They're--they're right here, um, but my wife, you haven't seen her by chance, have you? - No, why? - She went shopping this morning, and she just hasn't come back yet. - Oh. Well, did you try calling her? - Uh, her phone's broken, so I haven't been able to get ahold of her. - Oh. It'll be dark. I'm sure she'll be back soon. - Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. - Uh, you know, we heard what sounded like a scream really early this morning. I hope everything's all right. - Oh, you know what? That was probably just my son, Miles. He gets a little crazy. He was probably just playing a game. Um, speaking of, I got to get the kids to dinner. I'm really sorry if we woke you. - No, not at all. [birds squawking] [phone trilling] - <i> [speaking in Spanish]</i> - "Hola." Um, "hables Ingles?" -<i> Yes, how can I help you?</i> - Um, yes, I'm looking for my wife. -<i> No, this is emergency room, sir.</i> - No. No, my--my wife. -<i> Sir, name, please?</i> - Yeah. Her name is Monica Beresford-Redman. -<i> I'm sorry. We are really busy here, sir.</i> - Can you please just check to see if she's there? -<i> Yes. One moment please, senor.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> I'm sorry. She is not here.</i> - No? Okay. Uh, thank you for checking. - <i> Sorry.</i> - Gracias. <i> [dramatic music]</i> [phone ringing] - Zabumba, this is Gretchen. - Gretchen, hey, it's Bruce. - Oh, hey. How are you guys doing? - Listen, you haven't heard from Monica, have you? - No. I haven't talked to her in a day or so. Why? - Are you sure? I-I know you guys talk quite a bit. She didn't call or-- or text or anything? -<i> No. What's going on?</i> - Monica didn't come back last night. I-I don't have any idea where she is. - What do you mean? Where did she go? - Well, she went into town yesterday morning. She, uh, she wanted to do a little shopping, maybe hit one of the spas. - And she never came back? - <i> I called her sisters.</i> They--they haven't heard from her either. - Bruce, you need to call the cops. - Yeah, they're on their way. I had hotel security contact them. Listen, if you-- if you hear anything-- - I'll call you right away, of course. - Thanks. I'll let you know if I hear any news. <i> [dramatic music]</i> [bell ringing] I need more in the budget for set construction. - I'll ask, but the network's already said no twice. - Well, they want it to look good. We need the money to do it right. <i> - Yeah, just give me a second.</i> You ready? - Give me a second. - Yo, Bruce, maybe you shouldn't. - I'm just gonna say hello. - Think about it. That really how you want to play this? - I just want to know how she's doing. She hasn't returned any of my texts or my e-mails. - So stop sending 'em. Look, you're gonna lose the only thing that really matters. - Don't worry. I'm just gonna say hi. Hey. - Bruce. - You, uh--you haven't returned any of my phone calls. - I'm sorry. I'm let for a session. - I miss talking to you. - Don't. Please. I mean, do you know how hard this is for me? You know how difficult it is not talking to you or being with you? - Why give me the silent treatment? - Because I promised Monica I wouldn't communicate with you. Now I really have to go. - You've been talking to Monica? - You don't know? Oh, she confronted me. Told me how much I was hurting your family. - What do you mean she confronted you? - This isn't who I want to be, okay? I care about you, but I'm not some home wrecker. - Hilary, you're not. - I am because that's what you made me. Now please just let me go. It's--it's over, okay? - I mean, I didn't want to marry him. At least not yet. - [chuckling] - I just don't know how seriously Mark is taking our relationship. - Have you asked him? - Oh, I don't want to scare him off. - If talking about your relationship with Mark scares him then maybe you shouldn't be dating him at all. - How did you know that Bruce was the right one? - Oh, he swept me off my feet. Kept coming to the restaurant that I was working in and asking me out until I agreed. He would not take no for an answer. - Bruce is so confident. He just sees what he wants, and he goes after it. - It's not always to live with though. I need more salt. - <i> No, I got it.</i> [door opening] [bell ringing] [door closing] - Hey, this is a nice surprise. - What the hell were you thinking? - What's wrong? - You went behind my back. You didn't think I was gonna find out? - Behind your back? - You talked to Hilary. What did you say to her? - I told her to stay away from you so our marriage had a chance of working out. - That wasn't your place! I said I'd handled it! - You told me a lot of things. Most of them were lies! <i> I wanted her to hear it from me!