Long Lost Son - Full Movie | Thriller | Great! Action Movies

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foreign [Music] [Music] looks like the first storm of the season will be hitting us tonight and it's forecast to be a big one someone who doesn't have to worry about the weather is our new president-elect William Jefferson Clinton or bill is his friends call him who is packing up the governor's mansion in Little Rock Arkansas and preparing for his move to the White House his wife Hillary has already visited twice and is excited about not only relocating to Washington we wish there you go just the number 11s how many ones in number 11. I can't do this too small to fill in you're right it is small but you can do it just go slowly I can't I tried you know the word can't isn't in the dictionary but I can't do it Mommy do you know what we're gonna do we're gonna get rid of all those can you know you could do that okay take a deep breath are you ready to blow all the cans away do it [Music] there they go adios okay now you can do anything [Music] it's dirty remember you have to clean up and tidy everything away before we can go hey Chris when see a little man coming yeah he's putting his pants away oh out in the boat like always no sailing there's a storm coming oh okay then we'll just get out of the harbor we won't go out promise me I've asked you not to take him before he told me you went sailing anyway well you know how much he loves it it isn't safe Quinn okay I promise and I wish you'd try to like the boat a little bit what was I supposed to find time to do that I was raising a child going to school I didn't have much time to play I'm not talking about play no I bought the boat for a business that's why you know got that dive shop in the keys for both of us exactly or something on the other side of the country we talked about that for years that was before I a child to think about well I am thinking about the child it's a great place to raise a kid the keys are beautiful look you enjoy yourself but you're not taking my son that could have been so perfect I mean you you could have got your law degree in Miami you will be practicing the keys weekends we could have just enjoyed the sand and the Sun and just perfect for you that's not the way you felt when we met I was younger than it was exciting oh so then I got out of the Navy and it wasn't exciting anymore this is going nowhere take Mark for the weekend show him the boat I want your damn boat and uh what about the money in the house that is not what this is about I want it to be fair and now you have your attorney buddies gang up on me can't even go to the mailbox without getting some legal mumbo jumbo from one of your lawyers Quinn I don't want one okay I want I want Sun one weekend a month when it's final it'll be different yeah no how do we end up like this maybe because we're so different we always were watching marry me foreign because I loved you I have to ask you this please can we work this out just just the two of us without you know these lawyers confusing everything please good to hear now let's see if we can find us some pirates in that Harbor what do you say huh so you never did answer my question you know the answer alrighty then that's so that was a good time bye Maki poo call me before night night I love you bye Mommy Stormfront is really giving La a bashing with the strong and 60 miles an hour ahead of rain [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Quinn who is this [Music] [Music] foreign ER Bill Summers I'd like to thank you for driving down all this land of these conditions they said the storm was going to slow down when it crossed Baja but it must have picked up some offshore not yet as I told you on the phone we received a distress call from the ocean dreamer about 8 45 that is your boat right my husband we received a second radio message about 15 minutes after that what did he say that they'd lost their Mast and we're taking on water where are they now that's why we ask you to come in do you know how many people might have been aboard the boat and where they were heading this would help us with our surge patterns you mean you haven't found them [Music] we've had one of our Cutters out since we got the call Dana Point and Catalina have also got boats looking for them so once again do you know who was on board and where they were heading my husband William and my son Mark and they were going I told him not to take the body promise me was he an experienced sailor six years ex-navy as soon as he wins a bait we'll have a helicopter's up running search patterns that'll help us in locate no you can't wait you have to send helicopters up now that's impossible because they can't fly him no my little boys I'm sorry I really am excuse me Arbor master or was it was there anyone aboard there was a young child as well how old was your son four he's four uh four years old Plus account yeah please tell me what they're saying Mrs Helen I know this is difficult give me one minute I understand no absolutely not they give it another six hours for changing parameters I know that so keep it search and rescue until we lose a line I don't care about that I've got the mother here with me they found the boat it's capsized about seven miles out there's no one on board I've ordered them to continue the search patterns for the rest of the day then it becomes a recovery operation what does that mean it means we've done all we can and then these conditions I wouldn't be honest if I offered you much hope all we can do is pray in Mrs Hillary [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] I really am but it's been three days and I'm still haven't found the conditions