Danger Lurking Under My Roof (2023) #LMN | BEST Lifetime Movies | Based on a true story (2023)

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[Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] Mom good morning Honey hi Mom okay yeah you can let go now you ready for mother daughter day absolutely what do you think no color Country Club matrons are leaving their mark on you well it's for the Madison's new beach house and I do color occasionally oh well in that case you should help me decorate my new dorm room I was thinking a mural maybe a field of sunflowers lots of greens and yellows and a blazing Blue Sky oh now you're pushing it that's far too much color MH is Dad meeting us for lunch no honey he's far too busy at work today but this is going to be the best summer ever right it's your last one here it's not our last summer Mom I'm I'm going to be back for the holidays it's not enough okay Debbie Downer let's go shopping okay so what do you think you're going to need for your fresh veneer well I really want to get these shoes that they are so [Music] cute all right I was thinking that maybe we could go to Georgio's and get that chicken and goat cheese and salad that salad is so good we could split it maybe it's big it's huge maybe we could get the triple chocolate cake good morning lady s well I was going to ask you to go for a run but I see you ladies are going out on the town yeah mom's taking me shopping and for lunch how fun oh love the braids honey oh thank very cool it's a new look I'm trying well it suits you doesn't she look nice roxan she does Macy's trying out this college student look while she can cuz when she starts practicing lot it's all business suits and blow else you have all your life to play by the rules how Fone while you can that's my motto I will I mean that's what college is for to let your hair down away from your parents and classes there's classes too right right classes very important that's what it's all about right Macy right and some fun I hope yes of course honey I mean all work and no play speaking of which we should get going the mall waits for no one all right well I'll catch you later for coffee roxan sounds great morning allow me to introduce our head of the board Mark Robinson now Mark volunteers his time and his legal expertise to the project we we'd be nowhere without him Mark good morning welcome thank you for coming uh great intro my man look our aim in this project is that the homeless become our neighbors not the problem through housing them in a small house within the host property grounds now the added incentive is that after four years the property becomes yours free of charge okay after your guests have moved on now we have an extensive waiting list of new neighbors going to host new families and uh and we provide a full support service for both hosts and neighbors and it's this unique support that makes this project so special we all know the benefits of a good neighbor right [Music] sit up straight honey come on there you go I feel bad that dad had to work today don't feel too bad honey your dad loves his work I don't know what he'd do without it he just seem stressed lately have you noticed he's just got a lot going on I just wish he'd take some time off you know what I miss miss him sometimes and I'm going to be gone soon I just I know sweetheart your dad just got a really full plate with his charity and his practice and you know how much the tiny house project means to him but he is so proud of you for following in his footsteps I don't want to end up like Dad always working with no time for anything else it's you'll make time for what matters trust me sure I'll take care of things you have my word great session today Mark looks like we'll have even more tiny houses set up soon yeah great the community really needs to yeah oh yeah we'll see you L there'll be more spaces available tomorrow we can get them in ASAP great hey hey hey somebody called looking for you who a man didn't say wouldn't leave a message probably just some random creep paradise motel oh yeah you just missed her oh you want to leave a message Another Day in Paradise don't get too comfortable I just got in mom give me a break you need to start packing is this about the man who keeps calling Mom are we ever going to stop running the receptionist just told me someone tried calling again is it him not going to be a problem we're hitting the road again don't tell me you found somewhere I told you I would I told you this would only be temporary trust your mother hold on it's not another motel is it no no more motels come on keep [Applause] hacking I'm sorry I know I said I was going to make it but there's no way I can do it today I know I promised okay uh okay I'll see what I can do [Music] [Music] later [Music] I need to talk to you about something the tiny house project found someone for us to host well that's great news honey when do we start like a month two months tomorrow tomorrow honey we weren't supposed to start this until after Macy goes to college I know I know but it's a single mom and her daughter and they really need a safe place to live look I'm the head of the board and I need to lead by example the tiny house is up now it's just sitting there being empty when people really need it I love how much you care honey I really do it's just I don't know are are we ready for this you kidding me all the training you've done you're going to be an amazing host the two people is a very different Dynamic than just one I I know but you wouldn't want to separate a daughter and a mother would you when you could keep them together okay Megan St I am so proud to be your husband roxan Robinson here what this open it oh honey you like it I love it honey thank you I love it so [Music] much wow you weren't kidding Mom this is nice very nice I wonder which house was ours come [Music] on home sweet home mom he won't find us here right security is a promise