</i> - You had no right to do that! I told you I stopped talking to her! <i> [dramatic music]</i> - You're not upset that I talked to her. You're upset that she won't talk to you. - Oh, that's bull! - Do you still have feelings for her? Well, go be with your whore. - Don't you call her that! - Get out. Get the hell out now. Now! - Monica wouldn't just run off. I mean, we have children. She's a devoted mom. - I understand, but these are questions we have to ask. - You're wasting time. Have you put out an all-points bulletin? Do you even have that down here? - We do. We know how to do our jobs. - The authorities in Cancun take any issues with visitors very seriously. I assure you. They'll find your wife. - She went shopping. Maybe you can track her credit cards, find out where she went. - Does your wife know anyone else in the city? Anyone she would have contacted? - No, we don't know anyone here. We just booked this trip spur of the moment. <i> [dramatic music]</i> My kids, I--you know, I-I should be with them. - I apologize if this feels personal, but did you and your wife have a disagreement of any kind? Is it possible that she's staying away because she's angry or upset? - We came here because it's her birthday. We were having a wonderful time. Something happened to her, and I don't understand why we're sitting here. You're asking these stupid questions, wasting time, when she's out there and could be in trouble. - Perhaps you could finish your questions after Senor Beresford-Redman spends a few moments with his children. - Of course. - They are by our pool. - Just... Find my wife. Please. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - What kind of mother leaves her children alone all day and night and doesn't even take her cell phone? Let's talk to the staff, I guess. Find out more about the family. Be discreet. Be discreet. - Excuse me. - Yeah? - Detective Emilio Salazar. I'm with the Cancun police. - Oh. Is this about the woman next door? - You know her? Monica Beresford-Redman. - No. I-I mean, we talked, but that's all. I saw her husband looking for her. - I see. - He never found her? - When you spoke with her, did she mention anything about going into town? - Oh, uh, we didn't talk that much. Only-- - If you have any information, we need to know. - Look, it was probably nothing. - Yesterday morning, we heard a lot of noise, loud enough to wake us. - An argument? - We weren't sure. Her husband said it was just the kids playing. - Did it sound like children? - I thought it might be. - But it sounded to me more like a man and a woman, like they were pretty upset. And then there was this loud noise like something falling. - Falling? - Something heavy, and then nothing. After that, everything was quiet again. - And what time was this? - Um, like-- - Early, just before dawn. - Okay. Gracias. You've been very helpful. - Thanks. <i> [dramatic music]</i> [phone ringing] - Elena, have you heard anything? - I was hoping you had. - Uh, no. The--the cops are here. They're looking. - God. This can't be happening. - I know. We'll find her. Maybe she just had an accident. - They checked the hospitals? - I already have, but the language barrier makes it difficult. - I'm coming down. <i> - No, no. You don't--you don't have to--</i> - I'm catching the first flight out. Call me right away if anything changes. - Okay. - We have to find her, Bruce. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Excuse me. [indistinct chatter] Have you seen this woman? - Gracias. That was the security guard who manned the gate yesterday. He says they keep a log of every guest who enters and leaves. - Did he see Ms. Beresford-Redman? - There's no record of her leaving, and he doesn't recognize her. He says he'd know her if she left. - So possibly she never made it into town yesterday? - Which means something had to happen to her here. - Let's get a list of all the hotel's employees, see who might pose a danger to the guests. - The resort screens all of their employees very closely. - That doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. - I bet the husband's lying. His story doesn't make sense. - I agree, but we still have to check everything. - I don't think we're gonna find her. Not alive, anyway. <i> [blues music]</i> - You did this to yourself, Bruce, so don't come looking for sympathy. - I'm not. - It sounds like it. -<i> Here you go.