Terraria But Every ENEMY Is a WORM...

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I tried beating Terraria but every enemy is a worm that is correct from a simple slime all the way to the moonlord himself every single thing in Terraria is a long boy I started off by spotting into my long Terraria world no PP jokes here boys I open up my starter bag used up all of my Mana crystals all of my Life Crystals and then I proceeded to chop down some wood this is where I had encountered my very first enemy the green slime and yes it worked exactly like any other worm boss it had various different segments that you could hit but the thing is it wouldn't break into segments like the either world right so as you can see from this line every single enemy will have multiple hitboxes but at the same time it can deal damage to us in multiple ways making the mod easier in some sense and harder in others I continued defeating slimes then I went over to the left side of the world where I discovered a vulture that looked completely contorted so you know I defeated it and then I found another chest where I looted some great items and then I proceeded further over to the John jungle this is where I got attacked by a massive jungle bat that was longer than the own thing in my pants that I have I know I know sometimes life is unforgiving I ventured further down to the Jungle got myself some cool items from a golden chest and then I teleported back home I got trapped outside of my own house so I had to dig through my home then I made a door and then placed it where I dug out the original hole we're going with the melee class for this playthrough as it's probably the easiest because it can Pierce through the worms it sends you this whole playthrough will be affected by how good our piercing weapon is so any weapon from the ranger class would be quite horrible as it doesn't really Pierce any enemies and since the enemies have different segments we can actually deal far more damage if we have piercing weapons anyways I built more NPC houses and started digging myself a elevator I got myself some oars picked up some chests continued digging down further lighting my way up with a glow stick and then I came back to the surface to chop down some trees and then I made myself a furnace nearing night time I went back into the caves and started searching for chests I encountered a piranha that was in the shape of a worm and then I went to the underground desert but before I could get to a chest that I wanted to get to I got killed by a boulder trap I went back to that same area picked up a chest and then decided to dig down even further this is where I got attacked by absolutely horrific nighttime enemies that were elongated beyond belief after I battled through those I made my way over to the corruption bio this is where I chucked down some bombs to get myself a musket and once I had that I continued digging on my elevator I got myself some Life Crystals I stumbled upon a mushroom volume I picked up some obsidian and far more oars I made my way over to our Granite biome which had some Life Crystals and and a bunch of really neat chests so I alluded to all of them and once I got the summoned for the Eye of Cthulhu I came back up to the surface and summoned it in and so this was just beyond ridiculous as there were like a million eyes of Cthulhu and it summoned in so many eyeballs that I had to maneuver through but the thing is if we could find a piercing weapon it was very easy to defeat like for example take me using my spear I'm dealing tons and tons of damage but at the same time since I have no armor whatsoever I just get repeatedly blasted if I get into the vicinity of the eye I was using the musket for a bit of this boss fight and as you can see it's very underwhelming using the spear is far better as the musket will do the same amount of damage regardless if you hit it correctly or not anyways I ended up taking out the Eye of Cthulhu as it wasn't too difficult and you know using the musket against the Eye of Cthulhu is like dropping a nuclear bomb on an end and then I made my way over to try and defeat the Eater of Worlds it had some pretty nice HP so I thought this would be pretty easy and using the musket and the spear we took it out so apparently the normal worm bosses don't get wormified like any of the other bosses because you know they're already worms they do to a certain extent but it's not very visible and even if it is it's like a little bit buggy where to where it doesn't even really change it anyways we took out the Eater of Worlds I crapped to myself the nightmare Pickaxe I started making my way down to the underworld but before that I picked up a bunch of obsidian I went down to get myself a health 4 words and once the potion lady spawned in which is the quality of life I got myself an Obsidian Skin Potion and then I went to town on all of the hellstone within the underwear I got myself the fiery greatsword and made my way over to skeletron's dungeon this is where I decided to go and fight Skeletron and this boss fight was absolutely ridiculous I summoned in Skeletron and he probably took me a good 10 seconds to defeat him the fiery greatsword absolutely shredded through every single little bit of the Skeletron to hitbox and I demolished him to say the least he started getting to the phase where he was spinning but I defeated him far earlier before he could do any decent damage to me I mean my way down into his dungeon and dug my way around I tried