Terraria, But A.I. Tells Me Exactly What To Do...

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chat GPT you can write novels do my schoolwork and replace all of my social interaction but cannot play Terraria recently I set out on a journey to beat Terraria Master mode to the direct command of Judge EBT following along with each of its instructions commands and advices closely as I possibly could this was a journey of pain suffering and quite possibly some of the worst strategies I've ever seen so without further Ado let's get right into it as soon as I spawned into my world I immediately loaded up cat gbt who told me my first task was to gather about 500 to 600 wood a relatively big task but I guess it didn't hurt to stock up early so I spent a good few minutes chopping down all the trees then once I had all the woodcrafted myself a full set of wooden gear protecting me with a Monumental 3 defense after that though my next instruction was to explore the surface in its entirety in order to get a feel for the world alright we are off we've got a terrible wooden sword three defense and a dream hopefully this doesn't take too long with exploration in mind I headed to the left got swarmed by an unreasonable amount of vultures found the crimson and died immediately no then headed off to the right where I ran into the Crimson once again and also died immediately no eventually though I was able to make it to both ocean beaches where I was lucky enough to be greeted by everyone's favorite NPC the angler a truly worthwhile reward for my hard work after that though I headed home where churchibiti told me I needed to build a shelter in order to protect myself from enemies according to chat CPT in order to make the best house I could at this point I was going to be needing some wooden dirt for the most part a little bit of stone for the roof and some ropes for decoration I'm not gonna lie it wasn't the best but it was better than I thought it would be now that I'd gotten all the basic groundwork and plays Chad Gippy he decided I needed to begin fighting the bosses starting with the Eye of Cthulhu and in order to make sure I was ready for the fight I was given a long list of equipment that apparently I needed including a cloud in a bottle full gold armor and a hell Wing bow which despite my efforts chat GPT refused to accept that you couldn't get before the bosses after some debate though we were eventually able to settle on the mini shark as an alternative and while on first glance all of us seemed a little Overkill I still realized how much I was gonna need this so I made my way into the caves to do some splunking money up as much gold as I could desecrating a variety of natural habitats my own personal gain and plummeting into multi-generational day in exchange for a pack of glow sticks this is not a fair exchange also who is this guy selling to other than me like I mean maybe I'm wrong but I just don't imagine it'd be like a thriving Market down here you know up until eventually I'd gotten all the gold I needed crafted off some gold armor and was ready to grab the mini shark now according to charge ABT apparently you were supposed to find this in Ocean chests but after a quick look I didn't have much luck so I had to resort to my good old friend the wiki heading off to the Jungle to grab a Boomstick so the arm stealer would move in getting him to the desert for lower prices and selling a ton of gems to afford the mini shark after that I'd gone down to the caves to a few final heart crystals came across some meteorite in the chest which I used to craft a phase blade and was now ready to build an arena so I hopped onto chat gbt and asked it to draw me some plans for an arena however this quickly turned out to be a mistake as for some reason I was provided with this not exactly the greatest Arena but I guess it was gonna have to do so I cleared out some space gathered up all the materials and got to work in construction alright so we have probably the best of Cthulhu Arena that we could have at this point we've got a picnic table for some reason we got this room Ultra gbt approved I don't really see any way we can lose this fight let's see how it goes nice nice nice second phase obviously harder than I remember it's been a while since I played Master mode nice nice there we go always nice to see now I've taken down my first boss it was about time I tackle the next of them and thanks to charge apt I already had a roster ready and in order queen bee brain of Cthulhu King Slime and Skeletron not exactly the order that I would have picked personally but to be fair it could have been a lot worse so immediately after this conversation I was off to the Jungle to begin combat okay so since I'm fighting the queen bee so early I'm thinking of biting her outside the hive I don't know I just think it'd be better to have more open arena I just gotta ask chat gbt for the design is giving me it's arena design for the queen bee and I mean ignore I'm a little worried about its mental state like if it just made the arena look like a bee then like yeah sure I can see how I could get that wrong but this is not remotely close to a B I don't know what this is oh I just noticed I am allowed to expand it a little bit luckily I do still want to keep Chachi PT's General concept loaders for the it's for the more support and all I've crafted up a ton of a beamination so hopefully I don't have to use them all but we'll have to see how it goes [Music] Master mode not my greatest strength especially this early in the game ow almost there finally that was a lot more painful than it should have been eventually though with the support of my Arena I'd finally done it moving me onto the brain of Cthulhu and in order to stop Chachi PT from descending even further into Insanity with