</i> - Thank you. She drained our bank accounts. - Monica's a strong-willed woman. That's why you love her. - She's going too far. She even told the kids' school I can't pick 'em up anymore. - It sounds like she wants a divorce. - I know I made a mistake. You know, this hasn't been easy for me either. - You want me to tell you it's okay to have feelings for Hilary. It's not. - I know. - Why don't you just go be with Hilary? Leave Monica. Just go. - [exhales deeply] It's not that easy. I mean, I still love Monica. I can't... - Listen to you. - Do that to our family. - No. No, man. You can't have it both ways. You need to grow up, make a decision one way or the other. [knocking] - Hi. - You can see Katie and Miles for a minute. Then I'd like you to leave. - Well, I've barely seen them in the past couple weeks. - Whose fault is that? - Monica, I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I can say it. - You can say it all you want. Clearly you don't mean it. - What do you want me to do to prove it to you? Do you want me to go to therapy? I will. We can go together. I--I'll go alone. Whatever you want. - It's too late. You'll get a call from my lawyer. We can split the money in half. - Look, I don't care about that. I care about you. I care about Katie and Miles. I care about our family. Look, I screwed up, but I kept my promise. I haven't talked to Hilary. - You still care about her. - I did, and that's what makes this all so confusing, but how I feel about her is nothing compared to how much I love you. You are my life. - I thought I was. - You are. You know that. Will you just give me another chance to show you that I'm still the same man you fell in love with? You are my everything. - Stop. - Just give me another chance. - I can't keep doing this. - I'll do whatever you want. - Don't put this on me. - I'm not. This is my fault. I know that. But our family is the most important thing in my life. And I swear to you I will never do anything again to jeopardize that. We deserve another chance to be happy, Monica. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - [exhales deeply] Will you go to therapy? - Yeah. We can get through this. I swear. - Eyes and nose and mouth. How about that? You like that? - Is mommy gonna be back today? It's her birthday, and I want to give her a card. - Yeah, of course, sweetheart. She's gonna be back real soon. I'll be right back. You guys stay here. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Have you heard anything? - No. - She would have never have left the kids, not for a whole day. - Elena, we're all upset. - Bruce, what do you know? - Wait a second. Hey, guys? I'll be right back. <i>- All right.</i> - Monica hated spas! That's more of your lies! - Please, the children-- - The children need their mother! Where is she, Bruce? - Senor Beresford-Redman? You need to come with me. - Is she back? - Just hurry. Carmen can stay with the children. [police siren blaring] - [speaking in Spanish] - Gracias. - Is it Monica? - Oh, God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. No. No! No! No, Monica! - I need you to step back! - No! No! - No, let go of me! - This is a crime scene. - Detective! Detective! Detective, that is-- that's my wife! Monica! [sobbing] Oh, God! Oh, God! - The day your wife went missing, the maid says there was a do not disturb sign on your door. Why was that? - I don't know. I guess I forgot to take it off. - The maid says she asked if you wanted your room clean. <i>You said, "No."</i> - I don't really remember that. I mean, maybe Miles... was taking a nap. I... What does this have to do with Monica? - Later that night, records from the keycard to your room indicate that someone went in or out of your room 15 times between 9:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. in the morning. Was that you? - Yeah, I was looking for my wife. I was worried. - And yet you didn't contact hotel management until the next morning. - I was hoping she would come back. - We found this at the crime scene. <i> Do you recognize it?</i> - It's Monica's. <i> It's her wedding ring.</i> - We also discovered her purse. <i> There was only a few pesos in it.</i> - Uh, she was going shopping. She had credit cards, a passport. Is that what this was? Robbery? - Well, if so, she didn't get very far. <i>Her body was found 25 meters</i> from the building you were staying. You were the last person to see her alive. - Well, obviously not the last. - These cuts on your hands, arms, neck, how did you get those? - I've had these for a few days. We went hiking with the kids. I-I tripped over a rock. <i> [dramatic music]</i> You don't think I had something to do with this? - We're just trying to figure out what happened. - I mean, it's not even possible. I mean, do you honestly think I killed my wife? And hid her in a hotel room with my kids all day long, and then somehow snuck out in the middle of the night and--and-- - And stuffed her naked corpse into a sewer. - Maybe you had an argument, some kind of disagreement. - You know what? I want to talk to someone from the United States' Consulate's Office. - Did you kill your wife? - No, I didn't kill my wife! God, no. I'm not saying anything more until I talk to a representative from the US Consulate's Office. - Of course. <i>We can continue this later.</i> -<i> We have more information now on the shocking murder</i> <i> of an American tourist in Cancun, Mexico.</i> <i> Authorities have identified the victim</i> <i> as Los Angeles resident Monica Beresford-Redman,</i> a<i> restaurant owner and mother of two.