to get myself to muramasa but it took me quite a long time to find it there were wormy enemies Non-Stop and it was an absolute hassle to try to find the massive slime worm that dropped the golden key I think another thing that kind of hindered the spawn rates was because each worm segment counted as its own NPC so the game couldn't spawn in more enemies like it normally does which probably hindered the way the 10x spawn rate item worked I'm not really sure drop that in the comments down below what's the max entities Terraria can actually handle on screen because I know after a certain point it starts glitching out anyways after this I went over to the Jungle in order to get enough stingers and jungle Sports to get the blade of grass because you know I'm playing melee it's probably the best for this entire playthrough and once I came back to spawn I crafted myself the blade of grass I took out the Eye of Cthulhu once more and then I went back into skeletron's dungeon to farm out even more keys so I could finally get the muramasa I don't think there's any in between the muramasu usually get on like your very first chest or it takes you like an hour to actually find the sword it's ridiculous but hey this is terraria what do you expect once I had all four Swords I rushed over to a demon altar and I crafted the knight's Edge this is where I went to the underworld made a massive Arena and then started farmingo guide Voodoo demons this also took an absolute ridiculous amount of time but I did manage to get a guide Voodoo Doll quite quickly and as soon as I got it I checked it into the lava and this boss fight was AB absolutely hilarious I nearly had to do no damage to the wall of flesh I don't know why it'd be like bugged out in some way but I chucked the doll and there were like 10 Wall of Flesh eyeballs in one area and they kept on doing damage to each other I don't know how that worked but it managed to game end itself which was quite surprising I literally did nothing I was AFK and I defeated the Wall of Flesh so that was pretty neat anyways I broke all of the demon altars using the ultra extractinator which is something from a quality of life mod I have and then we blessed our world with Adamantite mithril and Cobalt you know you know the good ones I actually think Palladium is better than Cobalt tell me in the comments down below I'm not really sure but I'm not good at Terraria anyways I went to the pickaxe progression I got myself you know Cobalt pickaxe mithril pickaxe Anvil and then I got myself a bunch of titanium which then I went to go craft into a full set of melee titanium armor then I went farming for wyverns in the sky so I can get myself harpy wings but they were very annoying and they dealt loads of damage and the harpies were longer than the wyverns themselves so I took massive there and then I went to farming out Souls of light and night within the underworld got myself a bunch of various Souls I at this point I had already crafted the harpy wings by the way and then I crafted myself the repeater and I actually got myself one of the flying knives which was a pretty good piercing weapon that we might be able to utilize for the mechanical bosses this was dropped by a hallowed mimic by the way which I ended up finding within the hallowed biome I want to farm out more of the souls and I managed to get myself the summon for Skeletron Prime I got myself enough Souls of Knight to actually just be able to craft the Destroyer summon and I also bought myself a bunch of Buffs anyways I spawned in the destroyer and then using the flying knife we absolutely obliterated this boss I mean there's something about the piercing of this that just shredded through the destroyer and we took him out without any trouble whatsoever we also use the flying knife on Skeletron Prime and it dealt a crazy amount of damage as it was just piercing through every single segment of his head but he was dealing quite a lot of damage to us like every single time it would grab us with the pinching tool or the saw it would deal quite a lot of damage as it would hit us multiple times it's almost like we had reduced immunity frames now I also summoned the twins before the end of the night and this was just tripping me out completely as like the eyes were getting morphed into one area and I don't even know how this worked also it looked like at the very end spasmatism just like shot the flamethrower on himself and ended up dying because he took like no damage from me anyways we took out the other twin and now the jungle grows restless meaning we can now go and fight Plantera so I made myself a pickaxe ax and just scurried over to the jungles and started mining glorifying what else is there to do huh mine up glorifying of course anyways I crafted myself the summon for Plantera and I also made myself a massive City Buster which is just like 50 dynamites combined into one I dropped it in the jungle and it blew up an entire square of the Jungle this is where I decided to build plantera's Arena and so as soon as that was done I summoned her in and absolutely demolished her once again using the flying knife she kind of got glitched into one area I don't know what happened this mod is a little bit buggy but it's very fun to play but yeah we got her stuck in one area and we defeated her then I went straight to Golem I ended up clearing his entire Arena and once I spawned him in he bogged out for some reason I'm not really sure what happened his head was like on multiple times