of the program we'll be safe here trust me it is pretty great and it's ours oh somebody left us a present welcome to your new home from your new neighbors and Friends Roxanne Mark and Macy Robinson look this must be our host family yeah that's nice of them I think we're going to do great here baby so what do you think I think they're going to love it I mean it's just supposed to be a small token right so what do you know about your new neighbors you mean our new neighbors they're going to be living next to you too they're really your neighbors I mean they're practically on your doorstep well it's a mom and daughter and honestly I'm just happy that we can give him a safe home a happy housewarming thank you I love it isn't it beautiful mhm don't get me wrong I will not miss the paradise motel but it's so quiet here that's a good thing no no prying eyes as long as we keep our heads down we'll be fine remember even with your friends be discreet what friends I bet there are tons of kids around here your age Rich Kids give it a chance Lucy this is a great opportunity for us to get back on our feet and the best part about it is no one comes through that door uninvited hi Ella I'm roxan Robinson and this is my daughter Macy hi hi roxan nice to meet you I hope we're not coming at An Inconvenient time we just wanted to stop by and introduce ourselves and give you this it's just a few essentials to help you get settled in oh thank you it's kind of you um come on in you can leave the plant there and give it some sun Lucy come say hi this is my daughter Lucy this is uh roxan and Macy our new neighbors hi hi Lucy welcome hey Lucy Lucy you and Macy will have to hang out together she can show you all around the neighborhood and tell you all about the school I'm sure you guys have loads in common yeah I'd be happy to show you around Lucy thanks I'd offer you coffee but we're still getting unpacked here oh don't worry about it we don't want to intrude thanks for coming by oh actually I wanted to see if maybe we could do the welcome supper tonight just to get any questions sorted out tonight mhm um oh well I suppose though we only just got here I can wait Mom right oh it'll be really informal it's just a chance for us to go over how everything will work it's part of the welcome week sure thanks we'll save me cooking great well we'll see you tonight then then Macy is so excited about starting in the fall I'm even trying to get her to rush my old sword already oh my gosh having her following your footsteps how cute so how are the new neighbors I mean I'm I'm not sure they seem nice so what's the problem well I tried to look for them on social media to try to get a feel for them you know surprise to no one and I I couldn't find anything about them online I mean isn't that weird I mean not everybody has a perfect life or family to share I mean you're a lucky woman roxan cute necklace oh thank you Mark got it for me he's an old romantic yes he is great mines I was just about to pick some roses for my table too I'm glad you like them oh I won't be putting these anywhere I've never liked roses wait you're pulling them all out yep last one something about the smell this like horrible over-the-top perfume that gets in your nose uh if you're going that way would you mind taking these to the trash yeah sure I think it's pretty cool that you got two people living in your garden they're not living in our backyard Ryan they have a house on the grounds the grounds sounds sounds so bougie when you say that whatever mom is totally smothering them oh on that doesn't surprise me when do I uh get the official intro to your parents when they've learned how to chill out so never that's a shame guess I'll just have you all to myself instead then the heat of summer is Raging you got me all you're it imagine a world so our role as the host family is to help you and Lucy feel a part of your new neighborhood what does that entail well for instance we could assist you in finding War Kella if that's something you're interested in and Lucy Macy can show you all around the neighborhood and tell you all about the school we just want to be the best neighbors that we can I really appreciate the offer but Lucy's already enrolled in school and I have a job interview tomorrow that's fantastic Ella that's great thanks you know I actually have a suit that I think would look really good on you if if you want to borrow it for tomorrow thanks but I know how to put myself together for a job interview of course I'm sorry hey Lucy you want to go see my room sure um any problems with the house everything's working just fine yeah which um reminds me I have uh some general information here to help you get settled in recycling been collection days bus routes stuff like that and uh Good Neighbor guidelines Good Neighbor guidelines no loud noise after 10: p.m. no social Gatherings of over six people yeah those are just general guidelines everybody gets them did you get them well we didn't write them they're just part of the agreement yeah well our party days are well behind us but uh if there's anything in there that you don't like or seem unfair you can talk to us about it [Music] this is it wow this is like a fancy hotel room we were staying a motel before we lived here a motel yeah but it was nothing like this not even in the same universe it's so neat in here where's all your stuff mom's a big fan of storage you like Sideshow yeah yeah they're my favorite band me too I so in love with Johnny he's so hot who's your favorite Johnny too are you serious he's already mine I already said that we're going to be together H I'm not going to fight you for him did you hear they're playing at the sun Festival this weekend yeah are you going to go um my friends are but I'm busy what could be more important than seeing your favorite band playing my boyfriend is going but Mom and Dad would definitely know on me going with him why not well for a start they