Terraria, But Beating A Boss Adds A New Modifier

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now he played Terraria but every time you beat a boss you get a new modifier let's go what is that what's that when okay oh it didn't seem to do anything no damage nothing I guess we know the mod's working though sorry I have to do this what what is this mod wait oh no hold up I have to restart I think that since I have this other character made the modifiers that was applied to that character and that world and somehow it's glitching out and applying it to this character because there shouldn't be any modifiers yet I haven't beat any bosses okay let's redo this ah see now this is what's supposed to happen the interesting choice would be yes so let's go and do that sticky slimes getting too close to slimes will slow you down tremendously and remove your ability to job or weak stomach potion sickness duration increased by 15 I can't go without the potions on this run I'm gonna need potions so I'm gonna go with sticky slimes oh my gosh okay yeah we're gonna be fighting the guy Cthulhu soon and let me head back ah this is gonna be an easy fight honestly I don't need full health for it there's just something that I wanted oh I don't have to go get it later although I might need the full belt for whatever modifier is gonna be applied once I beat this guy and um new modifier okay baby zombies 12 chance a zombie will spawn as a baby zombie being smaller with increased speed and three times the damage gonna remind miss me of Minecraft minus the damn it baby zombies in Minecraft do extra damage I know they're a lot faster but I don't know about the damage whatever or slimes now start flying if they spot you so I'd have two modifiers now for the slimes they can fly and they make it so I can't jump and they Slow Me Down now what we're gonna pick that we're gonna fight the pink slime I think that'd be pretty fun to see all right he should start flying right oh he does no fight a worm or another worm we're in a crimson world let's go by the brain I'm just gonna throw some bombs down there and I hope they hit ooh they will not all right I'm gonna have to Spider-Man my way out of this thing though oh my gosh all right pretty easy boss fight modifiers haven't made the game too hard because it only modifiers have been quieter through the slimes all right another easy boss fight oh tough guys houses have 10 increased health and defense no or darker nights during night time light levels are greatly reduced darker night seems like the obvious one but I would rather have a more challenging boss fight and have visual impairments so our boss fights all right brain defeated times two what's next I don't want to fight Queen B we don't need to honestly Skeletron or the Wall of Flesh before we fight the Wall of Flesh though first we need a elevator blood the underworld oh lava slimes fly too I hear so many blind slimes it's pretty big arena right hey the Goblin Army I really needed the Goblin Army because the modifier on My Boomstick is pretty bad so actually we'll just wait right here all right cool I'm gonna get through this hey we've got it alone ma'am nice now I need some slime and we can fight the Slime King I know I had originally not wanted to fight all the bosses but I feel like since we have those slime modifiers we kind of have to fight King Slime so we're gonna go and do that oh my kind of want to just sit here and let a few slimes accumulate but we've got plenty of chances to fight them I think I have like six golden crowns left over you know the flying slimes actually kind of make it easier because look they don't even they can't even get to me I can just Farm them right here okay broken weapons players deal 10 less damage or Soul bound 2.5 chance an enemy spawns as a soul-bound nine boss enemies around it cannot be targeted until it dies you know this one kind of looks interesting I'm gonna go with this Soul bound keep an eye out for the goblin tinker ah hey what do you know you stay right there don't move all right give me those and uh just to prepare for the fight go ahead and give me something better on this that's good enough I've already built the arena all we need is to drop this guide Voodoo doll in the lava and we're all set oh that's awkward we are ready to fight again man come on go oh that's an issue no it's not listen I it is an issue I can't no I can't kill any of the other hungries until I kill that one up there it's okay so we can choose either encumbered or the chosen ones encumbered every slot on your inventory that contains at least one item reduce your movement speed independently of Stack size running ammo slots also count only applies if you have 16 or more items in your inventory counting ammo and money wow that sounds like it would be impossible to progress the chosen ones one percent chance any non-boss enemy will spawn as a chosen one being larger having eight times more Health four times more damage and taking I just knock back I have to choose the chosen ones it's the wizard what's that man oh did I find the Shimmer what what oh that's pretty cool what you oh all right time for Skeletron Prime [Music] oh all right let's drift fighting Skeletron foreign there we go okay upgraded armor non-boss enemies have 10 more defense always increases in enemy's defense by at least one or bad server when hitting a nine boss enemy there's an eight percent chance they'll regen 50 of the damage they took bosses heal for 20 of the damage instead oh that's awful let's take this one that's brutal let's take upgraded armor look at that there's a crimson altar in my dungeon Daedalus storm though potatoes storm boom oh let's go first try hey let's play Queen slime we got it anchors wrap critters have a 50 chance to spawn one of three nature protectors on death or encumbered every slot on your inventory that contains at least one item will reduce your movement speed independently of Stack size money and ammo slots also count only applies if you have 16 or more items in your inventory counting ammo and money Mobility is already kind of an issue with the slimes the Slime slowing me down and making it so I can't fly just that alone has already caused me so many problems I can't imagine having any more encumbrance even though the Nature's