and he was actually almost about to defeat us because every single time he shot out his fist he would literally like have no immunity frames and just Breeze through me like four times and deal four times the damage of his normal fist attack anyways the good news is once we actually defeated his arms there was no head that was firing at us which is quite odd but we ended up defeating Golem we got a Pixar so I brought it over back to spawn we also got the golden Fist and then using that I started defeating Golem over and over again so we could craft ourselves a bunch of beetle armor and the Beetle wings this is where I made a fatal flaw I keep on thinking I'm still stuck in Terraria 1.3 back in my head even though I know I'm playing 1.4 and I'm still under the belief that I always need to have Turtle armor in order to craft Beetle armor as that's what the crafting recipe used to be in 1.3 so I went to the jungle and spent the rest of the time farming out Turtles non-stop until I actually crapped him myself Turtle armor this took me like 30 minutes I cracked the turtle armor then I go to craft the beetle armor and I realized that all I needed was glorify armor and Beetle cells which I already had in the beginning making this a massive waste of time and I kind of hate myself for this it literally took me 30 minutes that's 30 minutes of my entire life that I will never be able to get back due to my stupid stupidity bro sounds good huh stupid stupid I might use that more often anyways after I crafted myself a full set of beetle armor and using my shoddy harpy wings frankly I did not craft Beetle wings I tried to my best ability to take out the lunatic cultist and oh boy was this one rough especially for the fact that whenever he did his like camouflage attack thing you couldn't ever hit him which was really a pain because every time you don't hit him he just summons the Phantom Dragon over and over again and it's hell that thing just destroys you so I decide to go on the hunt to craft myself to terribly I crafted myself the true Knight's Edge and then I realized that I didn't have an Excalibur crafted so I crafted myself the Excalibur I got myself the true Excalibur right after this and then I had to wait till daytime in order to craft myself in order to get a broken hero sword and crafty terablade once it was daytime I summoned in the solar eclipse and started farming out mothrons it took so many moth runs for some reason for me to get the broken hero sword but once I got it I did manage to finally grab the Terra Blade and we could finally go and Fight The Lunatic cultist that's exactly what I did and this time we breezed right through him it was a joke I got right up in his face and just swung that sword Non-Stop and with the piercing capabilities of the Terra Blade and its projectiles we absolutely demonish this guy before he can even do his cloning phase place down my ancient manipulator and then I went straight for the solar pillar as if we took out the solar pillar first we could have the most overpowered piercing weapon in all of Terraria besides like the Zenith you know which is going to be the solar eruption as that thing pierces through everything even walls might I add but especially worm bosses have you ever tried to use the solar eruption on the Destroyer yeah it's kind of crazy anyways I took out the solar pillar and I crafted myself the solar eruption then I went straight for the nebula pillar after taking that out I went straight for the vortex pillar upon taking that out I decided to get myself more Souls of Flight by killing a bunch of wyverns and I crafted myself a set of Beetle wings as that is gonna be the wings I need to actually take a moon Lord or else I might die I geared up by getting as many potions as I could got all the gear that I really needed and I went on the hunt for the final pillar that being the Stardust pillar for some reason that could deal damage to the pillar without taking out the shield it was like really ridiculous but the thing like the damage didn't go down but it says that I was dealing it I don't really know how this game works but I took out this pillar and on my screen started to shake this is where I summoned a little pet dragon buffed up and started brutally violating the moon I started demolishing both of his hands and for some reason there was like a worm factor to the Moon Lord where he probably had multiple hitboxes but he didn't have like multiple projectiles making this boss fight just stupidly easy and what ended up happening is I would do like 10 times the damage to moonlord without him changing whatsoever on his end so we absolutely demolished this boss and it was ridiculous but yeah this has been Terraria but every enemy is a worm drop a like in the video If you enjoyed it consider subscribing to the channel if you're new this has been boyo peace out
Channel: Boio Boio
Views: 111,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria but, terraria mod, terraria mods, terraria but i, terraria but every npc is a worm, terraria modded, terraria challenge, terraria challenges, terraria modded playthrough, terraria mod loader, tmodloader, tmodloader 1.4, terraria 1.4.4, terraria mod 1.4, terraria mods 1.4, terraria boss, terraria bosses, terraria randomizer, terraria random items, terraria random, terraria worm, terraria npc, terraria eye of cthulhu, modded terraria, mods
Id: Wx1zYf2VtIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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