don't even know about him he's not exactly part of the country club set yeah but your parents aren't dating him are they it's another business maybe are you seeing anyone no but I'm waiting for a country club boy to sweep me off my feet I was thinking that maybe you could take Lucy out today take her shopping go to lunch my treat obviously yeah yeah that sounds fun I think Lucy would really like that yeah I do too it's just yesterday was so awkward you know and I I just really want to do something nice for Ella and Lucy like what well I was thinking that I could spruce up the house while Ella's at her job interview okay yeah that that sounds nice hey mom um a couple of my friends are going to the sun Festival this weekend and I'd really like to go sesh show is headlining on Saturday honey we already have our spa weekend booked and I I don't think a festival is a good idea I mean you've got drugs and alcohol and camping and dirt right but I won't be doing anything illegal I know honey but a lot of people around you will be and it's just not a very safe environment Mom they're my favorite band you're going to be a lot happier at a five-star hotel trust me on this you're going to thank [Music] [Music] me so tell me more about the secret boyfriend what's his name Ryan he was at my school a couple of years above me but he dropped out he's a musician he plays guitar and a band cool I know he's working at a coffee shop until he gets his big break but he's really talented but you're worried about something I don't know he's just older than me and he's way cooler and I don't what I'm thinking I'm like this snky rich kid with no Edge yeah exactly I've got just the thing why don't you get a piercing a piercing you're 18 it's about time you do something for yourself and I'll get one with you what do you say okay why not [Music] excellent [Music] it hey honey hey that's new I got one too oh relax Dad it's no big deal okay see what mom says what the hell oh hi Ella you look great how'd the interview go did you redecorate my home I did you don't like it roxan that was pretty intrusive well I just wanted to add some finishing touches to make him more homey I think you should give your spare key to me please we are supposed to hold on to a key as part of the agreement oh and the agreement says that I have a right to privacy how would you like it if I had a key to your house and let myself in whenever I felt like it okay Ella I'm I'm sorry I just wanted to make it nice for you and Lucy but you're right I I should have asked you first it's just you know it's our new home and we need to feel ownership of that we need to know that nobody comes in without our say so of course I can change it back take the new stuff away no thanks I'm heading home it's been a long day oh hey girls how was your day great thanks roxan yeah we had fun Mom good I'm glad you had a good time oh productive good good good what the hell is that Macy Robinson what that thing in your nose it's called a nose D mom me and Macy got matching on today they're really cute don't you think you got your nose pierced well yeah it's not stick on I'm not 12 I didn't say that you could get that done Macy and I didn't ask did you know about this just found out what the hell were you thinking Macy I was thinking I looked pretty it can get infected it can leave a scar on your face well luckily it's a stud right because if if you took it out now it would heal right Macy it is a permanent hole right in the middle of your face Macy well at least we didn't get matching sleeve tattoos well not yet I am not a child anymore Mom I don't have to ask you for your permission for every single little thing o don't take it out on me okay it'll heal over once she gets bored with it I really hope that Lucy is not going to be a bad influence on her I have faith in our daughter maybe she's the good influence that Lucy needs I shouldn't have decorated the house without Ella's permission I mean I I just thought that they would be happy and recognize that it was a thoughtful gesture it was thoughtful honey I just I feel bad hey why don't you invite them to the lunch tomorrow right before our first counseling session help them feel that they're part of the neighborhood yeah that's a good idea thanks honey it's going to be fine The Heat Of Summer is Raging on I'm all sweaty before at least we have some cushions for the couch that's not the point and all this fancy stuff is free it's not just what Rox San's done in here that's the problem problem roxan has advertised her makeover on social media that's not good this was supposed to be a new start for us safe quiet under the radar now our home is online where anyone could see it so what are we going to do change the locks for a start I'm not taking any chances I know Rox Sam means well but if he finds us then there they're in danger [Music] too you don't think it's weird that we have strangers living in our backyard it's only strange because it's new this program is going to change lives you'll see come the bed [Music] honey good morning hi planting some herbs succulents oh hey I wanted to invite you and Lucy to a lunch party today all the neighbors will be there so it'll be a really good chance for you to meet everyone and introduce yourselves yeah I don't know oh come on it'll be fun and you're part of the neighborhood now okay thanks Rox um Mark will be there too so I was thinking that we could follow it up with the first counseling session already well it'll be good just to get it out of the way see you later H sure okay great are you sure you're going to need all of this well I just want it to go really well I want Ella and Lucy to feel really welcome you know they're not going to want a big fuss Mom I'm not making a big fuss oh by the way I tried to tag Ella in pictures of the house online and I couldn't find anything about her or Lucy on social media like nothing at all not everyone wants to share their whole