Can I Beat The Ultimate Terraria Rogue Like?

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uh what a lovely morning to just enjoy the beauty of Terraria the grass the sky the birds I sure hope nothing bad happens well Terraria is an extremely enjoyable game but in this video I set up to change that and make it into a positively miserable experience by playing in hardcore disabling regeneration and a host of other brutally difficult mechanics I enter the world and the fear immediately sets in one simple mistake could be my eventual downfall and that's all thanks to this mod to sum it up the mod starts you with the desired amount of Health which in this case is 400. it also disables all Health regeneration meaning that if I lose Health it's gone for good and finally it makes every single kind of healing obsolete except for one but we'll get to that later for now here's what I want to achieve one I want to defeat every pre-hardmode boss without using glitches or cheesy methods two I want to take on the Goblin Army and three I want to finish the challenge by killing the Wall of Flesh and entering hard mode but back to the game I chopped down a few trees mine some iron and manage to find a demonic wand of sparking in a living tree I return home and encounter the first two enemies of the challenge I'm pretty confident in my ability to kill green slimes but one simple mistake could be the reason I eventually die and remember I'm playing in hardcore so if I die it's permanent that's why instead of just killing them I set up a shelter and thank goodness I do because Terraria decides to give me a warm welcome into the world of hardcore with a blood moon but while War wages above I make my way underground yearning for adventure which I'm quickly provided with and there we have it folks the first hit of the chat the first two hits of the oh come on the first three hits of The Challenge I'm only half an hour in and I've already lost eight percent of my health what a truly magnificent start but don't worry things only go downhill from here a few minutes of mining later and the terrari guts decide to take revenge on me from my previous video by subjecting me to not only one but two poison darts to the head and let me tell you Dart traps without regen are infinitely worse than in vanilla the initial hit already does around 30 damage but the real hard hitter is the poison I'm just forced to watch as my life force slowly drains from my increasingly lifeless body after sustaining two devastating Dart trap attacks I'm left with a depressingly low 242 Health remaining yet I press on I'm able to find a Golden Horseshoe but get forced into teleporting home soon after to avoid a giant worm attack now that I'm back at base I upgrade my sword and the actual base itself then once again return to the mines which provides me with two of an extremely important item to my survivability the Life Crystal now you might be asked asking yourself live crystals you're already at full health aren't they useless now while that would normally be true in Ultra Hardcore they can be crafted into four life fragments an item that heals you a whole to health meaning that for every Life Crystal I collect I can restore eight of my health so I use the one and only healing method available to me to give myself a whopping 16 Health back which I immediately lose to a baby slime and a cave bat then as if things aren't already bad enough this happens oh while it might have been completely outrageous and unfair I'm honestly glad that it did happen attempt one was going really bad and now thanks to the absolute hacker of a slime I get to try again on to attempt number two I make a brand new character as well as a classic difficulty World which is basically the only thing I didn't crank up to Max difficulty and so help me if I get a single comment telling me I should play this in expert or Master mode I am going to absolutely lose it so don't even think about it I joined the world and get right to work on the early game grind after mining for a little while I decide I better explore the surface and that's when I managed to do this yep you saw that correctly I just took 11 damage from a thorn my idiocracy Stone false swing I take even more damage to a black slime for the sake of keeping my withering ego at least somewhat intact let's just say that I meant to do that and these two doing this video really makes me realize one how bad I am with the game and two just how important regeneration really is I mine some more make a platinum helmet and to top it all off get hit by a dart trap for the third time and then a fourth sometimes I even surprise myself with how oblivious I can be clearly this attempt is already doomed to fail as I'm not even close to the end and already worryingly low on HP so I'm just going to sum up the rest of it so it can get on to the much more promising attempt number three I have Cthulhu Arena full platinum armor yet another Dart trap accidental grapple into lava and to finish it all off okay now hold on before you click off the video for a secondhand embarrassment from how awful my performance is I swear the next attempt