</i> <i> Monica's husband, Emmy-nominated producer</i> <i> Bruce Beresford-Redman,</i> <i> is currently being questioned by the local authorities.</i> <i> This is Lisa Ross reporting from Cancun, Mexico.</i> - Bruce, I've been looking for you. - Did you see that guy? The waiter? She talked to him. I noticed he was watching Monica the other day. - Bruce, we need to talk about the children. Katie and Miles can't be here for this. They need to go home. - I know. - I can take them with me when I leave tomorrow. They can stay at the house for as long as they want. - It's okay. Thank you, but they're gonna stay with my parents. I already talked to them. - Well, it's really no trouble. - It's already decided. - I just think they would be more comfortable-- - I'm their father, Elena. They're gonna stay with my parents. They're already on their way to pick 'em up. - She loved you. No matter how many times you lied to her and how often you disappointed her, she kept coming back to you because she loved you. - I loved her too. You know I did. - The only thing I know is that I don't trust you, and I wish like hell she hadn't either. - [speaking in Spanish] - [speaking in Spanish] They found blood. Three different places. - Where? - The bathroom sink, one on the pillows, and the balcony railing, but only very small drops. - His or hers? - Maybe neither. It's a hotel. Hundreds of people pass through here. - But if we get a match-- - I told 'em to rush the analysis. - The coroner finished the autopsy. The body was badly decomposed from the sewer waste, but they did discover a chopping wound on the side of her head. - Like she was hit? - Possibly. But the likely cause of death, asphyxia. - So he suffocated her. - Someone did. And we don't have enough evidence connecting the husband to the murder yet. - If this guy is smart there might not be any physical evidence left. We should arrest him now before he takes off. - You think I don't want to see whoever did this rotting in a cell? But you saw all those reporters. We arrest the wrong man, an American tourist, and they will be screaming about corruption in Cancun. - And if we let him get away? Hmm? They'll say that any "cabron" that wants to kill his wife should plan his next vacation in Mexico. - I'll look into the husband. If we can motive, money issues, problems with the marriage, that may be enough, but we need proof before we make an arrest. - Then let's find it. - Mr. Beresford-Redman? - Yeah. - I am Raul Fuentes. I was referred to you by the consulate. - You're a lawyer? - "Si." I am sorry for your loss. The lead investigator and a representative of the "agente", our district attorney, they're on their way. Just answer the questions as simple and truthfully as you can. - Well, I don't think they're even looking for the real killer. They decided I did this before they even started their investigation. - Well, let's see what kind of evidence they have against you. - Well, they don't have anything because I didn't do it. - [chuckles] You're in Mexico. Here our justice system is a little bit different. <i> Here you're guilty until proven innocent,</i> <i> not the other way around,</i> so just sit down, and let's start from the beginning. <i> Come on.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> -<i> Sit down. - [indistinct]</i> - <i> No, no. Now you got to mix i. Keep mixing it.</i> <i> - La, la, la, la, la. - No.</i> - Yeah, like that. Mix-- you're a good mixer. - Yeah. - I have a great idea. - Okay. Oh, not so big, or else they won't cook right on the tray. - Your mom's birthday is coming up, right? I think we should do something special. - Like go to Chuck E. Cheese? - Even better. How about we take a trip together? <i> Get away.</i> - A vacation? - Yeah, we could have so much fun! No distractions. No production headaches. No restaurant problems. Doesn't that sound perfect? What do you think? - Come on, Mommy. Please? - Where would we go? - Anywhere you want. It's your birthday. - I don't know. - Come on. We could use this. All of us. - Well, I always thought Cancun could be fun. - We're going to Cancun! - Cancun! You want to go to Cancun? That sounds perfect. What do you think? Do you want to go to Mexico? - Yeah! - Want to go to Mexico, Miles? What do you think? What do you think? - I'm so excited! Cancun! - You can eat all the cookies you want in Mexico! both: Cancun! Cancun! - Yeah! [indistinct chatter] - You sure you understand how it works? - Yeah. Vendor name goes here and invoice amount there. - Exactly. - I can totally handle this. - I know you can. Just e-mail or call if there's any problems. - I'm not gonna bother you on your vacation. If you and Bruce are going away together things must be better between you two. - Maybe, or maybe this trip is a huge mistake. - So why are you going? - I'm not sure. I guess part of me still wants