Terraria, But ALL Melee Weapons Are REWORKED...

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in this video I play Terraria but I installed a mod that completely reworks most if not all of melee weapons giving them new animations and also projectiles for some will these changes help with taking down the final boss moonlord stay tuned to find out all right we can get started so yeah this mod reworks pretty much most of the melee weapons even the copper short sword though if you look at here it says press and hold the right button to attack for a special attack so this mod does add abilities for some weapons so let's see what this one does if I press right click oh okay so it makes me Dash forward and then I guess swing out my sword four times oh wow okay so it's not just like you click once and you jab at once it's one click and then four Jabs well that's so much better holy crap okay all right let's go chop down some wood what is this oh my God wait wait hold up what are these things Acorn spirits okay I am not ready for these guys oh my God wait they're just gonna keep following me okay it does seem like I can just walk away because they can't seem to aim their projectiles on me okay now I'm dead okay let's see what the wooden sword does so this one doesn't have a special ability and okay it's just a regular swing not really sure which one's better though let's test it on the slime Okay so I think I do like the copper short sword better yeah much better okay we'll stick with that first all right now let's see if we can find some sort of cave to go into get some more Ores all that oh wait I think I think my right click does um does bleed damage as well Let's test it out oh yeah it does okay okay our first life Crystal wait what you need to defeat the Lifeguard to consume the Life Crystal okay um not sure what that is might be a boss actually I don't know we're gonna have to figure that out later on okay thank you fairy oh thank you yes okay we got super lucky there love to see a girly Hermes boots all right so we're back home it did mine a good amount of ores so we can make something right now suspicious looking Hearthstone oh this is the life Guardian I need to kill okay so it takes one life Crystal to make well I'm not sure how strong this thing is so I might need to get a better weapon first all right let's craft a lot of silver bars you're 67. I think that's enough for a full set of silver yeah let's do it full set of silver there we go 14 defense now do we have enough for a platinum pickaxe oh yes we do perfect just enough and then we might as well just make a yeah sure why not silver short sword to replace our copper one okay what do I get from killing this Acorn Spirit though soul of nature we can make oh we need this for the Terra Blade and it does look like they changed the uh the art of it okay we got another house okay I'll take that cloud in a bottle all right I reached hell I don't want to risk falling down and dying and losing 11 Gold yeah I'm just gonna go home and we ended up mining a bunch of platinum let's go ahead and make the Platinum short sword upgraded from the silver one oh found another Sky Island almost missed that all right and what's inside shiny Red Balloon and this Starry Sky oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wait that is sick okay yeah it doesn't have any knockback but still I could use this against the app Cthulhu so it's kind of like the star Fury but with a ranged attack as the main swing okay maybe with this weapon I can take on the life Guardian we'll see let me just build a platform before I do that all right let's go summon the life Guardian three two one oh hello there uh uh what do you do oh okay okay oh my God what the you can shoot again yep go this way get up deal yo get off of me please please please please it doesn't have much health that's good and should be dead right hello oh I was done as the guardian of Terror continent I recognize your strength I will release the first limit of your life cap hope you can challenge me again okay life cap increased to 200. nice so now we can use it right yes perfect oh and it doesn't go away okay cool all right let's see if I can find a suspicious looking eye so we can summon the app Cthulhu there we go that's a suspicious looking eye now we just need to wait for night time and meanwhile I can just search for some more light crystals all right since I'm gonna be making a terror blade later on I might as well Farm for some stingers and jungle spores to make the blade of grass and we'll see if that one gets reworked as well I'm pretty sure it does all right let's go ahead and summon it three two one oh wait that is sick oh it's not consumable too oh wow okay okay so far it's so good second phase now almost there come on oh my God whoa whoa okay I love the new animation for that when you do when you defeat a boss you get a new specialized ending I guess let's go ahead and craft the blade of grass I think now we can finally replace our short sword it's definitely different oh okay lucky got the money truck does it have a right-click special ability no it doesn't okay one click swings out twice and it has the chance to poison enemies but I think that's a pretty low chance well I mean it's still better than the word sword so definitely going to be using this unless we craft uh or is it some Demonite bars and then let's make the lights vane and see what what this one does oh boy hold up wait that does so much damage oh my God yeah one swing or one hit for the for the projectile that's like 50 damage right there oh my God wait this might be better than the uh blade of grass okay I will be using this instead actually I can also turn the crimting bars into the other alternative which is the crimting bar so we can test out