Tell a Story with Consistent Characters, ChatGPT, AI Animation - AI Workshop by AI Lemon Academy

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while everyone is joining us still I'm happy to introduce myself my name is Diana zuel and I'm co-founder of Alm and Academy and in Almon Academy we are helping creatives to adapt in a and innovate their creative workflow and today we have our speakers sain Kamas and also one more speaker Petra who will join us a little bit later and we will talk about consistent characters and how we can create consistent character c s with GPT and with AI in general if you have faced the challenge of creating consistent characters where they are please let us know in the chat uh which kind of AI tool you were using and was it simple we will give one more minute for everyone to join us by the way uh we are testing streamyard today so in case there will be any Tech issues please let us know in comments and we will uh surely share the recording yeah hi everyone we usually do this on Zoom so um yeah um it's always good to try new stuff right so awesome um we would love to hear how you have been creating consistent characters so um I'm sure you have tried it so keep putting down your ideas in the comments and let's get uh let's get started so um AI image generation as we all know it's not just a hobby anymore right so a year ago like almost a year and a half ago when I started it was just a fun thing and even it was for quite some time so you create some simple prompts and you share your images online they look pretty cool and that was pretty much it right it was more like a hobby thing actually now it has has become a serious tool for Creative professionals and it has opened up a whole lot of opportunities for many others um creative agencies that we have been talking to and also cre a lot of creative professionals have started using this every day to speed up their workflows right so that's the power of these tools right now so uh AI can be used as a design co-pilot to brainstorm concept and design on brand assets and this is already happening as we see it across uh creative industry sectors right so if you have a unique concept or designs on your mind and you want to visualize them quickly this is the tool to go right AI is the is is the go-to tool this is one of the top use in ideation and concepting stages also if you think of in the film making and advertising in the pre-production to practical high quality imagery isn't just impressive it's actually a game Cher and it shows how AI is not just assisting us but transforming the creative process it's making it faster it's making it more efficient and it's making it in it's also incredibly versatile the it's if you think past any single tool like either mid Journey Dar uh if you think of all the open source models that are coming up and how you can uh stack them together in your creative workflows uh I think you can create some really amazing stuff so uh quick introduction about me um Sachin my name is Sachin Kat and I'm the co-founder of almen academy uh and uh we are building this together uh Diana and myself and I'm an AI consultant for Creative leads and team and in fact we are hosting one of the top AI boot camps and the goal is to help creatives 10x that create your output while having fun exploring all these latest aitech so my main focus every single day where I spend most of my time is trying these new Cool Tools open source models mid Journey any other AI tool that is out there right a lot of you have I'm I'm pretty sure have used M Journey but there are so many other tools that are out there and I'm always exploring trying to find practical industry use cases and yeah I like to share these uh tips and tricks on my LinkedIn page and also in my newsletter so if you have any questions or if you want to follow my content um go ahead and follow me on LinkedIn I'll keep sharing some really cool stuff uh that that keep coming up right all right so uh this is me I am an artist and a designer at heart I love painting and drawing in my free time and the images that you see over here are not just they're not a generated in fact I mean a lot of people are like is this a generated no it's not these are actual photographs of my hyper realistic drawings uh and a photo of me doing an abstract painting right this is what I love doing uh in my spare time in fact this is how the whole thing started even when I was doing my full-time engineering job in fact my background is in engineering I did my masters in engineering and I've worked as a senior technical lead at Proctor and Gamble for six years but during the weekends this was my go-to uh hobby if you call it or my pasttime activity and I was even making some commission drawings so that that is what gave me the the push to actually perceive uh this this field all right so today's focus is how to create consistent characters right so we are going to touch upon this um that I mean there are a lot more topics just within this that we can cover uh but we will focus on one thing with is the which is the GPT so have you tried have you ever tried creating characters that maintain their unique look across different generation of images um like in mid Journey right or any of the platforms uh if you have tried type them in the comments below and we would love to see what have you done what have you tried or what are the tools that you used right so I'm pretty sure a lot of you or at least majority of you have tried creating this uh and if you have ever tried you probably encountered a frustrating truth because um it's impossible to achieve that perfect level of consistency um just take for example in mid Journey right you can try you can try things like