away I think I look particularly good there oh it's um oh you have to see this good let's see [Laughter] well that's the end of tape too want to see more no okay Steve talked us into it the rest of our Caribbean vacation coming up and I used to think slideshows were bad you guys slides foreign can we make more popcorn sure okay popcorns and movies can't beat it how the kids well Josh is living with his mother like I get blamed for any trouble he gets in Rachel's back at college and we'll see how that goes idea how about if you and Steve join us next year nothing crazy we don't have to go far just drive up the coast that sounds lovely but it's really difficult for Steve to take time off work right now things are rough huh has the thing worked out with his son no it's been really hard on Steve Josh has a preliminary hearing at the end of the month of course Steve wants to be there for him so he's gonna have to take more time with work when it rains have you thought about taking a home study course and taking the bar you were so close to becoming a lawyer people told me I was a different person then Kristen that person is still inside you beer run baby hey Steve I was just saying how we should take a weekend away just the four of us do a little wine tasting orani video the whole thing yeah Only the Good bits but we but we were really cheap I know this hotel in Napa is less than 200 March yeah I'm super busy getting beer for everyone how about start slowly day out just you and me stay local maybe get a facial definitely go shopping popcorn welcome back to Ronnie's funny sound videos we'll be watching as Mars forgets to charge the camera batteries and I become the Pirate of the Caribbean Johnny Depp miles from L.A we're the hell are we are Santa Santa Alicia Santa Alicia tiny Caribbean island and in the spirit of Christopher Columbus Sir Francis Drake and our little buddy Gilligan we are going on a four-day cruise and dive Adventure the king of the world [Music] let's see if I can find our captain the Father and Son run this boat and they are both gorgeous they're not that good looking yes they are hello yes and here's our first mate Matthew hey uh say hello to the friends back home Matthew hi so uh you're Canadian right yes sir so how many languages do you speak uh English German Spanish and French in that you know what they call sermon in space four languages that quadrilingual it's hard kid and you know what they call someone that only speaks one language I have no idea sir American she does that one um that's all there is okay I forgot what is it my son he's alive unbelievable could this really be him we just talked to me about this for one minute can you just slow down there's no flights to Santa Alicia tonight no Mark said it took him forever to figure out how to get there it's like a world away are you absolutely sure this is him it hasn't been one minute in 14 years that I haven't thought about him what he might be like wouldn't have become think I wouldn't recognize him look I'm just trying to be supportive here but I don't know what to do how about I how about I call the dive shop and say what he could run and I'll never see him then let's call the local police no I don't know what they might do what they might say to him Kristen I'm worried this might be too much for you what am I supposed to do stay crippled by my grief for the rest of my life is that what you want is that who I am to you of course not I have to do this then let me come with you after Josh's hearing our chance I really think you should get cancellation Insurance just in case Eduardo interrupts your trip no who's he Eduardo is a tropical storm hopefully it'll stay out in the Atlantic and not bother you but I would get the insurance just in case no we'll take it I'll leave you the tickets so what's the plan once you get there bring him back he is 18. I was there when he was born remember I'm not trying to be smart I'm just trying to help it's okay how about Quinn I might still be married to him I'm married to you but your divorce was never finalized if he's alive I think I want him back absolutely not here are your tickets in your boarding passes and inside you'll find your hotel confirmation and don't forget your passport I don't have a passport oh but then you might not be able to use these tickets where can I get a passport go to the Post Office fill out a form send it in with the photograph and it's just too long this is an emergency isn't there something else my wife can use you have a driver's license right yes well you can get on the plane with that and if you bring along your birth certificate that may get you into Santa Alicia and if not will they send her back hopefully hopefully it's possible they may hold her for a while in custody that's ridiculous please just give me the tickets Taxi's on his way foreign you can do this Chris I believe in you if he doesn't want to know me when I meet him there's mother here you're a great mother I haven't been a great mother to your children Steve they've always gone to their mom when they needed anything your fault don't second-guess yourself sometimes things just they don't turn out the way you hope well that's turned out the way I hope [Music] Taxi's here you ready to do this yeah yes yes no matter what happens you have a family here waiting for you to come home foreign [Music] immediately [Music] using the final boarding cost for interisland perfect Kristen unless I'm just the two of us without you know these lawyers confusing everything so you never did answer my question you know the answer go ahead take a peek such beautiful scenery out there it's a shame to fly over it and not see it as the Angels do just go ahead [Music] breathtaking you're right but I'll I'll feel happy when we left you and me both sister thank you next in line do you have a passport no I used it we need some assistance at disc two possibly illegal injury we called your husband and he vouched for you not that quickly we don't have anyone to vouch for him he's just a phone number you gave us he's my husband so you say I also call the airline and they don't have a record of a passport being left on the plane maybe they haven't found it yet Maybe listen Mrs Collins we have rules and laws that have to be followed just like in America what do you think would happen to me if I tried to enter your country with this I do it's my job to know I would be refused admission and deported at my own expense well it was an accident that I lost it and you have my driver's license do I look like Budget rent a car to you I need a passport your license and this can be bought on any street corner or printed up on any home computer these days and it's not even a certified copy please sun is here and I haven't seen it don't you have children yes I do and my oldest is a way of working haven't seen him in two years well I haven't seen my son in 14. okay we have a small island and we can bend the rules from time to time so this is what I'm prepared to do you fill out the Law's passport form and I'll submit it to your local consulate once filed I'll admit you into Santa Alicia for 48 hours during which time you must report to the local police officer and have him extend your Visa miss that deadline and I will come and get you myself and I know where you're staying thank you I'll take care of it good and say hello to your son for me yes Mom which hotel Newark Caribbean dive Adventures is yes I do okay good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you're Christian Collins right the American lady who got in last night yeah yeah well welcome to the islands and to my hotel I'm Patrick and let's uh get you a nice table shall we oh I don't think I'm gonna have breakfast I just wanted to find someone who might know something about Caribbean dive Adventures Captain John's outfit oh it's about the Phoenix it's the busiest on the island and they have a dough shop not too far away from here yeah I went there last night there was a sign saying they were closed until Wednesday oh was it probably out on a charter then lucky for you they weren't closed up for the season a lot of folks already are well look you're not going to hook up with them today so let's get to that table and start the morning off right shall we come on well I haven't eaten in a while oh well you'll like this a lovely View at the beach it's right up here see you suit your fancy you know from around here me no I'm from all over but originally from Oz Australia it's a long way from the Caribbean oh yeah it makes for a hell of a commute in the morning no I'm just joshing with you I've been here for six years now let me get you an orange juice where are you from California oh no well used to work on a cruise line that sailed out of San Pedro down to Mazatlan but my favorite place in all of California Malibu you ever go there yeah I've been there that surf is almost as good as back home and the birds are amazing now there's something about an Aussie accent works wonders with an American Girl huh what what are they doing oh they're getting ready to board up in case we get any weather coming through after what happened last year the folks around here don't want to take any chances we had a bad storm no we were fortunate Ivan just grazed us but other places weren't so lucky but it's going to be days at least until we get any weather coming in if we do at all until then it's gonna be just like this clear and sunny to tell me some more about Captain John oh they're good people and that boy Matthew he is shaping up to be a real Heartbreaker with the holiday girls that come here during the season he's giving me some stiff competition now see if there's something that catches your eye my tip is the eggs benedict they are the most wicked thing on this island apart from me of course [Applause] oh thank you thanks for calling me back Steve these Hotel phone calls it's okay I was so worried when I heard from immigration yesterday I know I have to report to a local police if I'm gonna stay and are you I but they're off the island they'll be back in two days thanks for watching my back it's worth watching so now Rachel's in trouble she wasn't on campus a week she was called down to the Dean's office why drinking boys how about Josh scared about what might happen when he goes to court make sure he dresses appropriately and haven't listened to the judge and the most he'll get us a few hours of community service we'll tell him thanks how are you doing really yeah you call me if you need anything okay oh well I love you Steve I love you too always have always will be careful okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hello anyone on board [Music] hi American lady Kristen it's me Patrick from the hotel remember where you going the boat's back have you seen them well I'll tell you what instead of us yelling at each other why don't you come up for a drink and I'll see if I can figure out which boat you're talking about looks like I've always shown you to a table now you're gonna have to tell me what boat you're talking about oh this is the Phoenix yeah the dock yeah yeah but it wasn't due back until tomorrow well he'd probably come back for Junkanoo what's that Jackalope that's a carnival starts at sundown everyone on the island is going to be there everyone everyone at their back they'll be there where is it well it's a street festival so it's everywhere