what both of these weapons do now we have to blood butcherer 27 melee damage all right here we go oh this one life steals wait and it does bleed damage oh my God yeah four damage per tick okay not bad okay since we have our potion effects still going on uh let's go ahead and summon the life Guardian again see if we can do it this time we got better weapons so this should be a lot easier okay foreign yeah we're definitely doing it much easier this time almost dead here we go okay that was really easy defeated by Jew again yes I did but it's not my strongest strength guys I'm assuming this one raises up my Max Health to 300 this time yep 300. uh let's just see what his strongest form is kind of curious oh wait I got destroyed there oh my God all right let's go search for some more sky islands let's see if we can find the star Fury there we go all right let's see if this one's changed yeah so it's basically like the Starry Sky but I'm pretty sure this one's much better because it has insane knockback all right our next goal is the Eater of Worlds oh wait oh I didn't know it shoots out like a like a sword I thought it was just like if you melee it from up close then it heals you but let's see let's see get hits nice okay it's very weak with the uh lifesteal though but I might be using the lights Bane or the star Fury for the fight maybe even the blade of grass we'll see okay oh yep no this buff what oh God it's too close too close like Spain is definitely better oh my God look at that damage okay wait chill let's not get too cocky here and it should be dead right one more time let's go there we go all right let's try this boss one more time because I really do want to get Max Health before I fight Skeletron wait I should have made Shadow Armor first oh well one more one more please please please oh yes let's go you beat me in my strongest State you deserve my loot oh you have loot oh wait life Guardian mask let's not all right so let's get our Max health here we go and then what's inside here ruthless heart sword shrew Melly hits have a chance to explode into seeking hearts that heal players and warding life Guardians blessing increases Max Life by 25 points really increases life region after being hit and summons life servants to protect you hold up whoa whoa what what was that that was a life servant I know but like do I just have to get close to monsters and then there's ruthless heart sword I'm throwing out Life Crystals Let's test it out on the eye Cthulhu oh my God okay yeah so I just need to get close to any monsters and then my accessory will activate okay wait how much does this heal me for oh I couldn't tell I killed it too fast no all right let's go and make the oh do I want Shadow Armor or do I want the other one the Crimson one that gives more life Regen so I get the life regen one then I can stack it up with this and the banner regeneration I don't know how and I'll have like insane health regen I might just do that boom boom boom yep greatly increases the speed of Life regeneration wait this is new if you take damage you gain a buff for a short time the buff is related to damage during the buff damage is increased by 10 percent and can steal the life of nearby enemies okay now we kind of curious to um to see what the Shadow Armor does but let's make the deathbringer pickaxe I guess I could fight the I've Cthulhu again the just to get some more bars oh my God this is insane oh meteors falling we'll find the meteorite later on there we go it has landed oh there we go I just saw those hearts those were the true melee hits one there it is there it is and it heals me for two and four Shadow Grieves all right and what is this set effect set bonus 50 increase movement speed 15 increased Dodge chance while moving and 50 increase speed at night oh yeah I can definitely tell the difference still think I'm gonna settle with the Crimson armor though all right Skeletron is next so let's build the arena first and then we have to wait till night time because it just turned day all right it is now night time let's start this thing out three two one wait oh my God it's wearing the hats oh that's so funny okay oh back out okay that's one hand down there we go let's do all right now for the easy parts all right pretty easy okay into the dungeon we go and what I'm searching for is the muramasa and the Cobalt Shield maybe the shadow key who knows probably not though because I don't know if um any of those weapons inside are reworked actually you know before we go I think there's a meteorite right next to the dungeon because there was that meter ahead there it is okay let's mine this first chest gold shield nice all right am I in the meteorite okay let's see what we can do with our meteorites okay we can make some base blades or lightsabers uh red and white are the same damage but let's just go with whites let's see if okay no there's no special abilities but oh oh wait a minute wait this is sick and I can dash for the two okay let's see what the red one does [Music] oh same thing okay damn that's pretty cool all right let's go back to the dungeon now try to find the muramasa yes there we go all right let's get out here and does the muramasa do anything special no abilities but oh wait oh it falls my cursor wait I can just slash anywhere on the screen oh my God okay and with that I believe we have all of the swords to make the Night's Edge oh no I still need to get the I still need to get the volcano right okay let's go down to Hell then okay that should be enough hellstone all right let's make the fiery great sword now or Fury actually fiery or fairy I don't really know all right let's see what this one does oh okay shoot yourself like flame waves um can I test it on the I Cthulhu let's see uh is it just mirrors it's really weak