multiple image references uh that's one of the the nicest trick to use because if you provide multiple image references of the same thing your training uh more or less uh the image generation to say hey these are the the specific visual effects or facial features that I want to have in my final generation or trying the seed parameter or in combination this of these two or even creating subtle variations right just even creating subtle variations it's it it simply does not work you cannot create the same exact character in The Next Generation there is always something that is that is is different so I was struggling with the same in consistent character designs and dreaming of a better way so when uh when I started to teach mid journey and how to use other AI tools effectively in in this gredy process I always got asked the same exact question how to create consistent characters because it's it's impossible within mid journey and I would I would show hey this streak you can use image references you can use seat parameter and a lot lot of other different tricks which would probably give you some form of consistency but not that that level of consistency that you really want within uh any comic strip that you want to lay out or storyboard creation right and that's exactly why I took matteress in my own hands and designed this GPT tool specifically to tackle this Challenge and we we are not just talking about making some tweaks here and there we're talking about Flawless character consistency and you will be able bble to generate characters in different positions Expressions Styles U and scenes for example and uh today here I'm going to share this process with you uh I will you can use this for for example your comic book narratives or for example your any animation that you want to create in fact we will take an example at the end uh and for your marketing campaigns or just to create characters for any of your fun projects right it it actually starts with just any fun project and then you see a lot of possibilities from out there and if you can tell a story putting all of these together you can really make some cool stuff and we'll walk through a quick demo uh and we'll cover couple of aspects but there are so many other things that you can do from there and probably we will cover them uh uh in the future but here we just want to introduce you and show you what is really possible right uh so that you can get going from there all right so this GPT what can you really do with it so you'll find it in the D GPT store we will run through a a short demo um if you if you're aware of the GPT store um you will find a couple of other uh ways to use CH GPT these are Bots which are designed to to uh to complete a specific task based on uh those Specific Instructions right so uh this is you will find this in the Dal GPD store as you see over here it's top four right now trending uh and I'm super grateful for that a lot of people have used this and it has almost 70,000 plus runs right now so I'm super happy about it and I have been receiving a lot of feedback so also be I'm open to take all of these feedback and see what uh how I can change uh the outputs and probably the inputs and also the uh the user experience part of how how simple it is to use these tools right so what can you do with it you can change Expressions I think that's the most important and obvious uh use case for consistent characters you want to be able to change the expression uh while maintaining the same character all right the same characteristics of the character um that's one then definitely you want to be able to change action to create different action uh and this was done by Diana by the way and for take for example you don't have to just stick to a human being right uh a human character it can be an animal it can be any kind of character um or object that you want to bring to life a lot of cool examples I've seen out there as part of any story or comic book that you want to talk about but here you can change actions as well and not just with uh for humans or for human illustration it can be for anything and of course you can change the pose while maintaining the same character right so that's what we are talking about uh these three options are available and If you build on top of this you can couple this and see uh and experiment how you can create uh multiple other things going from over here just uh building upon these blocks you can also create photo realistic uh characters just like you see over here and it's great for story boards uh even if you don't get the the perfect photo realism it's not that you'll get the quality of mid Journey right mid Journey has um built a space for its own mid Journey V6 is the best for photo realism right now but do is really good at listening to your prompts uh and giving this character consistency with this GPT so combine those and then you can use an enhancer later on to create photo realistic results right but to get character consistency this is the only way you can do it right now and then what are the styles that you can create over here you can create Pixar Animation you can create photography style uh you can create 2D illustration and then you can create anime pestel right so these are the these are the different styles that you're looking for uh that you can create with this particular GPD all right so a lot of people have use this uh in fact if you go on YouTube You'll also see a lot of creators using this and they have created some uh simple tutorials around it and I want to cover how to best get started using this tool right so that's what I will cover and then we will walk through one of these cool examples of how you can tell a story and we have a a special guest