wrath sounds bad I'm gonna have to go for it [Music] trick a gnome into turning into stone oh yeah there's a noun there I didn't even notice oh it's a mega unicorn corn a chosen one with 3200 health it's got the same amount of health is good uh the Aya cthulu pretty much let's kill it oh we got a trap this this kind of feels like cheating but oh well does that gnome have full cheek out look that gnome right there has full cheek full booty exposed get out of here get in my inventory I'm gonna make this Arena go down a little bit more you want to get bombed the critters no I forgot you gotta be careful every time we kill a worm or a grasshopper we risk spawning one of those guys oh come on are you serious oh there's no way no way alrighty foreign but we're losing quite a bit of NPCs oh yes yeah honestly I think that if you're not fighting the destroyer of worlds it is [Music] you're doing it wrong we got him hunger players slowly take damage over time if they are not under the effects of a well-fed buff 20 minutes doing activity slowly increases the rate at which you get hungry while hungry you deal 20 less damage are unable to use the nurse and health potions heal for 75 less or bullet hell enemies in the Underworld will periodically shoot Fireballs at players oh I mean I'm going with all the hell ready fins that one's smooth though no issues so far super good keep distance keep distance nice let's go okay I gotta get through these quick because I want to fight Skeletron this night okay baby zombies four percent chance a zombie will spawn as a baby zombie being smaller with increased speed and free experiment or small Pockets enemies drop 20 less gold let's do baby zombies then we are ready to fight Skeletron ow each one of those hands is almost gone these repeaters are pretty strong they're not the the most fun or unique weapons but they get the job done okay being directly hit by a boss will very briefly confuse you oh that means uh you're gonna your inputs are reversed isn't that what that means so if you press left you're going to be right if you press right you're going to move left or encumbered every slot on your inventory that contains at least one item will reduce your movement speed independently of Stack size money and ammo slots also count only applies if you have 16 or more items in your inventory counting Animo and money let's go with scary bosses time to go and prepare for Plantera thank you oh there we go now it's in stage two and I almost got hit there that would have been really bad oh no and Queen B woke up which means I have even bigger chance of getting hit if Queen B dies first then that men use gonna pop up it's gonna try to make me pick a modified so I may not even have a chance to read it as it pops up I'll just have to pick one real quick oh gosh enemies drop twenty percent let's go just get it on some screen you will prevails players in an evil biome uh Eagle prevails sir yes sir much better overpopulation enemy spawn rates and amount of enemies that can be alive at once is increased by 15 or add server when hitting a non-boss enemy there's an eight percent chance they'll regen 50 of the damage they took back asses heal for 20 of the damage instead honestly it's Bond right or honestly the overpopulation modifier sounds like it could be a bad thing but also a good thing right like if I'm trying to farm an item and I can get more spawn rates pretty useful also it makes the game more hectic so let's go and pick that one I can't kill any of these other knobs all right let's waste no time here oh he stands no chance we're doing a lot more damage we're taking a lot less and we got him let's go potion shortage healing and Mana pots heal for 20 less health and Mana or bad server when hitting a non-boss enemy there's an eight percent chance they'll regen 50 of the damage they took back honestly I don't know because this prolongs the battle regardless This only affects me if I get hit with potion shortage man there goes the Stardust pilling one down are we getting here's number two down wow they hurt whoa what are you guys doing oh my gosh that guy one shot me oh there's a big horde there you go oh that guy has killed me so many times does he have 6400 here we go okay we got the pillar bro yeah that's exactly what you're doing don't do that don't do that I'm going back now pending Doom approaches we've got a minute and back nurse good Heal Me Up all right here we go let's eat our stuff it's time just run there we go we've got some distance on him now one arm almost down let's go and get the the other eye low around this way that way we can take care of it going to the right we might get hit by this laser nope that pretty well honestly we may teleport to nurse if we need it I don't know if we will we might we might heal up all right all right all the eyes are down now we just get the core oh we got it we got it come on wow his eyes really do hurt and the healing pots don't heal much that's why I had nurse nurse kind of came in clutch right there and that's it and that was a long long run there's a lot of and we still have to pick all right one last stick unhealthy diet players have 15 reduced health or martial arts enemies with fighter AI have 20 increased Max health because of training since we're at the end of it let's just go ahead and choose another healthy diet let's let our character enjoy an unhealthy diet and you know what the Martians are here too there were a lot of difficult modifiers this run there were two that were really hard first is the one that created that blue aura around the mobs and made it so that you had to kill them before you could kill any other mob that one made it challenging then the other one that made it hard was the chosen one modifier which made up a non-boss mob have like eight times more health and does way more damage very hard but I'm glad we were able to get through it it was a pretty fun run and uh yeah I hope you guys enjoyed watching this and until next time stay safe and peace
Channel: Keeslie
Views: 103,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Terraria, #TmodLoader, Challenge, TerrariaChallenge, Gaming, Keeslie, GamingChallenge, moddedTerraria
Id: 9IYO82_WB5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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