lives on social media yeah but most people share when they move into a new house it's a big deal no Mom it's actually very very small haha very funny hey honey no no there's something I need to finish here first yes yes I'll be home for lunch I promise look I got to go I'm really busy all right bye hello yes I'm working on this now I'm just authorizing IDs and the houses will be available soon short terms as we agreed no we we are over the limit and I can't work any faster than this okay oh there are protocols hello what if he's found out where we are what if he saw this stuff on social media he can't have we haven't been here long enough for anyone to know I promise you promised before that was different nobody is ever going to tell us what to do or how to live [Music] again not sure I would want that in my backyard I mean it's a nice little freebie you could eventually turn it into a guest house or a home office maybe somewhere for your staff to live perhaps you should consider getting one too Georgia well I don't doubt that would' be a great investment in the long term but in the short term you would have to host imagine that you could literally have anyone living on your doorstep I think it's a great idea at least this way you can guarantee there will be at least two interesting people in the neighborhood well I suppose it depends on your definition of interesting how about someone that's not obsessed with property values and Botox well I wouldn't depend on your new neighbors for any Grand floristry orders I'd be surprised if they could even afford a potted plants look roxan may enjoy playing Lady Bountiful to the needy I just don't understand why the rest of us have to be dragged along did you hear what they said about us yeah seems money can't buy manners it's not a pledge Georgia it's lunch I happen to know for a fact that roxan didn't want them here yet especially not with it being the last summer before Macy goes off to college she must have felt pity for them good for for her but rather her than me well I'm going to go mingle you play nice okay I always do this is all just so gross can we go home because of a woman like that come on we'll kill two birds with one stone we'll meet all the neighbors idiots included and do the counseling session let two more things cross off the welcome week list it's going to be a long week no kidding oh I love the braids Lucy it really suits you thanks I am so glad you're both here come on let's go meet your neighbors I'm good hi I'm Sasha I'm a friend of the family I'm Lucy hi Lucy look I don't want you to judge us by uptight Georgia over there I for one am glad that you and your mom are here here thanks so how are you settling in it's okay I like the house and Macy's been nice Macy's great come on I can show you around and introduce you to some people come on they won't bite but I might you're feisty The Dashing Hero has arrived Tuesdays on LMN he's 50 and he asked me to go out with him so I want to welcome you all to our first counseling session uh this is designed to help you talk things through uh and work out any settling issues you might have okay so this is my Talking Stick the talker holds the stick and while they're talking the listeners all need to let that the talker finish without interruptions of any kind okay it's really designed to you know Foster mutual respect and understanding all right who'd like to get started I would roxan I don't appreciate you posting our new home all over social media without our permission we are not your work project our lives are not your mood board oh I'll go Ella we totally understand your concerns especially when it comes to your privacy and I'm sure that roxan will delete Del all the posts we just want you to feel welcome okay uh looks like we're a little tired it's been a long couple of days why don't we continue this next week roxan can we talk alone please I didn't want to say this in there in front of Lucy and Macy but we heard some pretty horrendous things at that party aimed in our Direction direction oh I'm sorry Ella sometimes these people can be really stuck up and snobby luc's just a kid she doesn't deserve to be made to feel small I know that Ella I have a daughter too one who just went behind my back and got a nose piercing because your daughter suggested it are you saying my daughter's a bad influence I'm saying that I think she can speak up for herself just fine seriously roxan stay out of our Lives if you know what's good for you hi Annie hi come on baby let's go well that went well talk about embarrassing mom honey I was just trying to help I didn't expect to be persecuted for trying to make them feel welcome maybe it was too early you're supposed to start these things early to iron out any potential problems the only problem is that you try and micromanage everyone's lives instead of just leaving them alone I do not and you can get a little defensive instead of listening Macy that's not fair do I do that okay all right we just need to take a break here and talk about this for a second okay I need to get back to work I need to sign some documents I really could have done without this today all right I'll see you later see you later my SE I'm going [Music] out so when is your next gig that's coming up U we're working it out probably after this weekend mommy's still saying no to you going to the sun Festival well she's not exactly saying no you're really missing out it's going to be wild I would really love to to go it's our last summer together I really wish you could go you know what red roses mean right e hello [Music] hello is anybody there [Music] hey what happened what do you think was anything else damaged no just this Macy must have left the door unlocked who would do this Mark I don't know we'll find out I mean that's why we have security cameras you know Ella was really angry with me earlier she told me to back off her else honey I know you two are tense with each