goes infinitely better and involves a total of zero trap related injuries attempt number three starts like every other Terraria world aside from the part where the guide and a jungle bat play a quick round of Seven Minutes in Heaven I head into the mines to give them some privacy and get cheated out of 10 Health like I clearly landed in water what's up with that feeling a little cheated but not too worried I keep mining the cave ends up being a dead end and without any recall potions I'm forced to take the long way home unfortunately it's the middle of the night so I have to make direct contact with a host of monsters I have some insanely close calls with both zombies and demonized [Music] eventually the amount of enemies overwhelms me so I'm forced to make a box for the night it ends and I continue on the path to spawn but clearly the game is hell-bent on killing me oh gosh oh no I don't deal with these guys very often how do I get rid of these [Music] how do I get rid of those oh my gosh I have no idea how I survived that completely unscathed this mod truly makes every encounter 100 times scarier with my heart still racing I build up some NPC houses craft Cactus armor and fully heal myself with a few life fragments I got while mining everything up to this point has gone pretty well a little too well [Music] okay so maybe I lied about no trap related injuries but trust me that was the actual last time because getting hit by that Boulder really pushed me over the edge no more Mindless mining from here on out I take it slowly and carefully and to ensure that I don't have another accident I start checking for wiring anytime I enter a new area of a cave which is definitely something I should have been doing from the beginning I continue mining for a while until I finally have enough to make a full set of gold armor but I don't put it on quite yet doing so would allow for the Eye of Cthulhu to spawn and without Hermes boots I don't feel like I'm ready for that so for the millionth time I head underground In Search Of The elusive Hermes boots and also for the millionth time something goes wrong clearly I need to stop making promises so I'm just going to be honest there will probably be more trap encounters I continue Mining and I'm able to find a blizzard in a bottle Golden Horseshoe and most importantly I finally get my feet into a fresh pair of Hermes boots with only 280 Health remaining I equip my gold armor and that same night feeling evil presence watching me the not so mighty I have Cthulhu awakens and the first boss battle of the entire challenge begins and managed to dodge and evade its attacks all the way till it gets past half Health but can't keep it up and get hit twice for a total of 18 damage that really isn't too bad on the Eye of Cthulhu is defeated then for unknown reasons to me past rather quench decided one fight wasn't enough and summoned in the eye once more this time I take 13 damage throughout the fight and serves me right why on Earth did I have to double down like that the second I follows and I crashed myself a demon bow never mind that one is absolute trash so I craft another and with plenty of Demonite left over I also craft a light Spain now a lot of things are about to happen so I just want to preface it all by saying everything you're about to watch to took place in less than 45 minutes you'll see why I mentioned that in a second with the eye out of my line of sight I begin getting ready to kill King Slime I expand the arena craft a slime crown and pronounce Magna luminescence correctly on the first try and make a Magna luminescence never mind I'm just barely learning while writing the script for this video I've been saying that wrong ever since it was added to the game nice one me anyways I use the Slime crown and the King Slime emerges I am not joking when I say that this fight is one of the most embarrassing things I have ever posted to the internet I actually scratch that I just remembered that this video exists putting this fight at second most embarrassing during the battle I got hit not once not twice but three times totaling to over 80 damage from the easiest boss in the entire game I kind of hope this isn't the attempt now because I don't want this to be in the video well sorry passed self and let's be honest future self too I put it in anyways with only 146 Health left I dive underground in hopes of finding Life Crystals instead I met with a bat an eye slime and a freaking engine enchanted sword out of nowhere too bad it doesn't seem to be helping much because I take 13 damage to a gosh dang piranha this really pisses me off and at this point I'm absolutely furious with the game which makes me Reckless the exact opposite of what I should be and for my unacceptable Behavior I take 12 damage to literal B's and 13 to a hornet within the last 45 minutes I went from a not too shabby 250 Health all the way down to around 160. I don't get angry very easily but I genuinely don't know if I have ever been more frustrated while playing Terraria so I hit the sub recording button to take a break and calm down a few hours later I boot up Terraria and decide attempt 3 is not