it's up and down and I'll tell you what I'll take you but first you have to tell me what's your poison what you're poisoned what are you drinking oh no thanks oh come on if you want me to take you to Junkanoo you have to let me buy you a drink it's the local custom come on oh we got an hour to kill maybe I can tempt you with the finest Brew known to man I don't drink beer one is hey Melvin can you bring me a glass of red wine for the lady you know you're kind of different from the regular tourists that we get here but start you're an American and we get mostly Europeans Plus I noticed on your hand you got a wedding ring but you're traveling alone so what's that about my husband couldn't make it oh I see your husband could make it so you're here alone slap in the middle of hurricane season you sure you're not here for something else like what like finding a man looking to get your groove back no I'm not looking to get my clothes back red wine for the lady cheers are you always this assistant business on the island is quiet this time of year and isn't it bunch of bloody storms out there already what do you do when there are no trusts oh some people work on their shops and some people fix their boats and some like me just hang out and talk the days and nights away now your guy Captain John he set up a life-saving program in the local schools and his teaching has probably saved like 20 kids over the last couple of years so everyone on the island loves him and he's better in the water than I am and that's saying something starting [Applause] [Music] Fourth of July Caribbean style everyone is here yeah on one of these streets [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry all right [Applause] [Music] it's full of sweets and candies for the kids so they can break it up like a pinata [Applause] here [Music] that's a lucky charm put it on make a wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] understand [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] thanks for the lift I'll see you when you get back [Music] foreign can I help you um can I help you are you all right you look like you've just seen a ghost are those for me yeah I have to get my Visa with the lost passport I've been expecting you sit down please immigration sent over your papers so you filed a lost passport form of the U.S consulate and your birth certificate isn't a certified copy no well I think we can let's slide this once you don't look like a spy to me but if you're going to be doing much traveling no I'm not just here well fine then I'll sign an extension for you is two weeks long enough yeah it should be a copy this for my files I'll let you know what the concept says when I hear back from them I'd like to stamp it for you but we're out of ink my friend's picking some up while he's off Island is that the person who dropped you off Captain John hmm maybe I was wrong perhaps you are a spy I'm just just kidding it as Captain John's on the case he's picking me up some printing supplies while I was in Puerto Rico when will he be back oh about a week did his son go with him no Matthew just dropped him off at the airport why do you know them no no I don't thank you officer thank you thank you Mrs Collins if you don't know Captain John how did you know his name and how did you know the other person in the car was his son some friends of mine were here in the summer diving they told me about him I see well have a good day [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign hi how are you good I was just looking at your boat ah it's no problem would you like to come on board no no I can see fine from here thank you so uh where are you from the hotel the grand busted I know that I mean um what country the US California oh it's awesome we don't get many Americans around here I'm actually Canadian myself I haven't been back there since I was four my name is Matthew or Matt I even responded hey you oh sorry about that um what should I call you ma'am well we just got in last night for the Junkanoo you were there I think everybody on the island was did you go yeah um can I Charter the boat is that possible oh of course yeah uh just not today I need to wash her down but how about tomorrow where's fine great where would you want to go oh anyway I don't mind oh that's good because we kind of need to stay close to shore we had some problems with the radio on the last trip and I wouldn't want to go too far without a radio at least not this time of year really oh yeah there's nothing wrong with the Phoenix though she's the best boat in the Caribbean we'll just have to stay close on these uh inshore reefs here but there is excellent diving then why would you want to go out that makes it real easy we'll just give the Phoenix a rest and take the zodiac so how many passengers you your husband just me oh okay isn't there something you want to ask me what something important I don't know what how much it will cost oh how much will it cost 400 U.S please it's fine can you leave a a deposit oh you take a credit cards sure do [Music] oh actually could I see your passport please the bank insists I don't have a passport but I but I do have a birth certificate with my maiden name Shepard and a driver's license with my current photograph and and I have a visa extension which I just got from the local police is that gonna work for you that's that's more than enough thank you you sign this please sure we're gonna have a great day tomorrow any um special requests fishing rods wine or anything no I'll meet that up to you great well in that case I'll get it ready just um be here around Dayton don't forget your sunscreen and your swimsuit [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign The View interesting you have a problem with the truth Mrs Collins I saw you down at the dock earlier with young Matthew and you've been sitting here watching him for hours I don't mean to pry would you mind telling me why isn't that Prime we just turned back from the U.S consulate they couldn't understand why you had us file a lost passport form you see they say you've never been issued a passport so unless you can explain to me how you can lose something that never existed you're going to be spending the night in a cell and you're going to be out of here on the first flight in the morning well I allow me to escort you to the station so you're telling me that this man that everybody loves faked his own death stole your son and moved to a tiny island in the Caribbean it would help if you had something to back up your claim like a marriage license anything all I have is this how old is this photograph ER 15 years Mrs Collins the child could be anyone I couldn't tell you what he looked like now any more than you could tell me what my children will look like in 15 years it would help if you had a photograph of your ex-husband I don't I got rid of everything when why would I make this up you have my word you gave me your word that you lost your passport we both know that that was a lie I keep copies of everyone's files who comes through here including yours here take a look at these this is your supposedly dead husband's passport and Matthews but the name isn't Quinn Halloran it's John Williams and he's from Canada not Los Angeles that's a forgery which is more likely that he created an entire new life for himself and his son well that this is just a case of mistaken identity after all here's the documents to prove who he is you don't okay I know this is how it seems I know you're upset so I'm not going to force you to leave the Island right now thank you we'll check on his passport the same as we did with yours but I don't want you telling young Matthew any of this because if what you tell me is true Quinn may be dangerous and he could run again if I find out you've done anything to jeopardize this investigation by telling Matthew I'll have you off of Saint Alicia within the hour and this will be all over understood do you have all the details you need names numbers are monitors remember not one word to Matthew [Music] hello we've reached Caribbean dive Adventures we're underwater right now and obviously can't get to the phone so leave a message after the beep hey John call me as soon as you get back I had this woman Kristen Collins in here telling me this crazy story about you I'll tell you all about it over that beer you owe me Ahoy there Matthew award yourself come on board you know I I haven't been on a boat in nearly 20 years really yeah you have life jackets right oh yeah definitely all right when you're getting on the Zodiac you sit in the back next to the outboard okay and you just got to be real careful you know keep all your weight inside the boat otherwise we hit a big wave I might have to come fish you out oh oh don't worry though just relax I'll do all the work foreign [Music] yeah come on it's easy look twist it this way to go faster and back to slow down piece of cake just put this on first what is it it's called a kill switch it's just a cord connected to the engine that way fall overboard pulls out cuts off your boat won't set off into Oblivion oh you can swim back how's that sound you want me to let go of these robes well you're gonna have to drive this boat here you promised I never did there you go okay remember twisting towards me to go faster and back to slow down [Music] I dealt that way [Music] great you're natural good [Music] good enough no foreign did you build this yeah me and my dad no one knows it's here no I do here's your wetsuit oh no remember I said I didn't want to die oh come on you have to try it just on the surface for now I'll put air in your jacket and you won't sink it's just like snorkeling only water doesn't get in your mouth it's perfect right I can't you can I promise you trust me you'll just be suspended floating looking down at all the fish in the wonderful Coral you're really messing up I'm sorry I can't do it you know there's no such word as can't in the dictionary and just relax take a deep breath hold it for a couple seconds and blow all the cans away my mother taught me that once you know what she's right it always works I do it to all the nervous divers you just gotta try good [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] man [Music] no got it [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is wonderful I know isn't it how did you end up here well my dad bought the shop three years ago and before that we had a charter yacht in Honduras we've been all over are you in school yeah everywhere you went I made sure I was in school you help me out with classes at night and always insisted that I finished my semester before we changed ports why'd you keep moving around well that's sort of a genius you know he'd buy a small business in an out of the way place and pretty soon he build it up until it was a huge success and then you just sell it and then we start all over again that's how I ended up here but why not keep the business if it's doing so well I don't know it's not really what dad's all about you know your childhood do you remember where you grew up oh yeah sure do I remember my mother she was so beautiful in every way too she just [Music] I can remember her pushing me on the swing in the backyard when I was small she was always so kind you know reading me stories and books she called me a little Marky Mark's my middle name do you have a picture of her I wish I did when