other right now but you can't accuse someone with no proof well who else would do this I don't know I'll figure it out okay are you got to tell Macy no no I don't want to worry [Music] her where were you Library you know you left the door unlocked sorry just because you live in a nice neighborhood doesn't mean you can be careless m I said I'm sorry okay people slip in under the radar even here I'll make sure I locked the door this came for Ella was delivered by mistake goodbye take it to her you checking that we're recycling correctly now no this just fell out I was just putting it back it was just such a bright shade of red I wanted to check the color Atomic red interesting choice here this came to our house by a mistake thanks [Music] I've done terrible so how's that hting going not as much fun as I thought it would be how come I mean I I've tried everything to connect with Ella but she just keeps putting up a wall like hey Mom I'm heading out oh hi Sasha hi masy off somewh fun oh I'm cading for my dad this morning he's paying me and I get lunch at a girl I'll see you at the clubhouse later for lunch honey later I'll see you bye I'm glad we get to spend the day together dad even if it revolves around golf yeah me too you know you spend so much time with your mom I need my time too I just know you're spread pretty thin between the house charity and your work so I appreciate it did your mom drop you off cuz she's coming back here after we finished for lunch um um no actually Ryan gave me a lift Ryan who's Ryan he's my boyfriend boyfriend do you know him from school kind of he's he's working now working oh great what kind of work is he doing he's a musician he plays guitar in a band oh wow okay that sounds like a solid career choice dad not every 20-year-old knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives 20 huh look I don't want to go all protective that on you but I want you to be careful I'm not having this conversation with you nope you're still going to law school right look I just sometimes I get worried about college it feels so far away and I don't know look I I know it's scary going away from home but you're going to love it you're going to have the time of your life trust me it's not just that I just don't think it's really what I want to do finally caught up with you what are you what are you doing here uh I didn't know you were remember oh well if I can't get you at the office I got to track you down at the golf club you're always so busy what choice do you give me and who is this this is my daughter Macy Macy this is John he's a client of mine or should I say coworker now yeah Macy's making some extra cash catting for me today oh you're going to need that money college is expensive very expensive why don't you caddy for me while I play around with your dad here and I'll tip you too okay yeah thanks thanks Ah that's not necessary Deal's a deal shall we go yeah let's go hey beautiful day hi yeah it's going to be hot yeah going out uh yeah just to the golf club not taking your clubs no no I'm just meeting Mark and Macy at the club for lunch and Mark's the golfer and the family do you or Lucy play no it's not our thing oh by the way I snapped a really cute picture of Lucy and Macy the other day in the garden and I was going to tag you on social media but I couldn't find you we don't do social media like at all okay and as I've said I would appreciate you keeping us off yours hi roxan hi hey honey hi who who was that who that man he knew my name but I didn't know him sure you do that's John Carter he's a client of mine you met him at the firm's Christmas party I don't remember there were so many people there I just caded for him he gave me 100 bucks I tried to say no but he wouldn't hear it that's impressive you must have done a good job oh she did an amazing job we really enjoyed our day today let's grab some lunch starving sounds [Music] [Music] good hello is anybody [Music] [Music] here hello roxan [Music] Macy that was so much [Music] fun dad had me running to get this one wall and it was all the way out not we don't need to bring that up Lucy what are you doing here I saw the back door was open so I came in to see if everything was all right ay I thought I told you to lock the back door it wasn't me mom was the last one to leave the house the door was locked Mark are you sure yes I'm sure I thought I saw a man in the backyard but there was nobody here in the house a man all right thanks for checking in Lucy I appreciate it that's what good neighbors do right I'll see you guys later and would it be too much trouble that everyone please lock the damn door I locked the door Mark yeah okay I got to work my heart necklace I'm loving this that's my favorite kind so much better than coffee Macy honey can you go to your room I need to have a word with your dad why just give us a minute honey please okay what's this about my heart necklace is missing in a lot of my other jewelry what are you sure yes I'm sure and Lucy was in our house okay Lucy said the back door was open and we found her in the kitchen there's no reason to believe that she went into our bedroom to look around kind of convenient that she saw some mystery man okay where are you going with this I think she took the jewelry Mark I think she took it I think she's going to pawn it and and use it to try to Temp Macy in a more bodily harm okay I thought we were over the nose stud I don't trust them Mark okay do you actually believe that Lucy would steal from you honey all of this stuff has started happening since they moved in we have no idea who they are and they literally live in our backyard okay I'll call the police but we're going to leave it in their hands okay we have insurance okay worst case scenario I'll buy you another necklace that's not the point mark I'm not going to stand by while they invade our lives Tuesdays on LMN he's 50 and he asked me to go out with him explore your you accusing my