on the call today all right so go ahead and give it a try and uh you you will start loving it all right so what are the steps involved creating consistent characters first um you're going to Define is the character male or female then you are going to provide a hypothetical name for the character then you are going to pick a style which we just showcase right so pick one of these four Styles and we'll take a look at it then you will you will be able to see the first image of your character based on your description right there is no prompt needed you just have to follow the instructions uh that is being asked and based on your description it's going to create a first image for you you and then you can decide what you want to experiment with is it expression action or pose and from there you can create many different variations right and even full body poses all right so uh let's go ahead and start um trying out trying to use this particular GPT and yeah so right now I will go share my screen and if you have any questions go ahead type it in the type it in the comments we would love to see them uh we would love to also know if you have tried it what are the uh what are the feedback that you have that we might that we can probably implement and improve on top of it right uh so that would be wonderful to know as well so uh yeah let's uh get going from here all right so the first thing is we have created a website so that you can easily understand uh and also get updates based on what we are trying to improve within this charact consistent character generator and this website you will find in the comments uh as well in the comment section so any updates or any tutorials I will keep adding over here right based on also the feedback that I'll that I will receive and you'll also see different tutorials that I will keep adding uh right now I have released the part one but there will be more tutorials coming up uh which I will build on top of all right so to get started how do you find this particular GPT the first thing so if you're aware of the GPT store and for this you need the CH GPT plus subscript description right you need to be able to use uh the GPT 4 which is integrated with di right because you want to create this GPD is designed to create images for you and it needs di to be integrated within it and this is exactly why you need to be a Char GPT plus subscriber so that's the first one now you can if you are a Char GPT plus subscriber you can go here on explore gpts and right here in the search bar you can type consistent right and this GPT should already pop up uh you see right over here so if not you can also find it over here in di section when you click on it you will see it over here in the top four jpd so I'm going to click on this and the way you begin with this is you don't need any set of prompts right you don't need to give it a prompt hey create me this character all you need to do is start by clicking over here so now it's going to ask you a set of instruction instructions so here it's asking me the first thing should it be a male or a female so I'm going to type female right so now it's asking me please provide a name for the character and I will say Diana you can provide any hypothetical name um if it's a photorealistic image and if you provide the name of a character of a famous personality then chances are that it might end up looking like that personality uh right so just test around it but a hypothetical name is usually or a very common name is the uh is the best practice to use over here which I uh which which I like to follow so now it's going to ask me could you share details about the character such as age country of origin hair color outfit Etc so at this point it's very important to keep the prompts very simple um let's not call it prompts let's say the description of the character very simple right um if you want if if you add too many visual metaphors um that are contradicting each other then it might not create high quality results for you so I will take I will just I'm just going to supply what it is asking for so I have a couple of I have a character description over here and I'm going to hit enter so let me uh let me describe that so all I'm saying is I'm just going I'm just following what it has asked me it has asked me age country of origin hair color outfit since the G since the GP designed is based on all of this information it's very important to uh provide it in that particular manner but keep it very simple as well uh if you want add a couple of details you definitely can add and you will see it over here so I have set 30-year-old American long dark curly hair so the most important features uh that are visible on the face when you can easily say hey this character versus this character right uh when we as humans when we look at any particular image we don't capture every single detail in there uh when you look at a face you're usually just focused on the eyes the the color of the eyes the hair uh maybe the shape of the face and um I think those aspects right the color of the skin and if these are consistent um you you already recognize it as a consistent character so that's what we are focusing on so next I type white turtleneck sweater so it's very important to describe the outfit over here and blue eyes that's I always try to specify what kind of eyes the character has and in the end I try to add something like cute or beautiful right or handsome so that's because you get really high quality results from over here and then I can go ahead and once I type that it's going to tell me which ask me which style or theme would you prefer for the image and I'm going to pick out of these four options the first one which is Pixar Animation right