Terraria, But Treasure Bags Contain RANDOM Items...

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in this video I installed a mod that makes treasure bags from bosses contain random items these items can be anything from useless building blocks to the legendary Source Zenit will I end up getting lucky and receive some endgame items right off the bat or will I have to take down Lulu without anything good stay tuned to find out all right let's get started I guess I can chop down to some wood to start off so I'll be playing Terraria pretty much normally until I reach my first boss um after I get my treasure bag then I can only use items from the treasure bags well I can't mind anything to make weapons or armor it'll only be luck involved in this video so yeah pretty much just items in the Treasure bag are the ones that I'm allowed to use alright so what I'm thinking of doing um I'm probably gonna have to mine and try to find some rubies and then once I have enough gel I can make the King Slime summon um that boss should be the easiest for me to kill so I can Farm up a ton of treasure bags depending on how much or how many Rupees I have and then once I get some decent things from the bags then I can start taking on some other bosses oh I just got a hook from the piranha okay that means I can make a grappling hook real quick okay we got a blow pipe so that's a Rings weapon is this strong enough to take on the King Slime um probably not oh no no no no get away from me no what am I doing I don't like how the umbrella can just hit horizontally all right well I guess I'll mine down for now because both sides are pretty dangerous um there isn't any like caves for me to actually explore this is the jungle one but that's full of enemies and then also on the other left side there's the crimson and there's not really any caves so I guess I'll just mine down oh okay there's a spider's den and it's a golden chest but it's rigged full of traps so I gotta be careful um let's see if I can find the webbed chest and try to get the web Slinger okay this is actually a really small spider's Den so I guess not all right all the explosives are gone let's open it up yes let's go okay I got a bit scared there with the boulder I thought I was gonna land into the hole and just destroy me but we're good but yeah nice we got Hermes boots so if we can get the anklet of the wind in the jungle then we can pretty much just make lightning boots okay there should be enough Sapphire to make the hook see oh yeah I got plenty all right we can make the sapper hook instead of the regular grappling hook then all right let's make where is it furnace I think I need more torches though there we go furnace and then let's make iron bars to make an anvil and then we can make these after hook all right oh okay I have enough for a gold pickaxe let's do that and I guess we'll just make the silver helmet just for a bit of Defense and let's make some NPC houses before we get back to mining there we go oh okay there's our first live Crystal oh okay these are diamonds that means I can make a diamond hook and I'm gonna go over there to the left because I do see another light crystal and a looks like a spider's Den again so maybe we can get some Gravitation potions if there is a webbed chest okay I guess not um yeah that's basically it that's kind of strange though got well I saw two fighters then and there's not a single uh best for me to get oh okay another cool chest inside the slime the hurtful mace okay that's a better weapon oh my God and another what okay we'll take that band of regeneration and I see another chest down there as well hopefully it's not rigged with any traps armored lucky horseshoe oh my God I am getting so lucky what what's going on okay got a where is it this is looking I so I guess that will be our first boss to fight since I can't find any uh rubies there are those rubies right here oh they are oh only only one but that's fine better than nothing oh okay we've got gravitation potion if we can get the star Fury then I'll summon the iPhone right away but I only do have one so we're gonna have to make sure um I try to find as many Sky Islands as possible oh yes more rubies okay nice I can summon the King Slime six more times then all right let's drink our gravitation potion and try to find some sky islands all right please be starfury yes let's go okay let's hurry up and try to get some fledgling wings and the shiny red balloon only have two more minutes left but if I can get at least one more accessory oh yes okay and we got the January balloon all right so I'm just gonna take a guess and believe that the other sky island is on this side of the world yes okay I was correct there we go wait is that warding oh my God yes okay all right let's finish making oh yeah we can make the diamond hook there we go and let's finish making our armor set because I did mine a ton of oars I'm probably gonna have to make the silver armor set instead of the gold because I just don't have enough for that and I might as well just save up the gold for the gold crowns to make the King Slime summon all right silver chain mail and silver Greaves all right so now we just need some more gel I'm gonna break these Thunder flyer because these things reduce monster spawn and I need as many slimes as possible to spawn oh my God there's so many live crystals here okay I guess this place could be the best for me right now because there are jungle slimes so I can kill those for gel and I can also farm for uh Life Crystals as well oh there's our anklet of the Wind okay we can make lightning boots now all right two more and then we'll be at Max health oh one more actually there we go all right we are ready to take on some bosses now let's go okay I don't even need to uh use my summons for this nice I got a freebie all right let's put