to believe it's all going to work out. - I know it can't be easy. - The truth is, I don't want to be divorced. I-I want my home and my family and the restaurant and my husband. Maybe I want too much. - I just want you to be happy. - So I give my marriage one more chance, and who knows? Maybe one day I look back and realize it was worth fighting for. Muah. - I already told the detectives all of this. My son woke up at 5:00 in the morning, so Monica and I decided to play with him and just play this silly game where you run into things. - This game is the reason for the screaming the guest heard? - Well, I wouldn't call it screaming, but yeah, my son Miles can get a little loud. - So you and your wife weren't arguing? - Absolutely not. I mean, the only disagreement we had the whole time was over what activities we were gonna do with the kids. I mean, that's why she went into town on her own, so she could just have a day to relax and do her own thing. <i> - Those scratches on your arms,</i> you say you got them while out with your family? - That's right. - Our forensics expert believes they could have been made by fingernails. - Well, they weren't. - The autopsy indicates the cause of death was asphyxiation. Your wife was suffocated. <i> She would have been struggling with her attacker</i> using her fingernails to try and save herself. - Did you find my client's DNA under the victim's fingernails? No? - You say that you and your wife weren't arguing, that you were getting along, and yet we have a statement from the victim's sister that your marriage was in trouble, that your wife was planning on getting a divorce. - Monica and I, we had some problems. - So it seems. Problems which arose because you had a sexual relationship with one of your co-workers. - We had hit a rough patch. Okay? That's the reason why we came down here in the first place. But we were working through it. And we--we were in a good place. - Then why didn't you tell us this the first time we interviewed you? - Because it had nothing to do with her death! -<i> Easy! Easy.</i> - Perhaps you can explain it all to us now. Hmm? -<i> Monica and I took the kids for a hike.</i> Hey, let's do a picture with the kids? - Oh, yes. Take that. Picture time. - All right. That's it. You guys look like explorers conquering the world. [chuckles] Ah! - Bruce! - Daddy, are you okay? - Oh. You're bleeding. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Ow. - Here. Oh, babe, your phone. - Oh, it's okay. Here. - You came prepared. - I'm a mother. - Are you hurt bad? - You know what, kiddo? As long as your mom is here, I'll be just fine. <i> And then later at the pool, like I said,</i> <i> there was this waiter.</i> - "Gracias." - "De nada." - Oh, wait a second. It's not deep. [all speaking in Spanish] - [speaking in Spanish] Sit. [both speaking in Spanish] - Bruce. - What is it? - They're taking their case to a judge to see if they have enough to arrest you. - I should be grieving my wife, not worrying about whether I'm gonna get locked up in a third-world country. - I understand, but they seem very committed to your prosecution. - But why? Why are they so focused on me? They have no real evidence. - Well, they believe that your marital problems gives the motive, and that you actually had opportunity. - I loved Monica. - I understand that, but right now it's your word against her sister's. Hopefully the judge will see that and decide that they don't have enough to issue an arrest warrant. - Mr. Beresford-Redman, we'll be requiring you to stay in Mexico until the investigation is concluded. I'll be needing your passport. - I am not giving you my passport. - You have to. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - "Muchas gracias." - Just bear with me. I'll talk to the judge. Everything is gonna be okay. [speaking in Spanish] [waves crashing] <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Hey. - Hey. [exhales deeply] I can't believe she's gone. - I know. Doesn't seem real. - It's all over the news. It's so weird. - Thanks for helping. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be in the office if you need me. - Sure. <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> - I just wanted her to hear it from me.</i> - You had no right to do that! I told you I stopped talking to her! - <i> Get the hell out now.</i> <i> Now!</i> [phone trilling] <i> - This is Elena. Please leave a message.</i> - Hi, Elena, it's Gretchen Thorn. I found some e-mails on your sister's computer, and I think you're gonna want to send 'em to the detectives down in Mexico. - That's proof. This is enough for an arrest warrant, right? - The victim threatened to divorce him. - After she took all the money out of their bank accounts and told him he'd never see their children again. - The husband did admit they'd had problems. He insists they came on the trip as a family because they were back together. - Then let him present that at his trail. This is exactly what we needed. I'll go see the judge immediately. I want this American in custody before the end of the day. <i> Go get him.