so I'm going to click on that you can try photography you can try to flat illustration anime pestel and you will get pretty cool results so all I got to type is uh number one and now it's creating me the first image based on the description of my character so there you go it has listened to my prompts very very well right it's this is pretty tricky sometimes in in mid journey I think mid Journey V6 is great at this already but but take for example I said hair with curly curly ends dark hair and it has listened to my prompt very well white turtleneck sweater um blue eyes pretty cool right it has listened to everything very well now it's asking me what do I really want to vary in each image and I'm going to go with first the expression and I do have certain other examples uh that we have tried over here and we will take a look at that there you go right so it has listened to the action very very well and similarly I can show you over here the exact same flow that I went through so front view subtle smile I got this now I said winking with a smile and there I got this so you can be a little bit more descriptive in terms of what action you really want and here I said winking with a smile and showing a V with her two fingers beside her face and I have this right so if you describe your character very well and then if you ask for hey what kind of actions that you want to create all it takes is describing that particular action and you you can get a little more descriptive over here and you will get those images a big smile and Hands Held High like she just wants something right I'm giving it a little bit more context and it's creating me wonderful images with the same character keeping the character consistent across just a subtle smile is good right so I can have a conversation and then go on from there right and I I will say over here for example however she is not looking to the side yeah so I get those as well so there are many variations that I can do do even afterwards use the first di generated image seed and create she is thinking action so I can do a lot of things going on from here to get that character consistency as you see over here and to get full body poses you can type something like generate a full body shot of Diana dancing she is wearing black pants and shiny heels it is very important to show to type something like she's wearing shoes or heels of this particular color because when you have that it'll try to generate that full body pose because otherwise this might be also a trick for Mid Journey where it's not creating you a full body pose so always try to give some kind of visual element where it knows that it has to create it and then you know if you if the shoes are existing then it's a full body pose right so that's how you can trick it to get the right consistent characters and different poses of the body so I think you can play a whole lot around over here and this is the best you can get you can get to at getting consistent characters across right uh same thing I tried over here for example um here I did the same thing uh with the description I said Pixar Animation I got this then I said I want to create a subtle smile I have this then I said laughing and I have this and and as you see it's very simple steps that I have to just ask it what I what I'm really looking for after I have described uh the image of my character very well right so I have this and then I create this so it keeps the character consistency very very well across and you might need to experiment and test it a couple of times for your own use case so um let's go back to the slides and I want to show you something really cool right now we can hear it so behind in life all my friends are getting married buying houses and having kids bamboo okay stop it look I get it our minds are designed to make comparisons but your timeline is not the same as anyone else's some people find love in their 50s some people find purpose in their 40s others take huge risk in their 30s some people say I don't care and travel in their 20s and and everyone's timeline is perfectly okay life does not end at 50 let's stop acting like it does it's pretty cool right uh and we have the creator of this animation Petra here live here today and let me get her on stage right now hey hi everyone all good can you hear me yes we can hear you thanks for joining thank thank you so much having me here I I hope all you like my little Panda so um yes so shall we get started yes yeah uh sure absolutely so let me go to the next slide and let me give me a second your sharing presentation S I just want to tell that I see the chat and everyone is laughing and telling that it looks amazing and cute so well done thank you so um hi everyone so I'm Petra to today I'm excited to share the journey um creating my AI animated video bamboo if you can have the next one next slide yeah so bamboo is a pixel style short animation the story is mixing different AI Technologies with fun story telling reminding everyone that dreams are worth chasing no no no matter how old you are AI is like a special tool for me it helped me express my creative side letting me do things like storyboarding uh script writing and animation that I couldn't do before we all have stories in our heart and stories we may couldn't tell because we didn't have what we needed but with AI now we can share our stories and really make an impact and and I noticed that more than more people they want videos and images made by AI so there are lots of new jobs in this area so let us these tools to make our dreams uh come true so let's dive into my workflow so I'd like to show you the the animation uh what kind of AI tools are used so the the first one that I need to uh mention that was