I died in a terrible fire when I was little I can remember like it was just yesterday my father took me out so stormy on the boat it was raining and cold when we got back we heard the house burned down to the ground with everything in it pictures of furniture toys we lost everything my dad was so upset just never went back you used to talk about her all the time though what did he say she was an angel we should never forget her we still go to church the first Sunday of the month and light three candles one for her and two for me and Dad they represent our family if she was still alive today we'd all be together [Music] I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry [Music] there you go can we do this again tomorrow really well hey tomorrow's on me no charge you already paid double I did yeah well when you asked me for 400 you should have really bargained me down to the real price which is 200. but uh he said yes too quickly it was worth every cent gosh the last American couple we took out argued about every single penny Marge and Ron satrum you know them that's how I found out about you and your boat well I hope I lived up to my reputation something that I have to tell you I'm not here as a tourist I came here for a reason don't say it I got it I mean you figure that if I can get Marge to dive then I can get you to become a pro right well hey we'll go deeper tomorrow how's that sound okay okay [Music] 8am sharp huh oh my God Steve he's he's incredible he's he's everything I could have ever dreamed of I had the most amazing day I know Quinn isn't here it was just mocking me it was perfect hello hey Dad hey everything's good here oh um Jose and Maria send their best great just running a day Charter in the Zodiac up to Gibbs key for a dive in a picnic hey that's cool what else is going on officer bone left you a pretty strange message it was actually about the American woman I took out today said that she has some crazy story about you and you should probably call him back okay what was her name Kristen what Collins but she had another name written down on her birth certificate I wrote it down when I called her charge it hold on her other name was Shepard a little bit younger than you about what about anything think she said some friends recommended our boat the ones from La yeah I mean it was a bit weird she was acting really nervous and she said that she had you know hated boats even though she'd been married to a sailor before it's not you it's her um listen Matthew you have to do exactly as I say okay wake me this up tell it out of the bank and um and then I want you to go over the boat and head out to Salt K I will meet you there okay wait I don't understand she already paid to go sailing again tomorrow Dad don't worry about that we will refund your money okay just do what I say why what's wrong I will tell you when I get there but Dad what if I want to stay you don't want to stay if that woman is around but she was nice hear how nice she is please just just leave now I will explain it to you later are you still there yeah I'm still here just do this one thing for me okay okay I'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] hey Kristen I have something for you at the desk is there a storm more than a storm and water and the Atlantic took a right-hand turn last night it's now category three hurricane and building and it's making a beeline right for us the weather's so beautiful yeah you heard about the Calm before the storm Eduardo's pushing all the good weather before it but when it hits all hell is going to break loose you don't have to worry the old Grand Vista she's a hurricane shelter in fact we're going to open the doors to the locals in just a few minutes and they can ride the storm out here is this a refund because of the hurricane no it's from Young Matthew he came by last night it's the leftover money from your Charter well I shouldn't think so because he came over before 10 o'clock and the hurricane Hunters didn't get the word out about Eduardo's new track till after midnight and he said something about he was leaving the island he had to join his dad at Salt k yeah say goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] is to evacuate to your nearest Hurricane Matthew he's left the island when did he leave last night his father must have found out that I'm here and told him to go you have a very active imagination I am not imagining that the boat is gone and the shop is closed up you know if you haven't noticed we have a hundred year storm coming our way by this time tomorrow it's going to be pounding this island maybe Matthew just took the boat someplace safer to ride it out safer than the harbor us around here could be safer than that huh there could be any number of reasons why or maybe his father told him oh please you never even called about his passport did you you know I have a thousand residents on this island to worry about right now not just one tourist maybe tomorrow when this hurricane is gone we can deal with this fun of myself I found him Steve and now he's gone you're gonna have to let him go for now honey it's all over the news about a hurricane heading straight for the islands I can't not now no the police they don't even believe me and I have no proof maybe I can dig something up could you uh see the police officers fax or email or something no just the hotels but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be here I'm going to find Mark Chris stay where you are if this Hurricane's as bad as they say it is it's going to be a monster okay I love you hold all my calls I'm going home so is that all right excuse me Patrick I need your help Kristen you're gonna have to wait I need