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> - You going to the border? - "Si." - Thanks. - Passports. - I've got my driver's license. - Reason for your visit to Mexico? - [speaking in Spanish] - Uh, vacation. - Here you go. - "Gracias." - Welcome back to the US. - Thank you. -<i> My client was never ordered to stay in the country.</i> <i> He cooperated with local law enforcement</i> <i> and returned home to be with his children.</i> <i> - Do you think Bruce will be expedited back to Mexico</i> <i> to face charges?</i> <i> - I believe the judge will realize that Bruce</i> <i> is a grieving husband and innocent of all charges.</i> - Daddy?<i> Thank you all.</i> - - Be right there, sweetheart. <i> [dramatic music]</i> Hey. Did you brush your teeth? - Yup. - Did you wash your face? - Nope. - What? - [chuckles] Just kidding. - Goodnight. - I'm glad you're home, Daddy. - That makes two of us. - I still miss Mommy. - So do I. But remember what I told you. - She'll always be in our hearts. - That's right. Sleep tight. <i> [dramatic music]</i> [heavy breathing] [moaning] [heavy breathing] [phone trilling] -<i> Hi.</i> - Hi, it's Bruce. -<i> This is Hilary.</i> <i>Sorry I can't answer right now, but leave your name and number,</i> <i> and I'll get back to you shortly.</i> <i> Have a good day. [phone beeps]</i> <i> - I've been back for months.</i> <i> There's got to be something. - Look, man.</i> I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do. - I just need a job. There's got to be something you've heard about. - You're everywhere. Your name is on the news. - I didn't do anything wrong. This whole thing is a witch hunt. <i> The people down there can't stand for anyone to think</i> that Cancun isn't safe for tourists. They're making me a scapegoat for Monica's murder. - Look, I don't know what to tell you. All the news reports make it sound like you did it, and nobody's gonna hire you until you get it cleared up. - That's why I came to you. You know me. <i> [blues music]</i> - I thought I did. - Thanks for nothing. - Judge is on her way now. We've only got a few minutes. - We're gonna win this, right? - Bruce, I told you. This is gonna be an uphill battle. In an extradition hearing, all they need to show is that Mexico has enough of a case to put you on trial. - There's no real evidence. All they have are reports of noise from my room and some scratches on my arms. It's all circumstantial. - We are going to use that to make our case. We may have had a bit of a break. We discovered that three weeks after Monica was murdered there was another attack at the resort. - Someone was killed? - No, it was an attempted rape. A waiter at the hotel attacked a young American woman who was staying at the resort with a wedding party. - A waiter? Like the one I told you about, the one that was staring at Monica. - Possibly. The woman says he brought her room service, wouldn't leave, threw her on the bed, jumped on top of her. A friend of hers walked in, and the guy bolted. - Well, did they find this guy? I can tell you if it's the same person. - No, no, no. No, we don't have an ID yet. The resort says they fired him, but we don't have a name. - Well, they need to find him. I mean, maybe he's the one that really killed Monica. - We are doing everything we can. - This helps us though, right? I mean, he-- [door opens] - I'll be right there. - He attacked a female guest, just like what happened with Monica. - Bruce, you had an affair. You lied to your wife. You fought about kids and money. They may not have much physical evidence, but they may not need it to make their case. And we will present our side and hope for the best. -<i> Former "Survivor" producer Bruce Bereston-Redman</i> <i> has been extradited to Mexico</i> <i> to stand trial for aggravated murder</i> <i> in the April 2010 death of his wife,</i> <i> his attorney confirmed Wednesday.</i> <i> He is accused of killing his wife,</i> <i> Monica Beresford-Redman,</i> <i> while on a family vacation in Cancun, Mexico.</i> <i> If convicted, the Emmy-nominated producer</i> <i> and co-creator of "Pimp My Ride"</i> <i> could be sentenced to up between</i> <i> 12 and 30 years in prison.