daughter of being a thief I'm asking you to talk to her Lucy was making sure that everything was okay she was doing you a favor and this is the thing she gets I'm sure you can see how this looks Lucy goes into my house my jewelry goes missing oh I see exactly how this looks if you harass us again or come in here uninvited I will get an injunction against you Mark is going to report this theft to the police good we have our own people to call [Music] I shouldn't have gone over there when I was so upset well you accused her daughter of theft how did you expect her to react I just I want them gone Mark it's too stressful having them here I don't feel safe anymore okay I'm headed the housing board how would it look if I evicted him on suspicion just let the police handle it okay okay all right come to bed you'll feel better after a good night's sleep stop denying it it was obviously you no it wasn't who else could it have been I don't know I can't believe you went in my room I didn't I vouched for you in front of my mom she told me not to trust you and she was right I told you I didn't go into your room you stole my diary I didn't take your stupid diary I'm so over all of this Hi Lacy Macy Macy honey honey have you seen Macy this morning no why her bed hasn't been slept in and she's not answering her phone where is she I don't know wait a second I I did hear something last night it sounded like an argument between her and Lucy and you didn't to go outside and see what was going on well it went quiet and I must have fallen back asleep because I didn't think anything of it honey I have a really bad feeling about this she wouldn't just leave without telling us we have to find her we have to find her now roxan stop she wouldn't just disappear mark look I don't want to break Macy's trust and I thought she would have already told you by now but she has a new boyfriend and she's probably with him a boyfriend yeah she told me at the golf club Ryan I think his name is she told you she had a boyfriend but she didn't tell me yeah yeah but didn't seem serious honey that doesn't matter we don't know him he could be anybody I trust our daughter don't you yes Lucy said Macy was here last night what time I don't know it was late mom was in bed so we went outside so we didn't disturb her did you argue yeah a bit what about her diary had gone missing she thought I might have taken it well did you roxan no I told her I hadn't taken it she didn't believe me that's what we argued about then I came here that was the last time I saw her Macy didn't come home last night her bed's not even been slept in I I I've tried all of her friends no one knows where she is look roxan teenagers have lives and friends we don't know about not Macy yes yes even Macy all teenagers have secrets she probably is hanging out with one of those friends and lost track of time go home wait she'll come back [Music] so have you seen Macy today nope not replying to my text at all yeah her mom's worried because she hasn't been home is that why you're here I have to say I was surprised to get a message from some chick who's living with the Robinsons well I guess I kind of hoped you were here for something else it's pretty cool to have someone around here that's not totally full of themselves they seem real you're Macy's boyfriend I don't think I can't see what this is about you're jealous of Macy I've seen you hanging around you want to have something that's hers no that's not at all I bet you secretly love that she's out of the picture why else would you have my number saved how did you even get it if you don't know where Macy is I'm out of here I'm sure Macy wouldn't mind have a nice life creep I tried calling all of Macy's friends and none of them have seen her I I I don't know what else to do honey it's only been a few hours look what I found in her room someone has been watching Macy what in the hell are these do you think it could have been Lucy Roan I mean maybe Lucy took these pictures and she put them in Macy's room whenever she was in the house okay why would Lucy do this because she's jealous of Macy honey we have everything that they don't she's jealous of Macy going to college of of of where she lives of everything that she has that we have that they don't have I me she's even started looking like Macy okay or it could be Macy's new boyfriend do you do you know his last name no mayy never said and you didn't think to ask honey what are we going to do here I'm really worried okay I'll call the police all right okay got something for you Wednesdays Hey kid what are you doing uh just disposing of some green waste I have a green thumb I help roxan with the garden what are you up to just getting some fresh air did you hear about Macy she didn't come home last night I did do you know anything about that no do you no but sounds to me like she finally found some freedom and decided to have some fun mhm we all have our little secrets yeah so how long has it been since you've seen Macy uh yesterday yesterday evening yeah yeah yesterday evening and sir it is not like our daughter to stay out all night and not let us know where she is well the department requires 48 hours to have passed before we can file any sort of missing persons report especially in the instance that it's not a child mayy he's 18 right well yes but she would never stay out all night and not let us know you'd be surprised how often I hear that well she left her purse she's not answering her phone teenagers forget to call their parents especially if they think they're in trouble okay Officer South my husband he heard Lucy arguing with Macy last night the girl in The Little House out back yes they were the last people to see Macy her and her mother okay I'll uh I'll go ahead and speak to them but it'll just be a general inquiry there's no reason to put them under any sort of Suspicion I know that they are connected okay Lucy took Macy's diary that's why they were