his new architectural works I asked her to make this next Arena a little bit more minimal unfortunately it came up with something decent making the fight relatively easy also I don't know why but for some reason all the creepers just lined up in a row so I could piece through all of them and as usual second phrase ended up being even easier nice with this I got a little over 200 Crimson bars crafted up a ton of gbt certified armor and tools and headed home to deal with the rest of the bosses King Slime was obviously a breeze at this point a goblin army decided to intrude on my property but I swiftly dealt with them and finally I was under Skeletron so I headed off to the dungeon and yet again I asked for an even more simple and minimal Arena however it was pretty clear that maybe Chachi PT had taken the Simplicity a little too far as I was provided with this yeah okay okay yeah this is it's gonna be a problem I think my only option at this point is just to flood in the ground around it even with this though still still Massimo Skeletron I honestly struggle on this boss even with a fully built out Arena so I'm interested to see how it goes all right block is ready I'm not let's go no no no ow what was that I was struggling a lot on this boss and for a while this was how it stayed no no matter what I did I just couldn't Dodge any of his attacks and even if I did Dodge them I was dealing pretty much no damage with my mini shark you know moment of desperation I turned to charge EBT hoping for any crumbs of wisdom I could but despite this I was just provided with a series of motivational quotes which might I say were not particularly helpful ain't looking too great seeing a little ones I'm pretty sure though if we get rid of his hands his defense is supposed to drop a lot I don't know how it works but I heard it does okay yeah this is looking a lot better oh this nice that feels good now that I was approaching closer and closer to my fight with the Wall of Flesh I was gonna need a final set of equipment so I could be as prepared as possible so why tone to charge apt as usual hoping for advice yeah it immediately suggest that I've grabbed the infinity stone a truly bright idea I'm still in shock I didn't think of earlier in all seriousness though after this suggestion I decided to ask her something I can actually get in this game and somehow Chad GPT had come up with what was quite possibly an even worse idea summoning which apparently was the most effective class Against the Wall of Flesh more specifically I needed to get the following items a bewitching table the vampire frog stuff spinal tap and some obsidian armor obviously for the Wall of Flesh this was gonna make things far from easy but unfortunately I had no other option than to obey my AI overlords and head off to the dungeon to gather bones for the spinal tap okay so um tattoo BT in its infinite wisdom has decided that we are now a Summoner and I mean I'm not gonna lie it's not exactly what I was hoping for but there's not much I can do so now I'm stuck in the dungeon collecting some bones for the spinal tap ow ow you know what I what I don't understand why are all these enemies trying to kill me in the first place like I come down to their dungeon they literally live in a dungeon I don't know why they want to be down here I get rid of the guy in charge and pull them out surely at least a few of them would want to leave nice oh yeah this weapon's actually better than I thought okay that's some really good damage next up I needed the vampire frog stuff which if you don't know is a rare drop from both the bloody moment and the flying eye fish both of which I can fish up during a blood moon so I waited out the knights built up a nice little fishing area and cast out my rock yeah this spinal tab I mean it's not perfect but it's a lot better than I expected I can't recall the last time I've ever fished in this game I'll wait there's an eye nice we're gonna get the stuff uh not yet moment number two what are we gonna get money trough I mean it's not what I wanted but sure I'll take it oh wait no we did get the stuff never mind nice things are going smoothly with the Vampire stuff out of the way I had all the weapons I needed and was now onto the obsidian armor which obviously wasn't too much of a problem only requiring a little bit of extra apart from that though I went over to the Jungle to fish up some ingredients for the summoning potion look at this and tell me this is not in any way the perfect Loadout then reforged everything I had in the process that elevated the goblin tankers were morally reprehensible level of wealth and plummeted myself into a long multi-generational deck all right ain't gonna lie the money situation it's looking a little little tight right now so I've had to do some property development you know get the real estate going all inspired by the great architect that is Chachi PT now all that was left was to build the arena so I was Chachi petite for a design and even respond to winning make a bridge is normal except for a slight exception this being a technique known as the statue Army whereby setting up enemy statues along the bridge I would be able to distract the Wall of Flesh obviously not the way I'd normally deal with him but hey maybe I've just been missing something so I grabbed all the statues I could find in my chest headed over to the dungeon for some more and headed down to Hell to wire them all off up until everything was finally ready where I prepared everything I needed drunk all my potions summed up my frogs and at last track the guide Voodoo Doll into the lava only to realize that even in master mode I was completely overpowered as both my Whip and vampire frogs in combination were draining the waterflex's health super quickly and with the power of my statue