okay I mean if I true melee hit it then it'll like still has the same explosion effects but the flame waves itself it's kinda weak I won't lie I mean the visuals look amazing though all right well let's combine it now to make wait wait what how do you make it strengthen platform using a fortified wait I think I saw that one I might have seen it in the snow biome well I wasn't exactly sure what it does or what it did okay it should be here right is it not this strengthened platform right here yeah oh I literally just have to right click it okay ah there we go I mean I hope this works oh hey there we go oh and then you can oh this is how you upgrade it to the true Knight's Edge I just need the souls of or the souls from the mechanical bosses now let's see what this bad boy does oh okay it's like the muramasa but it's kind of slower I think but it probably does way more damage okay let's make the Goblin Battle standard just because I don't think the Goblin Army is coming anytime soon naturally so we gotta spawn ourselves [Music] okay wait this is kind of weak what okay I was expecting much more than this a powerful force is approaching what is this my screen is shaking oh what the wait chill what the can I kill please thank you where are you oh there you are oh my God I did 274 damage oh my God why are you teleporting everywhere wait oh this big glasses in it ah he's like oh my God I think thank you what wait it wasn't done what was that okay but what did we get Shadow Flame seriously massive by goblins is stronger than ordinary flames we can craft some weapons and then Shadow necklace okay we can craft another fiery great sword and then we can make the shadow flame sword all right let's see what this thing does oh my God yes wait this is nasty but if it's going to be like the just a regular fire great sword then I'm not sure if I want to use it but we can test it out this might be good for the Wall of Flesh just because it's wide enough to hit like all three of the the eyes and mouth okay let's make the molten armor now and seems like there's no extra or there's no new set effect this is just straight up the 10 extra melee damage all right let's go search for the goblin tinkerer now oh there you are okay rocket boots and workshop and then let's reforge while we're at it and this one as well okay never mind I'm now broke okay inspector boots wait what wait it changed all of a sudden instead of just one slash it's like a it's in a cross shape now is it because of this no no it's not what I think after when I reforged it to demonic somehow it changed okay okay so it's much better now I was like there's no way what I had before was like the actual thing all right we made it to the end of the world let's just jump right into it three two one yo we'll test this one out first okay so the projectiles do stop when it hits an enemy or when it hit when it makes contact okay this isn't bad now let's test out the it's Edge yeah I think this is stronger all right let's run back a bit and you are dead all right what do we get firecracker uh nothing that we can really use all right before I fight any mechanical bosses I'm gonna Farm some Quivers versus a flight now I have to go break some Demon Alters because I do need the it's either the oracalcum or mithro Anvil so I can make the wings okay we got Cobalts mithril and titanium also gotta make the molten pickaxe almost forgot there we go now we can start Mining and be hard Motors mithro Anvil there we go and then we can make angel wings as well as the mithril pickaxe okay all that's left is to mine titanium all right I mined 431. all right let's go make the titanium Forge uh let's make yeah I guess the melee one since we're mainly gonna be using melee weapons there we go all right it is now night time and we are ready to take on the mechanical bosses so I might use the knight's Edge first see how that goes and then if it doesn't work so well I'll switch over to the shadow flame sword and the first boss I'm gonna take on will be the Destroyer so here we go three two one go es oh my God yes wait holy go again Jesus Christ that damage oh my God oh my God if I had a DPS meter I want to see how much damage I did holy crap when it was all bunched up together okay that was crazy okay we have enough time to summon I guess the twins next uh let's use the nice Edge for this one is Laurel oh my God it's already half HP Kale's back away now okay that's done Jesus if I do true Millie it does so much damage there we go all right we're not even halfway through the night so let's summon the last one it's built from Prime yeah this one's much easier to do melee hits on foreign titanium armor set effect is also putting in work there we go okay all three mechanical bosses done in one night now we can make the Excalibur it looks different it looks different so maybe this one changed oh okay wait a minute I need to test this out on a boss oh my God what wait that was if I hit it it spawns out more swords that just homes in onto it oh my God this is actually so crazy okay let's also make the pickax ax and let's make the hollowed armor oh I have enough okay any newer side effects no oh I can also make the true Knight's Edge right yeah yeah uh close it like this all the site might and Freight go [Music] oh wait it used up every single soul oh I should have just put 20 in each no that's that's fine I can always spawn in more mechanical bosses all right there we go true Knight's Edge 93 melee damage let's see what it does okay it only has one slash though like the quick one uh I mean they're both kind of quick but not the Crescent one just the straight line uh okay I guess we'll test it out on some other boss all right next goal is to find Plantera so let's go to the Jungle oh wait it changed again what the wait I