arguing Mrs Robinson I'm going to have to warn you against making any unsubstantiated accusations or you going to have more issues than a teenager who stayed out for a night I would advise you to stay away from Lucy and her mother let me handle this okay now this boyfriend Ryan last name I don't know that's all you know about him no last name no phone number no address he's a musician right I don't suppose you know what band he's in no do you think this Ryan could have been the one that left the photos you found in her room well suppose it's a possibility or it could have been Lucy okay um I think I have everything I need for the time being okay before you leave will you just walk through her her room again one more time and just look to see if I missed anything maybe a clue or something sure I'll uh I'll check it out if it'll put your mind at rest but in my experience teenagers stay out for a night they go out partying forget to go home not our daughter yeah thank you [Music] okay is this a missing diary yes but that's that's not where she normally kept it so she was planning on going to the sun festival with her boyfriend Ryan sounds pretty excited about it sun Festival is this weekend right yes but I told her that she couldn't go we already had plans sounds like your mystery solved okay sorry to waste your time officer but her phone probably out of power or just ignoring you so you won't tell her to come back home so so what do we do I would just sit tight wait for her to come back home when this festival's over just dock her allowance so she doesn't do it again if she doesn't come back file a missing person's report then I wouldn't be too hard on the the she'll never tell you what she's up to just my two cents thank you I didn't pay what I paid for the police to show up at my door you better take care of this or I will is everything okay Mom yes everything's fine who's on on the phone the damn bill collector really yes really you don't have to worry about it everything's fine now do you think the police will be back no they won't how can you be so sure because we told the police the truth that we don't know anything about where Macy is you haven't seen her since she left last night right right good then we have nothing to worry about honey what are you doing there are friends in here I've never even heard of parties that she's been to that I didn't know about J she's a teenager she's never going to tell us everything maybe we don't know our daughter as well as we thought we did maybe that's normal not for our family okay Macy deserves her privacy we all do this isn't there she wants to go to art school she doesn't even want to be a lawyer okay look let's talk about that when she gets back she'll be home soon safe and sound hello Macy who is this hello they hung up what' they say he said she'll pay one way or the other we must be talking about Macy Mark what do we do take that number down and give it to officer South okay hello Mark sorry Your call cannot be completed who was it I was just John about work just chasing some paperwork did you get the number yeah yeah it wasn't when I recognized I tried to call it but it was blocked um I got to go to the office now yeah there's some paperwork that needs to be sorted um I won't be long honey Macy's still missing and what if that guy calls back here I know listen I won't be long okay if they do just record it okay okay I just want to back Mark I do too I do too okay I won't be long I promise where are you Lucy call me [Music] [Music] back [Music] just I will take the gag off if you promise to be quiet do you understand do you understand good Lucy what's going on Macy who was that man Tuesdays on LMN he's 50 get back to you mark where are you call me when you get this please [Music] [Music] what can I do for you officer got some information on your husband he's been in an accident looks like it could be a hit and run what is my husband okay can I go see him he's stable U they're working on him right now so you won't be able to see him but he's going to be fine plus it's best that you stay here just in case your daughter returns home what happened not exactly sure it's a very quiet Road not too many witnesses both doors were open on the vehicle so there's evidence that he might have had someone with him who FL the scene I I I called yesterday with the number from that threatening message have you guys had a chance to trace it yet we're working on it what if it's connected to this I'm going to check the number as soon as I get to the station I promise thank you all right Roan I saw the police car out front is there any news not about Macy they were here because Mark's been in an accident they said it was a hidden run oh my God is he okay honestly I don't know Lucy's gone too she didn't come home last night what she doesn't know anyone around here except you and Macy Ella this has got to be connected both girls are missing and and Mark being run off the road I know and last night we got a threatening phone call about Macy saying she'll pay one way or the other what did you tell the police yes but they haven't had a chance to trace the call yet and honestly I told them that I thought that you and Lucy might be involved well I wasn't but that doesn't mean that I didn't get you mixed up with somebody who is really bad news what text me the number I'll get it checked out I have people who can trace it Ella I'm really sorry about there's no time for that now right now we need to get our daughters back I'll drive hold on Sasha it's okay it's going to be okay is it cuz I just found out that Mark was in an accident and I still have no idea where Macy is because as it turns out I have no idea what's going on in her life are you serious are you that clueless what Sasha why are you wearing my necklace I wouldn't take anything that wasn't given to me Mark bought me the same one I'm I'm I'm sorry what are you saying I really wish I could say that