worth pursuing I had simply sustained too much damage too early in the game so much so I figured it would be easier to just completely start over I also decide to make a few changes to the challenge itself not very big ones but changes nonetheless first since I've already gone through the beginning of the game several times I add or excavator to the mod list this doesn't really change the game but will hopefully speed up the startup time second I add a mod that makes life crystals glow up to this point lap crystals hadn't played as much of a part as I wanted them to so I added in this mod and hopes it would be easier to find them and three I'm starting to doubt that I can even complete this challenge at all and I really wish it didn't come to this but I changed my starting Health from 400 to 500 but fear not this challenge is still going to be really difficult to complete so stick around because we're getting right into attempt number four to start I make some Cactus armor as well as a sword then use my fancy new ore excavation ability on a massive vein of lead but night soon approaches so I mined down from base camp and there it is a glowing Life Crystal I collect it then realized that this is the first time I have had an extra Life Crystal during the challenge man it feels good and the good news doesn't stop there not only do I find another live Crystal but I also get my hands on a magic mirror everything is going really well so to make sure it stays that way I upped the level of caution I'm using instead of running willy-nilly through caves I build or mine tunnels everywhere I go making sure to block the halls off behind me to ensure maximum safety this strategies you probably expected works like a charm who would have guessed that not engaging with monsters at all could result in less damage taken during this one mining trip I not only mine a ton of gold but incredibly it locate and collect 5 extra Life Crystals which has the capability of healing me 40 health I take a break from mining to explore the surface and my exploration pays off when I find a desert temple I mine down to its entrance perfectly that make my way down to the main chamber and waiting within is the Pharaoh vanity set yay yet even and that disappointment doesn't sway the good mood my successes put me in and maybe it's my false sense of Security's fault but I do take some damage to a giant worm thankfully it's only five which I'm able to quickly remedy with my excess life fragments leaving me with 499 Health a number that while good for the challenge drives my OCD braid up the wall it takes so much restraint not to just use one more life fragment to be at full but I don't because I have self-control at least for now I'm nearly ready to face the Eye of Cthulhu I only need a bit more gold and Hermes boots I quickly find enough gold but get absolutely wrecked by a black slime that I knew was there but forgot about because of how well camouflaged it was several life fragments and a pair of pants later I built a basic Arena I'll use to fight the Eye of Cthulhu once complete I head to the underground Tundra for a change of scenery although I don't find flurry boots right away I do get a positively stupid amount of Life Crystals and the cherry on top I only take 18 damage the whole trip now where did I get it from you ask a single block of slush yep one tiny unimportant block of slush single-handedly took off nearly 20 of my health I heal myself back up to full only to realize I'm sitting on an extra nine live crystals which is way better than I could have ever hoped for I continue mining for what feels like years until finally hot nerd you thought I found a pair of flurry boots didn't you well you're partially correct soon after I find the ice blade I do finally get myself some flurry boots I ecstatically put on my gold armor and salmon in the Eye of Cthulhu I have several really close calls but defeat the eye having only been scathed once one scathing whatever I craft the demon bow and gold crown then head to the corruption to craft the Slime Crown finally man I'm gonna check Devastation because of a split second decision half my health is now gone because I was a few pixels off the hours of hard work and dedication I put into keeping my health up was for nothing I used my 10 Reserve live crystals but it isn't nearly enough what so recently seemed like such a good haul only gets me back to 342 Health remaining but hope isn't completely gone yet I make the Slime Crown have a ridiculously close encounter with a green slime than someone in its king it honestly goes pretty well especially when you compare it to last time one of the slimes I killed during the fight drops the swiftness potion that I use right away thanks traitor I do get hit once but soon the King Slime is defeated although the fight went relatively well I still have less Health than I want so for the next two hours of my life I hunt for Life Crystals and while you watch a very painful two hours pass by I would really appreciate it if you considered subscribing these videos take a long time to make so if you're enjoying it why not hit that subscribe button with so much