</i> - My client, Bruce Beresford-Redman, has continually insisted that he is not guilty of the accusations charged by the Mexican authorities. It is his hope that the court and the Mexican government will ensure that he gets a fair trial, in which he is confident he will be proven innocent. [door opens] That's all I have for you right now. Thank you very much. I'll be in contact with your attorney in Cancun. - My children. Can I see my children? - No, I-I don't know. I'll try. - You need to get me out of there. - I will--I will try. - I'm innocent! I didn't do this! [applause] <i> - [whistling]</i> - [speaking in Spanish] [all speaking in Spanish] <i> [dramatic music]</i> - I think next time we need to get a place with two bedrooms. - You need to shower before we go to dinner. You stink. - [chuckles] Thank you. - For what? - For coming. We needed this. - Okay. Shower. [chuckles] Go. - Definitely two bedrooms. - [chuckles] - Ten minutes. - Kids? Okay, time to get dressed. - Oh, Mom. Come on. - I put your clothes over there on the bed. - Hey, you got a head start. [phone vibrating] [phone vibrating] - Kids, I'll be right back. Katie, help your brother get dressed. [phone ringing] - Zabumba, this is Gretchen. - I need your help. - - He's in touch with her again. <i> What's wrong?</i> That woman, the casting director. - Are you sure? - I just saw it. While we're here on this stupid vacation that was supposed to be about fixing our marriage. - That prick. - I can't believe I let him talk me into this. I can't believe I trusted him again. - What are you gonna do? -<i> What I should have done</i> <i>months ago.</i> No more fighting. No more listening to him beg for another chance. This time, I am done. Will you do something for me? -<i> Sure, anything.</i> - Can you change the locks on the house? -Uh, yes. Of course, sure. - All of them. I don't want him setting foot in that house. - Are you gonna come home early? Monica, you are amazing at a lot of things, but hiding your feelings is not one of them. <i> How are you gonna stay in the same room as Bruce after this?</i> - I'll figure it out. Will you take care of the locks? - Sure. I've got it. - Thank you. When I get home, this marriage is over. -<i> The housekeeper testified that she asked the accused</i> if she could clean his room, and he said, "No." In fact, housekeeping was denied access that entire day. - Was that the day that the victim was missing? <i>- That's right.</i> - [snapping fingers] But in cross-examination, the housekeeper also admitted that she saw Mr. Beresford-Redman and his kids go in and out of the room several times that day, and that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. One moment. Sorry, we started without you. - What is this? I have to stay in here? - Don't worry. This is normal. This is how we do things here. - What's happening? - Just keep in mind that this is just a hearing to see if the prosecution has enough to go to trial, and so far the physical evidence is very weak. The blood found in the room is no match to either you or your wife. - Well, obviously. - Even better is the fact that the medical examiner states that the approximate time of death was 11:30 p.m. - That's almost a whole day after they said it initially happened. - Yeah. Unfortunately that isn't enough to shake the prosecution's theory. They insist that the body was to decomposed to get an accurate time of death. - That's crazy. They can just ignore whatever findings they don't like? - Our biggest problem right now is the keycard and the fact that you did not contact hotel management earlier. - I don't know what else to tell you. At that point I was worried, but I wasn't concerned. I went in and out of the room so many times because I couldn't leave the kids alone. - But the judge is a little bit skeptical of that explanation. - Yeah, but it's the truth. - Yeah. That's exactly what I'll tell him. - In America, this case would have been dismissed by now. - Well, you're not in America. The prosecution will provide evidence on your affair and your troubled marriage. See, that might be enough for this judge to send this case to trial. - How long can that take? - One, two, maybe three years. Hey, this is Mexico. Justice move really slow. Just hang in there. We'll talk afterwards. <i> [dramatic music]</i> - [speaking in Spanish] - Are you ready for this? Do you think the judge has enough to order him to trial? - We did everything we could. We were thorough. - But is it enough? - We'll see. - What about you? Do you think he did it? - I think he believed we were stupid. That he could come to Mexico and get away with murdering his wife. He's about to find out just how wrong he was. - Detective, you conducted an exhaustive investigation. Can you explain to the court the order of events leading up to the murder of Monica Beresford-Redman? - From witness testimony, we believe that the accused and his wife argued on the night of April 4th. - Argued over his continued contact with his long-time mistress? - That's speculation, your honor. -<i> what they argued about,</i> <i> We don't know</i> but it certainly could have been about his recent affair. <i> And in the early hours of the next morning,</i> <i> we believe that the victim</i> <i> and her husband once again began to argue.