to find Matthew Matthew not Captain John no Matthew is my son and I need to find him now your son yeah he told you so okay yeah it's okay where is it well it's due south of here south is straight out the harbor you keep the land to your back you can't go there now it's 20 miles you can't survive a hurricane there it's a flat saw what Chuck Norris in South Harbor make sure that they're all secure all right I'm supposed just receive this telling the truth I guess she was worse you know she said she was going to Salt k a hurricane coming in [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign any minute now calm down they told me it was dead look I'm sorry few more weeks and your attorneys were going to take them away from me look I gave you everything you need him my life was over on YouTube sorry okay I wanna I wanted to give him a chance I wanted to grow up in the city with all the crime and the drugs that is crap you just didn't wanted to be with me that's not true I wanted him to have a chance and a good life well what if had a father if he'd stayed with you thank you he's a good kid he's a great kid Chris and I did not do this to hurt you okay I just cannot take a chance on losing my son so what do we do now I want mark what about me you can go to hell for all I care dad Matthew but that's the woman she's the one I told him you're from the IRS come on board Matthew son I know I told you that um that this woman was from the IRS but that wasn't true why would you she and she came here to bring you home my mother [Music] thank you you're my mother I thought you were dead I'm sorry I am when you were a little boy your mother and I were getting divorced I was so scared I was gonna lose you sorry I just took you away I made a mistake a big mistake I did it for all the right reasons I'm gonna fix the radio so why don't you tune [Music] get on the beach take a little walk on shore everything she said was true Matthew even closed their bank account before we left so what you're gonna do a helicopter coming over from Provo it's picking me up and then I'm going to Salt k and then what tell me kidnapping immigration fraud false passports it's a laundry list of charges our Captain John could be going to jail for a very long time is that really necessary I hope not why didn't you tell me yesterday I wanted to I try all these years I try to remember your face what you look like things you taught me and now you're here must have been really hard for you I would wake up to your scent every day and I would bury myself in the pillow and try to breathe you in but it only lasted for a second and then it was gone I couldn't stand to open my eyes foreign I can't believe you're here kant's not in the dictionary remember [Music] [Music] Chris let's go we gotta get back to the boat dad what is it the hurricane is coming it's wardo it's way north of us well not anymore turned last night and speeding up it's already a category four I didn't hear anything about it well the radio was broke but I uh I fixed it it's on every frequency Maritime posted a warning stretched out 500 miles it's true they were boarding up in San Alicia there's no shelter on this island well maybe we can make a run forevergreen K they got a harbor Santa Alicia is way closer I know but I can't go back there they'll be looking for me so you're just going to keep running I got no choice son now come on foreign if you are receiving us come in please there's a helicopter coming to take us out we can beat the storm Phoenix this is Officer Bowden on board Provo air rescue [Music] dad they've got the police with them if you tell them how to find it she'll go to jail well Matthew if I don't we could all die out here but you'll die in prison can't live locked up look I couldn't I couldn't live the rest of my life if anything happened the two of you okay I've already caused enough pain Provo air rescue this is the Phoenix I repeat this is the Phoenix we're on the Southwest end of salt K awaiting your instructions over stay where you are Phoenix we should be with you in six minutes is that you John no officer Bowden it's Quinn Holleran with my son Mark and his mother we are we're awaiting your arrival [Music] well son we had a good ride Dad please just take the boat go please I can't go to move alerted every port in the Caribbean and I'd rather serve my time here than rotting some jail cell in Haiti we had a good ride son and take the key to the zodiac [Music] they'll never find you when it is too small sure don't ask me just take it take care of our boy huh be seen you around sailor yeah wait please you don't have to do this death don't go please I'm sorry son there's just there's no other way my mother needs you now okay and you need her too much [Music] ah [Music] I'll be seeing you all right man keep in touch so I hope you don't mind I just um left your Los Angeles number with some locals just in case anything you know you didn't give it to Patrick did you no no oh it's gonna be so different America you know it's your home yeah but your husband Steve yeah yeah I think he's gonna like a beach bum like you you know he has been wanting to learn how to surf ever since we met oh did I tell you how I met no Once Upon a Time you're in for a long ride home foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: GREAT! Free Movies & Shows
Views: 1,843,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, drama movies, action movies, thriller movies, long lost son, long lost son full movie, Gabrielle Anwar, Craig Sheffer, Chace Crawford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 47sec (5327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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