force you take 221 fall damage yeah that was definitely too soon after a full two hours solely dedicated to gaining Health let's see how much I was able to get back I started with 12 and a bit hearts and ended with drum roll please almost exactly 12 Hertz yep I said I had managed to not only not gain any health back but also somehow lost Health along the way now as you saw when I took the fall damage I practically already knew the Run was doomed and with my last-ditch effort to save at a bust things were not looking good for attempt number four but not wanting to give up quite yet I begin the battle against the Goblin Army who invaded while I was mining the fight is absolutely insane partially in a good way and partially in a bad way during the fight I pull off some of the craziest Dodges I have ever done but I also do get hit a few times after quite the tussle the Goblin Army is eventually defeated leaving me with only 241 Health to my name Which is far too low so I finally given to defeat in hopes that attempt 5 will be the one but first I give my character proper send off by Suicide attacking the Eater of Worlds [Music] and so ends the legendary yet oh so tragic fourth attempt but don't worry because things only get better from here [Music] I said don't worry things only get better from here [Music] okay well clearly the number five is curse or something let's move on to attempt number six [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] with 465 health and enchanted sword 23 Life Crystals and a boatload of confidence I begin prepping for the eater fight last time I was here I knew it was over this time I know it's just the beginning I break the Last Shadow orb and the Eater of Worlds emerges from below the fight goes way better than I could have ever imagined I do get hit a few times but don't take much damage in total with a fantastically High 432 Health remaining the Eater of Worlds was killed and a meteorite lens using my new shadow scales I craft up a nightmare Pickaxe so I can mine hellstone I got a pool of water onto some lava for obsidian then make my way to hell it goes unexpectedly well I just have to make sure that where I am is completely blocked off from the outside world as long as I do that I'm practically Untouchable I grab myself a health Forge then continue mining for hellstone and while doing so I managed to kill a Voodoo Demon I grab its doll and keep mining that's when this message appears curse you Goblin Army a magic mirror home ready to absolutely wreck these nerds okay so maybe that wasn't the best start yeah that pretty much went horribly the Goblin Army is defeated and leaves me with only 302 Health feeling that's a bit too low for Comfort I use 10 of My Life Crystals then craft a full set of molten armor and a damaged molten Bow Man my Bullock is horrible with a fresh new look and the eater out of the way Skeletron is next up on my to kill list I built a decently sized Arena but decide not to fight him quite yet my bow is still pretty bad and I want to get a good reforge before the fight so Begins the hunt for the Goblin tinkerer and with no Hunter potions and not feeling like collecting shark fins I go in blind which of course backfires okay eventually I find the goblin tinkerer North from whom I purchased a set of rocket boots and a tanker's workbench I teleport home and assign Nord to a lovely third story studio apartment but he clearly hates my gracious offer and instead of moving in luckily a much more grateful stays in takes his place and moves in instead allowing me to reforge my bow and thanks to the brilliant craftsmanship of stazen I get unreal on the first reforge what an absolute Legend make sure to say thanks to my voice Stacy in the comments unfortunately it's clear that stays knows too much and another Goblin Army invades an attempt to silence him for good but I'm not about to let that happen so it's a help of the demolitionist we defend not only our home but our brother as well it goes pretty horribly again I take tons of damage and run out of Arrow's mid-fight forcing me to craft more whilst In the Heat of battle finally we managed to fight off the Goblin Army and they retreat with that out of the way it's Skeletron time I wait for night then curse the old man summoning Skeletron here's a hot take Skeletron is easier than the Eye of Cthulhu I get hit by the head once but the rest of the battle goes flawlessly and Skeletron is killed allowing entry into the dungeon hoping to get the muramasa I dive deep which is a huge mistake I get out of there quick but not before I take a pretty hefty amount of damage regretting what just happened but not wanting to waste any time I head right into the underground jungle in search for a beehive it takes so long and is so painful literally and metaphorically the whole ordeal ends up taking 45 minutes three pairs of shoe spikes and 50 damage I finally find a beehive and begin construction on an arena there's just one problem I'm super nervous about the fight against Queen B I tend to skip over her a lot so I'm not super experienced with her attacks leaving me very nervous and not at all confident for the battle