uh such an amazing uh character consisten Chad GPT so I came across on a post on social media it talked about how common feeling of falling behind in life but it ending up for a hopeful note reminding us that life isn't a race we each have our own paths and PES inspired by this I've decided to craft an animated short that illustrates this journey celebrating our individual timelines and the beauty of going at our own speed so start start with your story think about what story you want to tell CH GT CH GPT can help you we come up with ideas or make your story uh much better with Chad GP is assistance you can smoothly map out and write scripts for different SC in your film or video it organizes things in order to create the lines and description of each part simplifying the entire in scripting post which is amazing to have these kind of tools in your hand with this help you can express your creativity you can express your stories the way you like so for image generation my favorite tools I me journey and do creating bamboo I used DOL character consistency is backbone of credibility in storytelling it what makes characters memorable and stories uh resonates with the audience uh the story was already taking shape in my mind and I saw suchin post on LinkedIn about this character consistent GPT in in December and that's so that's great so let's dive into it and just yeah bamboo happened so and I was able to create characters that portray vario emotions and action with remarkable consistency a cute be character with a range of expression questions can add lot of charm and personality to your project it's great way to engage the audience and bring warmth and to your animation I think it's super cute and meet my main character bamboo a lovable panda is inspired by iconic Kung Fu Panda my favorite Animated Hero the panda isn't just cute and thanks for such in GPT I brought into life with feelings and and reactions yeah I I I saw this the first time when he used it P TR me I was like wow I would have never thought of making like this I was just making faces you know looking consistent and then here you went and uh told the story so that was wonderful to see yeah and the panda is nice and cute and round it's not a difficult shape and is easy to upscale to Runway loves it but let me let me dive into the uh editing process so we start with upscaling but personally I start with upscaling is a crucial step for animating and tools like run vent to require high quality input so in this case you can get the best possible outcomes personally I use runway's own upscaling tool and as you could see you can go to up to 4K for animating with Runway Gen 2 uh the multi motion brush allows you to create stunning results when I was creating bamboo first we had only one option so I might need to redo an explore and make it even even much better with the multi motion brush uh it takes me about three three to six renderings to achieve the desired outcome I have to be patient yeah I love I love using runway's own editing uh tool you can seamlessly integrate the animation with sound music voiceovers and other effects to create the complete final product yeah Runway editing is something uh that I need to dive a little bit deeper into but it's pretty cool you use that over here yeah I think it's amazing and now R has got their own uh audio options so basically your workflow is going to speed up because you don't have to juggle between Tools in and out back and forward so it definitely speeds up your uh creative work flow music oh that's my favorite part music and audio play a crucial role in animation setting the tone enhancing emotions and bringing the story to life they are the heartbeat of any visual narrative trans transforming the viewing experience into something deeply engaging oh that's another favorite tool that I like to use is 11 Labs is a really versatile tool uh can produce realistic and natural sounding voiceovers it's definitely worth trying especially yeah this the this user interface is super easy to use and makes the process uh much much much much easier and you can clone your voice which I tried few days ago is amazing I think you should all try the uh the other favorite tools are pixabay and epidemic sound that I like to use um for music and sound effects creating talking characters yes can be quite challenging um I crafted the mouth movements using Runway and then generated the audio using 11 labs and after that I use syn laap to f facilitate Her speech so lip syncing yes synlab doco is amazing tool the interface super easy just you need to upload your audio and video and hit generate and you need to wait a few minutes and and the lip syncing is Just Happening the other tool I like to use is theid PAB can be option to make your animals or other uh characters to talk yeah it's pretty cool uh all of these tools yeah and final touches uh if I next slide yeah yes for for for the opening and closing titles I use do to design the lettering I think is amazing I I was I wasn't able to do with me Journey so I I love Dolly and um it's very crucial to be strategic with your initial prompt as my experience has shown that the first couple of generated images offer the best chance to get the spelling right while it didn't quite name my last name 100% but Perfection is all is isn't always achievable and touches of imperfection imperfection can add character to your project yeah and of course don't forget to don't forget to to the option is before you export and share uh you can enhance the result and Tackle common issues like flickering in Runway animation considering adding like final touches with topz AI it's great for refining quality and ensuring your animation is as smooth as and professional