I feel sorry for you but I don't you've lived this perfect life perfect husband perfect house perfect family but it's all been a lie now it seems like it's not perfect after all and I really hope that Mark can finally see that get the hell away from my house Sasha look I'm really sorry about Macy I hope you find her I said get the hell out of my house [Music] no name but I have the address good let's go what the hell roxan found it in Mark stuff is it loaded yeah and there's a few people I could use it on right now my source is good it should be around here somewhere how do you know these kinds of people these kinds of people help me and Lucy get away we had our reasons for running and paying a premium to get on that housing list premium my ex-husband Lucy's dad he's a man who doesn't know how to let go he's dangerous and I didn't want him to find us when he got out of prison I need to stay under the radar for mine and Lucy's sake which is why you don't have a social media who did you pay a premium to there's a truck that's been following us for a few miles now put your foot down markia we need to lose him come on faster there's a turn right there thank goodness come on it should be this way it was your dad I promise what no I don't believe you why would I lie I saw his face before he dragged me into his car why would my dad kidnap you I don't know and then that pig dragged me from him and brought me here come here hold still hurry I've been working on loosening them all morning I'm doing the best I can there oh thank God come on I can't get them loose you go what no I don't make me come up there go I promise I'll come back for you okay you go around back see if you can find a way inside I'm going to go to the front and see who answers the door we have to make sure the girls are here before we call the police okay be careful [Music] roxan what are you doing here [Music] John you need to get here quick there's been a kidnapping you you were at the golf club I I was trying to get in touch with with Mark um but I I couldn't and he said he had a meeting with you today and I I found this address with your name on it I have no idea where your husband is you drove all this way on your own yeah yeah just me I I didn't realize how far this was there's nothing out here nothing at all no neighbors nothing it's just the way I like it it's not a place a woman would want to end up on her own I'm I'm sorry to have bothered you watch out no get up your husband should have paid me what he owed me if he wanted to keep his daughter safe get off instead of trying to pay me off with another girl and then again your husband was always a double dealing Pig fortunately two girls gives me twice the money mom get off get up please I warned you not to trust me leave her alone stop no Mom get off will you shut up get back inside [Music] [Music] you get your jty hands off The Heat Of Summer is Raging on how did you get here so quick we were expecting Miss Willis's call we've been watching this place Mr Carter and his operation have been on our radar for a long time now what's his operation human trafficking we have information that he's been moving women to a series of safe houses and overstate lines complete with Forge paperwork making it nearly impossible to track them I'm sorry are you okay yeah careful think you're going to have to hug me with one arm for a while I knew you'd find us you saved us but you didn't know your mom's such a badass huh come on it's time to go home stay in the car Macy mom I said stay here hey hey Missy all right she's safe oh thank God Roan this isn't what it looks like you handed Lucy over to a trafficker okay I only did it to get Macy back Carter said he was going to exchange her for Macy right then he ran me off the road and took Lucy too he was supposed to give our daughter back seriously Mark trafficking what about Sasha what about Sasha I was going to get Macy as I promise and that's all that matters you had an affair Mark and you kidna someone's daughter I don't even know who you are look I was desperate why didn't you just pay him the money Mark I paid them what I could and now we don't have any more money then I pawned your jewelry and you took a bribe from Ella a desperate mom who just wanted a safe house for her daughter Roan I'm sorry oan I'm sorry Macy I'm sorry Macy Macy I love [Music] you oh and didn't tell me anything and the next guests were like just to fix it yeah jeez last one hope you're still hungry all right girl one year of art school down and a summer of Freedom ahead and work I won't be able to lounge around all summer this year mom has me busy painting got to pay those bills that's right even with the best tenants in the world it is not cheap living around here okay after dinner you girls need to go upstairs and clean your rooms because they are atrocious We're Not Kids I'm in college now oh really oh okay college girl why don't you go get your laundry at least and bring it down you know Roxanne's right you're old enough to do your laundry now well it's either that or you're wearing my clothes next week so okay I'll do it I'll do it I love the new painting mey thanks art school's already paying off my clients love them that's for sure I can't eat anymore I'm stuffed are you kidding me there's an entire pizza left how about we give it to the new neighbors she's hardly had time to unpack which is why she would love a free pizza from her friendly neighbors give her some room she just got here [Music] okay leave it on the doorstep at least the baby might be sleeping okay I won't intrude I promise jeez you think I learned nothing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] speech speech fore speech forign speech fore speech speech for s
Channel: Lot or Not
Views: 731,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 84min 55sec (5095 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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