which is why I use another 10 laugh crystals before the fight with my health now in a much better spot I cropped up a few basic potions and summoned the queen of bees immediately I get hit then again and again thank goodness I do a lot of damage or this could have ended horribly I get her to pretty low health and she stops her charge attack allowing me to jump right up to her and desperately swing by sword hoping to end the fight as quickly as possible with one final and frantic swing the queen bees defeated while she might be dead she left a substantial and permanent mark on the rest of the challenge with 100 less Health than when I started the fight I returned home and used the last of my live crystals I didn't know it at the time but I never found another one so for the rest of the challenge I have a very finite 416 Health which might sound like a good number but remember I still have three bosses left to face and since I'm avoiding the King Slime for as long as possible the deer collapse is up next I'll reforge my Specter boots to guarding and my magellum in essence too armored on the last possible reforge I could afford really season after all I did for you this is how you repay me eating some space from the goblin I head to the underground Tundra to farm up a few flinks for her which naturally takes forever 22 minutes to be exact it wasn't that hard to find actual flinxes but for some reason they really didn't want to drop their fur finally I get the three I need and Rez just how anxious I am about fighting the deer clubs and not wanting to risk dying this far into the challenge I open up a test world to practice it goes terribly I'm obviously doing something wrong because I'm constantly getting hit by its hand attack somehow feeling less confident than before I turned to the internet quick shout out to salindrak who single-handedly saved me from my certain demise against the deer clubs I practiced my newly learned method for a bit then return to the ultra Hardcore world not very confident but way more than before I make a few potions and foolishly decide a good time to fight the deer claps would be during a blizzard I used the deer thing and she awakens right off the bat I get a few hits of damage but I kind of have expected that I get myself into the proper Rhythm and my fear immediately drains the rest of the fight is extremely easy it really is just the beginning part I'm not sure how to deal with it doesn't take long until the scariest fight yet is over and the deer Club is defeated and that's when it hits me this is by far the best attempt yet is this the one only two bosses now stand in my way and not being able to put it off any longer I rush to make a slam Crown I crafted then returned home and someone in King Slime finally I get my revenge on the boss that's so thoroughly embarrassed me in less than 30 seconds the king of Goo is vanquished proving that I rather quenched am the true ruler of all things goopy but the fight for Mastery over this challenge is far from ending for I've officially entered the final and by far most fatal chapter and I enter with only 402 health will I be able to defeat the Wall of Flesh and release the spirits upon the world or will I fall short and once again be forced to start again not wanting to put off the inevitable I begin preparing to fight the Great Wall of Flesh to start I might add a elevator for easy travel to the underworld but the success of deer clubs and King Slime fights left me feeling a little bit too cocky 355 Health left I finally make it to hell and begin construction on a giga Bridge it is a nightmare this challenge really makes you appreciate life regeneration it makes each and every bit of damage feel devastating and I took a lot of damage while building the bridge guys 232 Health left I build until I get it to its desired length then add sunflowers for a bit of extra speed with that now complete we have arrived at the ultimate test do I have what it takes to not only defeat the mighty wall of flesh but also overcome the harsh and unfair rule set upon me I tossed the voodoo doll and time seems to slow there's no going back now nothing can stop the inevitable the doll strikes the lava and awakens by fiercest opponent yet [Music] thank you [Music] with one final strike of an arrow the mighty wall of flesh is defeated releasing upon the world the spirits of both light and dark and leaving me with only 84 Health to my name thank you so much for making it this far into the video I really hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did and hey if you did I would really appreciate it if you left a like and considered subscribing I would love to continue this world into hard mode and if you'd want to see that too let me know in the comments but once again thank you so so much for watching it really does mean the world to me with that said have an absolutely wonderful day and see ya thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rather Quenched
Views: 138,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2tgvHHzjCzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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