Army I was able to kill the wolf flesh surprisingly easily not just once but again and again and again to get as much loot as I possibly could wait why is this Loadout actually working this should not be as good as it is with a wall of flesh down I was now in hard mode and according to Chachi BT the very next step I needed to do was overhaul my base so I headed off around the world Gathering some materials I was suggested dungeon brick living Ward and Boreal wood slowly desecrating the dungeon walls and engaging in Mass deforestation of the snow biome after I'd gotten everything I needed I headed back home for begin construction renovating my current house with the dungeon bricks and starting work on a brand new house letting Chachi PT design a full set of blueprints which I'd be following along with as closely as I could upon first glance I must admin I didn't exactly have High Hopes but by the time it was almost done I was actually pretty happy with what I'd come up with tying everything together with the nicer Arena and some defensive Towers on each side of the base to be honest I'm actually pretty happy with this base after this short building break however it was time to get back to the main tasks of hard mode starting off with some preparation for the mechanical bosses now according to chat jbt the first step of this was to destroy as many Ultra cycle to maximize all spawn so I head off to the Crimson to begin breaking all these trying to avoid the unreasonably large population of raves and eventually being blessed with Palladium mythal and Adamantite then upon sharing all these findings with church EBT I was told that I needed to gather up a complete set of Adamantite gear including armor tools and weapons as apparently by using it all in battle it would summon the Adamantite Admiral so um as the player attacks with each weapon in quick succession the air around them cackles with vibrant energy suddenly an enormous creature materializes born from the combined mind of the Adamantite weapons okay so um I mean we should at least give it a go right maybe it might be onto something we've got a lot of mining to do though now so I headed off to the mines looking to gather all this all progressing through Cobalt myth will and eventually up to adamant Ikea alright if I counted it right I think we're gonna need like 430 at it I was going towards him on the my car how am I the one that dies all right I think that should be it blue slime should not take this long to kill honestly I know how we're gonna do the mechanical bosses apart from all this I was apparently gonna need some accessories like a ranger emblem and a magic quiver which I immediately began looking for hunting down arches for the quiver and farming the wall flesh for the emblem by this point though one thing I did notice is chapter BT still hadn't told me to get a pair of wings so I was gonna have to cope with my Specter boots with all that out of the way though it was finally time to fight the mechanical bosses starting off with a destroyer so I crafted up a mechanical worm wait until night and became combat first times the charm should be easy enough we've got the Adamantite sword the glaive the repeater we just need to use them all together apparently Moment of Truth any moment now Adamantite Admiral I mean probably just a little late okay um I'm starting to get a slight suspicion at church EBT may have lied to me I think we're just gonna have to fight the Destroyer good old-fashioned way nice nice there we go this before day as well after my insulin with the Destroyer I was onto the twins who after a good few fights I was eventually able to take care of with a hollowed repeater oh that wasn't too bad then onto Skeletron Prime who after a long long series of deaths slowly deteriorating my mental state I was finally able to defeat it oh is this it just a few more hits nice all that feels good as expected my next order of business was to go and defeat Plantera however when it comes to Loadout this actually ended up surprising me as by some miracle Chacha PT had actually came up with some good suggestions including wings at last glorified armor in the chlorophy shop boat pretty much the exact same as what I'd normally pick and as if this wasn't enough during my mechanical boss Escapade I was also lucky enough to get some cynics wings from a treasure pack ticking off the first of these on my checklist after this I headed over to the underground jungle setting up a house in pylon to prepare for the numerous impending deaths popping up with a splunker potion and Mining all the glorified I needed next I began building my Arena and for the very first time Chachi Peter came up with a pretty much Perfect Design okay so I don't really know know what's happening but all of a sudden Church ABT is now actually smart I've got all the gear that I'd normally have in a decent Arena so not gonna lie I've got a pretty good feeling about this fight also I think by this point the queen bee Arena bit of a historical landmark so I mean I have to build the planetarium here you know oh Chad gbt also said I had to decorate the arena with some furniture the intimidate Plantera or something so I bought a ton of plants from the dried and also all these balloons which I think should work but Irene is done let's see how we go oh yeah this shop was doing even more damage than I thought nice nice ow no no I think the brand of futuru just saved me I thought it was done there there we are nice with Plantera down I was doing well and alongside chatri BT's new stroke of knowledge I was breezing through the game right after this fight I was told my next step was to get the hex Branch an item dropped during the Pumpkin Moon which summons pretty much the fastest mount in the game so I rode my Minecart over to the dungeon