a campfire down here we go all right let's do this I feel like I'm just strong enough to uh tank the hits so I can deal more damage let's do that okay almost dead here we go oh boy I'm so excited okay all right here we go three two one oh okay we got a magic weapon this is a hard mode magic weapon I don't yeah I don't have enough um Mana so I should have collected more stars okay let's see [Applause] yeah I know um yeah I'm gonna have to collect more fallen stars for this weapon but since it's still night time let's keep on summoning the Box okay second one done all right three two one Masa okay oh this one flies right yes let's go oh my God wait does it have Infinite Flight oh no it doesn't okay but still that's that's plenty oh my God yes do we get anything else um not really yeah this Mount is just going to make boss fights so much easier I really don't need Wings then oh my God I can like switch it switch window for like another accessory okay oh that's what the sound was got the tiny Lucy the ax got a pogo sticks wait what I've never seen this before Oh my God oh I just realized you got this isn't this the um what was it the Empress of light weapon drop or like one of them I don't have enough Mana okay yeah we definitely need some more Mana all right next up we're gonna do some King Slime we'll just do three and then um we'll go over to the crimson and take on the uh brain of Cthulhu all right lime Crown done let's go okay let's use the Nightclub at least once boom okay yeah that's actually pretty good for where I'm at right now okay and it's dead that was pretty fast open this thing up whoa wait can I use this oh my I thought I had to beat the Wall of Flesh first to use it okay well that's a free accessory slot and then we can't use any more of course but the dual hook okay replace our Diamond hook oh okay let's just sell it for um 20 gold and we got the vortex helmet what okay let's put that on we don't have any ranged weapons though can't really use the effect on this thing but still does have 14 defense all right let's do the King Slime two more times all right done oh okay yeah we'll we'll use the jungle shirt but the face blade uh don't think I'll be using that and Diving gear that's not bad at least we got some more Mana okay it's done boom oh wait okay no we don't need this masterful rainbow gun oh my God yes okay that is what I like to see uh I guess we'll keep one fire feather just in case if I end up wanting to make some wings all right we can head over to the Crimson now and summon the brain of Cthulhu here we go oh my God it's already dead pretty much oh hold up there we go there we go all right we're done here all right let's open them up first one okay we got some wings let's replace our fledgling wings we also got the Frozen turtle shell I think we can put that with the was it the Paladin Shield if we get that one yeah all right last one yo-yo glove and a soul of sights okay all right we can make the deathbringer pickaxe now all right it is night time so I think I'm gonna go search for some more stars and after that I'll go and take on Skeletron all right only found about 10 Stars I guess I'll just take on Skeletron with 100 Mana and we don't really need to make an arena so let's just jump right into it three two one oh three two one and let's make the head right down the rainbow okay one hand down both hands are down okay let's do it again ride the rainbow let's go oh oh the Fallen star almost hit the head almost there come on there we go all right where is it there it is Boom oh [Music] okay through my leggings and fishron wings um yeah I don't know how good these ones are ghost Stars Infinity eight let's see so it goes up to there and then these ones okay never mind what am I talking about these ones are definitely better but I'm gonna put this on the vanity because it does look cooler okay we got the Hellfire yoyo well I guess we don't need the star Fury anymore don't need one of sparking get rid of these I guess we can keep the celestial emblem for now because we are using a bunch of magic weapons okay I'm thinking about it do I really need to be here like I could get the cold Shield but I'm like I don't I don't know the the knockback resistance would be nice but I feel like I'm so strong it doesn't even matter oh okay Goblin Army's approaching and we can start combining our accessories okay we'll open one one more golden chest I don't get what I want then I'm I'm leaving this place uh okay yeah let's leave all right Goblin Army is done all right next up I'm Gonna Take On the Wall of Flesh so as soon as I get a voodoo doll I'm just gonna throw it in there because we are clearly overpowered oh my God on the goblin Tinker okay rocket boots workshop and which one's gonna be our main weapon probably the night glow first we get something really good come on yes okay okay let's make Vector boots let's get our egglet and Ankle of the wind to make lightning boots there we go it's also combine our cloud in a bottle with the balloon out in a balloon and might as well just throw in a lucky horseshoe there we go all right we made it to hell and now we wait for a demon voodoo doll to come is it nighttime can I summon oh yes I can okay oh I guess while I wait for a Voodoo Demon thought to spawn I can take on I've created a couple times let's see what I get okay gotta summon let's go again all right first one let's go Excalibur okay oh solar flare drill okay we don't need our death ringer pickaxe anymore we got the beetle scale male do I want to switch out the jungle shirt for it I mean once I get enough um Mana then probably yeah we'll just hold on to it for now okay last one oh the lunar hook yes okay oh we just got the best hook in the game oh my God finally give me that I waited so long holy crap let's head over to the right side real quick and get the show