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> - What are you doing? - Leaving. - Monica, I told you, I stopped seeing her. - Don't. Not one more lie. I'm so sick of your lies. - We'll go back to therapy. - No more therapy. No more promises. -<i> We can work through this.</i> - No more explanations. Mm-mm. It's over, Bruce. The kids and I are going home this morning, to our home, not yours, because of now you don't live there anymore. - You're doing this again? You're gonna threaten me? - It's not a threat. It's a promise. - Think about the children. Think how it's gonna affect them. - Don't you dare use them to manipulate me! - That never happened! - Sit down! - I didn't do that! They can't just fabricate a story! - Bruce, you have to sit down now. Excuse my--my client, your honor. - Detective, if you can continue with your theory of the crime. - Of course. We believe that the argument escalated into something much more violent. - You can't do this. - Let go of me! Let go of me! - This is my life. Those are my children. That's my house! - Ah! You are my wife. You can't do this. - It's not your choice. Ah! <i> [muffled noises]</i> - Hey, just ignore it. - Is that the TV? - Or the kids. - No, I don't think so. It sounds like an argument. - Well, if it's bothering you, call the front desk. - I don't want to get them in trouble. -<i> Monica Beresford-Redman died in that room,</i> murdered by her husband. - That's your theory, you mean. That this violent act happened in the same room that there were two sleeping children, and that somehow my client, the accused, hid the body of their mother from their children for a full day, and then disposed of the body the following night. Your honor, all they have is just theories with no evidence. - We believe that Beresford-Redman concealed the body in the shower during the day. The next night, he used his keycard to enter and exit his room many times. This is when we believe that was getting rid of evidence and moving the body to the sewer. - See, what I'm a little confused with is that even your own coroner report states that the time of death was 18 hours after your theory indicates. - The time of death reported by the coroner is not accurate. - Your honor, they cannot just seem to ignore the facts that the-- - Enough. I have read all your briefs, and I am ready to make my ruling. In my view, sufficient evidence against Bruce Beresford-Redman in the murder of Monica Beresford-Redman has been presented. Therefore, this case is bound over for trial. - This can't be happening. - We'll take care of it. - You need to do something. - I will do something. Just go with them. Don't fight it. - Do something. - I will do something. [both speaking Spanish] We'll take care of this. - "Gracias, senor." - [speaking in Spanish] [crowd muttering] <i> - Murdered your wife.</i> - Did you kill your wife? How did you escape the authorities in the first place? How did you escape-- -<i> This trial has been going on for over a year now</i> <i> with no end in sight.</i> <i> And the legal system here is</i> <i> unlike anything I know.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> I mean, this isn't justice.</i> [buzzing] <i> - Bruce, did you kill your wife?</i> - Absolutely not. <i> - You've been accused in the press</i> <i> of playing your own reality game show,</i> <i> believing that you could outwit,</i> <i> outlast, and outplay the Mexican authorities</i> <i> and get away with murder. </i> - That's absurd. I loved Monica. I would never have done anything to hurt her. -<i> And your life now?</i> - It's a living nightmare. I just take--take it one day at a time, and this place is-- this place is not somewhere I'd wish on my worst enemy. I just try to-- try to take it day by day. -<i> And are you a survivor?</i> - That remains to be seen. [cell door slamming shut] [Rod Ladgrove's "Love, the Way It Hurts"] - ♪ Patience ♪ Ain't doing nothing ♪ Time is ♪ Standing still ♪ Thoughts are ♪ Just running you down ♪ Take me ♪ If you will ♪ I love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Dreams were ♪ My only escape ♪ See you ♪ Every night ♪ I love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts ♪ Love the way it hurts
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 424,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, Murder in Mexico, The Bruce Beresford-Redman Story, Murder in Mexico: The Bruce Beresford-Redman Story, Colin Egglesfield, Bruce Beresford-Redman, Survivor, creator of survivor, bruce beresford-redman, bruce beresford, bruce beresford-redman documentary, bruce beresford movies, best bruce beresford movies this year, bruce beresford redman, bruce beresford redman movie, lifetime movies, full movie, full movies online, full movies lifetime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 56sec (5216 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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