don't understand this Night's Edge oh wait it just hit me does it only change when it's night time or does it grow stronger when it's nighttime that would make sense right okay if I can summon the I have Cthulhu yep okay I figured it out that's why all right I've pretty much explored every single area of the jungle uh but I'm pretty sure it's too soon for the Plantera ball to spawn so what I can do while I wait I can Farm some more Souls of Night and light to upgrade the Excalibur the true Excalibur I already have enough chlorophyte so let's make I think it's 20 bars let's see yeah 20 bars 20 Souls of light and night let's go do that right now there we go there's our last two Souls of Lights all right now let's go farm some sorts of knights all right there's our last one 24 bars put the Excalibur there what night and 20 lights synthesized oh okay here we go wait so it has the old um the old true Excalibur projectiles but what happens if I attack an enemy all right we're gonna test it on the Destroyer again here we go three two one [Music] oh my God ow wait it's gonna kill my NPCs oh no uh okay so it still spawns the golden sword well that's so satisfying though okay I think yeah the true Knight's Edge is so much better though okay I mean it's not bad I guess I can use this during the day and then whenever it's night time I'll switch over okay wait is it just mirrors Excalibur is so much better now I think it's because it's daytime because there are well the projectiles are much bigger I'm I think there's more oh whoa okay yeah it's definitely much better yeah I mean I guess I'll just switch it just uh using the true Excalibur during daytime and then through Night's Edge for night time okay there it is there's Plantera bulb okay that took a while but it's finally spawned okay bought some Dynamite from the demolitionist don't think we need to make the arena too big because our weapons are kind of overpowered so it looks like I'll be using the Night's Edge just because it's nighttime all right three two one where are you okay top left let's try to get some true melee hits in okay let's back out now all right that was pretty easy all right it looks like it's daytime now Let's uh summon Golem before my potions wear off [Music] I'll be using the Trix caliber yeah not bad all right I think I prefer the true Knight's Edge just a little bit better oh okay too much damage there we go all right our next goal is to make the Terra Blade so we need to put down this furnace and how many solar tablet fragments I need oh oh never mind I need to use the method handle right there we go and let's just summon it right away there's our first Mothra on hopefully it drops the Broken Arrow storage on first try to drop oh yes it is nice okay and then we can put this one in right done done done make it make it make it oh boy that was so cool what the Terra Blade 128 damage okay and I think it has a yes it has a special attack let's see what it does okay perfect on this Mata three two one oh my God wait wait okay two more seconds try again I want Martin to be flying here we go okay there we go that's pretty cool there's a spin attack and then shoots out was it like foaming projectile oh wait so after my special ability look at my look at my waves okay here we go three two one and then oh my it turns out three holy wow this thing is strong oh okay I love this weapon already holy crap let's try to reforge it gladly sure I'll take it all right let's head over to the dungeon now so we can take on the lunatic cultist all right here we go oh I really wish I had a DPS meter all right all right Vortex pillar is done okay nebula one is done next up is the solar pillar I finally figured out how to use this Talisman so I had to rebind a key so if I press Q here it is and then if I press Q again I teleport back and it shoots out like these shadow balls like that right here I'll see after use it will leave the Talisman in place to attack the enemy and then use it again to return to the Talisman position so what I'm thinking of is like I can use this to dodge Moon Lord's uh big laser beam instead of having to like teleport with the magic mirror all right that's done now we just need to destroy the last pillar all right now we wait here we go let's see if I can tie my towels in [Music] so there to be there we go oh that did so much damage okay [Music] so far so good [Music] okay middle eyes dead okay now we just hit the hearts yay eight thousand health I'll just go for it yes let's go all right that's gonna be it guys that is the dawn mod with all the melee weapons reworked honestly this mod was such an amazing experience most of the weapons were very enjoyable to use especially the Terra Blade with the right click oh my God you do a crazy Spin Attack that shoots full moon projectiles and you become invulnerable during it anyways hope you all enjoyed watching all the mods I used during this video will be in the description below if you guys want to go check it out as well don't forget to leave a like comment and also subscribe to the channel thanks again and I'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Necr0
Views: 677,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 100 days, 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days, i spent 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in, terraria journey's end, terraria 1.4, 100 days in terraria 1.4, i spent 100 days and here's what happened, terraria journeys end, terraria guide, 100 terraria days, 100 days in terraria calamity, calamity, can you beat terraria?, terraria swords, terraria sword, terraria melee, terraria melee only, terraria only melee, terraria new update
Id: 0saL49N0p7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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