on the road all right here we go three two one go oh foreign back out a bit wait for my Mana to regen all right let's go again please all right we're done all right let's open this bad boy up got the deadly Shadow beam staff Shadow flame hex doll but I think that's about it all right our next goal is the mechanical bosses so I need to find the underground hollowed and Crimson bio so we can get some sorts of knights and source of Lights okay got enough sorts of Lights now all I need is Souls of Night all right got enough Souls of Night let's go back home wait I do need to break the Crimson altars I forgot because I need to make either the or calcum Anvil or the myth or anvil like make the mechanical boss summons oh my God okay well all right so it seems that I have to kill enough bosses until I get a new Hammer that's strong enough to break Crimson Alters so yeah I think I'm just gonna summon a bunch of King slimes because those are the easiest to kill um I do only have three though so I do have to make it counts yeah let's go hopefully I get lucky enough to get a phone hammer please I need a hammer nope next one oh we got the lunar flare oh my God that's a post moonler weapon okay wait is this enough oh oh my God no way that's barely enough okay on my last treasure bag too all right let's make the mechanical eye worm and skull all right let's start it up let's do the twins first I guess foreign there we go tank I want a rideable sand tank Mountain wait does it shoot if it shoots I'm gonna be so surprised oh it shoots oh my God that is so cool wait the damages the damage isn't insane actually like a hundred what the all right let's do skeleton Prime next okay man this lesson is just so broken it gets so weak though after I drink um a Mana potion which kind of sucks there we go all right let's open this one up now uh nothing oh my wait it dropped more treasure bags okay hold up all right let's open these up now um nothing really oh my God more mechanical eyes which means more treasure bags love it uh nothing here okay keep going do I want to use this it does give me more Mana but then I loot um yeah I mean the vortex helmet isn't really doing much for me right now so I guess so here we go armored be cloak I guess I could swap this out for the band of regeneration for now last one ice mirror don't need Arrow wait what hand defense grants immunity to knock back absorbs 25 of Damage Done to players uh okay this is a really good accessory holy what do I want to swap it with do I really need lightning boots or the Panic necklace I don't think I need the Panic necklace okay let's do that and let's hurry up and kill the mechanic or Destroyer see if I can do this right there we go and then throw it here it's done okay that was so fast oh let's attach it yo-yo bag don't think we'll be using any yoyos for this video oh wait Arcane flower boy this one might yeah I think I'm gonna use this one let's get rid of the balloon actually all right all right time to take on Plantera but I don't think the Bulb Has spawned yet but we're just gonna clear out some area so we can tell better when it does all right I pretty much cleared out the entire jungle so now all I have to do is look for a pink pixel and that should be the Plantera bulb okay finally oh my God I actually waited like almost 40 minutes for this thing to spawn all right the arena is done let's go break the bulb now here we go oh nope okay and You're Dead all right easy peasy uh we didn't get much here that's okay all right so I know I didn't get the temple key from the plunterra bag that's okay because the pickaxe I have right now the solar flare drill it can mine through the lizard bricks so I can just go in there without the without the key here we go we're in let's just spawn it right away here we go and that's done okay all right we can get out of here now let's go and take on the lunatic cultist yeah this is just way too easy with this weapon that's done all right now the annoying part the celestial pillars all right polar pillar is done all right nebula killer is done more to go hey Stardust done last one to go which is vortex all right we're all done all that's left is Moon Lord all right here we go foreign [Music] I do a lot of damage but I take so much damage too [Music] okay ow okay let's try to kill the middle eye now come on there we go then that hands done oh okay that's kind of scary come on the other hand is it dead nope not yet now it is okay deal up okay it's just just the heart now just the hearts I'm gonna teleport get one more time still okay we out [Music] can't really see oh no okay there we go [Music] run run run oh my God [Music] come on hold on yes there we go [Music] all right time for our last treasure bag to open let's see what we get or in a jar man of flour yoyo glove yeah that's about it all right that's going to it guys thank you so much for watching this was the Terraria treasure bag randomizer if you've enjoyed watching the video give a thumbs up comment down below if you guys have any video suggestions and also subscribe to the channel thank you so much for watching once again and I'll see you all next time peace
Channel: Necr0
Views: 109,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 100 days, 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days, i spent 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in, terraria journey's end, terraria 1.4, 100 days in terraria 1.4, i spent 100 days and here's what happened, terraria journeys end, terraria guide, 100 terraria days, 100 days in terraria calamity, calamity, can you beat terraria?, terraria challenge, can you beat terraria, terraria treasure bags, terraria random, terraria mod, modded terraria, terraria modded
Id: T34Mc0nBThA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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