which by this point had been pretty much torn apart then ran around the dungeon collecting ectoplasm until I'd finally gotten enough to crop the Pumpkin Moon Medallion not gonna lie holy always in the pumpkin Moodle very fun to use definitely my favorite arrow in the game at this point look at that damage after getting the hexed branch and finishing the event I also happened to run into the Pirates Who with the use of my shop oh and some holy arrows didn't exactly stare much of a chance somehow providing me with three Platinum points which I'll be using almost entirely for reforging getting all of my accessories towarding to prepare for my fight with Golem speaking of Golem I was now off to the lizard temple heading back to the Jungle using my key to begin traversing through and eventually beginning my fight with Golem yeah this weapon is really good as long as you we don't make any major mistakes we should be buying for this spice almost there just a few more hits you should be done nice nice I mean at least we be gone as expected I was able to Breeze through the golden fight and because of this was now entering the final stages of the end game so with the moon Lord coming up I needed the best load I could to finish off the Run pondering some questions with chat gbt until eventually it came up with a response through my armor the Phantasm live fruit and the Stardust Dragon staff honestly not bad choices starting off with a shroomite armor I was gonna need an auto hammer to make this through my boss and in order to obtain this I was gonna need the Truffle so I planted out a little mushroom biome convinced him to move him with a suspiciously cheap rental agreement and bought the auto hammer letting me craft up a full set of armor next up with a life route which I spent a good while searching for in the jungle I swear life Hearts never used to be this rare I've been searching for like half an hour and I think I found like one more after I'd gotten pretty much all the prep work done though what had left was the arena which for the most part was just going to be the main Arena I'd built all around my base along with a few changes suggested by charge apt including a little bit of expansion some asphalt but by far the most important of these the return of the statue Army for one final destruction statuami is back in Action ain't gonna lie never thought I'd see the day but the day has arrived and I am more than ready for it with the return of the statue Army I'd headed off all around the world to get all the statues I could looking for new ones throughout the caverns recollecting all the old ones I used in Hell getting some listed statues just decoration and even crafting a few of my own however in order to take things even further than I did in the war flash fight I decided to hook them up to one massive wiring system so each time I stepped on a pressure plate every one of the enemies spawned for the meantime though I was fighting The Lunatic cultist back at my one and only one block Arena way where are the cultists I think some of them have just like given up by this point there they are how did they get this deep in the dungeon this was a long walk down here I have an idea I don't want the cultures to despawn because he's too far away but maybe if I use a bomb at the right timing I might be able to summon in that way oh nice it does work all right now it's time for the actual fight nice getting some hits in with the shot boat everything's going smoothly wait no I hit the wrong one oh that's a shame Master mode fantastic too much help and too much damage I just need to not hit the wrong one and I should be good no oh yeah it's over do I keep not seeing that alright this time I think we have it the costs are actually in the right spot which I think it's got to be a sign nice let's go electron Arena coming in clutch I think the one block just blocked an attack King Slime wait what hold on hold the phone I did not see any slime around before this why is he here no Phantasm you're gonna make it yes yes yes now that I've gotten the cultist out of the way I was ready to begin the pain that was the lunar pillars and I'm not gonna lie I died a lot on these particularly on the vortex pillar as with the increased Master mode help of enemies keeping up was definitely a challenge after I'd managed to take it down though I was able to craft a Phantasm making things exponentially easier and while there still were a few deaths particularly on the solar pillar I was eventually able to make it through all of these and at last was on to my final fight with the moon Lord alright here we go moment of proof got all of my Buffs probably way too many arrows and of course the statue Army couldn't forget about them why this is just not a good idea how ow no yeah okay we're gonna have to try that again and I was off trying again and again and again enduring to the agony of the Luna events over and over again to little success up until eventually things are beginning to turn around one more try that I'm giving up for today Honestly though I'm doubting my chances the more I do despite the more I begin to regret the number of statues I place down just too many you know yeah a little bit out of hands weights attempts actually looking pretty good wait what nice nice almost there is this it I think this is it nice finally oh and that was painful if you made it this far I just want to say thank you so much for watching I've put a ton of effort into this video so if you liked it make sure to subscribe I've got a ton of big plans for the future and you don't want to miss them goodbye
Channel: Stimulus
Views: 293,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: er7jIuurTEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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