looking as possible and when you are ready don't forget to export and share and uh thank you so much for watching and if you have questions or any further assistance feel feel free to ask happy creating that's that's wonderful Petra uh I mean what what you made just with those characters consistent characters and you told the story and all these uh I mean the workflow that you used I mean that that's exactly what I say that it's the power of the workflows and that can help you tell a story uh in the end right so absolutely amazing and by the way that's I mean Petra mulner right and M O and Ne right so if anyone wants to connect with Petra so you have her name name uh and you can connect with her I'll probably will have it in the comments uh section as well so awesome um yeah great seeing that di this is amazing H I had never thought that that fast AI tools will just gain such a powerful features and we will be able not only to create consistent characters but also animate and tell such powerful stories uh thank you so much better for joining us to today and sharing your workflow and giving those insights very inspiring uh I believe that we can answer a few questions um but our chat is a little bit Frozen so let us be patient and while we are waiting for comments to show up uh during the workshop we had a wonderful question I believe from Josh I uh try to show it on the screen so the question is to you searching is it possible to create a character from photo so I can create a picture version of myself in various poses and emotions that's um that's one thing that I have been uh experimenting the the the issue is DAL or any other AI image generator is not able to extract um very well the visual style and any elements um if there are too many details in in that particular image right so it does not do a one is to one if you're looking for a one is to one um transformation of hey the reference image to the final one it does not do that what it does really well is uh I think you might know this the the GPT Vision itself you can leverage that by giving it an image reference and asking it to describe and that's exactly how many of them use chat GPT uh to to generate prompts which then can be used in mid Journey right by by using GPT Vision um the thing is if you use the same description and try to recreate something it will not recreate um the exact same image that you have uh but there is an example that we have done we have been testing it uh in fact di was also trying couple of things the issue with testing this is um we run out of credits um right so that's one thing you you cannot do so many tries gp4 is is still in its testing phase of so you cannot try do so many tries in that span but uh I think we we will release a tutorial on that soon in fact I'm probably also thinking maybe do we do another live session where we show hey what like Photo realistic uh other styles maybe some action and poses and also image references so I need to do some more testing and update things uh within the GPT to see what works best so that's that's a great question um and um I'll definitely try and experiment and on what's possible but that's that's uh one of the important use cases I know and the second question is about what if person doesn't like the first version of The Character Are there any tips here uh I am personally using the very tricky hit when Chad GPT is asking me what kind of ACS or poses you would like to change instead of answering I'm asking can you recreate the character for me and it works perfectly well but uh what about you sain it uh I mean the thing is not always things are very predictable and uh that's that's uh that's the that's the only issue but what I always do is I start over again because it's so simple and straightforward right if you want to start with a blank canvas that's the best way to to approach it but otherwise like Diana said If you say hey uh no I want to create this particular uh this this is this is the kind of description I like to have or you don't have this particular thing so if you have a conversation finally it's a bot again right powered with charb if you try to have a conversation with it uh and give it very simple steps to follow upon uh it listen to them uh but the best practice is to start over again uh and again it's it's so simple to start start over again right so that that that is what I would suggest we have a question from Daniel uh can you watch uh it in another link I have shared the link to the YouTube channel where Petra is showing her fabulous animation so find this link in the chat and you will be able to watch it anytime uh also feel free to connect with all of us uh and uh let's stay in touch we have a lot of compliments for Petra thank you so much for joining us today this is amazing we should do it more often um I think we will schedule another free Workshop next week with new topic and we are inviting everyone to join us I will send the links also in Alm and Academy if you are not following us yet follow us we are organizing free workshops and uh talking about interaction of AI and creativity and we are happy to share our knowledge with everyone and last question is this recorded can we watch the recording later yes it will be recorded and the recording will be available as well so in in case you are a little bit later the party you will be able still to enjoy thanks everyone for joining us today thank you Petra thank you Sachin thank you thank you everyone and have a good day good good evening good night thank you very much
Channel: AI Lemon Academy
Views: 769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Aj3bqDCulQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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